8 FRIDAY, AUGUST TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Pendleton and through arrangement I i Mrs. John Bozarth of Bay City was and that such abundance cannot be with the Round-Up will film a motion in the city Wednesday afternoon. , insisting on high wages in respect of picture play, using the show as a lo­ W R. Hyatt of San Francisco and taimiTii r\r mirniOA an utterly insufficient output. He cale, during the three days exhibition, NABBED FOR BUHi his brother Jim Hyatt of Newberg, recognizes that capital and the labor-j September 18, 19 and 20. A. Bloom, local furniture dealer, former resident of Rupert, Idaho. saving machine are his friends, not’ Twenty members of the republican Gibson, who is a Universal star, returned Monday August 4th from a spent dinner wdth Paul Disney, also a his enemies. Hence the American state executive committee, 10 being brings with him to Pendleton 40 mem­ ten days business and pleasure trip former rseident of Rupert, Idaho. (From When Ed Stark, custodian of the London Daily Mail, worker can affard a motor-car and women, were named today by I. L. bers of his company, and Gibson and at Portland, Salem and McMinnville. After dinner they went deep sea fish­ , other things which in this paradise Patterson, chairman of the central erty at the Tillamook county cw June 23, 1924) supporting cast are to appear in ing. house, was given his vacation ree> Howard Drew and family of Pend­ Agitators demanding vast public of trade unionism, of Socialism, and committee, as follows: Round-Up events. While the picture i Paul Disney and wife motored to of ca ’ canny are the privilege of th* ly he decided to enjoy a few t I E. T. Judd, Astoria; Thomas H. expenditure on their pet projects fre ­ leton is visiting friends and relatives Portland Thursday, Mrs. Disney’s sis- will star Gibson, it will be distinctly rich and of the well-to-do. ¡Tongue Jr., Hillsboro; Thomas R. a Round-Up picture and will be re­ visiting his daughter, Mrs. Lom, in Tillamook for a few days. Mr. 1 ter Thelma Stone and brother Kent quently tell us that England is “roll­ I Hamer, Portland; W. B. Johnson, Cor- leased as such. The picture company son at Montesano, Washington, ing in wealth, ” that it is “ the richest Drew is in the insurance work at Stone accompanied them. They will country in the world.” That was, per­ ROCKAWAY TO STAGE BATHING I vallis; J. W. Hobbs, Eugene; E. E. will remain in Pendleton until after the hope of surprising th* present having spent several years in return same day. Montesano no word was sent of t haps, true decades ago, but matters I Blanchard, Grants Pass; S. Sumpter the c Round-Up. BEAUTY CONTEST schools of eastern Oregon as superin­ lvuunu- JZ. J .. You can leave your kodak films at ----- ■— Consequently Gibson and his company will appear J Consequent! he i Smith, Medford; M. A. Lynch, Red- tendent. His father is C. N. Drew, the Eldee for finishing. Fresh films are very different now. England is the various Round-Up events poor, very poor, if compared with the pioneer of this county. ’---- d driv*nud various Round-Up _____ __ and __ ,f^e u aturd®y, being A bathing beauty contest will be *mond; J. F. McNaught, Pendleton; in the for sale.—Adv. farm by a neighbor of th* Niel^g United States. The United States are A. E. Crosby, The Dalles; Mrs. F. 0. Hoot will demonstrate his prowess on Dr. Shearer reports the birth of a staged at Rockaway on Sunday, Aug­ Don Newman, nephew of Georg* Mr. Stark found no one at home. ' fabulously wealthy. Although they 'Northrup, Portland; Mrs. C. E. Run­ Kiger, is visitng here for a few days. boy to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Higgins, possess only about one-twentieth of ust 1'7. Prizes amounting to $75 dol­ yon, Portland; Mrs. Lee Davenport, the track and in the arena. Because fact they were at the beach canpj he is a former Pendleton cowboy, lars will be ^given to the successful Mr. Newman is a pharmacist of Esta­ at the Tillamook general hospital on the population of the world, they until the following Monday. The fc August 3. contestants. Winner of first prize Portland; Mrs. W. M. Cake, Portland; Hoot is no stranger in the Round-Up cada. was locked, so he found a ladder a have half the world’s wealth and have Mrs. F. B. Southwick, Salem; Miss will receive $35, second $20, third $10, city and his welcome was an enthusi ­ Miss MacEldowney of Forest Grove Mrs. L. H. Smith visited her daugh­ and Miss Mary Vogt of Garibaldi, had I more than half the world’s gold, dia­ . fourth $5, fifth $5. The prizes will Leila Motchell, Albany; Mrs. D. Per­ astic one, local people deeming it par­ used it to climb to the second ata ter, Mrs. A. W. Irvine, in Tillamook tonsils removed by Dr. Shearer monds, pearls, and precious stones of be awarded according to the amount Marshfield; Mrs. George H. Catten ticularly appropriate that the first window, through which he gained * every kind. I ozzi, Ashland; Mrs. John C. Kendall, Round-Up motion picture