2 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FRIDAY, august 29 155; driving while intoxicated, 123; return the life of , The public, and particularly the busi­ of the start and spread of fires a men­ gon are just about free from disease failure to give signal, 290; driving on through an automobile d^’", ness interests of this part of the ace again. He said he would not and generally quite vigorous. The country are becoming more and more hesitate to use this authority, should open air range house for the rapid y left side of street or highway, 64; lessness. Safety to lif. Whereas, The President of the aggressive on the subject of man- conditions tending to the rapid spread growing chicks is recommended by improper parking 79; reverse direc­ rests almost wholly in the i United States has authorized a test caused forest fires. The forests rep­ of fires develop, or should fires occur the experiment station providing as tion in middle of block, 40; passing the automobile driver. * it does an abundance of fresh air, to left of street cars while discharg­ mobilization of the military man­ resent the basic wealth of this region. which are traceable to hunters. power of the country on the anni­ After going through a serious fire “I know from past experience,” and being readily removed to fresh ing passengers, 31; inexperience, 24; Stayton—New flax pU#t versary of the Battle of St. Mihiel, season just as we have experienced continued Mr. Cecil, “that sportsmen areas thus avoiding contaminated jockeying on bridges, 21—a total of soil, one of the poultrymen ’ s worst operation soon. M September 12, and 8480 accidents, which might have been this year the public should, and we as a rule are extremely careful with Whereas, the Secretary of War has avoided, according to the report of. Harrisburg—Work beine believe will, demand the taking of the use of fire. However, there are foes. called upon all components of the whatever steps may be necessary to among them, as among every other the secretary of state, had the driv­ Willamette Valley- FI qh ZL 7?^ * DR. CIGARETTES IN FORESTS army of the United States to mobilize Fossil— Community to eliminate man-caused fires, par­ I element that go into the woods, some SUSPECTED TRICKERY IN ers been careful. Only 140 accidents BELL’S EXHIBITION ** M on that date, and ticularly such needless fires as those earless individuals. While I dislike were caused by wet or slippery pave­ park. The forest service has just written caused by smokers. Whereas, the National plans for very much to take extreme steps ments. It is probably that these Ore­ Corvallis—Farmers of P-p,. that day call for patriotic exercises to seventeen of the largest tobacco which would operate to deprive : he Augustus Thomas, the distinguished gon figures would be a fair average ty to ship 3 carloads cattle to to be held throughout the country in manufacturers of the United States DISTRICT FORESTER ENDORSES careful many of their outing because playwright, gives an interesting de for other states. ornia. order to bring a better understanding requesting them to insert warning of the careless few, the resources at scription in his recent book, “The The tendency of too many auto­ Klamath Falls—Gold dtoMM HUNTING SEASON OPENING of the problems of our National De­ cards in every package of cigarettes h stake are too valuable to take any Print of My Remembrance,” of the mobile drive s to “let the insurance vicinity of Diamond fence; chances, should there be a recurrence rather patronizing attitude of the company pay the bill’ is responsible they put out, cautioning the smokers Corvallis—Chicken Commenting on the removal of the of the conditions tha existed prior tra iq lorrront- • Wl Resolved, That in furtherance of to be careful with fire in the wods. public toward the telephone when it for many avoidable accidents. Let I here is largest in stats. this plan, the Oregon Editorial as­ We have also suggested that a fire hunting ban in Oregon, U. S. District to the last rain. Careful sportsmen was first exhibited as a scientific cuii drivers remember that no insurance | St. Helens will vota, Aug i sociation pledges its support, believ­ warning slogan should appear on all Forester George II. Cecil stated re­ can help greatly by aiding the forest osity, soon after its invention. ,,, r,..- H - yet been devised which will $130,000 bond issue for watarmt- ing that, while our country is com­ of ‘heir billboard advertising. In sup­ cently that as a member of the State service and the state officials to bring “At the Centennial Exhibition in mitted to peace, it is necessary under port of this request the Oregon State Board of Forestry, and as District to justice all violators of the fire Philadelphia in 1876,” writes Mr. present world conditions to be pre­ Chamber of Commerce has written Forester, he was in absolute accord laws. Iægal punishment is a mighty Thomas, “The Bell telephone was re­ pared for our own self defense in to one hundred and twenty-five com­ with the action of the governor in this good cure for carelessness.” garded as a toy. Visitors permitted event we are attacked. mercial organiza' ions in the States of matter. to listen to the voice of a friend Whereas, There is an increasing Oregon requesting them to write “The state board of forestry, ” said FARM REMINDERS ¿.SERVICE speaking from the next room examin­ amount of publicity matter and ma­ letters or telegrams to the same man­ Mr. Ceceil, “is of the opinion that it ed the legs of the table to find the terial which we recognize as intended ufacturers urging compliance with would be far safer for the forests of More vetch and oats or barley on tube which they were sure Mr. Bell to be of an instructive nature being the forest service request. A similar the state if the opening of the hunt­ heavy, rather poorly drained soils of had concealed to convey the sound.” sent to the newspapers of the Ore­ campaign is