FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31,1924 11)111lllllllilillllM TILLAMOOK • * • • «SM Ul I IMSMa., I III-“......... COMMENT HEADLIGHT PAGE “““"'“"““'""‘■"'““«•••«•»•MllMMUUIBHIMMlHillllHiUK 3 IIIUIK « Editorial Page of the Tillamook Headlight FEATURES OBITUARY home of Mrs. J. C. Holden. Besides! Independent Weekly Paper I account uf returns from oil lands will Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the j the study of harmony the members Pablished Every Friday by the | amount o $3,200 each, which makes South Pol . has been declared a have planned some interesting social EDNA ROSS DIES glicht Publishing Company | 88,900 per capita they have received bankrupt as a result of reverses in affairs to be given during the winter. MrT Am^R “dl ine Tillamook, Oregon The following officers were elected: | so far this year. connection with his last year's un­ H. N. Maxham, aged 80, awoke in a h-e in Whe^ Srd^VfteS' Harrison, , . „ .... Baker; vice-presi­ Mai lug er II hicagi moigue where he was about successful polar expedition. dent, Mildred Berkey; secretary and Sam Harley of Washington, D. C., to be prepared for burial, after a ^¡hiisn u and Enterea ai me L. a. I when informed by telephone that heart attack from which it was patofliie at Tillamook, Oregon, ♦ ♦ ♦ triplets had been born to his wife, as a shock to the entire community, I WABBEGWANNE CLUB MEETS thought he had died. May 2, 1888 as she had been ill for iegg than a In one month recently 147 pairs of hung up the receiver with a groan I The Wabbegwanne club met Mon­ twins and one se of triplets were and has not been heard from since. I ^SUBSCRIPTION RATES week. She was twenty-two years of day evening at the home of M j - s . F. born in the Dominion of Canada. gm Yean By Mail ................... $2.00 age. About $3,000 in old coins, supposed j. Month». By Mail ................. $1.00 Besides the father and mother W. Christensen with Mrs. J. Merrel Peter Brooks, of Grand Rapids, to have been hidden by a relative, jjrte Months, By Mail ............. $ .75 ‘here are three sisters, Nellie, Helen: Smith assisting hostess. Mich., has sold a silver dollar, made were found in his cellar by W. J. were present and iu Payable in advance B ------- *--------- —- and Kathryn, and six brothers, Frank . I tv Nine members in XQV*t 1804, to a New York collector for Barron of Port Carbon, Pa., when re- I he evening was spent having a so- $3 000 l modeling his home a few days ago. Bert, Paul, Joseph, Robert and Jack ________________ _. w rr- Telephone C181 ““e' Reire®hments were served. Tullie Handion of Indianapolis, It is expected that the great dirig­ to mourn her passing and a large Pacific States, Main 68 meet _f November bv a sliver of glass irlass from ible ZR-3, built in Germany for the circle of friends to whom Edna had 17 at a jouined to m meat ioJember 1 , was killed by 06 of Mrs. J. E. Shearer his automobile windshield, broken by United States Navy, will be brought herself. ♦ + + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + endeared har.ei« with Mrs. C. F. Deford assistant host­ a tomato thrown by an unknown per­ to this country about the middle of Funeral services were in charge ♦ ess. ♦ son. The glass pierced an artery in October. The airship is 656 feet long ♦ Ol'B EDITORIAL POLICY ♦ of Rev. Tabor at Wheeler and the --------- ♦--------- Handion’s throat and he bled to and 90 feet in diameter. beautiful and impressive ceremony ♦ Edwin Denby, former secretary of ♦ Roy Woodworth, veteran second death minutes. ♦ 1. To advocate, aid and sup­ * of the order of the Eastern Star of the navy, has been made a 33rd de­ After in fifteen baseman of the Bloomington, Ill., listen to a neighbor lady which Miss Ross was a member, was port any measures that will ♦ » gree Mason in recognition of dis­ practicing the piano for eight months, team, has not missed an inning or a ♦ bring the most good to the ♦ used at the grave. tinguished services to the order. Herr Unwerth of Berlin took a shot time at bat in nine seasons. most people ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ It is estimated that the people of President Coolidge is now said to at her with a revolver, but missed, MRS. J. C. FOSTER | 1 To encourage industries ♦ favor sending the dirigible Shenan­ He was placed under a peace bond. i the United States have given more I to eatablish in Tillamook ♦ After a week’s illness following a doah on the proposed trip to the A Ford car recently "covered the th“ntwo billion dollars for European I county. ♦ stroke of pat-'ysis, “Grandma Fost­ north