FRIDAY, AUGUST 15,1924 jillainook fteabligfjt our dollars are taken out of our orbit of trade hard times will soon knock at .# independent Weekly Paper the door.” * published Every Friday by the Aurora Observer: “The home spent Headlight Publishing Company dollar increases your credit and helps Tillamook, Oregon_______ provide a home market for home pro­ Manager ' ducts.” iMiie Harrison Scio Tribune: “Every time a ship­ Entered as second class mail matter ping point is closed (for lack of busi­ in the U. S. postoffice at Tillamook, ness) every farm is removed as many nearest'shipping1 neXt ’ Orei»11 ~ mZ anJdeVery!nile S ubscription rates means your farm has decreased in jH fear. By Mail ———— value several dollars per acre. jj. Months. By MaB ------------- tl.00 Cottage Grove Sentinel: “Get the fhree Months, By Mall ............ $ .75 Oregon spirit as well as the Oregon payable in advance brand, the more industries we help to build the more dollars we will get Telephone from Portland down here.” Pacific States, Main 68 Wallowa Sun: “Our task as boost­ ers is to bring about confidence and <♦♦♦ community co-operation, the closer 4 editorial policy home we send dollars the more likely OUR ♦ they are to wander back.” Redmond Spokesman: “Buying ♦ 1. To advocate, aid and sup- port any measure« that will home products is one form of con­ servation, conserving our own re­ * bring the most good to the sources will bring a higher develop­ ♦ most people ment of community and individual.” ♦ 2. To encourage industries Hood River Glacier: “We must set ♦ to establish in Tillamook about to divert that stream which county. 3. To urge the improvement now flows onward at every election of a port for Tillamook City. time in a flood of idealistic destruc­ 4. To insist on an American tiveness toward a channel that will ♦ lead toward more friendliness for new standard of labor. ’ enterprises. ” 5. To be politically indepen ­ ♦ dent, but to support the can­ Lebanon Criterion: “Dollars at ♦ didates for public office who ! work in the home community create an unending line of faithful servants * will bring the most good to who bring development and increased ♦ the people of Tillamook county and of the State of wealth to benefit every section and [ resident.” ♦ Oregon. Hood River News: “Made in Ore- ♦ 4 ♦♦♦<•< ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ j gon should be the first consideration I with the Oregon consumer. The time STATE PAPERS COMMENT ON 1 of isolation when a farmer or coun- j try resident sent to a mail order KEEPING MONEY AT HOME ! house in the big cities for his require­ The Oregon State Editorial associ­ ments is past.” ation at its annual convention had Pine Valley Herald: “I would as an unusual feature of interest in , soon send a dollar out of town as to the form of an exhibit of 125 editor­ | give it to you to lock up and hoard ials and articles printed in Oregon away until you can move elsewhere.” papers within the past six months and spend it.” upon the topic of “Benefits to Town Arlington Bulletin: “People of Ore­ and Country of Patronizing Oregon gon have been taught by their news­ Industries and Home Town Merch­ papers to prefer Oregon Made Goods ants.” which in general have earned a repu- The symposium was the first of the rtation of being superior in quality kind ever gathered and was arranged I and to be fairly priced.” by Dan C. Freeman, manager of the Sutherlin Sun: “When representa­ Associated Industries of Oregon, who tives of foreign products offer you originated the idea and who had the 1 their wares tell them you are living co-operation of George Turnbull, of among people who patronize you and the school of journalism, University your duty is to them.” of Oregon, with Hal Hoss, president Silverton Appeal: “Housewives, be­ of the Editorial association. cause they constitute a greater part A cash prize of $100 was put up for of the buying public, should become the best editorial or article along con­ conversant with the quality of sup­ structive lines and especially with re­ erior Oregon made goods and made gard to originality, logic of appeal, j aware of the negligent part they are and practical illustrations . A large i enacting by not insisting upon these committee of judges spent consider­ ■ goods.” Port Orford Tribune: “Every dollar able time reading the articles sub­ mitted. When the decision of the 1 rung up on the cash register of a judges was referred to the editorial ' local business house is a bet that convention the prize money was voted ’ confidence reposed by the merchant to