being inaugurated in the ing season were set by law at Sep­ The telephone companies in the I western Oregon dairy farms would gon Agricultural College, Portland State of Washington through the tember 10 or 15. However, they wish United States have invested in tele­ pay well for silage. The combination Chamber of Commerce, the State Washington State Chamber of Com­ to play absolutely fair with the phone plants a sum equal to more Market Agent, the University of merce. sportsmen under the law as it is now outyields corn nearly two to one and than half the value of all the monetary almost equals sunflower in yield Oregon, and other organizations and Don't fail to send for ibis free book, "Huntin" Posted The reason for this is that in study­ written on the state books. gold in the vaults of the United I institutions without discrimination as ing the problem of fire prevention in “I feel certain that the vast ma- while far surpassing it in palatabil- Proper ty”. it shows you how fanner and sportsman can States treasury and of the Federal to the needs of the newspapers re­ the Pacific Northwest, the forest jority of the sportsmen of the state ity. The average yield of vetch and get together to their mutual advantage. Reserve System put together. ceiving it, now therefore, be it service has been forcibly impressed recognize the importance of protect­ oats on the experiment station heavy All the gold mines in the world Sportsmen spend more time hunting for shooting grounds Resolved, That this convention re­ with the hazard of forest fires caused ing the sources of Oregon’s wealth lands from 1914 to 1921 was 12.7 put together did not produce enough than they do hunting spectfully suggests to the various J by thoughtless smokers. Figures re­ which lie in its timber supply, and tons per acre. Anyone wishing to buy or sell a gold last yeai- to pay for the tele­ organizations and institutions named cently compiled covering the situation are willing to yield to the judgment game. More property is that in the interest of economy and on the National Forests of Oregon of the state board of forestry in the pig at weaning time and lacking in­ phone construction and replacement being posted each year. conservation, a survey be made as to and Washington showed that twenty- matter. It was only after most care­ formation on which to base the being done during 1924 by the tele­ This book will help you the needs of the communities and that three percent of the fires had been ful consideration of the conditions price may safely put it at nearly phone companies in the United States. find more and better said materials be sent to communities caused by smokers. Experiment and throughout the state as a whole that one-third of the market value of a shooting. Write foryou TOLL OF CARELESSNESS 200 pound pig. This relation of cost only that are interested or have prob­ observation by our field men conclus­ the state board advised the governor copy today— il'i free. lems connected with the subjects ively point to the fact that so-called to suspend the opening of the season. of weanling to cost of market animal Figures recently compiled by the treated. "tailor-made” cigarette is more apt to The rains of the last few days have in Oregon was arrived at through E. I. DU PONT Whereks, in the opinion of this cause fire than any other form of been general ar.d heavy enough to many surveys and studies by the ex­ state of Oregon show that 93 per cent DE NEMOURS AGO., he committee, the time has come when smoking material. justify the rescinding of this action. periment station animal husbandry of the automobile wrecks are caused Sporting Powder Dinuiee the country publishers and print«» The forest service believes that the What will develop between now and department. The actual cost of pro­ by carelesness. Of 9,131 accidents Wilmington, Del of Oregon should secure the services practical way to eliminate this smok­ the heavy fall rains is, of course, ducing the pig depends mainly on the ported from January 1 to June size of the litter, but 30 per cent of last, 5,457 are charged entirely of a field secretary; now, therefore, er’s fire hazard is by education,— problematical.” be it As district forester in charge of the the value of the 200 pound pig has carlessness. Added *.o these may by so impressing the smoker with the Speeding, Resolved, That the executive com­ seriousness of the situation that he national forests of Oregon and Wash­ been found to be a fair valuation of included the following: 183; failure to give right of way, mittee of this organization be in­ will be sure his cigarette is out be­ ington, Mr. Cecil has full authority the weanling. Poultry flocks with free range con­ 1381; reckless driving, 260; cutting structed to consider and prepare a fore he throws it away. The only to close the entire national forests program for the employment of such other solution would be drastic re- to all public use in case climatic con­ ditions on clean soil in western Ore- corners, 372; double at intersections, field secretary and be prepared to re­ stritions on all smoking in the woods. ditions change so as to make the risk port thereon at the time of the next newspaper conference at Eugene. Whereas, the publication and dis­ tribution of the Voter’s Pamphlet has been proven to be both expensive and inefficient as a means of Informing the voters as to candidates and mea­ sures, now therefore, be it Resolved, That in the opinion of this association the publication of the Pamphlet should be discontinued and and that we shall cooperate with oth­ er interests in securing a more effi- j cient substitute, and further that the j executive committee be instructed to take steps to this end. Whereas, the Portland Chamber of 1 Commerce through its Oregon De­ velopment Fund is endeavoring to build up the state at large through | mighty poor economy to a comprehensive plan of publicity and through aid to