Z* FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER^. 192, w PAGE 4 TILLAMOOK HERE AND THERE ed by the Brighton mill, fell from a shadow of personal liability will do bridge while working and broke his much to “stay the careless hand.” —— leg and fractured his skull. He is William Armstrong has sold his now in Boals hospital and doing very TWO COUPLE WED IN place near Manzanita to two men well considering the nature of Jus TILLAMOOK from The Dalles who expect to plat injuries, it and sell it in tracts. It is under-1 Percy Foster, working on repair Rev. Simpson Hamrick officiated at stood that the consideration was work at high school at Taft, let the the marriage of Vernon C. Byars of chisel slip and cut the tendons in his Sheridan, Oregon, and Miss Helen about $20,000. Turnbull of Tillamook, August 14th Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nolan were ! arm. He is at Boals hospital. at the Methodist parsonage. visitors over the week end at the Also on August the 16th in he home of Mrs. Nolan’s sister, Mrs. B. PERSONAL LIABILITY — WHY presence of a host of relatives at the C. Lamb. NOT? Methodist parsonage he joined in holy J. ^V. Thompson has sold 3,000 —of les-ged-o" lard ••ecenHy pv* ! A GreensburE, Ls.. paper rey-evtc wedlock Lester C. Walker of Mohler i ihased from the Brighton mill com-' that In an endeavor to burn the ear- ntiaitii Was tried. This was an I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Swett the case of Herman Schroeder de'i aetjon for money, the plaintiff claim I Newton Anderson, Mr. and Mis. Iivie serves special mention as he showed i , lilfc . & a breach of contract. The ease nvlUDVO) Keldson, Mr. and The Tillamook Woman’, cluh . ---- Mrs. Alton J. Swett, himself better qualified for an exam-; occupied < the court for about three M3tthjas Anderson Jr., Walter meet Wednesday September nk 1 iaa-ion of that kind than many native. oiirg not sent t0 the jury Wa,ljng Anderson, Ci....;.. Chester Ander­ stead of the regular meeting th, tn he September r>.i_ K “»t *»j 1- the plaintiff asked for and was son and Kathleen Anderson. born citizens. to be 9th I on account of tfe Tuesday evening the case of the ’ gjven an involuntary non-suit. Many beautiful and appropriate county fair dates. State of Oregon vs. Charles Ed-1 Ethelyn Lamar was granted a di-( gifts wree received. The bride and MRS. ARTHUB BEI,; ___ j Paris Lamar on grounds munds of Pacific City on a chaige ot vorct. from drunkeness in a public place was ' of cruelty. She was awarded the, tried. The jury returned a verdict1 ! custody of the child. of r.-i Cu’lRk As the defender Hermina Hertig was granted a the case is a young ma in his teens ■ divorce from Christian Hertig also on there was a good deal of comment on grounds of cruelty and was awarded he case. the custody of several minor children. In the case of the ¿tate of Oregon Gifts and Prizes for All Occasions vs. Berlin Fleck, the jury was out FUNK-ANDERSON only a short time when they return­ Tiny Things for Little Tots A wedding of interest took place ed a verdict of guilty. Fleck was Useful Articles for Baby charged with being drunk ip a pub- j Wednesday at high noon was that of Anything in Fancy Work—Hemstitching lie place, the occurance having taken Miss Vivian Beatrice Anderson. place at the same time as the Ed- I daughter of Rev. Louis Anderson of munds case, George Winslow wa- . the Presbyterian church, to Mr. Gil attorney for the defen.-. and a.- ked j belt W. Funk. The ceremony took for and received, five ays in which | place at the home of the bride’s uncle. Newton Anderson, the bride’s father ( to file a motion for a r i-trial. Divorces were grante 1 oh We officiating. The bride was charmingly gowned day to Ruby Griftin f. »n Frau in a new tan brocaded crepe-back Griffin and Leone Thor receiving papers is considered good I P. Thorne. Decrees were grantedI in DENA-HANSEN GIFT-SHOP Across from Tillamook Hotel COLLECTIONS Knight Adjustment Co. McMinnville, Hillsboro, Tillamook Carnival Dances Darby’s Orchestra Thursday - Friday SEPT. 11 and 12 at the Armory Tillamook PIANO TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR 1 A beautiful floor which we recom­ mend is 13-16x2 1-4 Clear Plain Red Ooak. To cover a 10x12 room with this grade. Costa «21.60 I t fll 1 Continued satisfac­ tion with low fuel cost-through long years of service! Portland - Newberg - Mc­ Minnville-Tillamook Stages MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS Both ’Phones Tillamook, Ore. ÜüdHu > ■ Exclusive Tillamook County Sail Agent Rockaway, Oregon 3rd. St. and 3rd. Ave. East Both Phone, General Line of @ Phone or write UNION STAGE TERMINAL A. W. Plank Hardware Co. Irai IL J. Rasmussen LEAVE TH LAMOOK 7:15 A. M. 10:30 A. M.* 2:30 P. M. 6:30 P. M.* •Holds for arrival of Manhattan Stage •Holds for arrival of Seaside Stage LEAVE PORTLAND (Park and Yamhill Streets) 7:50 A. M. 12:50 P. M. 4 30 I’. M 11 M p M For arrivals-departures an con­ nection* call 209 1-2 Second Ave. E. I Portland, Oregon To Tillamook 49 No. Front St. *ki‘ in,-.1 SPRUCE BEVELED SIDING A good grade 1-2x6, $40. 0(1 A good cheap grade, $30.00 Rowell, Brown & Co. Portland-McMinnville Hillsboro-Forest Grove Corvallis-Salem Euger.e-Rcseburg and Willamette Valley Points Portland ol OAK FLOORING STAGES TRUCK SERVICE Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass Monarch Stoves to be Demonstrated at the '"j. / MATHER’S The Monarch 1« Easy to Keep Clean The Monarch-, h«nd»'me bluehl»ck, Mlrvo top need, no Move bUcking. Th, white porcelain panel, and blued Keel body ar, quickly cleaned with ■ cksh. The few nk kel parts are per­ fectly plain. There ia no omanwit» two to cauh dirt. Duplex Draft Fuel burnt evenly in the Monarch's firebox, due to the patented Duplex Draft. It provides uniform heat to all parts of the top and oven. And it leaves no unburned fuel to be Chrowu out with U m sahas. KsSGSS** Free How often do you have to haul fuel for your range ? D O you remember when your you will find that your Monarch does range was new? Do you not use one bit more fuel than It dlil first It will bake just as well­ recall that in those days you at heat just as quickly. didn’t have to send to town so Here is the reason. often for coal—or to the wood The joints of the Monarch cnnnoi lot for stove wood? open up to cause “Air Leaks” which Do you know what’s the matter bring such waste and dissatisfaction. These joints are not made tight with with the old range ? Why does stove putty. They are riveted. The it need more and more fuel? heavy steel plates actually riveted to Why does it take longer to heat the malleable iron castings. Such up? Why doesn’t the oven bake construction is possible only where malleable Iron is used. For malle­ as well as it used to? able Iron, you know, cannot crack or Air Lriilta. That’s the trouble. The stove putty that once made it tight has fallen out. Joints have opened up. And from now on till you throw it away it Is going to get worse uud worsei The moat economical thing for you to do Is to buy a new Monarch Rango right now. You will see a vast dif­ ference at once In your fuel expense. And ten or twenty year* from now Demonstration Every break. Thus the Monarch is good for many long years of service, for it is also protected from rust damage by Vltrf. fused Un Iny, la every due. Ree em salemnan abont a new Meo. arch. Save money on fuel—have thè plea.ure of nsing a range that saves tlme and wock as weiL Investigata thè Monarci! at once. Day at Fair By Experienced Demonstrator f urnished by Company A. B. Bloom Furn. & Hardware Co Agents for MONARCH STOVES Tillamook I aving an ideal into C-T C tires! ROUND Robert Wurzburg, one of the country’s leading tire efficiency men, A grouped itself a body of tire experts, am­ bitious to build a tire representing their combined experience. They started early in 1923, with the ideal of building a quality tire, irrespective of cost. That ideal has been “lived” into C-T-C Tires from the beginning. Up and down the Pacific Coast, C-T-C*» have gained the confidence of tire dealers and motorists. We believe in C-T-C*». You will, too, when you use them! nn CORDS and BALLOONS without rim ot wheel changé Nelson Electric Co. Distributors Tillamook