s FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1924 number in the aggregate an immense ¡Jiflamoofc Seablisfit volume, of such price lists, were dis­ | E. E. Koch, Fred T. Mellinger and from the profession by death. A .E. Four-story apartment going up Bartlet pear crop to canneries. \ n Independent Weekly Paper establishments we have should be ex­ tributed through that posoflice. The clusively patronized and a thousand Mrs. Wiliam Riechers was well rend­ Voorhies of the Grants Pass Courrier next to Portland News. Published Every Friday by the St. Helens Columbian bought by ered and thoroughly enjoyed. made a personal invitation that the Headlight Publishing Company same is true of Medford and the other . more encouraged. What reason or Contract for Willamette river Alfred Erickson and Arthur Steve. Saturday morning shortly after editors meet at that city for their Tillamook, Oregon towns of Southern Oregon, and no 1 sense is there for an Oregonian to nine o’clock about thirty machines <1 9 2 5 convention. Dallas—Over 300,000 yards black Representatives bridge at Albany let for $245,306. doubt of the entire state. And this buy a wool suit made in Ohio when Hood River association contract surface pavement under construction. Leslie Harrison started on the tour that took in sev- from Arlington and Prineville can- Manager we ship our wool to the Atlantic effort to procure customers is not a ! eral of the cheese factories near Til- ! celled their bid for the meetings next Entered as second class mail matter vain expense, for it is known that states? Does the payment of freight 1 lamook. The caravan started north, I summer, the latter extending his in­ .. in the U. S. postoffice at Tillamook, quantities of mail-order goods are' both ways across the continent add i swinging up the Wison river loop, vitation to the 1926 convenion. David Oregon constantly purchased, not only by i value to the cloth or yarn ? Oregon j where the first t steps in cheese mak- Botsford of the Botsford Constantine could manufacture sufficient wool ¡rural residents, but by urban citizens’ were demonstrated at the Maple advertising company spoke on “put­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES products to supply the states west of I ,ing as well. Leaf factory. From here the cars ting Tillamook on the Rind on the One Year, By Mail .................... Why do the people of Oregon thus the Rocky mounains. If worked at proceeded to the Holstein factory at [ map.” He. stated that advertising Six Months, By Mail ................. ¡order merchandise and supplies from home the freight and profits would Fairview. After a few minutes at could insure good result« only after | Three Months, By Mail ............. distant Eastern cities? it is not be­ be saved and our population increased this kitchen the party went on to the the product was proven meritorious, payable in advance OF PORTLAND cause the local stores cannot supply by thousands of employes. The same Clover Leaf factory on the Trask riv­ and the days of the “cure-all” type of I these commodities, but for the rea­ in effect applies to scores of other er and then to the Long Prairie fac­ advertising was gone. Telephone son, either real or fancied, that mon- products,, for the hills and valleys of tory where Fred Christensen gave the When this session had adjourned Pacific States, Main 68 Official Decorâtors for the Elks during the Con­ I ey is saved to the purchased. And it Oregon contain abundance of iron, editors a comprehensive review of mook and thence to Oceanside where coal copper, manganese, chrome, vention will be in the city next week. They will must be conceded that there is an im­ the advantages developed from the the “tourors” returned again to Tilla- have full charge of decorating the city. Also mediate saving on many articles ord- quicksilver, antimony, etc., which co-operative manner in which Tilla­ a cafeteria beach picnic supper of OUR EDITORIAL POLICY j ered from the catalogues. Large in­ could and should be utilized and made mook’s leading industry has been con­ Oregon products was served on the wish to contract the work for all merchants as stitutions with millions to buy the marketable by home industries. How ducted. Mr. Christensen has been as­ sands. This was given by Rosenberg they are fully equipped to handle the work 1. To advocate, aid and sup­ entire output of certain factories, and many breakfast food factories could sociated with the manufacture of brothers of Oceanside and Dan C. cheaper and better as all the displays will harm­ be kept working with Oregon ’ s sur ­ port any measures that will with organizations formed on the Tillamook cheese for seventeen years Freeman of the Associated Industries plus wheat? onize better. They furnish all materials, put up bring the most good to the most economical division of labor and largely through him and his effi­ | of