marketing and I postpone painting or varnish land settlement now, therefore, be it ing, whether it be the insid Resolved, That the Oregon State Editorial association express its ap­ floors and woodwork or the out preciation of the unselfish efforts of side exposed surfaces. What the Portland Chamber on behalf of wear and tear are doing on th Oregon as a whole. Whereas, the members of the Ore­ inside, rot and rust are doing on gon Stale Editorial association dur­ i the outside — slowly pulling ing two days of the seventeenth an­ nual convention, spent in “the Land down the value of your property of Cheese, Trees and Ocean Breeze,” through surface neglect. have been privileged to observe the To put paint nnd varnish on before it is practical results from the application needed, and not after, is true economy. of energy and aggressive cooperative Damage is under way just as soon as the efforts in the production and market­ •urface is broken down, which is often before ing of agricultural products, and, you realize it. Whereas, it lies within the power of ite members through the medium of their newspapers to present to their Continued satisfac­ readers articles that will tell the Cheapest because it protects the surface wonderful story of Tillamook cheese tion with low fuel better, lasts longer and goes further. and recite, even though it deal with û you remember when your you will find that your Monarch does cost-thruugh long Raamuaaen Paint and Varnish Product« are made prosaic cows, creameries and cheese rangé was new? Do you not use one bit more fuel than it did in one of the finest paint factories in the Uni id years of service! factories, a romantic chapter in Ore­ States—the largest in the Northwest. They are are r.^caV Jhat in those days you at first It will bake just as well—• gon agricultural life; and made by experts who have an intimate knowledge than t have to send to town so heat just as quickly^ The Monarch Is Easy of Northwest climatic conditions----- a knowledge Whereas, such articles will be of often for coal—or to the wood Here is the reason. Sined through many years of actual contact with to Keep Clean real educational value and offer a lot for stove wood? The joints of the Monarch cannoli The Monarch ’ , handsome blue-black. ese conditions. real opportunity for the use of the open up to cause “Air Leak»" which Mtrco top needs no stove blacking. The strict maintenance of Rasnussen Quality P? y<™ know w ha t ’ 3 the matter The white porcelain panels and blued bring such waste and dissatisfaction. columns of Oregon newspapers in the governs every step in the making of these paints S'TitT'tLa«r'Qulc’lJy. c|e»ned with a with the old range? Why does These joints are not made tight with ijjnl ,eJLn,cki! par,s *re per' dissemination of u <^ul knowledge; •nd varnishes—from the first selection of the lead, putty. They are riveted. The to^ch d£'re " °° ocaaaleiJU- oil, and other materials, to the final sealing and ! ra-ore and more fuel? stove now, therefore, be heavy steel plates actually riveted to labeling of the can. ,,n»y\vkS !f take ,onSer to heat the malleable iron castings. Such Resolved, That the individual mem­ Duplex Draft There’« no better paint than Rasmussen Pure Up• W by doesn’t the oven hake construction is possible only where bers of the Oregon Editorial associ­ burns evenly in the Monarch’s Paint—we add our guarantee to the manufactur- as well as it used to? malleable iron is used. For malle­ “ ft ation be urge«! to prepare and print OT«‘. Bring your painting problem« to ue. able iron, you know, cannot crack or Air Leake. That’s the troublé. Th a break. in their respective papers comprehen­ stove putty that once made it tight sive articles on the Tillamook coun­ Thus the Monarch is good for many va And\°Ut' J°lnt8 W long years of service, for it is also / try; and that, as an expression of it aww it tlU throw Protected from rust damage by Vltri* their appreciation of the many cour­ worsey “ Ü 801118 10 861 wvr8e Bn4 fused Lining in every fiue. tesies shown, their copies of said pa­ TheMonarch’« Vitrifused Flue Linfa« pers be mailed to The Tillamook Ki- Tie most economical thing for rnn to do U to buy a new Monarch * OCT salesman about a new Moo- wanis club, the Tillamook news­ tjiVM that occur m range fr.i-TsSdS “<>*• You Will see a vast dS •rdL Save money on fuel—have the papers, the Tillamook Dairy associ­ the ume time fumnh adéquate oro- pleasure of using a range that save« at Onee in $’our fuel expense tectivn .liramat mat and cormaion. ation and Whitney Lumber company. And ten or twenty years froSTnow time and work as well. Investigate the «uouaren Monarch at once. Whereas, the 17th annual conven­ Lir/Jwr tion of the Oregon State Editorial association has been royally enter­ tained by the people of Tillamook county, now. Therefore be it artx/ufll Resolved, That the association ex­ press its gratitude for the courtesies WdbDm W«ehaHi extended, offering iu thanks and ap­ Wall Paint Ifwde PLx < Paine preciation particularly to the Kiwanis Oil Stains, V«nmb«a club of Tillamook for its efficient Floor and Vamiah Scan» handling of all details. /Aerei a Ra»rnuntn for Eitry Surface To the Women’s club for enter- RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION tainment of the ladies of the conven­ tion party. To the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion for their part in the enjoyable banquet of Friday evening, and to those who entertained during the evening. To the Boy Scouts for their cour- teous attentions. (Continued on page 3) More tei for farmer and sportsman! Monarch Stoves to be Demonstrated AT TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR 1 DMputitoff v put it on/ How often do you have to haul fuel for your range ? D Buy good paint - it's cheapest A. W. Plank Hdwe. Company Tillamook, Oregon Free Demonstration Every Day at Fair te* it B,OOm Furn- & Hardware Co. Monarch Stoves Tillamook Oregon