pole, which he disapproved a distance from Egypt to Palestine in ’ relief work since the beginning of | J. To urge the improvement er,” a well-beloved pioneer of Clover­ few months ago. four hours. It took Moses and the Is­ the world war in 1914. of a port for Tillamook City. * dale died at her home Thursday after­ Oregon potato yield now estimated L. I. McMahon, a Canadian dele- raelites forty years to make the trip. I To insist on an American ♦ noon, October 23. gate to the recent tax convention in Mrs. Martha Staley, Mrs. Mary at 3,766,000 bushels. itandard of labor. ♦ Delila Jane Evans was born in Jas­ St. Louis, advised “abolish prohibi- Wiley and Jerry Williams, believed to I 5. To be politically indepen­ ♦ per county, Illinois, September 17, tion and you’ll find a way to build be the oldest living triplets in Amer­ Make Tillamook County 100 per dent, but to support the can­ ♦ 1856. She became the wife of Job roads.” ica, celebrated their 80th birthday at cent for the Dairymen didates for public office who ♦ C. Foster in June, 1873. Together Standard Oil company wants Ger­ Carmi, Ill., on September 25. sill bring the most good to ♦ they moved to Sherman, Texas in many to pay $10,000,000 for damage Oscar Bollinger was severly injured the people of Tillamook ♦ 1875, where they lived until 1880, done to its Roumanian oil properties near Beaumont, Texas, when at­ Tillamook Cow Teeting Association county and of the State of ♦ when they moved to Oreland, Colusa during the world war. (Paid Adv.) tacked on the road by an owl, which Oregon. ♦ county, California. Unable to stop a prairie fire, near caused him to lose control of his car ♦ Eight years later they purchased New Orleans, employees of the Atlas and run into a deep ditch. 44 ♦<•<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ a ranch near Meda in the Little Nes- Powder company saved a big maga­ Henry Saylor, aged 75 has recent­ tucca Valley. At this time the coun­ zine by hastily digging a wide ditch ly completed a trip with horse and FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1924 try was a wilderness and the scatter- around it and flooding it with water. buggy from the Mexican border to I ing population of hardy pioneers were September quarterly payments to York, Pa., where he is visiting rela­ forced to depend upon each other in 2,229 Osage Indians in Oklahoma on tives MM times of sickness and trouble. A year’s supplies were brought in dur­ To ing the early fall over almost im­ Portland-McMinnville passible roads to Dolph and packed on horseback the rest of the way. Hillsboro-Forest Grove Among these surroundings “Grandma Corvallis-Salem Foster” reared her three children, Eugene-Roseburg two sons and one daughter. and Willamette Valley C. F. Lincecum, Prep. In 1914, she came with her husband Points to live in Cloverdale where her keen, LEAVE TILLAMOOK kindly snse of humor endeared her 7:15 A. M. 10:30 A. M.» to everyone. At the time of her 2:30 P. M.* 6:30 P. M. Wholesale and Retail death she was a member of the East- •Holds for arrival of Manhattan rn Star and of the Omega Woman’s Stage •Holds for arrival of Seaside Stage club. LEAVE PORTLAND She is survived by her husband, J. (Park and Yamhill Streets) C. Foster, one daughter, Mrs. Ivan j 7:50 ----- A. M. 12:50 P. M. Gist of Cloverdale, one son, Harold R. 4:30 P. M. 11:50 P. M. Gist of Portland and five grand­ For arrivals-departures an con­ USE THE PRIVILEGE Breast of veal, Pocket for Roast, per lb..... 1214c nections call children. One of the things our forefathers Funeral services at the Baptist UNION STAGE gilt for in the war of independence Veal Roast, very meaty, per lb............................ 20c church of Cloverdale, Sunday October TERMINAL • the right to elect their own gov- 26 at 10:30 a. m., Reverend Moore ' 3rd. St. and 3rd. Ave. East Legs of Lamb (young, Spring) per lb............ 30c unent officials. It was a tremend- of Portland officiating. Interment fol-1 Both Phones tsly serious question with them. lowed at the Gist cemetery.