IGIOUS DEBATE away in a Dujfirv > that such is the iase so •« vllo case, so there wa« such a pnest etc., and this is all good evidence to the truth of my si™ Lcontinued from page 2) which the public can see. I have Isays Booth was not a Catholic. stated the facts let Mr. Davey make I th said of himself that HE Vh«mo,.’4n■” L - CATHOLIC, and that he hid 1 - ° ,a hlerarchy who will induce L a long time traveling in ^“ng girls to believe that by cutting Dressed'as dressed as a a priest. priest. (See (See I elr hair halr ’ > Dating Putting on a 17 pound Booth.» Th.t Httl. (the Xd, TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT or augmenting tne marxet ror tne ( gas pics are a revival on the order of the percent Sherman and Harney were output of our dairies. ancient Greek games that began in lowest with 1.03 and 1.06 resepctively. The fact that there was no increase ' 1896 at Athens and have been held Increase for road purposes from in the consumption of ice cream last i every four years since. 1923 to 124 for Tillamook county $94,- year we attribute to the raising of I 910 or 46.07 percent Rest of state [ the standard by the legislature of local electric salesman 15.24 per cent increase. Per capita I requiring a higher percentage | road tax $34.15. For rest of state J LEAVES of butterfat in its makeup. We be­ $14.32. Average tax rate for road j lieve there is such a thing as over­ and bond purposes only, 13.99 mills; | J. H. Clark, who has been handling doing and making the product so rich - l .”' w,lu II“5 Deen nandiing for rest of state 10.54 mills. There |j of good merchandise are the surest foundation _ D a’ ■"d « well-balanced ice cream is not only 1 Linn Butter, Tillamook Bread and Pastry, Mr. Davey is using it. Pardon list of Saints, bowing to and giving he will take up duties with the Gen-1 ? h‘al in Portland, there, he says, he Add to this the fact that we give our prices Ee if he did not stop them AT to tak T “ girl Wh° WaS intendin» up very largely of cheap fillers and ments with the national guard, county and local taxation and eight contains very little milkfat. The oth- through Captain J. E. Shearer of com ’ places above the average for county | Huges called his followers to- “Yo? t the closest possible consideration with no baits ’ “nd He S8id t0 her: is that ice cream is often made up in pany xx ux o Tillamook, all tne the equip- road bond purposes. More property xiiiamooK, an [ told them to go home and be You knot# that it means, that you Lys and they went and the riots will become the plaything of the lust large quantities and held in storage men , such as tents, blankets and owners in the county lessen taxes and for our trade, just good, correct prices, and you for weeks and sometimes months. cots, needed to provide for conven- more improvements bring in more Ler. Lincoln said: “From the of lustful priests, don’s you?” And Both these matters are regulated by '1 '' tl ° >de <'8ates’ wiI1 be «va>l«ble. people to buy property. The reason have the reason for all that business at Eg of the war there has been she answered, “Y^s I know it” And law, and to the best of our knowledge 11 u » » u committe« on housing, that the per capita tax is high in this Lcret but a public alliance be- proceeded to defend it. WHERE had these 1 laws are generally well regard­ headed by Rollie M. Watson, plans county is that the average wealth is | the pope of Rome and Jeff she learned this? What kind of a ed. 1 to have tents pitched in rows in all higher than in the average county, [> • * The pope and his Jesuits man must Mr. Davey be that he willl __ ___________ As to the constituency of ice cream, the vacan lots near the festival ¡¿vised, supported and directed represent an oreanizafinn .„k tak ..... ­ 11 the legislature of 1923 raised the grounds with space between tents organization which Ivis on land, from the ffrst shot ing a girl in her youth, works her standard to 10 per cent milkfat, 20 for the visitors’ cars. This will be I 1 Five E. G. Anderson r ‘.ve thousand unousana Canadians vanaaians are are re- re- I Fort Sumpter, by the rabid •nd controls her for thirty years, a convenience for the guests, as all turning monthly from the United per cent total milk solids, with not Beauregard. They are helping makes an "image” worshiper out of to exceed 1 per cent of a harmless other personal equipment will be to- State8’ «'cording to government offi- I the sea by guiding and sup- her and then DENIES its product? thickener. gether. Local boys in company K C,.