ill announce the price on Pyrotol that has the necessary machiner» but due to the fact that is necessary ready installed to handle this claa.**’ struction. It advocates a regular test burners and 32 to logging and loco- to provide materials other than ex­ work. Production will be started*. * of chimneys and urges architects to motives. cess war materials and due to the mediately and, it ig declared m write into specifications as a require­ Washington losses have somewhat higher cost of preparation, Pyrotol, continue for about five years ’k 7® ment that the contractor who builds exceeded those in Oregon, Idaho has fili ed ’ ei°r« it is declared, will be sold at a high- the entire contract is fiu the chimney should make a smoke test had great expense and difficulty, but last Pyrotol is in the hands of J* ci figure than Sodatol but much less before hjs scaffolding -is taken down. so far no disastrous fires. Montana tne Fines amounting to $77,607.49, and than the cost of commercial explo­ consumers. One of the most orignal ways of The present practice it says, of ex­ total of 12,188 days in jail were ob- Simultaneous bulletins from fire­ has fared best of the western states. pecting the heating engineer to make sives. curing the habitual drunkard is that fighting headquarters throughout five State highway commisson a«,, .a The du Pont concern is declared to CAMPAIGN MONEY EXPECTED practiced in the “inebriates’ homes” of the test is faulty since he usually tained by the state prohibition com­ mission between January 1 and July have been the lowest bidder for this $24,615 contract for bridge over m States, received last Saturday by the TO BE RECORD AMOUNT “ Norway. And, according to report, it comes on the job after the scaffolding Western Forestry and Conservation , has been removed. Under such con- 1, according to the semi-annual re­ government contract, largely owing to inois river on Redwood highway], is one of the most effectual. ’ ® association, report the Pacific Coast t jj e | ditions, the smoke test is often omit- port of G. L. Cleaver, prohibition the fact that it is the only company Josephine county. When brought to the “home” Plans being made for the president­ entering what is usually the worst commissioner, which has — been — filed ■ wimvm := | ter or not thoroughly made. “case” is allowed nothing but wine to fire month of the year with odds still ial campaign this year contemplate — with the governor’s office. In addi-|^^^^^^ drink. Not only this, but all food . ___ 11__ about even in the battle between the j probably the largest expenditure of tion. 8854 I gallons of lizxlirx»* liauor wpro we~ • The low birth rate of France re- suDplied to inmates is flavored with I money in the history of politics. The DroteeC'-r fcrcnx and the thousands ftioblem The' .eized and deat«u»»«l D»sbur»eA*fc-<* niaioJ aa «a unsolved piobleui . j inaiaS iff money tn pre-election flgnrs or dipped Li. Jrhose earlessness in a season of ex­ i births for 39,000,000 people in 1923¡during this period were $15,451.37, For a day or two there are " “ no treme hazard is continuing to jeopar- | no longer carries with it the taint of $7,421.63 wages were only 761,861, against 759,846 of * which • ■••>< co were for r — <■> “<’" ¿ze industry, resources "and human eorruPtion‘ Le«itimate expenses have complaints.” But gradually the wine for 1922. Because of the lowest death and expenses; $5,040 for salaries and and wine-flavored food begin to pall, life. The acuteness of the situation >rown *reater and greater aa the rate ever recorded in France the ex- $1,126.76 for legal expenses. Inci­ in all these states is varying daily 1 years have gone by, and the high cost until presently even the most thor­ Gifts and Prizes for All Occasions I cess of births over deaths last year dentals connected with the operation ough-going drunkard begins to won ­ With local weather conditions. In[of livin« has hit the hu8tin«8 “ wel1 of the commission made up the bal ­ was 94,871. Various theories have der what virtues the grape can poss­ Tiny Things for Little Tots one region, then another, are alarm-!as *be ^ome- been advanced, but the underlying ance of the amount. The commission lug outbreaks which seldom remain' Senator Borah of Idaho, chairman ibly possess. So quickly does the Useful Articles for Baby I cause for the low birth rate of France received $12,561.21 from the state long out of control. But there is'of the 8Pecial senate which treatment work, indeed, it is claimed has never been satisfactorily ex­ treasurer prohibition fund and $2890.- even the worst cases can be cured. Anything in Fancy Work—Hemstitching growing danger that control will be'll,to report campaign expenditures, 16 from the state treasurer narcotics plained. lost, resulting in appalling conflagra-1expects to have a busy time of “ be’ fund. litical chiefs and make their expendi­ tions, unless there is rain or some' tween now and early November, for tures useless. There were 372 arrests made dur­ WHAT THE TABLES SHOW way found to stop the starting of a11 of the committee8 hav« ing the period covered by the report quarters that John W. Davis is lean- The proceeds from the state income man-caused fires. 