the Medford Clarion, William E. I in his townsmen's civic pride is not Phipps, editor, and the Bend Bulle­ i misplaced—every dollar spent for tin Robert W. Sawyer, editor, on a home products backs the merit of the article purchased.” fifty-fifty basis. The four leading articles upon the COOLIDGE'S ACCEPTANCE topic suggested mentioned in the offi­ SPEECH cial report were the Clarion’s “Keep the Money at Home,” the Bulletin’s “Insure Yourself,” the Ashland Tid­ Washington, D. C., August 14, 1924. ing’« “With Ashland Trade in Ash­ _ The speech of acceptance, by Calvin land Made” and the Sutherlin Sun’s “The Home Merchant and Oregon Coolidge, upon his notification that he had been chosen as the Republican Products.” nominee for president, delivered here Following are paragraphs from a tonight, is an address that all of the number of the articles in the sym­ peop'e of the nation can understand. posium: , It was the straightforward utterance Bend Bulletin: “Buying at Home of an honest man—a man who did not is a sort of Insurance of which you minimize the task before him. It re­ should take full advanatge. It safe­ flected the inborn honesty and high guards the quality of the merchandise ideals of Calivin Coolidge. The ad­ you buy since it gives you opportun- dress contained no false promses. It ■ty to test your purchases. When you was the plain straight statement of a buy Oregon Made Goods you are writ- man who believed in the principles of mg insurance for yourself. You are our government—the statement of a insuring employment and payrolls. man who believes in the American Medford Clarion: “People of Ore- people and their desire to do that ion are asleep at the Rip Van Winkle which is right. ”itch. What Pied Piper will awaken The president proposes to give the them? Money sent away, if spent peope of our land a government of with local dealers, would enable them common sense and justce. Mr. Cool- to carry more goods and sell for less, address referred to the in his .—------ forger stocks of goods mean an in- idge emergency and the present tariff law. erea?ed valuation for assessment, He showed that the financial condi­ *"» mutually reducing taxes. Pro­ tions throughout the land were any­ sperous merchants employ more help, thing but satisfactory during the year build better homes and purchase local 1920_ that five million men were out Products and commodities.” of work—that business was stagnant Ashland Tidings: "The silver dol- —that the enactment of the tariff ■r’ and paper bills that are civeyed prevented tne importation of goods business in other cities and in oth- made by cheap labor into this coun- “oni your community to the coffers states are reducing the volume of and working capital of your city F. J. PYE & SON •Ki community.” Sutherlin Sun: “The money spent *ith your home merchant enables him Fully equiped to draft P1»' T - 0 enlarge his business, improves pro- any building no matter how -mal ^rty and encourages new industry .nd nothing too large. Glad -o ^J°c«te in the city and furnish em- talk it over with you any time and spedalire hi pleasing r™ 7n»ent for many others.” The Dalles Chronicle: “Buy at T*** ‘s the motto of every progres- *** community and the catch word I every states with industrise to de­ tile your farm velop.- Morning Astorian: “The Boomerang ask the * anwho has tiled V“*1* —Astoria is buildng a new with a disaster depleted capital, tilla mook c LAÏ every Astorian make sure that WORKS ” u*ing boomerang dollars and ‘•’k will be an easy one but if TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 3 try. He pointed out that if wages that this should come through private I on insisting that these thousands of when a man like Phelps insists upon far and which has been published in had been lower by reason of the in­ resources. devoted souls knowingly enter up«i branding as prostitutes thousands of the Headlight, I am willing to prove flux of foreign goods that the agricul­ Mr. Coolidge stated that it was his a life of shame or willingly live on God’s purest women who are devoting and vindicate in any reasonable man­ tural situation wuld have been far intention when the matter of repara­ worse, showing that a larger home­ tions was settled to call another dis­ in this manner, what can any one do their lives to Christian education, to ner. Personally I believe that, nause­ consumption of agricultural products armament conference. He favors co­ but dispair of getting anywhere with the care of the sick, the aged, the in­ ating as is such a discusion, much was made possible by the wages paid