Oregon. After the luncheon a huge The people of Oregon are asleep at ciency as an inspector the industry displays and tear them down. Have a large most people can, manifestly, undersell the small, bonfire was lighted «nd the group en­ force of experienced decorators and materials 2. To encourage industries retail merchant by a fraction and yet the Rip Van Winkle switch. has developed to one of the few suc­ tertained themselves with exception­ What Pied Piper will awaken them ? cessful co-operative organizations for to establish in Tillamook to do the work. make a good round profit, even to pay ally harmonious community singing, farmers. dividends on watered stock. county. and funny stories on the Irish, Jew, FLASHES MR. ELLIS in Charge. 3. To urge the improvement But has the mail-order customer The line of cars then returned to Negro and English. The various at­ of a port for Tillamook City. really gained anything? Somestimes the Tillamook hotel where the cara­ tractions of the resort at Oceanside IT WILL PAY TO SEE MR. ELLIS FIRST 4. To insist on an American the shipment contains a substitution van was reorganized and continued were thrown open to the visitors and standard of labor. directly to the Whitney Lumber com ­ i of something “just as good” for ar­ their official badge admitted them to 5. To be politically indepen­ pany’s plant at Garibaldi. While wait­ everything including the dance. ticles ordered, and is retained rather dent, but to support the can­ than forego the trouble and expense “Put your campfire out,”—say it ing for the afternoon shift to go on Some of the newspaper people are duty the entire partjr and various remaining a few days more with us didates for public office who of returning it. Often misfit or oth­ with water. groups were photographed by Messrs. bo complete their vacation. Their will bring the most good to erwise undesirable stuff is kept which It would be a fine thing if the peo­ Graves and Bell, Tillamook’s leading praises of Tillamook and her hosts the people of Tillamook never does measures up to the stand­ county and of the State of ard that implies a “satisfied custo­ ple who throw cigarettes from auto­ cameramen. The lumber company such as the Kiwanis club, Tillamook Oregon. mer.” Prices are fixed largely by the mobiles could spend a day fighting extended unqualified courtesy to the Creamery association, the Whitney General Line of visitors, and expert lumbermen con­ Lumber company and the Rosenberg volume of business done, and the forest fires. ducted groups of twenty through the brothers at Oceanside were frequent money sent away, if spent with local After seeing some deserted camp­ entire plant which proved to be a and universal. dealers, would enable them to carry COOPERATION AND EFFICIENCY more goods and sell for less. And sites, we apologize to the city dump revelation to all who saw the smooth­ larger stocks of goods mean an in­ for having said anything about its ly working machnes that handled the CHARLES W. BRYAN QUITS GOV­ SHOWN IN LAST WEEKS massive material with almost unbe­ ERNORSHIP RACE IN NEBRASKA creased valuation for assessment, appearance. CONVENTION lievable ease. A gang saw turning thus mutually reducing taxes to the I MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS It is easier to put out fire in the out forty twenty inch boards at one Lincoln, Neb., July 25.—Governor Up to last Friday and Saturday oc­ benefit of store patrons and the en­ bowl of your pipe, than when it is operation was looked upon as a mar­ Eoth ’Phones Tillamook, Ore. Charles Bryan of Nebraska withdrew casional remarks might have been tire community. Again, prosperous burning over one hundred and sixty vel. From the mill the conventioneers | late last Thursday as a candidate for heard to the effect that Tillamook is merchants employ more help, build acres of timberland. went to the large hotel that houses re-election on the Democratic ticket. not a well chosen convention center. better homes and purchase local pro­ the mill crew of the company and com­ His action was taken in order that he However, all doubts that might have ducts and commodities, thereby as­ pletely enjoyed a cafeteria luncheon might devote himself to campaigning It’s an ill wind that blows a sisting home production and helping existed in the minds of the city’s that was well served by the courte­ for the vice presidency of the United Their lected campfire to flame. people or in the minds of the visitors to maintain local pay-rolls. sies of the Whitney company. Harry States as the running mate of John surplus earnings are therefore, di­ A STRONG BANK have been obliterated. The conven­ WILLING TO SERVE Morgan, manager of the company < W. Davis of West Virginia. A safe campfire is rather to tion of the state’s newspaper people vided with the landowner, the lumber chosen than great catches of fish. represented the hosts in a few words i