FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER j9| PAGE 4 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT . G*r‘b*w,-New tt acted to be ready for Use * c* uf the commission, announced that he elegance, the car is upholstered in 1st. ^obet has obtained from the French govern- velours. Reedsport — Southern Pacific 000,000 for crop this year more than rent the loan of valuable plans which Features that are reported to have The libra: y board has recently re- (Continued from page one) into new depot, and Ameri Tillamook High School Has Increase , have been used for the erection of not- made the two passenger coupe a fav-1 ceived a number of new books, in- ings on grounds of fire damage and they received in 1928. Keusel, North Dakota— Good open­ press company to establish offi, ' able French memorials, among them orite in business, professional and 1 cludihg some fiction, music, mechanics inaccessability. free delivery service. ie Two hundred and twenty-five stud­ i the design of the famous Arc de home circles are its comfort in all and the new Internati nal Encyclo­ The petition of John Kunze- of ing here for creamery. Bank pay« out ents have enrolled in Tillamook high ! Triomphe. The Legion has been ad­ weather, and its roomy passenger1 pedia, the latter the gift of the Downs Cloverdale for reduction on <* a. $,00 w a day for cream checks _ and , pro ­ Clatskanie — Bridge aero« B m ., school and are beginning the year’s vocating the memorial for several space and large luggage carrying ca-1 club. They have also received a col­ denied as the board felt the duction increasing rapidly. Good rail- Creek, and Rainier -ClaUkam"v' lots was work in earnest. Of this number there years. - ■ -oad road facilities. facilities. For For information information ad- " pacity, the locking compartment un-' lection of books from the state li­ present valuation fair. 1*11. roau raviut _ „ ad- .k highway being rushed. are 42 seniors, 48 juniors, 43 soph­ der the rear deck containing 13 cubic ' brary which will add ma' erialiy to the ♦ ♦ ♦ Petitions of Albertina Dahlke and jiess Editor, Progress, Kensal, North Coos Bay-Shipping activity inrt- omores and 92 freshmen. This is a » Maryville, Tenn., Sept.—Dependent feet of space and that in back of the [ reading list. cate as much business for au ” the Mortgage company of America Dakota, decided increase over the enrollment J orphans of deceased soldiers of ire | seat. five cubic feet. Among the new volumns received | were both denied, the present assess-1 1 -.ehalem Work un nc~ concrete for May. June and July. ”,•* of the Dreceeding year, and is most are. Bov scouts, official handbook fo’ j memo being deemed reasonable war w'11 ©rovided ~ ■ highway paving to begin at once now tn or scheduled to arrive to tea noticeable in the problem of seating permanent home as the result of a1 boys; Giri scouts, scouting for girls; OLEO MARGARINI! Portland—General Petroleum com­ Saturday is the last date for me Raimer— Local cannery •o many students. Although the old i. ovement now being sponsored by! Hawksworth, Workshop of the mind;: filing of petitions to the equalization . pany contracts for office building to day and night on string beans' MILK BILL eighth grade room is in use and it the department of Tennessee of the Robinson, Mind in the making; Wood- j board. A final meeting will be held cost $9,000 on St. Helens road. cellent crop. was necessary to add a row of seats American Legion. worth, Psychology; Elson, Book of next week to conclude any business Portland— New Embassy apart­ Newberg- Urge order» received At the last session of the legisla- tn the assembly room. musical knowledge; Ordway, Book of: State Commander Sims, of Mary­ ments costing $400,000 completed. by Oregon Handle company PiMt " that may arise. | ture, a law was passed which briefly the opera; Autobiography of Andrew ville; Adjutant Guy H. May, of The equalization board is composed Canby—Carr Manufacturing com­ elude 30,000 applewood spoon», ij New Financial Scheme Successful Nashville; Sam J. Goldstein, of Knox- forbids the manufacture and sale of I Carnegie; Pupin, From immigrant to i of the county judge, assessor and ’ 1 pany plans installing machinery for inches long. ville, head of the Forty ard Eight; a mixture of vegetable oils with milk inventor; Life of Clara Barton; Scott, clerk. In any case where petitioners greatly increased business for 1925. Eugene — Une county to complete The new scheme of selling a stud­ Mrs. Fletcher W. Browning, of Kings­ for the purpose offering a substitute How to know your child; Tetrazzini, are not satisfied with the decision of One order for 100 Carr fruit-grading Loraine highway. ent body ticket to each student at port, and Miss St. John, of Johnson I for butter, this law was fostered by I My life of song; Page, Model T. Ford the board they may appeal to the | machines fol 1925 aggregates $65,000. Philomath—Grading « completed two dollars each, rather than charg­ City, representing the Auxiliary, re­ the dairy interests of the state, and car; Hayward, Automobile ignition, Salem—Excavation completed for on Alsea mountain highway, rock ing fifty cents dues is working very cently discussed plans for the pro­ was opposed by the Oleo