play should mittance to the house. In due tir last week. Thursday. of applause. The true wealth of a nation can ach, Canyon City, and Mrs. Fred J. have for its star the winner of the the hired man came to attend to | At the Kiwanis Wednesday noon Another feature of the celebration E. G. Anderson of the Satisfaction best be measured by the condition of evening chores and finding the gJ Tooze, Oregon City. first cowboy championship at the Pen­ grocery has recently added to his fa­ the delegates to the district conven­ the masses. The prosperity of the will be a shoXver of envelopes from window with the ladder under it, J I. L. Patterson, state chairman; dleton show. tion at Walla Walla, Washington, an airplane. These envelopes will cilities for satisfying the public a new American workers is almost unbe­ mediately gave the alarm of buiri Ralph E. Williams, national commit ­ August 25 and 26, were elected. Those contain orders for merchadnise, air­ delivery car. lievable. More or less unskilled men, to the neighborhood and excitenJ chosen were: Eugene Crosby, R. B. plane rides, deep sea fishing trips, teeman, and Mrs. Edmond C. Giltner, A HEAVY OVERHEAD such as carters, milkmen, builders' was rife in that vicinity for sri national committeewoman, are mem ­ J. W. C. Brown of the public school | Miller and H. T. Botts, district trus­ dance tickets and many other articles laborers, etc., earn 45s per day. time until the gentleman who J system of Citronelle, Alabama, was a tees. Arne Rae, Newton Anderson Vast numbers of skilled workers earn and amusements. There wall be pony bers of the committee ex office. The department of agriculture brought Mr. Stark to the housed races and airplane stunts. O. A. Tillamook visitor last Monday. Since and A. F. Coats were chosen as alter­ $1,000 and more per year. states that one distributor, or middle able to satisfactorily explain the d j CRASH DERAILS BUS AND DAM ­ Klees and H. J. Duncan have charge the closing of his school for the sum­ nates. This district comprises the The assertion that America’s man, is supported by every one and uation. AGES AUTO mer vacation he has been working clubs of Oregon, Washington and wealth belongs to the few, that the I of the entertainment. three-fourths farms in the United The Tillamook Elks will stage an- towards his master’s degree at the I British Columbia. Mr. Rae won the The bus of the Willamine, Grand high cost of living counterbalances the States, and it is also stated that there THE SUMMER’S FIRSTS BEA attendance prize donated by Botts | other benefit dance Frday night. • Ronde railroad, popularly known as University of California summer ses­ high wages prevailing, is incorrect. is one traveling salesman to every sion. He is returning to Alabama, and Winslow. Several clippings were The white population of the Republic Merchants of the thriving resort will 11 the “Galloping goose,” that plies in STORY forty families, and that at an average I Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Q, read from papers that were repre ­ decorate their places of business for ' I passenger service between Willamina I where he has arranged to conduct the is a little more than twice as large the Elks convention that is to be held I ' and New Grand Ronde, was derailed expense of $12 per day for salaries King and Mr. and Mrs. Everett C* school another year, after which he sented at the editorial convention. as that of this country. However, the in Tillamook next week. The busi­ • | and a touring car, containing five per- and expenses that it costs six million dit went up the Wilson river W* hopes to locate in the northwest, pre­ I United States have not merely twice ness men of the town have purchased II sons, driven by Newton Anderson of dollars per day to support the 500,- and returned in the evenng q ferably in Tillamook county. the number of telephones and motor­ a chemical wagon for the purpose of '¡Tillamook, was badly damaged in a 000 salesmen. And this six million three bear hides. They drove spi cars that there are in this country but Mrs. L. E. Partridge, who was rath- j dollars is added to the price the con­ far as the Reeher ranch 25 milei < fire protection. crash of the two on the crossing at (Continued from page 1) have fifteen times as many, To ev- er severly injured during the progress sumer pays, after the product has the river, and during their hike al* Cosper station at 11:30 o’clock Sun- of the fire in the Beals building on men’s auxiliary of the American le- ery three families htere are two tele­ left the producers’ hands. the river bank in search of their fi MUSCLE SHOAI.S AND WATER !iday morning, July 27. July 4th, is now able to be up with : gion have been reserved in the main phones and two motor-cars, Millions orite fishing ground they were ata Minor injuries were sustained by ! exhibit building. Conover and Con- POWER CONTROL of unskilled workers have not only the aid of crutches. I occupants of the auto from broken