—Contri­ Choice lean Pork Roast, (4 to 10 lb. pieces) 17*4c Portland - Newberg - Mc­ Kowadays people seem to be in- buted. Minn ville-Tillamook I to let some one else do the ,i ---------------------- Choice lean Legs of Pork, (4 to 10 lb. pieces) 22c ! The ballot is not considered Stages tsnt enough to walk a few Inc. i for. And, by the way, these : are the very ones, as a rule, HALLOWEEN PARTY “New Market” Hams, ( very mild cure) per do most of the complaining I -1 elections and government do Spooks and more spooks, was what lb....................................................................... 28c • to to suit them. a Mrs. Jeffer’s thought as she came Hie privileges the colonial fathers to Ruth Beals home last Friday ght for are not good enough for evening where ten girls in Hallow’een •t descendants to use. costume with jack o’ lanterns met her at the door, many an old-timer got the moss It was her Sunday school class and to back soaked up during the Our own delivery service they surely surprised her with their ®P weather this week. Phone us your orders Both Phones hallow’een stunts. In the dining room the girls got toiy Gump’s name is on the coun- a surprise when Mr. Beals rigged 1 tollot, but in an incognito. up and assisted Mrs. Beals in serv­ ing a three course lunch. It was a V«e. late hour when they gave up their fun and tried to slumber but giggles and snickers refused to give way to Statement of Condition October 10, 192-1 snores for a while. Then every thing FIRST NATIONAL BANK was quiet.—Contributed. Tillamook, Oregon A SUGGESTION ♦ ♦ ♦ RESOURCES MUSICAL CLUB FORMS Io editor: Since the self-ap- Loans and Discounts ........... $ 954,517.58 The Harmony club, which includes tod, self-acting, self-styled ad- 204,581.52 Bonds, Securities, Etc ......... *7 committee to the county court students of the high school, held its 49,450.00 United States Bonds ............ •drised the people that they vote ( n first meeting September 26. at the 2,550.00 Federal Reserve Bank Stock *tonselvs an additional burden of - 11,318.12 Furniture and Fixtures ....... * in order to raise money to pay' Make Tillamook County 100 per 1,500.00 *■ Warrants, it may have occurred ( Real Estate ............................ cent for the Dairymen *,ny who really wish to see the Cash on hand and due from 7 indebtedness diminished, to approved reserve banks ri how it can be done unless the Tillamook Cow Teatinr Association 335,872.83 and U. S. Treasurer....... Payers adopt some such plan.' (Paid Adv.) following plan ie offered as a ■ Total ................... ‘$1,559,790.05 .Mgestion. LIABILITIES * customary for the county pa- , 50,000.00 Capital Stock ........................ $ l0 Print monthly a list of the Surplus and Undivided Pro ­ ’Bowed by the court, something 63,158.92 John Jones, labor, 3----- ; A beautiful tom wMeb •• n mt .......... 25,000.00 1 aromas, Man and team, $------- mend ie 13-Wrf Circulation ... ’ iet the county clerk prepare Rad Ooek. To eam • 1°“* 1,421,631.13 DEPOSITS *nd let the papers publish it i with thia grad« $1.559,790.05 —— -------- -- like this: ’ < Coete Total SPRUO! Person,--------- ; What for, oil, bevelidsidwg tires, repairs, car; Date, A">ount, $------ thia list cover a period of two | A good grade 1-2x6, «30.00 rood cheap rrad*. * Rars, and I believe a large À •x of tax-paying voters will to be hit with a club to make * stem enough to clear up the MF.M8FR FEDFRAI Pay off a very considerable VOTE-306-YES VOTE STAGES at GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 4 th NEW MARKET Meats Fish and Poultry Saturday Specials SOCIAL NEWS Extra Special! Corn Fed Poultry ► DEPENDABILITY < Correspondence Cash Feed Store \\ e wish to announce that on November 1st we are opening a cash feed store in the Edmunds Building in Tillamook in the location formerly occupied by the Hillsboro Trading company. Our feeds have been sold more or less in Til­ lamook county for a number of years and we be­ lieve the quality of the feeds put out by us has al­ ways given satisfaction. It will be our intention to carry a full line of UALITY FEEDS and ^ell them at as low prices as is consistent with good business. We will sell only for cash or on short time secured paper and we believe that with our buying ability and connections in the Willamette Valley we will be able to give the feeders of the Tillamook country real service. This Tillamook branch will be operated un­ der the name of “The Cash Feed Store” and will be under the personal charge of Mr. Herman F. Reese who has had long experience in the feed business. Bushanan Grain & Feed Co. Hillsboro, Ore. Moving- Moving- Moving But we’ll be through and into our new place in the Watson Building by Novembr 1st. Then we want you to come around to see our new store and shop and keep up our acquaintance. George J. Burckard Plumbing and Sheet Metal HiiimmitiniHHiirHiiimHiiiimiHimwiitHiH' Get That Wink? Sure You Know That Grin ? Come and Meet Your FAVORITES BUSTER BROWN VOTE-Mi-YES and OLD TIGE OAK FLOORING Appearing in Person Coming Soon ^ It Pays to Pay Ca?h at Larson & Hechtner The All Around Dependable Store of Tillamook — I I