Margarine ¡starting and lighting; Beck, Constitu circuit court. $125,000 Elks’ temple. surfacing being rushed. smoothly. By the new system each posed home with Major George L. interests. tion of the United States; Cloud, Our Development of iron deposits near Astoria—Astoria Savings Bank be­ Klamath—Water turned into pip, student when registering bought a Berry, past national vice commandter, After the measure was passed, constitution; Norton, Constitution of ticket which pays admission to all 1 who has given a tract of land for lhe these Oleo interests secured a refer­ the United States; Gibbs, Heirs ap­ gins business in new home with $450,- Scappoose promised through forma­ line for new Copco power plan to de- tion of Oregon Iron Ore Development velop 4500 h. p. home athletic games and debates. ¡pu. i„se. It is planned to complete endum on it, which has kept it in sus­ parent; Pinkerton, Test of Donald 000 working capital. Coos Bay—Coos Veneer 4 Box Kenneth Mahan,« high school man- the home before the 1925 convention pension ever since, so that it has not ' Norton; Service, Roughneck; Hend- Pendleton Woolen Mills won com­ Corp., backed by Portland capital. Dallas—Road work starts on Grand company starts second shift in wrwd been in force. The law is to be voted ryx, North; Thirty one stories by petitive contract to furnish 3,000 ueoq seq goi$ haq? s^iodau “ jo 3 b I of the Legion. working plant. taken in. Of this amount $303 or on by the people of the state at the thirty and one authors; Wilson, Able blankets for new $4,000,000 Hotel Ronde highway loop. ♦ ♦ ♦ three-fourths will be given to ath­ coming November election. 1 McLaughlins; Canfield, Diary of a Olympic at Seattle. The Oregon pro ­ Springfield, Mass., Sept.—Forced j 4; letics and the remaining one-fourth The object of this law is to pro- forty-niner; Sabatini, Snare, Mistress duct was selected after a hard test resignation of Dr. David E. Harri­ will go into a general fund for the man from the veterans Bureau office 1 tect the dairy industry against the Wilding, and Sea-hawk. against best eastern products. There use of other activities when needed. here on a technical charge has competition of what is termed a sub­ are those who still feel inclined to buy their goods from abroad, even though REFORMED CHURCH brought a general protest from vet­ stitute for butter and other milk pro­ High School Orchestra the home products are proven best. erans and prominent officials. The ducts. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. It is not the intention of this or suc­ The elimination of freight and time Veterans’ Bureau maintains that Dr. Sunday school at 10 a. m. We can fit you out with regular wood sized The high school orchestra, of about Harriman is precluded from holding ceeding articles to abuse anybody but Public worship at 11 a. m. Subject: and other charges which make a need­ twenty-five members, has been organ- office under it by reason of a private to treat the subject soberly, plainly 44, ‘Jehovah maketh Wars to cease,” or lessly high cost, gives just that much windows and doors—also leaded art glass for iced with Betty Mowry as general practice to which he devotes two and truthfully. The people of the “Abolish War; Why? How?” Spe- , more money to be divided between manager. There are several new in­ hours a day. Mayor F. Leonard has state are entitled to have all the facts cial music by the choir and male producers and consumers. It isn’t your interior finishing. These will add much to struments this year which, together sent a telegram to President Coolidge set before them in the simplest man­ quartette. provincialism—it’s sense. the attractiveness and convenience of your home. with the enthusiasm of the members, praising the work Doctor Harriman ner possible, so that they may under­ ,...rttaceos31micgvereSgif oinadrnc ? -M Come and worship with us. makes the music outlook very bright. has accomplished for the disabled and stand to the fullest extent just what Sutherlin— Local stockmen have Services at Mohler at 2:30 p. m. Miss Mielke is a versatile musi­ protesting strongly against his forced effect their votes may have. shipped 27 carloads of sheep and See us anyway, and let us tell you more This is a very important matter. cian, playing a variety of instruments resignation. lambs to Portland and San Francisco General Clarence Ed­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There is no other measure on the as well as being a vocalist. Miss wards, past department commander of about these things. markets within past two months. 9:45 Sunday school. Carver is also welcomed as a good the American Legion, has joined in ballot which will affect so many cit­ Oregon City — Byrne Manufacturing 10:45 Pastor’s sermon to children: singer and an addition to the faculty. an effort to obtain Dr. Harriman s izens of the state as this. The dairy company plans to increase capital to And our Intense Fire Place Heater can industry is the largest of all agricul­ “The Things that Count.” Miss Carver, Miss Phillippi, Miss reinstatement. $100,000 and employ 300 men. 11:00 Divine worship, sermon: “ The tural activities in Oregon and one of Mielke and Miss Church compose a McMinnville—Bear Ammona Soap ■ transform a cold gloomy room into the favorite ♦ ♦ ♦ the most important. The dairy in­ Unquenchable Fire.” very interesting quartet. Albany, N. Y., Sept.