'emulate the example of Chairman 24 stills seized and destroyed and 13 Word has reached Democratic head tax do not apply towards a reduction . . . I Butler of the Republicans and give; Most regions, except along the j- ----- - Mr. - Borah detailed reports from time|in» more and more toward a radio of county and local taxes. These automobiles confiscated. Various receipts enables the de­ ocean, have unprecedented dryness so ♦ to time as „„ the campaign progresses. > campaign determined ana and wvicu levied vy by 1 ° rather than to take the two taxes are uevermineu partment to show $2465.28 in a state­ the forests are almost explosive. | big swings around the circle which people themselves or their most Announcement that the Independent Fires from logging operations are ! Progressives, headed by Senator La were suggested to him. Mr. Davis intimate and direct representatives ment of cash on hand in the special fewer because many camps are closed | Follette and Senator Wheeler are go- feels he can reach the 1923-1924 tax year the ......... more people by Ye ret t during tne rne fund account, as is shown by books and others have become watchful, but * ing to attempt to raise a campaign radio than he can by train. His man- average increase in taxes for general kept by the department, smokers, vacationists, settlers, berry­ • : fund of at least $3,000,000 gives some agers, however, are desirous that he county and local purposes in Oregon ' pickers and incendiaries are respons­ i inkling of what the aggregate ex­ should meet the people face to face, [counties was 6.02 per cent. In Mult-1 Closing of a contract with the Un- ible for fires that are taxing to the penditures of the campaign may be. so far as possible. They are anxious nomah county the 6.35 per cent de-' >ted States government for the pre- Utmost the largest and most expen­ This is far more than the Democrats to sell his personality and while a crease jn 1923-1924 taxes exceeded paring and packing of approximately Tillamook Portland sive protective organization that gov­ were able to obtain in 1920. ( average increase for other coun- 39,000,000 pounds of explosives at The certain amount of personality will ex- the ernment, states and forest owners Democrats press itself through the microphone, tj es | the Puget Sound plant of E. I. du 209 1-2 Second Ave. E. 49 No. Front St. practically starved t o have ever employed. Absence of pro­ death that Taxes raised for strictly _ county ___ Pont has been announced. In terms year, while the Republi- it is not to be compared to personal tracted winds or extreme sudden contact. . ! purposes increased in greater degree °f present prices for commercial ex- cans reveled in plenty. drops of humidity is aiding in con­ Already it has been arranged that I than did the combined county and lo- 1 plosives this would be valued at ap- This year the Democrats are hope­ trolling these outbreaks. So far tim­ al _____ esident Coolidge shall do some of | C cal levies. _ In ______ counties ______ outside of proximately $5,850,000. The entire ful that things will be different. They President ber losses for the coast as a whole1 may easily raise a campaign fund of | his political campaigning over the , Multnomah the increase in 1924 over contract with the government entered have not been above normal, nor, _ I 1923 averaged 14.62 per cent, in some into by the du Pont concern calls for $5,000,000. The Republicans may rad*°- probably, have losses of logs and ■ The presidential broadcasting, how- cases exceeding a 100 per cent in- 100,000,000 pounds and the Puget raise even more, so there is reason to equipment, The great amount of fire I Sound plant will take care of 39 per believe that in the national political ever, is not likely to cost the Repub- I crease. has been largely on open lands. But County expenditures for roads and cent of this amount. strong box there will be gathered ap­ lican national committee very heavily, to general community property is al­ The explosive is a new type called proximately $15,000,000 for election­ for Mr. Coolidge will speak most of road bonds for 1924 show the least ready far above normal, as is also the time in connection with some pub- j increase over similar 1923 expendi- pyrotol developed by the United eering purposes. the damage to reforesting areas and Radio, an entirely new expense in lic event which would warrant the i tures. The average increase is only States Bureau of Mines and is adapt­ the tremendous expenditure being in­ Fourteen of the ed for land clearing and similar work. national campaigns, will get the lion’s broadcasting stations in carrying the 2>46 per cent curred for patrol and fire-fighting. speech regardless of the campaign, thirty-six counties of Oregon regis- Pyrotol will be made from war ma­ share of the expenditure, according to * Ways of emphasizing and reduc­ present plans. The broadcasting com­ Such an event was that of Friday tered a decrease in their 124 county terials remaining in the government’s ing the almost unexplainable crimin­ i panies are going to reap a real har­ night when Mr. Coolidge spoke by, road and road bond levies. Does this hands and turned over to the depart­ HOLLOW CAMSHAFT. The Hollow al carelessness with fire at such a vest and get back some of the heavy radio to a company of boy scouts portend a growing dominance of the ment of agriculture for preparation, time are engaging the attention of sums they have spent in developing gathered at a dinner in New York 3tate Highway Commission over the eartridging, packing and selling to Camshaft was not chosen for its authorities everywhere. Although this newest art of communication. prior to sailing for Europe in July, development of roads in Oregon due farmers and others throughout the cheapness, but for its efficiency—a the subject has received much pub­ Thus far there has been no attempt When the president announced he pOSSjbly in part of the unexpected in- country at a low cost. small engine is usually worked hard­ licity and public opinion is generally to standardize the political charges would speak to the boys there was a|cl.eases in automobile license and gas The West Coast States and Alaska er. The forcing of oil to the cam­ catch in