The Democratic state central com­ over the last week end proved Tilla­ yard, the farmer, the auto mechanic, of welcome. President Hoss, acting1 mittee, after a stormy session, nomin­ the doctor, the churches and finally mook to be an ideal convention loca­ as chairman, conducted a business ated J. H. Norton Polk to _______ head the with the undertaker and tombstone tion. Every conventioner voiced a meeting that was held on the verapda ticket in Nebraska this fall. He was dealer. Indeed, every member of so­ favorable opinion of the city, sur­ of the hotel after the luncheon, i nominated on the 17th ballot. ciety feels the beneficial results of the Owned by Your Neighbors rounding country, industries and peo­ Chairman Bede of the nominations ------------------------ well-doing of others, which proves ple. Co-operation within the Kiwanis Be sure they’re out, then go ahead, committee read the list of nominees 169 PERISH IN JAPANESE SHIP the law of mutuality and the inter­ club, its committees and with other WRECK dependency of citizens of a commun­ ■campfires, cigarette stubs, matches. for the offices of the ensuing year, j organizations and firms of the county ity. and these were unanimously accept- ] The Japanese steamship Tairei made the convention the most enjoy­ When you leave your campfire, ed by the association. Hal E. Hoss, Maru, which was in collision with the Money spent in a vicinity adds to able one that they have been privileg­ the sum-total of wealth and directly ¡sing: “It Ain’t Gonna Rain No Mo’," of the Oregon City Enterprise was re-1 Shinso Maru off the coast of Hok- ed to attend. Representatives from all or indirectly helps all its citizens. | and apply the water yourself. elected to the presidency. G. Lansing kaide Sunday, sank Monday with the The First National Bank is owned by peo- parts of the state were present and Hurd of the Corvallis Gazette-Times . loss of 169 lives. — The man who patronizes mail-order pie living in or near Tillamook, and hav- were busy all the time taking in the houses is, therefore, not paying less; was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Twenty persons were rescued and Vice presidents elected to serve on the landed at the vllage of Notoro. ing a direct interest in promoting the wel­ good sights and processes of manu-1 in the final summing up he is pay- executive committee were: Arne G. facture that were new to them. fare of this particular community. ^’ing more. Money spent at home re- (Continued from page 1) Ray, Tillamook Herald, western Ore­ During Saturday, when they spent j turns to the spender in manifold When you bank with this home owned bank, lems and announcements were follow ­ gon; Joe D. Thomison, Hood River most of the day touring various parts ways—in dollars and cents, in bet­ Glacier, cenral Oregon; George Aiken,! of the county’s activities the visitors ter public institutions and in neigh­ ed by adjournment. you deal with home people who understand At the banquet in the evening which Ontario Argus, eastern Oregon; Earl found that the time allowed for see­ borly good will, which is the wealth your problems and want to help you pro­ ing the land of cheese, trees and ocean of all riches, incomputable and eter­ was held in the Armory, with Fred Richardson, Dallas Observer, Willa-' | A beautiful floor which we recom- | mend is 13-16x2 1-4 Clear Plain gress. j Lockley of the Oregon Daily Journal mette valley; A. L. Mallery, Oakland breeze was far from ample to allow nal. = Red Oak. To cover a 10x12 room as toastmaser, William E. Phillips Tribune, southern Oregon. a proper and just inspection of the with this grade. And if home trade and coopera­ j of the Medford Clarion was awarded I The committee on resolutions, Rob­ i ? Costs ................... *99 zn i community. Consequently many of tion are good for a community, the! them have remained for a few days principle should be expanded to the the $100 prize for the best “Buy at ert Sawyer of the Bend Bulletin, SPRUCE longer, and the others went away confines of the state boundaries. Home” editorial to appear in an Ore­ I chairman, presented several resolu­ gon paper in last six months. The tions, all of which were accepted as BEVELED SIDING wishing they had arranged to stay in States are only enlarged communi­ $40. 