—Six hundred dustry supports in whole or in part 7:30 Evening service; Subject: company is manufacturing powdered Miss Church, who is for a second orphans were guests of the Big room in the house, and at a great saving in fuel. soap and in near future will market “The Hidden Man.” gear director of music in the Tilla­ Brothers of Noble Callahan Post, the a fourth of the population of this i liquid soap also. 7:30 Church night service; subject: mook schools, has loaned a number of American Legion, here, when the state. It pays a very large percen- Corvallis—Work progresses rapidly ■ Let us demonstrate. It sustains the “Organization.” This service is held on foundation for big hotel building. her books to the high schol library. Legionnaires gathered them up in a age of the taxes. every Wednesday evening. These books have been catalogued and fleet fo autos and gave them a joyous banks and stores. It renews and Sprague River—Sheep shipments are ready for the use of students in­ day’s outing at Averill park. Mayor maintains the fertility of the soil. have begun over Strahorn road. Stock Mr. and Mrs. Alton T. Swett enter ­ Ay thing no matter what, which terested in music or its composers. Clinton acted as grand marshal in a tained a surprise shower for Mrs. , will be unloaded and held at Klamath The organization of a history-music short parade that preceded the start affects such an important industry Gilber Funk, formerly Miss Vivian Falls, waiting for best market condi­ class by Miss Church is further evi­ for the park. The post band took surely is worthy of the close attention Anderon, daughter of Rev. Anderson, tions. of the voters. dence of her interest in that depart- part. St Helens—New Methodist church Mill Work Plans Drawn In order to understand all phases pastor of the Presbyterian church will serve community center. It has ment, This class will meet once ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ of Tillamook. Every one present of the subject clearly, it has been week, on Friday afternoons. Eveleth, Minn., Sept.—A proposed divided into various heads, and each report a very enjoyable evening of gymnasium, social room, shower $1,500,000 United States Veterans’ one will be discussed separately as needlework. Refreshments were baths and kitchen. It will cost $28,- Award of Merit Won Bureau hospital for tubercular vet­ follows: served. Guests were Mrs. Newton 000. iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi Garibaldi—New woodworking plant' erans will probably be located here, (1) Economic value of the dairy Anderson, Mrs. Ira White, Mrs. Arne | will employ 35 men. Tillamook high school was present­ it is said, as the result of the indorse­ G. Rae, Misses Harriette Severance, I Í ed with an award of merit earned by ment of this city as a desirable lo­ industry to Oregon. MRS. E. E. KOCH Wheeler erecting $5,287 addition to (2) Value of the dairy industry Margarete Armentrout, Erna Daring, school house. the debating team of last year. This cation by the Eighth District board la a certificate which certifies that of the American Legion. A copy of from the standpoint of health and Betty Warner and Velma Farnham. Brownsville— Work begins on new Tillamook high school won the dis­ the resolution indorsing the range development, particularly as relates Honor guest was Mrs. Gilbert Funk. Methodist church, burned over a year Hostesses were Mrs. Irvie Keldsen, to children. trict championship. It is framed and city was ordered forwarded to the (3) Effect of the Oleo Margarine I Mrs. Victor White and Mrs. Swett. ’ «go. Mrs. Koch was a pupil of Prof. Welty of Dresden, Germany, will be hung on the wall as an incen­ state department executive com­ Myrtle Creek ships first carload Charles Dierke and the late Gifford Nash of Portland. Also a industry on dairying in Oregon. tive for debaters of the coming year. mittee. ripe prunes to Chicago. student at the Chicago Musical College and Oberlin Conservatory (4) The aim and intent of the oleo . Reedsport—$75,000 will be spent on of Music besides having a teaching experience of 18 years. Vernonia lets contract for new $20,- I new sewers and in fillinglow grounds margarine and condense milk law. AMERICAN LEGION Miss Marie Holden and Mrs. Ella Makinster NEW OLDSMOBILE OUT (5) The result” of" a~ defea’t of "this t0 brin* whole city BUrface up to level assisting teachers law | of solid ground. Hoboken, N. J. Sept.