i DAY, AUGUST 15, 1924 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT ,7 Look. J. E. Sahli, Portland; Alex ployees issued this year require that ed real property, situated in Tilla- Naom E. Thompson, formerly . tin to the highest bidder for cash in Thompson, Pocatello, Idaho; W. A. no tire on national forest land is to mook County, Oregon, to-wit; , Naomi E. Reynolds, deceased hand the following described real Gray, Chicago; Grace Gregory, Ruth be abandoned until the last apparent Beginning at a point 30 feet Weet To James R. Thompson, Alfred Reyn- property, to-wit: Garrett, Tacoma; O. L. Past, Mr. and spark is out. The North half of the Southwest of the center of Section 24 Township olds, Wiley W. May, Goerge May, Mrs. John C. Brown, Beaver; Mr. and quarter of Secton 20 in Township 1 South of Range ten West of Willa- and Mark May, Franklin C. Reynolds, Mrs. George Turner, Rector, Lloyd Creswell celebrates completion 3 South of Range 9 west, W. M., in o f mette Meridian; thence South 2 de- Emma Alice Anderson, George Cotty, „Wrdsy. August 11: O. S. Combs, M. Tucker, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. M. paving. Tillamook County, Oregon. I grees 16 minutes West parallel to Jessie O. Rich, Joseph H. Wyant, B. Sanderson, Salem; C. E. Spangle. K. Smith, Jr., Mrs. F. E. Stam- Charles McCormick, Pendleton. This sale will be made for the pur- ¡ the 1-4 section line, 8.68 chains to the Ralph W. Wyant, Lester G. Wyant, pose of satisfying said judgment center of tide slough; thence in and Maud P. Edding, Greeting: . f . Casaday, L. V. Jenkins, , Westerly direction down the center In the name of the State of Ore­ i which was rendered against said jj ¡Jes, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. De Vee, of said tide slough to a point on gon, You are hereby cited and re- Weiss in said matter for the sum of jnd Mrs. F. A. Robertson, Harry Saturday: Jim Wilson, Joe Hox- the 1-4 section line running East and, quired to appear in the County Court $2178.31 with interest thereon at the * J. P. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. hurst, Bayocean; Henry Green, Mrs. NOTICE West through said section 28.95 of the States of Oregon, for the rate of 8 per cent per annum from hn j • R“thky- Anna Rauch, Etta Morley, Carlton; Harry Tripp, . chains West of the place of begin-' County of Tillamook, at the Court September 12, 1923, together with 1 % Mrs. C. H. Bender, Portland; George Kostec, Henry W. Bohma, F. I will not be responsible for any - ning, thence East along said 1-4 sec- room thereof, at ‘ Tillamook in *■*-- the $200 as attorneys’ fees, and the costs and Mr9* F. tliffendafer, Mrs. M. Franklin, Sheridan; Ted McFalls, bills or debts under the name of 1 tion line 29.95 chains to beginning,' County of Tillamook on Monday the f and disbursements of the action tex- | Allen, Mooseheart, Illinois; Lu- A. Enis, Ray Dewey, Dallas. Travis and Legault unless the bills i containing 22.81 acres more or less. 15th day of September 1924, at 10 ed at $20.80 with accruing interest, Terchnor, Centralia, Washington; Sunday: Mrs. Mary Warner and or debts are signed with my own sig­ Also beginning at center of Section o’clock, in the forenoon of that day, and expenses of sale less $250 credit ie Waevcr, Olympia, Wn.; C. D. family, M. Day, W. J. Ball, P. E. Wil­ nature. 24 Township 1 South of Range ten then and there to show cause, if any ; thereon as of May 1, 1924. WBrette. R- H. Hoover, Oregon liams, M. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dat«i this July 18, 1924. West of Willamette Meridian, run- there be, why wi order should not be JOE LEGAULT . a . A. Segersten, Forest Grove; O. Case, Portland. JOHN ASCHIM, 48-t4p i ning thence East 18.75 chains to a made by this Court authorizing and f Edington, Larado, Texas; Chas, Monday: B. W. Campbell, A. E. tract of land formerly belonging to licensing Alfred Reynolds, as admin­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. nerman, Seattle; Peter J. Shields, Bell, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McCrady, W. Mary L. Day; thence South along istrator of said* Estate, to sell at pri­ WARNING Rheids, Sacramento, Cal.; Frank