0(] this vicinity for a few more days. ties, containing more people with, award was presented by Sidney B. significant and were passed upon. I A good grade 1 2x6, The big thing that Tillamook proved however, an identity of civic’and po­ Vincent. Dan J. Freeman of the As­ One of these resolutions stated that A good cheap grade, $30.00 to itself, if there ever was any doubt litical interest. The expense of state sociated Industries delivered an ad­ the newspapers would support Mob­ Rowell, Brown & Co. Tillamook, Oro, about it, was that its own people government is proporionately spread dress on “What the Associated In- ilization day that is to be observed Portland, Oregon dusries of Oregon Mean to the State. ” on September 12. Another went could work to the advantage of the on all taxable property. New or en­ Phone or write Member Federal Reserve System whole group. The Kiwanis club had larged industrial enterprises, there­ Dr. Christian Gauss, head of the de­ strongly for the support of a shorter II. .1. Rasmussen as eflicent and willing assistants, the fore, located anywhere in the state, partment of modern languages and route between Tillamook and Port­ Exclusive Tillamook County Sales county creamery association, Wo­ benefit every part of the common­ director of information at Princeton land either by the Trask river or the Agent man’s club, Whitney Lumber com­ wealth. A factory built even in the University, and formerly Paris cor-, Wilson rver. Still anothe? resolution , Rockaway, Oregon respondent of the Associated Press I made it the will of the various papers ' pany, Rosenberg brothers, and several remotest section employs labor and was thoroughly enjoyed by all those throughout the state to publish art­ auto firms and private citizens who buys products, thus distributng mon­ present in his address: “Journalistic icles of educational value on co-oper- ‘ cheerfully volunteered the use of ey among producers and tradesmen, Remniscences.” Over 100 visiting ation and its advantages a< shown by their homes for accommodation and ultimately reaching a more or less newspaper people were at the ban- that system in successfully operating their cars for transportation. The general circulation. Manufactories que- which was perfectly served and [the cheese industry in Tillamook whole affair was so well organized made even the unproductive, rock- conducted by the Women’s Auxiliary Ioounty. George Turnbull made a re- that there was absolutely no hitch bound New England states wealthy, of the American Legion. Music by port on those who had been called in the entire two-day program. Im­ although the raw materials were pur­ portant business was attended to first chased , from distant states or some1 and then the good times were in ord­ times abroad. The South by supply­ er. Tillamookers proved that they ing cotton, wool, coal and iron, and were the best hosts in the world. i buying back the manufactured pro- | ducts built up the big factories as EDITORIAL PRIZE AWARDED well as the railroad systems of New England an the East Atlantic states, MEDFORD PAPER 1 until her own intiative established | factories at home. They are now be- ■ Out of 100 editorials and articles coming the richest states of the treating the topic of “benefits to Union, because thy produce and man- town and Country of Patronizing 1 ufacture at home. Oregon Industries and Home Town Is there any good reason why Ore­ Merchants,” printed in Oregon news­ gon should buy the bulk of its pro­ papers within the past six months, the ducts in the East and pay transcon- following from the Medford Clarion, inental freight rates? We have wa­ William E. Phipps, editor, of May 2, ter power enough to drive the fac­ and Bend Bulletin, was voted by a tories of the world, and enough raw While your business is in the making is the time board of judges to be the best under materials to produce practically every the contest conditions as set forth. to get in close contact with your banker. Talk thing we need, and also supply the The editorial symposium was origin­ world markets with many lines. One- with him frankly about your problems and your ated by the Associated Industries of fifth of the merchantable timber of ambitions. Oregon, Dan C. Freeman, manager, the United States stands today in in conjunction with the School of Oregon. The thousand and one things Journalism of the University of Ore­ made of wood should be manufac- The confidential relationship between the Tilla­ gon. The prize, 3100 in cash, goes to mook County Bank and our patrons has made the Medford paper and was awarded their banking connection with us more enjoy­ hy Manager Freeman on Friday night at the banquet of the State Edi­ able and more profitable. We should like to torial Convention at TillamooF: ' number you among our friends. Fully equiped to draft plan for KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Upstairs. Mine tons of mail-order catalogue« any building no matter how small and nothing too large. Glad to Beals Building *ere delivered to patrons of the Ash­ illamook ounty xnk Tillamook, Oregon land postoffice during the winter and talk it over with you any time and T illamook .. O regon spring season, according to a current ■pecfaHte tn pleasing you. report. This may be an exaggeration, hut it is certain that a very large THE AMERICAN DECORATING CO A. W. Plank Hardware Co Hardware,Paints, Oils, Varnishes and glass OAK FLOORING Mr nalBank CORRECTLY FITTED EYE GLASSES The Young Business Maa ÖW OPTICAL CO. T C B