operation internationally for the peace or take part in it. firm, orphans, etc., when he keeps (Continued on page 7) as a reuslt of a protective tariff. of the world but without involving When a man like Phelps vehement­ such a fellow? And when such a In regard to the matter of agricul­ the United States politically. He ly insists upon saying that “there is “man” will revile pure angelic women, ture, Mr. Coolidge stated that this stated that it was apparent that the no intention on the part of the church what wonder that he also defames *>«7 pissed more bills European governments are getting h«>P ‘he farmers than any other together and it was probable at this that they (her priests) shall live bishops, priests, popes and others, right. The more corrupt they are, most of whom are dead and cannot A beautiful floor which we recom- ■ Congress ever has in the history of time that the Dawes’ report which has the more they will defend that which answer for themselves. mead »• 13-16x2 1-4 Clear Plain* the nation, fie pointed out the help been accepted fn principle wfH be put defends them In their Corruption;* Every line that I have written thus Red Oak fo cover a IVXlt rvv that had been rendered by Intermedi­ in operation. with this grade. ate Credit Banks—the Farm Loan Calvin Coolidge, the man whom the Costs_________________ I»« Board and other agencies. He stated entire nation acknowledges to be an SPRUCE that it was extremely difficult to se­ honest, upright, fearless, courageous cure all needed legislation because American citizen, accepted the nomi-! BEVELED SIDING organizations did not agree as a nation as the Republican candidate A good grade 1-2x6, $40. 001 General Line of i i it the many reprsentatives of farmers’ for President. He accepted with an' A good cheap grade, $30.00 whole, and at this point the president acknowledgment of the responsibili­ Rowell, Brown & Co. made a suggestion that is entirely ties and obligations that it imposes Portland, Oregon new in character, namely,—he sug­ upon him, and when the cheering [ Phone or write gests the appointment of a commis­ throngs finally left Continental Hall sion to recommend legislation to con­ they carried with them the thought! H. J. Rasmussen Exclusive Tillamook County Sales gress that will help the farmer— that Calvin Coolidge will give to the MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS Agent legislation that will be a relief and people of our land a government of Rockaway, Oregon to prevent, if possible, any recurrence common sense and justice. Both ’Phones Tillamook, Ore. of depression in that industry. He stated firmly that the farmer’s dollar RELIGIOUS DEBATE should have the same purchasing Davey’s Reply power as any other dollar. Permit me through your columns ■ The president recommended a di­ to address myself to the citizens of versification in the matter of farm­ Tillamook who are readers of your! ing. He advocated cooperative mar­ valued publication. During the past keting, control of foods, better trans­ few months, there have appeared in I portaton and a reorganization of the the Headlight various articles char- j jrrfv L- . 4 j ^4 ? freight-rate structure. acterized as “Religious Debate,” In the matter of economy, Mr. some by myself, ohters by N. W. I Coolidge stated that he was not in Phelps. These articles were occasion-| favor of the rich—that he was not in ed by a speech made in Tillambok last favor of the poor, but that he wanted November by the aforesaid N. W. all citizens to be treated with abso­ Phelps, in which he attacked the citi-1 lute honesty and fairness. He pointed zenship and integrity of Catholics. I out the great reduction that had been felt it incumbent upon me to answer [ made in taxes and stated that he was this speech which I did with extreme in favor of further reductions in care to avoid inaccuracy, vagueness,, taxes—that he wanted every burden misinterpretation. The result has possible lifted from the shoulders of been a long chain of articles in which the people—he wants the hundred and I my opponent has charged Catholics I seven million citizens who are indi­ I and their church with almost every ' rect tax payers also to be benefited. crime imaginable. On my part, I did , He pointed out the remarkable reduc­ my utmost to handle the subject logi-1 tion of the public debt snce 1921. In cally, accurately, conscientiously, so' the matter of labor he stated that this that those who might read my replies 1 was a government for all the people— to Phelp’s communicatons would have that every one should be treated