H. Coles, Tony Delabrio, Blake All fishermen snd pleasure seekers said tract to the center of a slough vate sale the real property belonging Lynn, Mrs. Lynn, Perrydale; Mr. Thompson, F. L. Goodridge, F. A. must stay on the county road while ! which is the south boundary of the to said estate, situated in Lane Coun­ yjrs. E. G. Emmett, Woodburn; Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Eads, Los Ange­ passing through my place 19 miles ! Day tract known by the name of ty, State of Oregon, and described as and Mrs. C. F. Brandon, Hills- les; Billy O’Shea, Lena Shaver, F. W. up the Wilson river, section 24 snd 26, Stillwell’s slough, thence along the follows, to-wit: y Mae Andrew, Fort Dodge, Barret, Salem; Ben Guiyard, A. O. 1 North 8. center of said slough to where it in­ ♦ Donation Land Claim Notification, ♦ Caroline Andrew, Farnham, Foland, Mohler. tersects the 1-4 section line between 771 being designated as Claim No. 57 ! ♦ ESTABLISHED RATES FOR ♦ WM. RYAN ’ S. T. Barger and family, Gari- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ♦ 42-t4 the SE1-4 and SW1-4 of Section 24; being part of Section 32, in Township ü' C. B. Richardson, D. McPher- thence North to the place of begin- 21 _______________ __ __________ S. R. 3 est and Claim No. 38 be­ : One cent per word per issue, ♦ | ning, containing 11 acres more or ing part of Section 5, in Township 22, l San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Earl with a minimum charge of $.25. ♦ j CITATION less, Anderson, Salem. H. R. West of W. M., being bounded * Readers are charged at the same ♦ I U. B. CHURCH Also beginning at center of Sec- and described as follows, to-wit: Be- * rate. All reading notices must ♦ Sunday: Carl Ledeman, Red Wing, In the County Court of the State of t t tion 24 Township 1 South of Range ginning at a point 24 chains and 70 * have “adv.” attached. No pre- ♦ W. O. Woolever, pastor. tasota; Alice Blackford. Klamath Oregon for Tillamook County. ferred positions. I ten West of the Willamette Meridian; links North and 19 chains and 70' ♦ Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes In the Matter of the Last Will U j - Wheeler baseball team; Mr. thence North 21.25 chains; thence links West from the Southeast corn­ ♦ j Mrs. R. W. Applegate, B. G. for all ages. and Testament and Estate of ♦ ♦♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ West 11.40 chains; thence South 11 er of Section 32, in Township 21 ’ Preaching service both morning Phillip J. Worrall, deceased. ju, A. Morrison, Miss Bertha mrt, George Propp, Sam McCall, and evening, 11 a m. and 8 p. m. To Evie J. Worral, Alfred R. Wor- i degrees West 2.58 chains; thence South of Range 3 West and running WANTED TO RENT J There is a comfortable pew waiting rail, William Worrall, Fred C. Wor- South 73 degrees West 1.50 chains; thence West Fifteen chains and 51. M. Barealov, John White, W. W. thence North 67 degrees West 2.71 for you. Come! Ion, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. rail, Ida M. Beckett, Arthur J. Wor- links, thence south 89 degrees and 59 j WANTED—FOUR OR FIVE ROOM Hiding, Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. ral, Anna A. Worral and Hazel Far- chains; thence North 36 minutes West minutes west, 21 chans and 76 links,; modern house close in. Call Head-] 4.30 chains; thence South 82 degrees I thence South 42 chains and 50 links, j light Publishing -ompany. B. N. 109 H. Dement, Hornbrook Cal.; Dr. bro, Greeting: REFORMED CHURCH ’30 minutes West 2.48 chains; thence thence East 37 chains and 65 links 1 44-tf Slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. In the name of the State of Oregon, W. G. Lienkaeniper, pastor. South 45 degrees West 1.50 chains; and thence North 42 chains and 50 j nk, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. You are hereby cited and required Sunday school at 10 a. m. 1 thence South 11 degrees West 4.32 links to the place of beginning, con- j HELP WANTED ;erson, Toledo, Leon D. Hauser,, Morning worship at 11 a. m. Sub- i to appear in the County Court of the I chains; thence North 81 degrees taining 159.20 acres in Lane County, ¡ton, Mass.; P. H. Gier, Seattle, ject: “Give an Account of Thy Stew­ State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ ty, wthin ten days after the service West 4 chains; thence South 44 de­ State of Oregon. Also the lots num­ GIRL OR ELDERLY WOMAN AS uhington. ardship.” Occasion: The fifth anni­ companion. Small wages. Addreaa of this citation if served upon you in grees West 2.18 chains; thence South bered 7 and 8 of Section 32 in Town- Monday: Ray E. Suth, Joseph Feld- versary of the present pastorate. box 776, Tillamook. 