Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 01, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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euiaun? tropoy hho hw O«W W c *
REGISTRATION OF CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Freeman, Oregon I having tne pleasure ox cutertannag I üfcCrs-Ä, Lscna asomer., M- N. I shot for each year until one team
Pay Rolls; G. B. Nunn, Wheeler Re- such a splendid lot of women as were 1 Henkle, E. G. Anderson, E. F. Con-
porter; Don C. Wilson, Corvallis In- found in the editorial conventon Fri- | over, F. H. Matthews, L. R. Barrick, ‘ wins it three years.
dependent; Fred Behnke, O. A. C. i day morning. The trip to Lake Lytle Geo. J. Larson, Frank Merrick, Henry I The two dances each night, one
A total of 183 names were register­ Barometer; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Swen- was made by auto. It was so well Grider, A. R. Keesee, C. J. Edwards, 1 for Elks at the K. P. hall and the
ed on the list of members of the l son and sons Eric and Irving, Mon- managed by the Kiwanis club that A. F. Coats, W. S Coats, F C. Esch, I public dance at the Armory, a jitney
Btate ediorial association during the1 mouth Herald; Charles W. Duncan, there was no chance for an accident, I Chas. F. Pankow, H. W. Thomas, H. affair, will both be conducted by
and the Womans club take this op­ j C. Hanson, Morris Schnal, George I good management and Harry Hobbs
registration period last Friday morn­ I Paul Dueber, Foster and Kleiser; C.
L. Monson, Zellerbach Paper com­ portunity in thanking you Kiwanians Hanslmire, David Kuratli, S. W. Con­ famous orchestra and singing trio
ing. Several who were present failed pany; W. L. Jackson, Albany Dem­ for your help in making the day a over, Geo. Wesley, W. J. Hill, C. Ran­ ' will furnish the best music obtainable
to register. 78 organizations, includ­ ocrat; Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mars, Jeff- success.
I dall, A. R. Case, Freda Minnon, Grace 'for the public dance at the armory.
ing 56 newspapers were represented jerson Revew; Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Mc-
There is one thing that woman i Bester, T. E. Ashley, R. E. Ringo, On the last; night there will be a
In these names, 45 names being edi­ . Adoo, Scio Tribune; Mr. and Mrs. J. cannot control, and that is the weath­ I Viola Ford, H. Crenshaw, Orpha1 grand closing dance at the armoiy
IM. Bledsoe, Misses Snyder and er. We did ovr best to have old Eastman, Ethel Bales, Anna L. Win- ( with specjai features, Talented Miss
The names of those registering and [ 1 Schroeder, Myrtle Point American; Jupe stand to one side so the sun nek, Miss Rowena Hanson, Tillamook.1 yeien Leonard has been working for
their affiliations follows: Mr. and Mrs. I B. W. Bates. Roseburg News-Review; might shine thru the clouds and
some time on a special dance for this
Paul Robinson, Vernonia Eagle; A.f J.
( M. Agee, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. S. cause the great old Pacific to wear
Press Correspondent.
E. Voorhies, Grants Pass Courier; • M. Leake, Roseburg; Robert C. Hall, her millions of glittering diamonds,
Alton’s Best Carnival attractions
John M. Scott, J. A. Armandy, South­ son, Intertype Corporation; M. E. so that all might see her as a thing
ern Pacific railroad Edwin W. Wilson, University Press, Eugene; C. 0. Wil- of beauty.
Lord and Thomas Advertising agency, Miley, Western Newspaper Union;
The three course lunheeon was
I ticular kind of amusement. They are
Ban Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malone and
served in the Lake Lytle hotel din­
' a company of 100 people including a
Thomas, Union Pacific railroad; Ed­ child, Endicott paper company; Mr.
ing room and on the porch over look­ and H. Larsen, captain, Al Menzimer, small circus band. Daily free at­
gar McDaniel and son Harold, North and Mrs. Earl Richardson, Polk Coun­
ing the lake.
traction will be a 85 foot high dive
Bend Harbor; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. ty Observer, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Ball, C. Bechtold, Don Wyatt and twice a day. The sea-going launches,
Moe, Joe D. Thomison, Hood River George Curry, Arlington Bulletin; W.