only the plain facts and thus be fairly without regard to his financial able of judging for themselves. condition or occupation. He stated After reading Phelp’s latest that the government was in favor of quisition, spread over four or voluntary arbitration between em­ issues of the Headlight and contain­ ployer and employee. ing many thousands of words, it The president spoke of the part seems to me that any intelligent per­ that the women of the nation are son can see the utter futlity of en­ gong to play in its affairs. He stated deavoring to follow him among the that now they are taking an active circuitous labyrinths of his illogical, interest in politics, the fireside will untruthful, Upstairs irrelevant statements be further protected—the greater in­ which he has projected into this Beals Building Tillamook, Oregon. terest will be taken by them now that cussion. they have the right of suffrage. Phelps 1. does not answer Touching upon the matter of the child arguments; 2. When he refers labor legislation he stated in emphatic them, it practically always to entirely tones that no one has the right to live mistate and misrepresent them; 3. from the earnings of children who His supposed quotations, usually fic­ should be in school. titious, rarely, if ever, show where Touching upon immigration the ' they may be found, making it im- president stated that the biil he possble to prove or disprove them; signed would result in maintaining I most of them are forgeries or distor­ the high standard of wages of all the tions on the face of them; 4. What he people in this country—both those | claims as personal experiences of who have lived here for years and the himself or others are nameless and dateless and therefore incapable of recent arrivals. In the matter of prohibition Mr. verification; 5. No matter how com­ Coolidge said that the law was on pletely he has been refuted he in­ the statute books and that it was the variably harps back to the |»me point duty of the Chief Executive of the with renewed venom; 6. He is forever running about wildly in a circle; 7. nation to enforce it. The presdent pointed out that a Most of his “matter” is entirely ir* complete agreement has been reached relevant; 8. Truth appears to be an i with Mexico and that none has been absolutely unknown quantity in hia In extending a whole-hearted welcome to the Oregon Elks on the in force for forty years or more. The equation; hence without a moderator . treaty is one of amity and one that or director of some kind tox(l) tie occasion of their convention in Tillamook, the First National will benefit both nations in the mat- him down to some tangible and defi­ Bank wishes to add that : ter of commette, Th President point- nite topics, (2) to make him first prove the authenticity of his supposed vv_ out __ ____ __ United States de­ ed that the sires to be at peace with all nations quotations and in some way to check of the world. He stated that America up his “evidence,” a discusson of this ank service, to be thoroughly satisfactory, must lie complete in should be willing to loan money to kind is both a waste of time and an help Europe get on her feet— that it: unfavorable commentary upon the was our duty to humanity. He stated I intelligence of those who permit it every detail and backed by strength. OAK FLOORING A. W. Plank Hardware Co. Hardware,Paints, Oils, Varnishes and glass CORRECTLY FITTED EYE GLASSES Have your eyes examined and glasses made by a vision specialist whose entire time is devoted to this work. Drop into our office and talk it over with the spec- cialist in charge Another Meaning for B. P. O. E B P atrons must be able to find in this service the ability and desire to meet their every need. 0 The Young Business Man nly through rendering such service can a bank expect to grow and prosper. xperience of many years, and dose adherence to banking laws and principles has enabled the First National bank to provide service which measures up to this standard in every respect. While your business is in the making is the time to get in close contact with your banker. Talk with him frankly about your problems and your ambitions. E The confidential relationship between the Tilla­ mook County Bank and our patrons has made their banking connection with us more enjoy­ able and more profitable. We should like to number you among our friends. 77; FIRST NATIONAL T illamook C ounty R xnk T illamook . O regon OF TILLAMOOK Member Federal Reserve System We Invite All Visiting Elks To Make This Their Business Head­ quarters While In Tillamook.