“,S WinniPeK' Manitoba. No defl- I the other rabid (R C pirate, But then, can ANYTHING be too hell­ The dairy and food commissioners who won the Oregonian cup for the nite figures have been kept by the L on the ocean.” Lincoln ish for a bunch that will make “Beni- department makes a practice of mak­ best national guard company in the government in the past regarding re­ I says he told Hughes that ev- dictine” in the name of the Lord ing laboratory tests on samples from 1 state for last year, have been engaged 1 turning Canadians, but in the last few lh citizen as himself (Hughes) Christ? months an accurate record has been the various factories two or three I to patrol all the grounds. »Jj I- Jhle to be shot and hung as a times a year, and has invariably \ A11 Privat« homes in the city have kept, which shows that a surprising­ led traitor and an armed spy ICE CREAM INDUSTRY CONSID­ found them well above the legal re- _ | ! been solicted for available rooms ly large number of Canadians are re- 1 turning. Ld he will be so shot and hang- quirements. Forty-seven samples re­ and the response has been hearty. I ERED IMPORTANT Ithere will be no exchange of cently tested showed an average of; Homer Ross, exalted ruler of the Lisoners. * * I requested him Work on highway from Medford to McMinnville Elks’ lodge, was in Tilla­ 12.62 per cent butterfat. A recent bulUtin sent out by the Is) to go and report my words , It has been reported to this office mook Sumiay arranging for the en- Crater Lake under way. Pope. * * * The result has been state dairy and food commissioner’s that some retailers are occasionally ____ „..„..y tertainment and program for the 25- k contrary to my hopes. The , office sets forth the following facts refreezing ice cream and that the piece ban >kta. l"Tio have so many masses butterfat used in making ice cream ment which came to a close in Paris the state, value approximately $1,- . was another ______ victory ____ , for 130,000,000, proportion 1.98 percent. |at they have no time to think as was used in the manufacture of last Sunday cheese. In 1922 ice cream manufac- , American athletes, when they were Eleven counties were taxed at a high­ flitics etc. What does Mr. fink “his intelligent public” turers in Oregon used 900,000 pounds accredited with having won 98 of the er rate than Tillamook. The highest of butterfat and in 1923 they put; 361 points. France, by flying finish was Lincoln with 3.66 percent.. Oth­ Lust about nine months after about the same amount into this de- in the cycling and equestrian games ers above Tillamook were: Clatsop Hashed with (R C) bishop licious delicacy and ideal year-around won second place with 64 points, 3.42, Josephine 3.26, Crook 3.08, Coos knd the Pope had openly tak- dessert. These figures are suggestive | Sweden was third, Great Brittain 3.03, Deschutes 2.70, Columbia 2.69, I with the South, that, that of the very important position ice fourth, Finland fifth and Norway Klamath 2.67, Hood River 2.59, Jack- footh shot Lncoln. Lincoln cream is assuming in the dairy in- sixth. There were twenty-one other | son 2.49, Malheur 2.44. Curry is f 0 Hughes and stops New dustry and what it means in the way 1 countries that won points. The Olym- next lower than Tillamook with 2.22 r*’ He sends for the gentle- tells him that if he and his pot stop their treasonable f ’hey will be shot. Hughes phe Pope. He proves false, r openly takes sides with L and becomes an enemy of IGHT now the user of Royal Cords is f open war. The tide turns profiting by a dcvtiopmc'nt in tire R South. A Roman. Cath- building that is anywhere from three to five 1 incoln. Booth says that years ahead of the industry as a whole— F ’ he had been planning Latex-treated cords. | t0 kidnap Lincoln and Lh,m somewhere in the The Latex Process, which give» so much hen that fell through the added strength and wearing quality to Royal "’»de more bold and Lincoln Cords, wa invented and patented by the jostead. That high govern- makers cf United States Tires. s among whom he names It will undoubtedly supersede all other w 0 became president, ar- methods. r pant to be out of Wash- Hkat ’ - history ;___ 1 at night, night. p It is You can get the benefit in Royal Cord , ’as called suddenly out High Pressure Tires of all sizes fro.. 20 x j!4 l . That he was given inches up, in Royal Cord Balloon Tire« # and rod« over the bridge for 20 and 21 inch rim ;, and Royal Cord ’tion when he gave this Balloon-Type Tires that fit your present harbored by a (R C) wheels and rims. 85 a priest. A certain And you can get it now. ' lrec,“'i the searching *8’ he not a (R C)? United States Tires *ho killed Lincoln? I , ‘ather’ who attended "0 killed that little girl b tk. W,,l,in