Paul Ramaley on the other team,
Glacier; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mallery, V. McKinney, Hillsboro Argos; Jerry Mrs. E. E. Koch and Miss Rowena These games are said to be full of Hunter and Richard M, will each
make two tripe daily to the bm Hon
Oakland Tribune; Herman Roe, North­ Heston, Hillsboro Chamber of Com­ Hanson for which the club express i thrills and spills and keep the spec-
rocks. They can easily care for 200
field, Minn., News; Fred Lockley, merce; George A. Fetsch, American their appreciation. Good judgment [tators on their toes all the time.
passengers. There
- — will be means of
Oregon Journal; Mr. and Mrs. George Type Founders; Edward and Mrs.
The rodeo will present unusual
Garibaldi from Til- j
D. Borden, Merganthaler Linotype Anna Kraenick, Portland Electro and to plan and arrange the details for thrills, and for those who have been I trans porta ton to
who want ot take
company; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saw­ Stereo company; Mr. and Mrs. George
boasting their adeptness in the favor­
yer, Bend Bulletin; Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Koehn, Oregon Veteran; Mr. and credit to our committees who so ite cross-roads pastime that has been | these trips.
have received their
E. Hoss, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Garret, Mrs. J. L. Brady, Oregon Statesman, faithfully served.
j growing in popularity In the last few 1 The local lodge
on the flat sailor
We hope the Editorial convention years a 1 horse-shoe
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Miss Nan Salem; Leslie Harrison, S. V. Stanley,
------------ r------- „
Cochran, Miss Phillips, Mrs. M. D. Tillamook Headlight Mr. and Mrs. J. wll be held in Tillamook again soon. ment will be staged in the afternoon' type made up in Elks colors. They
Phillips, Oregon City Enterprise; Mr. S. Dellinger, Morning Astorian; Mr. We want the opportunity of going to of the first day. Several lodges over; were distnbuted last evening.
•nd Mrs. Robert S. Howard and son, and Mrs. Ralph Wolverton and Arn­ Lake Lytle again, for Miss Parker the state have sent word that they! The committee is assured of the
Ladd and Tilton Bank; Mr. and Mrs. old, Milton Eagle; Mr. and Mrs. 8. made every thing so pleasant and will send teams to represent them in McMinnville band, the drum corps of
C. C. Chapman and Dorothy Chap­ McArthur, Milwaukie Review; Fred comfortable for all. And now as a ¡this barnyard golf meet There will, the“J
body of women we want to thank the be a trophy given to the winning band furnishing music. There may
man, Oregon Voter; Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Snow, O. A. C. Faculty.
possibly be others. There will be one
young girls who so graciously helped team.
B. Karpy, and daughter, Laurence
large parade that will be made up
serve the luncheon.
Cook, The Timberman; W. Arthur
Streeter, Clatskanie Chief; Thomas
Those who attended the luncheon I ious lodges of the state will enter a of the entire entertainments. One of
Nelson, Junction City Times; W. F. G.
were: Mesdames C. C. Chapman, W. trap shooting tournament that will, the features of this parade will be
Thatcher, George E. Turnbull, Uni­
D. B. Dodson, R. S. Howard, D. C.
versity of Oregon; Elbert Bede, Cot­
We are frequently asked for the Freeman, John Ccott, H. J. Jackson, Some of the best shots in the north- the housing situation is still being
tage Grove Sentinal; Horace Addis, government formula for whitewash E. T. Nelson, Geo. B. Borden, Miss west will compete for a list of about (looked for, altho it is thought that
Oregon Farmer; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. for outside buildings, so we are re­ Emily Boyd, Miss Dorothy Chapman, fifteen trophies. One of them, donated,the emergency will be thoroughly
Hurd, Corvallis Gazette Times; Mr. producing it for the especial benefit Portland. Mesdames M. D. Phillips, by Backus and Morris, sporting goods met-
and Mrs. J. E. Shelton, Eugene Guard; of the dairymen whose barns arc re­ B. O. Garrett, J. B. Johnson, Hal E. dealers of Portland, is now on display
H. B. Robinson, West Coast Engrav­ quired to be whitewashed once a year Hoss, Oregon City. Ruth Mae Law­ at Haltom’s store in this city. The Portland—new site secured for soap
ing company; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. at least and the stable walls should rence, Salem; Mrs. J.* E. Shelten, local lodge are hoping to put a cir- factory, 60x200 feet.