45-tlp Tillamook County, Oregon, and with­ 30minutes West 3.48 chains thence I ship 21 S. R. 3 west, containing 16% n, George C. Chapman, Elmer C. The annual outing of the Sunday South 43 degrees 30 minutes West ' acres in Lane County, State of Ore- in twenty days after such service if is, Chris Olsen, F. R. Wagner, R. school will be held immediately after WANTED—A CAPABLE WOMAN 1.73 chains; thence South 79 degrees [ gon. Kirkley, J. Hayden, J. L. Colby, the services in Elliott’s grove on the served within any other County of for housekeeping for the winter. West 3.32 chains; thence North 45 Witness, The Hon. HOMER MASON i tnor C. Robinson, N. H. Entler, Kilches river.. After a basket lunch- this state, if personally served of if Inquire at Headlight. 44-t2p served by publication, within not less degrees West 5.07 chains; thence Judge of the County Court of the , and Mrs. W. H. Casey, Miss Har- eon the afternoon will be spent in • than twenty-eight days from the date South 87 degrees West 4 chains to State of Oregon for the County of ANNOUNCEMENTS tt Casey, J. F. Casey, W. H. Casey, social way. of the first publication of such cita­ United States Meander post on North Tillamook with the seal of said Court SEND THE GIRLS AND BOT» TO M. C. Memenway, Mr. and Mrs. You are cordially invited . tion, and then and there to make an­ bank of Slough on Section line be- affixed, this 12th day of August A .D. W. Halton, F. W. Tebben, U. G. “Nelson’s hairbobbta« swer to the allegations of the peti­ i tween Sections 23 and 24 T.1S.R.10 1924. ijanin, J. M. MacCay and family, Shoppe,1* far their Bal­ W ; thence South one and one-half H. S. BRIMHALL, Clerk. tion of Lila Laidig on file in this METHODIST CHURCH •I McBrayer, W. H. Coles, Tom cony Haltoni’s store. 147-W. ¡chains to the South bank of Slough; I 45-t5 Court and cause praying for an order Simpson Hamrick, pastor. Lalro, Mrs. H. J. White, Marvin 4»4f of this Court revoking, setting aside thence North 75 degrees East 2.68, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. White, W. F. Bradley, F. Glossop chains; thence S.62 degrees East 2.64 EAT YOUR SUNDAY DINNER AT NOTICE TO CREDITORS Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject: annulling and holding void the order chains; thence S.44 degrees East 4.50 family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCam, the Oceanside restaurant. Chick- made by this Court herein on August “ Silent Christians. ” i Ellen Grady, R. D. Cruikshank, chains; thence East .50 chains; thence en dinners hoi made pastries. Young people’s meeting 7 ' p. m. 28, 1928, admitting to probate as the South 19 degrees East 8.79 chains; In the County Court of the State of nu K. Campbell, Mrs. R. Karl- We will be glad to serve you. 35-tf Last Will and Testament of Phillip Evening service 8 p. m. Subject: i, G. H. Smith, George Navan and Oregon for the Cunty f Tillamook. J. Worrall, a certain instrument then I thence South 50 degrees East 4.31 »• ily Viola Yount, A. L. Sbanshade, "The Difficulty of being Lost »» 1 In the Matter of the Estate ¡chains; thence South 17 degrees FOR RENT Strangers and non-church people so admitted to probate in common East 8.00 chains; thence S.26 degrees ■land; S. B. Jacobson, J. 0. Bragg, 4 of form, and to show cause, if any HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WANTING G. Parker, Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. are invited. . 