BEACHES NEAR NEW YORK I to enter a berry patch along d ' over, E. G. Anderson, Page Furniture roomy houses which belong to them HAVE NEW GAME glass. There were no passengers in A conference of state and city company, Tillamook county bank, G. but have a telephone, a motor-car, stream when they were emphatical Congress still has before it pro- health officers was opened Wednesday J A. Reeher and Mrs. Theodore Gerdes and other luxuries of which English the bus. Anderson was driving from halted by a large female black fa posals for leasing the extensive pow­ Tillamook, and the bus was making The latest beach game is sort of a Arguments and gestures proved i In Portland and will close today, at ' have reserved space for their exhibits working men scarcely dream. and nitrate plants at Muscle I er the city library. • in the main building. Before the war England’s savings Shoals. Many years of careful study the trip from Willamina to Grand feminine version of “Beaver.” One tile, so Clent drew an unerring, h | Ronde. J. W. Lynch, operator of the counts the long-haired ladies along bead with his trusty rifle and brougi Farm displays from the Pleasant came to about L400,000,00 per year. Miss Fay Boyer of Portland is and investigation were given to the bus, saw the auto slow down as it Valley and the Nestucca Valley Although the American people are the beach and the person finding 10 down the hoary animal with the in preparation of the Federal Water spending her vacation with Betty Neff granges and the Cloverdale community, terribly extravagant, their savings approached the crossing, he said, and such oddities first wins the “ice pa­ shot Before they had fully recow Power Act of 1920. This act pro­ of the Hotel Netherland. club will have displays on exhibition. are estimated to come to L2,700,000,- thinking it was going to stop he did jamas.” All heads are bobbed. All ed from the shock of the rifle'* n vides a well-thought-out method for This is the first time in five years Mrs. Jason Bennett of Buhl, Idaho, 000 per year. Last year the Ameri­ the development of water powers by not bring the bus to a standstill. An­ heads are permanent waved. There’s port they were accosted by two am has been in the city a week visiting that the Cloverdale community club can* spent on motor-cars and trucks private industry for the benefit of the derson said he was unable to stop his only one though in the feminine bears, evidently the cubs of the d I— :_ j mi ---- ------- -t.-------- with her daughter Mrs. R. M. Neff. has been represented at the fair. female that had just taken the con alone $750,000,000. If we add the general public, under government car and was on the track when he!mind—“long may she wave!” Live-stock exhibit spaces have been expenditure on garages, etc., the mo­ finally was able to get it under con­ • The first glance at the bathers The men spent some time in ittoq She returned home Tuesday, Mr. and control and regulation. trol. There is a fairly sharp incline brings blushes to one’s cheeks. Slen­ to subdue the cubs by words ta Mrs. Neff accompanying her as far reserved by George Kiger, and F. R. tor-car expenditure last year exceed­ Muscle Shoals is no larger than Beals for Holstein cattle. Homer ed $1,000,000,000. on the highway at this crossing. as Portland. derness seems not to be a requisite coaxing and harsh, by threats ■ many other hydro-electric power pro­ Mason, Ira Lance, Phillip Buslach and Derailing of the bus was caused for the form fitting suits. There are beatings, but the cub* refined to I It ia frequently stated that the' jects existing on government reserves Two boat loads of people from Bay­ Fred Wheeler, Guernsey breeders, United States owe their vast wealth by the bending under of the pilot. The women of dreadnaught size, parading captured alive so they were rail ocean made a visit to Tillamook last Lester Daniels and R. W. Henry of to the possession of their great na­ which will be leased to and operated rear wheels of the auto were torn off in bay blue swimming suits which the happy berry patch along to by private industry under the term* Tuesday. Captain Spencer was ia Cloverdale, Jersey breeders, have re­ tural resources, to the possession of and the car swung onto the side of fit like the paper on the wall. There their mother. Th* hide* of theta charge of on* boat and Captan Haw­ served space*. Mr. Henry ha* been a fruitful agricultural plain, exten­ of the Federal Water Power Act. Is the track, but after a few repairs it aTe gazelle-like persons with bare, animals were removed and th* pd kinson was in charge of th* other. in the community only during the sive forests, rich mines, etc. That there any good reason or is there any was able to run under it* own power. scrawny limbs, showing scratches now boasts of their achievuneat« lawful way for disregarding thia en­ Mr. Anderson was painfully bruised from recent razoring. Real Venuses produce the three fresh i H n i Mrs. L. V. Dickinson and son Billie