Hulit, Beaverton Review; A. W. be rewashed once or twice during the Eugene; Mrs. Celia Hulett, Beaverton;
Priaulx and daughter, Oakridge Re­ year. The formula is:
Mrs. J. S. Dillenger, Astoria; Anna
view, Enterprise News; Hugo Kelley,
Lime, unslaked, 40 pounds; salt, 15 M. Bledsoe, Myrtle Point; Mrs. Louis
Autocaster company; Mr. and Mrs. pounds; rice flour (or ground rice), Felaheim, Bandon; Mrs. Clyde Gil­
W. Mathews, Yaquina Bay News; 3 pounds; Spanish whiting 1-2 pound; bert, Lonview, Wn., Mrs. R. B. Swen­
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Nelson, Associated glue, 1 pound; water, 5 gallons.
son, Grace Bullock, Monmouth; Mrs.
Press;E. P. Koen, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Slake the lime in warm water and G. L. Hurd, Mrs. A. M. Lawrence,
Koen, Dallas; Miss Bullock, Mon­ cover so as to keep in the steam; Corvallis; Mrs. A. D. Moe, Hood Riv­
mouth; E. E. Beard, Vancouver, Wn. strain through a fine sieve or strain­ er; Mrs. A. E. Veatch, Rainier; Mrs.
Columbian; W. P. Stranborg, Watts er; add the salt, well dissolved in William Matthews, Newport; Mrs. G.
Watt; O. D. Hamstreet, Sheridan warm water, Then add the rice boil­ E. Martin, McMinnville; Mrs. Leslie
Sun; R. H. Jonas, Central Oregonian, ed hot, the Spanish whiting and final­ St. Clair, Gresham; Mrs. John T. Hol-
Prineville; Fred T. Mellinger, Tilla­ ly the glue which has been previously lett, Silverton; Mrs. E. J. McAdoo,
mook Herald; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. dissolved over a slow fire. Lastly, Scio; Mrs. Hugh D. Mars, Jefferson;
Dobson, Portland Chamber of Com­ add the five gallons of hot water. Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Molalla; Mrs.
merce; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Veatch, I ' Stir well and let stand for a few days. (Leake, Roseburg; Mrs. E. A. Koen, I
Miss Anna Jurzyk, Rainier Review; Apply hot with a brueh. One pint of Dallas; Anna A. Pankow, Sioux Falls, I
E. B. Kotlek, Silverton Tribune; Mr. the mixture will cover a square yard. S. D.; Mrs. W. C. Walling, Chicago,
and Mrs. John P. Hoblit and son, Coloring matter may be put in, such'ill.; Miss Virginia Priank, Drain; !
Silverton Appeal; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. as Spanish brown, yellow echro, etc.' Mrs. A. L. Mallery, Oakland; Mrs. I
Probably the only type of automotive
Morter, McMinnville Register; Mr.
I M. D. O’Connell, Miss Grechen O’Con-
and Mrs. M. D. O’Connell, Garibaldi TILLAMOOK WOMANS CLUB EN- nell, Garibaldi; Miss Laura Larkin, I
equipment that is driven harder than a
News; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. St. Clair, TERTAIN EDITORIAL WOMEN Prineville; Mrs. E. R. Gilbert, Beaver.
fire engine is the truck or auto that de­
Gresham Outlook Bernard Main- I 1 WITH LUNCHEON AT LAKE * Mesdames Anna G. Rae, Fred Mell-
waring, McMinnville News Reporter;
(nger, Leslie Harrison, Erwin Harri-
livers the papers to the newsies and news­
John G. Eckban, McMinnville Pink
son, Ethel Hayes, James Goldsworthy, |
Sheet; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ijiwrence
One of the most enjoyable events Eva N. McGee, W. B. Aiderman, A. I
and daughter, Corvallis Independent; ■ of the year in our Womans club was C>. Beals, Ethel Hayes, E. E. Koch, B.