30 minutes E.26-100 chains to 1-4 John M. Borba, Sr., deceased. exists, why said petition should not room and board, call Jamea Golds­ M. Weidman, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Notice is hereby given that the section line; thence E.26.67 chains to be granted and why there should net worthy, Tillamook, Box 488, Mutual tnon, San Francisco; Mr. and County Court of the State of Oregon the plsce of beginning, contained 59 RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION be entered herein a further order, Phone. 46- t8p i. John E. Bailey, Forest Grove; , acres, all in Section 24, Township 1 for the County of Tillamook, has duly judgment and decree raneeiting va­ (Continued from page 3) Ml Bailey, Gretta Baley, Salem; South of Range 10 West of the Wil­ appointed the undersigned, adminis­ FOR RENT- ROOM HOUSE AT cating and annulling and setting trator of the estate of John M. Borba, nk Hall, Tacoma, Washington; A. good could nevertheless have ulti­ lamette Meridian. 7th and Park. House number 715. aside the letters testmentary hereto­ mately been derived from it by apply ­ Fairweather, Puyallup, Washing- And at said sale all right, title and Sr., deceased. All persons having Inquire of Mrs. Nicklas next door. fore issued out of this Court in the ;George E. Upton, Glenwood; Mr. ing to the discussion the same rules interest of the said defendants In snd I claims against the said estate are re­ B N-112 45tlp matter of said Estate to Fred C. Wor- * as govern the admissability of evi ­ Mn. Joseph R. Eyston, Raymond to said real property will be sold, [ quired to present them, properly veri­ rail and that further order judgment dence in any court of justice. Hence fied, to the undersigned, at the office ton, Doris Vaughn, Los Angeles; ROOM TO RENT—IN NEW MOD- subject only to the right of redemp­ and decree be made appointing Anna Tillamook, Oregon within six months A. McMillan, P. M. Brandt, Cor- in a discussion of this sort there ern home all new furniture, fine tion. A. Worrall, the surviving widow of of Barrick & Hall, National Building, location. Hot and cold water at all iu; Mrs. H. C. Grady, Lagrande; should be some unbiased person to act i Dated August 6, 1924. deceased, as administratrix of the from the date of the first publication times. Inquire at Headlight Phone JOHN ASCHIM M. Repass, Vernonia; F. A. Pap- as judge or moderator whose duty Estate of Phillip J. Worrall, de­ 1<1J. Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon of this notice. •» Jetty; Charles E. Wells, Hills- would be two-fold: (l)to decide upon the relevancy of the evidence (2) to ceased and ordering and decreeing that Date of first publication July 18, 44-tS FOR SALE OR TRADE admit only quotations proven to be Fred C. Worrall make an account of I 1924. all the moneys and properties of ev­ genuine. Date of last publication August NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT FOR SALE— AT AN ATTRACTIVE I respectfully submit the above for ery kind and character which has 15th, 1924. Saturday: H. H. French, Arthur the honest consideraton of the un­ come into his possession by reason of price to close an estate. Splendid JOHN BORBA, In the County Court of the State of business corners locatde N. W. cor­ w, 8. Greenfield and family, P. biased readers of the Headlight. his protended Executorship of said Administrator. Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. ner 1st avenue and 2nd street also xierson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulled, C. Estate and for the recovery by peti­ FRANK DAVEY 41-t5 In the matter of the estate of N. E. corner 2nd street and Still­ Marlatte, A. B. Dufur, Ben Chur- tioner of and from Fred C. Worrall William P. Peacock. Deceased. well avenue. Geo. R. Hooper, gen­ Portland. and said Estate of her coots and dis­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE eral delivery, Portland, Ore. 44-t2p s«ntoy: Charles McCormick, J. H. MANY MAN-CAUSED FIRES RE­ bursements herein, and for such oth­ dersigned, as adminstratrix of the PORTED ™ H. M. and F. W. Hayton, W. B. er and further relief as may appear FOR SALE OR TRADE—160 ACRE > estate of William P. Peacock, deceas­ ■’••it, M. P. Colins, Mr. and Mrs. to the Court to be equitable in the Notice is hereby given that the un­ homestead relinquishment in Tilla­ ed, has filed her final account in the A total of six hundred and fifty- premises. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. mook county. Good house and im­ County Court of the State of Oregon dersigned, Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ four forest fires have been reported By order of the Honorable Homer Mrs. N. C. Bray, Portland; for Tillamook County, and that Mon­ ty, Oregon, by virtue of ■ writ of I provements. 2 acres slashed. In- j Gunter, Gust Janson, Bay- so far this season in the National Mason, Judge of the County Court day the 15th day of September, 1924, attachment execution issued out of quire at Headlight or J. W. Body-' •n; A. Wall, Nehalem; Mr. and Forests of Oregon and Wash., ac­ I of the State of Oregon for Tillamook at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore- the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ felt, Beaver. 45-t2p - J. 0. Walker, Los Angeles; cording to figures for the period end­ County, made on the 22nd day of gon for Tillamook County, upon a non of said day and the Court Room FOR SALE CHEAP—160 ACRES, T Gardner, W. D. Smith, Scap- ing July 20, just compiled in the office July, 1924. of said Court has been appointed by judgment entered in said Court on of the District Forester, Portland, Oregon land at Blaine, Tillamook, Witneas my hand and the seal of *’ H. H. Stannerd, Hillsboro. September, 12, 1923, in favor of Tilla ­ said Court as the time and place for county, 80 acres timber, 80 acres said Court affixed hereto this 22nd the hearing of objections thereto and mook County Bank, a corporation, “May: A. Eley, O. G. Morrow, Oregon. One hundred and thirty-two of day of July, 1924. Cash or terms. Charles and against John Weiss, has rejected | brush. * Cantrell, Mr. and Mrs. Brosig, the settlement thereof. Bsker, 207 Lake street, Ka la ms zoo, H. S. BRIMHALL, Darnell, Portland; H. J. Pies, these fires were caused by smoker«, Dated and first published August 8, on, and will on Manday, the 18th Michigsn. 44-t2p County Clerk. day of August, 1924, at the Court •onberry; E. H. Wayda, New and one hundred and one by campers, 42-t5 1924. a total of two hundred and thirty- * City. House Door in Tillamook City, Tilla­ Daje of last publication, September FOR SALE—HOBART M. CABLE three from these two causes, the re­ mook County, Oregon, at the hour 5, 1924. piano for sale reasonble. Call B N- port states. Seventy-nine fires are of ten o'clock A. M. sell at public auc- The NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE JULIA A. MADSEN, 110, Headlight. 44-t2p attributed to brush burning and lum­ Administratrix ‘torday: Ted Smith, Mrs. Myrtle bering. Three hundred and ninety­ FOR SALE—ONE NEARLY NEW Notice is hereby given that the un­ J. J. Johnson, 814 Spalding Bldg., Mr. and Mrs. Edward eight of the fires were man-caused, farm lighting plant Al condition. dersigned Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ Portland, Oregon, Attorney. "• Dudley Klent, Charles E. and therefore should have been pre­ W. R. C. Write E. F. Brown, Independence, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H. vented, it is said. To date fifty-sev­ ty, Oregon, pursuant to execution and Coriath Relief Corps No. 54, Dept Oregon. 42-t4p an order of sale issued out of the NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL •“sen, Mona Jensen, Monitor, en convictions for violations of the of Oregon meets on first and third Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nelson, fire laws have been reported to the Circuit Court for Tillamook County, ACCOUNT OF ADMINISTATRIX Friday evenings of each month, nt * FOR SALE— COMBINATION Li­ Oregon, dated the 4th day of August, ; ^F- Nelson, Long Beach, Cal.; brary dining table, mahogany, ex­ o'clock in the W. O. W. hall. Visiter, district office. 