past year but will exhibit at least explanation is fallacious. Every *tu-' tire act in the disposal of the Muscle four head. dent of American economics i* aware Shoals properties? The public ia in­ about the face, and the other occu­ ■ are none too plentiful, it would seem. proof. of Portland are at Bayocean for va­ Th* Guernsey people will meet to- that the bulk of America's vast in­ pants were slightly injured. All have cation and were shopping in Tilla- day at Homer Mason’s to ar range come is furnished, not by the farms, terested in knowing just why the practically recovered. mook Tuesday. I The pineapple crop in the Hawai­ Salem—T. B. Kay, woolen mi# q usual method of procedure i* not fol ­ plans for the exhibition of their mines, and forests, but by the fac­ i ian Islands is worth about $20,000,- erator, make* definite atmoeMM lowed in the leasing of Muscle Shoals. Mrs. Reifer of Portland has sold stock and to plan for co-operation with tories and workshops. Hoot Gibson, the Pendleton Round- 000 a year. that he with some other intona the White School of Beauty Culture, the fair board in having a good rep­ Up’s first all-round cowboy champion Th* United States ar* foremost ia : ,__ i A scientist has made artificial parties, has furnished the fundi ii LA FOLLETTE FORCES OF STATE and will locate n Tillamook with Nel­ resentation of their club. Mr. Mason the world, not only by the produc­ by virtu* of his skill in th* events at I wood with a mixture of sawdust, taking of an option on meehintryli TO ORGANIZE son’s Hair Bobbing and Beauty Shop. expects to exhibit some of his stock tivity of their wheatfields, cotton­ the first show of 1912, has returned to I chalk and chemicals. I a linen mill in Salem. at several fairs throughout the north­ fields, forests, coal-mines, iron-mines, The Ladies Foreign Missionary so­ Call has been made by the LaFol­ west immediately following the Tilla­ etc., but also by the output of their ciety will meet at the home of Mr*. mook county fair. lette state campaign committee for a manufacturinc Industrie*. x K. I. Franklin with Mrs. Goyne a* state meeting of the LaFollette forces A general survey of the county, With existing arrangements this to be held on Friday evening, August leader, August 14. All are requested according to Mr. Pine indicates that country can produce 12,000,000 tons to bring Christmas packages for our the people are very enthusiastic over of steel per year. That figure has 15. The meeting will be held in the Bible women in India and students in auditorium of the Portland Labor the fair, but the fact that the farm never been reached. The United China. produce exhibits are not being pre­ States can produce at least 55,000,000 Temple, Fourth and Jefferson streets, At that time county chairmen and M. W. Harrison, at one time promi­ pared as rapidly as they should leads tons of steel per year. They produce nent dairyman and banker of Tilla­ the board to emphatically urge that far more than half of the world’s as many other LaFollette supporters _ be _ able ___ mook, but now residing in Portland is displays of this sort will be sent in steel and the products made of steel. throughout the state as may in Tillamook on a business trip. Mr. from places wherever they are at all Among other things they produce to attend, will gather to formally launch the campaign. It is the aim of Harrison first came to Tillamook available. about 90 percent of the world’s mo­ Sports and athletics are being ar­ tor-cars, both in their own country the LaFollette forces to assume an about 45 years ago. agressive attitude in placing the ranged for by competent committees. Baseball ¿Sunday, for county cham­ William Williams, newly appointed and in branch establishments abroad. issues before the voters. This is in In the city of New York alone vast ­ pionship, Wheeler versus Tillamook. member of the board, is busily en­ conformity with the polices of the na­ ly more building takes place than in Fair grounds. Admission 25c. gaged securing race horses for the the whole of the United Kingdom. J tional committee. See the new wool shirts made from the famous Oregon flan­ The fast Wheeler baseball team will event. The cost of obtaining the ser­ The textile industries of the Repub-1 nels. The patterns are new and exclusive and the price is in line An oil landscape and three water vices of a party of Umatilla Indians play the Tillamook club at the Fair lie consume considerably more cotton color sketches, the work of Turner, with our cash method of merchandising. grounds, next Sunday at 2 p. m. The . is being looked into, and if this cost than the whole of this country. In the famous English painter of the is not prohibitive they will be en ­ Get yours while the selection is to be had. local team has been re-organized. the production of goods made from «ummaMiiiiiim'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiininniiuiiii* 1"............................... gaged to put on interesting programs