his voice which told more, j tax revenues ’ — Oregon Voter. aroused, the existence of thousands for broadcasting other than a pre­ will be supplied from the Puget _______ shaft and through the drilled crank­ of man-caused fires is being taken as liminary statement by the American far more, than the black silk band on Sound plant. Pyrotol will be packed [ . School children at the big logging in a 1 1-4 by 8 inch cartridges in evidence that a minority cannot be Telephone & Telegraph company that his left arm. shaft, to bearings, gives this neces­ Both of the older parties are going, camps near Bend expect rapid cases containing fifty pounds or ap- reached by ordinary methods and it it expected to get $10 a minute and sary lubrication. may become necessary to stop use of to limit speeches to 10 minutes’ dur-*to try ma'te their ^campaign funds j changes and think nothing of seeing1 proxmately 158 cartridges to the case, as popular as possible, but neither | their school house, containing desks, I The government announces that this the forests if they cannot be used ation. without destruction. Many of the This time limit is proposed, not side will limit the amount that an books, stove and everthing but the | will be the last of this kind of gov- We have 26 other reasons why the government areas are already closed alone for the benefit of the listeners- individual may give. Will Hays at­ teacher and themselves, hoisted twen-1 ernmental distribution of commercial to visitors and in some states there in, but for the politicians as well. tempted to do that in 1920 and piled ty feet into Ihe air by a huge crane explosives, Star should be a part of your family. is serious consideration of invoking The broadcasting agencies know their up a deficit of something like $2,000,- and settled on a railway flat-car, to [ The same procedure will be follow- trespass laws and of stopping hunting invisible audiences. They know they 000 before the ballots were cast. be moved with the rest of the camp' ed as to shipping and selling as was “Wall street” may contribute heav- to fresh timber, according to Miss used in disposing of Sodatol, another and fishing, that is, unless rain soon will not listen patiently to any per­ intervenes. Detected violators of son for much more than 10 minutes. liy to both Democratic and Republi­ Althea Stoneman, Bend school nurse, ¡explosive made from war materials the fire laws are receiving short In all political audiences there is a can chests, but Mr. La Follette and who is taking courses in the Portland i and which was distributed to consum- shrift. In many instances highway 1 large percentage of persons who walk his followers will have to go else­ summer session of the University of | ers through the country agents. This travelers have been stopped and im­ lout on the candidate soon after he be- where. Oregon. Moves are made op Satur­ | explosive, it is declared, has now all pressed to fight fire. days or Sundays so that students ■ been disposed of. | gins to talk. How much easier it' It is expected the government soon California is the heaviest sufferer I would be for the radio listeners to I “KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURN­ need miss no working days. of the season. Without figures for turn the knob and cut short the best I ING WITHOUT BURNING THE HOME” the last week in July that are accurate of the orators. The radio people be- enough to include, the estimate for all 1 lieve they can give the politicians classes of land burned over is 237,000 the best value by limiting them sharp­ ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning acres, with a damage of $1,750,000. ly in the amount of time they can Without Burning the Home” is one In Oregon, outside of the national I consume on the air. of the bottom-of-the-page slogans. forests, only 18 million feet of tim­ Furthermore, it is feared that too which appears on the bulletin “Chim­ ber and logs are reported lost, but much politics would drive the listen- neys, Flues and Fireplaces,” just pub­ UiSfE L. IA$KV equipment damage* will reach $75,000 * ers from the head phones and the lished by the National Lumber Manu­ and damage to settlers fully $25,000 I 1 loud speakers. Radio audiences crave facturers association. Check on the cause of over 5500 fires variety and will seek for it all around The bulletin is issued by this as- shows 99 to have been incendiary, 163*the dial. A too liberal mixture of po-I sociation to assist in the effort to re- due to smokers, campers, berry-pick- litical addresses in the program 1 duce fire losses resulting from struc- ers and the like, 41 to careless brush would defeat the purpose of the po-i tural defects in dwelling house con- LIQUOR SICKNESS CURES IMBIBERS COAST FIRE HAZARD NOW WORST OF YEAR t * M DENA-HANSEN GIFT-SHOP wila Across from Tillamook Hotel MATHER’S TRUCK SERVICE STAR The 27 Feature Car Martiny-Crotzer Motor Coming Events in the Lives of Little Men r W / ARENT WE STIMMI Nd [ You DIPMT MAÍ^EW WRttT TH' UVIN6 TtiE PERFUME FOR YOUR lOWEL H SOAP TVP! PATH, , L pi PV í XJ.J nn Thrill and Astonish You Æ paramount picture CORRAL! CORRAL! INDIANS!” That was the terihle warning cry in the davs of ’49. With mad haste the covered wgons scrambled into a protective circle. KWNn-fh^ pain,ed red men- R0UND and Y ou II see it all m I he (overed Wagon,” the great prairie fire, ihe mad rush of 500 mad bellowing buffalo in stampede and 99 other big (hilling scenes, that can never duplicated nor equaled in any production. Coliseum Aug. 14-15-16 Watch your chance-try to get in and see it during this three 0» 2 XVmidniehtShThSdr|7t(2 °’dofk each da“ and o'cloik. Rv^SletesK St3rt 3t 2’4’6’8 and 10 Adults 50/ Children 25/ Sa] L