—Extraordi­ ’Phon« 11-W Studio 506 2nd Avenue To meet the demands caused by the (6) Answers to charges made by nary methods taken by some Ameri­ growing and diversified uses which cans to express their patriotism was the two passenger coupe, type of opponents of the law. A beautiful floor which we recom­ In following articles each of these censured by West Hoboken unit of automobile is successfully filling, ,the mend is 13-16x2 1-4 Clear Plain subjects will be handled as briefly the American Ixgion Auxiliary re­ Olds Motor works, Lansing, Mich., Red Ooak. To cover a 10x12 room cently, when Mrs. W. C. Asper, presi­ has started to produce the coupe in as is consistent with a thorough un­ with this grade. derstanding, for the information of dent of the unit, introduced a resolu­ a variety of color finishes. At the Costa____________ __ tion denouncing the use of models of present time the factory is finishing the readers. SPRUCE Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt the coupes in shades of blue, maroon BEVELED SIDING PIONEERS PICNIC AT FAIR « in making novelty cakes of soap and brown, and it is probable that SPECIALIST A good grade 1-2x6, $40. Of which are being sold in New York other colors will be added in the near Gifts and Prizes for AU Occasion* in Internal Medicine for the past department stores. A good cheap grade, $30.00 future. In each case Duco, chosen Pioneer days were brought to mind twelve years Tiny Things for Little Tots Mrs. Asper said she found mini­ for its satin finish and durability, is last week when a number of the Rowell, Brown & On. DOES NOT OPERATE ature busts of the former presidents used. early settlers of the county and their Useful Articles for Baby Portland, Oregon Will be at on sale at the toilet articles counter Several sound business reasons friends held a picnic at the county Benson Hotel Wednesday, Thursday, Anything in Fancy Work—Hemstitching of a New York store. Upon examin­ have prompted the adoption of a wide fair. A long table was arranged in Phone or write Friday, October 8, 9 and 10. ation, she found that the busts were color range in the finish of this gen­ the grove and here the pioneers gath­ H. J. Rasmussen Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. tn. soap replicas of our national heroes eral utility Oldsmobile model. In­ ered for one of the first events of Exclusive Tillamook County Sales THREE DAYS ONLY “made in Germany.” Mrs. Asper de- vestigation has shown, factory offi- j the kind ever held in this county. Agent No Charges for Consultation dared that Americans who sell and cials report, that the two passenger Rockaway, Oregon George Himes, president of the Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu ­ buy the soap figures are more guilty coupe is used more universally for Oregon Historical association and sec­ 'HitiitHtiiwiHiitiiinuHtiimitniHiiniHun of the indignity than are the Germans business purposes than any other retary of the State Pioneer associ­ ate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oergon. He who make them. body type, and that its use in this ation was present at the meeting and does not operate for chronic appendi­ * ♦ ♦ field is of the widest possible range. I gave a talk on pioneer days, recall­ Webster Groves, Mo, Sept.—In a A survey of sales records shows that ing to mind manf of the incidents of citis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. Knight Adjustment Co. communication sent to the Webster it is one of the most favored models those early times. He has to his credit wonderful re- McMinnville, Hillsboro, Tillamook Groves Community Council, the Am- for physicians, lawyers, clergymen, ' Mrs. Rhoda Johnson oldest of the sults in diseases of the stomach. fiver, erican Legion post here announced it commercial representatives, business I j Tillamook pioneers now living in the blood. 9kin> nerveSi heart, will not co-operate in Armistice Day men who drive to their offices from | county gave a short talk. The appro- kidney bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, celebration plans if the Webster ! subbrban homes, and wives who de- i elation of the younger generation fo) weak lung,s. rheumatism, sciatica, leg To Groves Peace i council or its officers I sire the independence a car of their the old pioneers was expressed by ulcers and ret.tal ailment's; Portland-McMinnville participate. The communication re re- ­ | own affords them for shopping, visit- Arthur Beals. George Lamb repr< - Below are are the names of Below the names of > a few of his Hillsboro-Forest Grove cites the Legion’s opposition to the | j ing, etc., regardless of whether hus- sented the fair board in welcoming peace council because the latter “has i [ band has the family car down town the old timers to the fair. M’- . many satisfied patients in Oregon: < orvallis-Salem Mrs. J. M. Bowers, Toledo, gall by its Activities opposed President or not. Hallie Hinges sang a number of old stones and bowel trouble. Eugene-Roseburg Coolidge's Defense day plans and there So diversified a sales field as this time songs, which brought vivid mem. John J. Westfall, Ironside, ulcers of and Willamette Valley- by demonstrated that it is opposed I has created a demand for cars fin- ( ; ories of earlier days to the minds of the stomach. Points to preparedness for defensive pur-I I ished in different colors. The deep, I these older citizens. Barney Dionne, Bandon, lung and 7 15 A1 MAVE TH 1 "«OOK Portland Tillamook poses. The Ixgion is the most de- ! rich blue which recently was adopted ! A large cake, the gift of the Tilla­ 2 •MolJ. 30 P m ' 10:30 A M • termined hater of war because of per- [ as the standard color for practically mook bakery, was cut and served bronchial trouble. 209 1-2 Second Ave- & r • . 6 30 " « * 49 No. Front St Mrs. Nick Oja, Gold Beach, gall serial experience, but is unwilling to all model Oldsmobiles, has proven along with the other go