Gifts and Prizes for All Occasions
Tiny Things for Little Tots
Useful Articles for Baby
Anything in Fancy Work—Hemstitching
Across from Tillamook Hotel
‘ •
209 1-2 Second Ave. E.
49 No. Front St.
The 27 Feature Car
“No packing means no trouble” from
the oil pump. The importance of this
unit is often overlooked when pur­
chasing a car. A sure and smooth
working oil pump insures a better
power plant, 30,000 Star Cars with­
out a single burn-out main bearing
having been reported to date!
We have 26 other reasons why the
Star should be a part of your family.
Martiny-Crotzer Motor
W jd £ the EXTRA
to the newsies
It’s worth noting that Zerolene “stands
up” in this sort of service as well as in
all others. The Business Manager of the
Spokesman-Review,” of Spokane,
Wash., writes as follows:
Now Did You Forget
To get those new tires
for that car of yours?
Remember— for a few days only
I am selling to you, fresh stock
at less than you have ever
bought them before
32 X 3y2
33 X 4
34 X 4
For more than ten years we have continued to use
Zerolene oils and greases in our sixteen cars and
trucks and three motorcycles. These carry our pa­
pers every day in the year over all sorts of roads in
all kinds of weather, and may be classed as very
hard service.”
Why pay tribute to the superstition
that - eastern” oil is “better” just because
it costs more? Zerolene, made
by our patented high-vacuum
ZEKDKNE process
from selected West­
ern Naphthenic Base Crude,
deposits less carbon, increases
FOR?? the
gasoline mileage
—liw StamLn 1 Gil
Company’s new
ing lifk
improved oil for
Ford cars “Feeds
rhow O.l-Surved
/ns/af on Zerolene—a bef-
ter oil even if it does cost
standard oil
• •••••
Other Sizes in Proportion
Opposite P.O.
Oldsmobile & Reo
Th» booklet rvpccti 'Mr
pendent Mrrice teat* of
Zerolene made by a num,
brr of large ueert. Aak any
Standard Oil Company
ÉffÆFWS ■w
?' V
for Men Only
by a man
We men are supposed to be practical, above all
things. We are supposed to know all about iron
and steel and mechanics, etc.
The women folks depend on our j'udgment in such
matters. But if your wife came to you tomorrow
and asked your advice about the range she was
going to buy, could you give her any real help?
Honestly now, could you?
I am going to tell you some plain facts, because I
believe men are really interested. We have to pay
the fuel bills—we nave to eat the food—why
shouldn’t we be interested?
First you should know why malleable iron is used
in the Monarch. Of course you know what malle­
able iron is. It’s different from cast iron because it 3
*ough. It cannot crack or break.
The quick heating malleable top of the Monarch
is really much stronger than a heavy slow heating
. cast iron top would be. You never need to worry
about breaking any of the castings of the Monarch.
But that’s not the only reason forusing,,malleable’
in the Monarch. By using this unbreakable iron it
is possible to rivet every joint No need to plaster
such seams with stove putty. These riveted joints
are tight to start with, and “Air Leaks” can never
open up to spoil the draft and waste fuel. A leaky
range doesn’t draw any better than a cigar with a
broken wrapper.
I don’t want to burden you with too many facts.
Just remember these few things when you have a
chance to give advice to the women folks.
Or, better yet, why wait for her to ask you? Why
not suggest that she get a new Monarch? It would
save you a lot of money you are now spending f°r
fuel. Yes, it would pay for itself very soon.
Drop in and let’s talk it over.
/’ *
A. & B. Bloom Furn. Co