copper, brass, rubber, wood, leather, Victorian age, have been stolen from the Chicago Beach hotel apartments Charles Franklin of Pe Eli. Wash­ with their horses and races. These etc., America’s superiority is over­ of C. H. Lord, a coal and iron mine ington, is visiting in Tillamook. He people drew a large crowd at the whelming. In view of these facts owner. was in the jewelry business here for Multnomah county fair last week. Cobden’s prophecy, “England is, and Lord returned from a long vacation several years, and is now conducting. Copies of the fair book are out and always will remain, the workshop of I New Fall Hats are now ready for your Sunday and discovered the loss. Be­ a thriving business in the Washington may be had at the county agricultur- the world,” is ridiculous. fore going away his art treasures had city. Iist’" office in the court house. There choosing. If its a Hardeman, it’s a good hat. Why are the Americans foremost been wrapped in newspapers and hid­ 1 will probably be a larger calf ex- ! in the world, not only in the output den in a closet. J. B. Stem, well known in Tilla­ 1 hibit The new Velours are being shown in Nug­ than ever before. It is hoped of food and raw products but also in mook, was in the city a few days this There are very few Turners in that the needle work and culinary ______, that of manufactured goods? The get, Coffee, Radium, Mica, Swiss, etc week representing his company, th* exhibits will be as good as last year, reason is obvious to all who are ac­ America, and those stolen from Lord Clyde Logging Machinery firm of I are valued at more than $60,000. for, according to outsiders, last year’s quainted with economic conditions on many different shapes and styles. Portland. exhibits were the best that were on both sides of the Atlantic. Astoria—$25.000 table factory to E. G. Buzby arrived recently from i display last season, even better than England, which used to be th* go in on land leased from Port com­ Lomita, Cal. and with his family is | the state fair exhibits. stronghold of individualism and of mission. stopping at the home of his father, efficiency, has become a stronghold .. ......................... . Harry Buzby. He expects to locate of Socialism. Owing to Socialist in­ here. fluence ca’ canny has become univer­ 12 Mummy Silk Pongee C. G. Boggie, sal. The suicidal policy of restrict­ New advance" "fall" "styles (Continued from page I) A. Lagler G. A. Martin and family are in Sa­ 79c "9c the yard lem and other valley towns this week 1 since been heard of the request. The ing output has led to hostility to lab­ We are still offering the I Lebanon. Ore. in shoes are arriving. They Nehalem, Or*. on a trip extending from Tuesday till next possibilities are for the govern­ or-saving machinery. The result is best quality 33 inch purei that the average American produce* ment solons to get interested in the Saturday are different and popular silk Pongee at 79c the yard. I matter during the December meet­ as much as three English workers. Max Ganguin of Multnomah station ing of the United States legislature. priced. Goods produced must be consumed. was a business visitor in the county Within the past year the Whitney , They are consumed and enjoyed seat last Friday. ! company has demonstrated several I ch’vFly by the working masses. Pro­ Mr*. Clarence Gilson received a times that it is quite possible to|'idctl"n k*'"* ,hrev tln’es •• Kreat in Unit"’1 States as over here, work- Willamette Valley Dealers in visit last week from her father, Chas, i bring fairly good-sized vessels in and, ‘ out «rar the Tillamook bar, by way)*” refene not merely three time* as A. Mitchell, of McMinnville. Hay, Grain, Straw and f calling a* tention to what they could i n,ucb money but receive three times 41) If if the t has channel we e A. J .1 . “ R* muvh foal a___ » of fit for the in ¿ *U_ h* forTn Roy Malo and family spent several do all Kinds of Mill Feed days last week visiting the beaches. .... age of larger ship* ***** whirh the7 can bu*- Mr. Malo is proprietor of a variety S t intent general!) n the county American worker, are infinitely x. v much in favor of a bar im-' b*,ter fed’ do,h<,<1 and hou’ed than <1an Office* at p.o .ment, though efforts to finance Ith* *”^ers. Dr W G. McGee of Nehalem was in ■the ' work locally have met with dis- The American worker recognize, I ebanon. Ore. Nehalem, Or*. town Wednesday attending to buri­ agre< ement and failure. It ia quite ,ha’ PW»P«<»y consist, in an abund- nes» probable that the government wili »nce 0* useful good and nothing el.e. put through the needed improvement. BRIEF PERSONAL NEWS WtALI H Ur AMtKIUA FAIR local I acation S? TEN SALEM WOMEN ON G.O.P. COMMITTEE ENGLISHMEN EXPLAIN RESERVATIONS! 1 THE FIRE SALE is over and new fall merchandise takes its place New advance fall things can be had herefor less. NEW FALL HATS I $5 to $7 BOGGIE & LAGLER It Pays to Pay Cash LARSON & HECHTNER The all around dependable store of Tillamook.