1924, on a judgment and decree rend­ ■ *•»*, Garibaldi; Mr. and Mrs. tends to six feet, also four mahog­ Notice is hereby given. That the welcom« These fires are estimated to have ered in said Court, wherein E. D. 1 Ansius, West Linn; Mr. and covered a total of 15,314 acres of Ns- any dining chain, (btown leather undersigned has filed her final ac- Mr a. A. D. Smith, fra* J Wausen, Mr. and Mrs. C. tionai Forest land, 4.918 acres of pri­ Johnson and Harry M. Johnson were count as administratrix of the Estate sesta.) Just the thing for small Elizabeth Conever, Secretary ■ Enumclaw, Washington; Miss vate land inside national forest bound­ plaintiffs and John J. Berns and of Henry S. Davidson, Deceased, in house or apartments. Tel. 5GJ. ¿«arson. E. W. Willai, L. W. aries, and 13,372 acres of private land Hulda Berns, husband and wife, Will- the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ CORINTH POST NO. 35 33-: f | iam Berns, and Martin Berns, were de­ Depsrtment of Oregon ran, Vernonia. outside and adjacent to national for­ fendants, said judgment and decree ty, Oregon, and that said Court has B ’ OR SALE — CLOVER. CHEAT AND j Meta on second and oa fourth Sat­ I appointed the 80th day of August. D. A. White, Dr. A. est boundaries. vetch hay in car load lota or can I being in favor of the plaintiffs for the F M White, E. D. White, Forest officers point out that these I sum of 88,61168, with interest at the 1934, at 10 o’clock a. m. at the Court urdays of eseh month st 1:30 p. n>. furnish mixed car. Pricer quoted ’ Mrs. E. G. Bay, Stockton, Cal- figures are for national forest terri­ room of said Court in Tillamook City, in the W. W. hall. H B on same on applicaton. rate of 8 per cent per annum from Oregon, as the time and place for the Samuel Down», Commander ' "enry T. Clay, A. Gremmer, tory, and do not cover the state as a Daughton, Lebanon, Oregon I'J-U ¡the 9th day of December, 1921, and hearing of the said final account and H. W. Spear, Adjutant And Dick Pri<-e’ OtiS whole. National forests are, as a the sum of $299 costs and disburse­ any objections thereto, and the dos­ LOST AND FOUND Wil]iarn Hopkins, Tilla- rule, in the higher mountainous coun­ 7'ills monk l»dge No. 57 Mr »nd Mrs. L. R. Church, try where the greatest hazards come ments in the Supreme Court, and by ing of ssid estate. A. F. * A. M. which decree the real property here­ LOST—BLACK LEATHER T2AV- Dated July 25, 1924. from the camper, the smoker, and inafter described was ordered to be Stated communication sec- elling bag, between Tillamook and ELIZABETH DAVIDSON, George Smith, Fred And- lightning fires. In the lower portions on d Wednesday in each Isold for the purpose of satisfying Administratrix of the Estate of Whiskey Creek on Netarts bay, »coma; Harley Davidson, of the two states, it is said, the haz­ said judgment in favor of said plain­ month. Visiting Brother* Reward. Inquire at Headlight Henry Davidson, Deceased M, $an Francisco; Mr. ard from loggers’ and brush-burning welcome. 45-tl tiffs. 42- 16 L G- H- Perry, Mr. and Mrs. fires is greater, some of the more •Howard C. Boone, See Therefore, by virtue of said judg­ FOUND-OI.FIELD CORD TIRE Mrs. Edna Meggs, T. serious fires starting from these ment. and decree and order of sale, I CITATION Mr »nd Mrs. William Mc- causes. Many of such fires are said and rim 35x3. Owner can have will, on Saturday, the 6th day of j VH E- Thiele, E. M. Kelley, to start from old smouldering snags same by paying for this adv. f all September, 1924, at ten o’clock A. M., li, the County Court of the State of at H. L. Sherwood, Tillamook, Ore­ O. F. Beberg. H. H. or slashings which are thought to be ! sell at public auction to the highest Tnesday Frenine, 7:30 Oregon for the County of Tillamook. gon. 45-t2 I C. Vry Holn,ea* Los Angeles; safe, and abandoned. bidder for cash the following describ- In the matter of the Erate of Rebekahs Wednesday Evening. and family. M. Trevor, Instructions to forest service em- “oyer. Fred B. Jones, A. A. Yhe Tillamook Allen House LEGAL NOTICES PROFFESSIONAL CARDS THE BEST IN CHIROPRACTIC J. L. Fayette, D. C. Ph. C. Beals Bldg. Both Phonos Tillamook, Ore. Painless Adjustments CLASSIFIED AD COLUMN CHURCHES BARRICK « HALL Attorneys at Law National Building Tillamook The Todd DR. H. L. BABB Tillamook’s Chiropractor Hours, 9 to 6. Cloverdale Office Mon., Wed. and Fri. evenings at 7 DR. HELEN BABB Evenings— Mon., Wed., Fri., and Sat. at 7 Tillamook Building Netherland LODGE DIRECTORY H. T. Bolte Geo. P. WieeJow BOTTS » WINSLOW I^iwyers Tlllaaiock C. R. CHAPIN Attorney at Law Beals' Building Tillamook, Ore.