¡Lilkxnmo VOLUME 36; NUMBER 43 raìiligljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1924 LAST CONVENTION THOUGHT SUCCESS Oceanside Probabilities of 6,000 People Here For Big Event of Lodge Receives Writers JUSTICE COURT RECORD After Busy Session at Tillamook Auditorium PRICE $2.00 THE YEAR RADIO IS INSTALLED AT MEARS LIGHTHOUSE Traffic Cases Lead in Local Justice Four Constitutional Chan­ ges Due to be Voted Upon Court During Busiest Period Yet Known Here Sundial Will be Displaced by Modern 1 Astoria Fisherman Thought Lost When Craft Found Deserted Contrivance at Ixinely Station Careless Property Owner Is Classed With Negligent Tourist The most successful affair ever Forty-three cases in the justice Cape Mears lighthouse, situated staged in Tillamook was the 17th an­ court for the past week is the record three and one half miles from Ocean­ nual convention of the Oregon State for the year so far. For the entire side and five miles from Bayocean, Editorial association held in this city I month 189 cases have come to the had its first communicaton with the Csrnival Attractions and Bands Will and vicinity last Friday and Saturday, Anti-Margarine Bill to be Put Before attention of the court, 26 of these outside world Monday evening, when July 25 and 26. Activities began ! v , i? n . are still pending action, There was Roy C. Yonge of Hallock and Watson Continuous Growth of Timber Plan Provide Entertainment for Friday morning at the city hall after but one dismissal. 17 search war- Heavy Marine Engine Had Been Re­ Radio Service of Portland, carried a of Government Forestry Coming Event registration when the convention was J Next Fal* rants were issued. Of the remaining radio out-fit from Oceanside to Cape moved From Craft Before official called to order by Hal E. Hoss, presi- --------- 143 cases, 42 were liquor cases, the Mears by pack, and installed it at It Was Found With less than two weeks left be­ dent of the association. J. Merrel ' There are four constitutional am- other hundred being chiefly traffic the light house. The three men at ' mendments, , .... two ________ initiative bills The difficulty in controlling for—< --------- welcomed ---------- ------------------ ___ and violations, the majority „x TO- I of them be- fore the state Elks convention here Smith, mayor of Tillamook the light station have been there fires, according to L. E. Garwood, the assemblage to the city, and Rob-1 one referendum bill to be voted upon 1 ing for minor violations such as driv- four, ten and seventeen years, with on August 14, 15 and 16, the commit­ A 26-foot sea going fishing boat no telephone communication or mail supervisor of distret No. 1 of the tees have all the work very well in ert Sawyer, publisher of thé Bend ( by citizens of this state at the elec-1 ing without proper lights. A total of Bulletin responded on behalf of the | tion on November 4. The voters lit- I about $6500 was paid into the coun­ was i washed ashore on the beach one service, so the installation of a radio Siuslaw forest, lies in the caral e— hand, and since the success of the visitors. Business sessions followed ■ eracy ammendment provides that, to! ty treasury in fines during the month, i half mile south of the Nehalem bar meant a great deal to them. Mr. ness and negligence of the owners of editorial convention last week was so I at which reports of the president, sec­ qualify, a voter must be able to read Other charges filed were for unlawful , some i time Wednesday afternoon on the Yonge has been spending his vacation property in or near the wooded arena, well known a greater success is ex­ retary and last year’s committees and write the English language. The burning, fishing, punch board operat- I ' flood tide. Advices from the Coast at Oceanside and on a trip to the as well as the careless tourist who pected in these meetings which will were heard. Committees on resolu­ legislature or the people, through the ' ing. A check issued for the pay- j Guard at Barview state that the per- light, saw the great need of a radio flips a lighted cigarette stub into i» probably bring 6,000 visitors to the tions, nominations, necrology and spe­ initiative, may prescribe the means of ment of fines levied against G. G. sona' effects and ^eome of the equip- nt the station, but the keeper was flammable debris or allows his camp city. The committee on sports and I were testing the ability of such citizens to Brubaker and H. J. Blaesing, Jr. ment r . identified as belonging . ~ ~ to very doubtful about it on account of fire to spread. Mr. Garwood la sta­ cial assignments were appointed. athletics have prepared for good pro­ read and write the English language. ' was returned as not payable because ^' a Isaac D. Hunt of the Portland Cham ­ the rocky location which contains much tioned at the Mt. Hebo center and Ma grams. One of the main features will I man who left the mouth of the Col- iron. However, Mr. Yonge proved to district extends from near Pleasant The public use and welfare amend- j of insufficient funds. These men ber of Commerce delivered an address be a forty round boxing card at the 1 umbia river some time Wednesday Valley to the southern boundary in irmory. The two ten-round main on “The State Press and the Market- * ment adds to the clause whereby have been called upon to straighten I morning, and in attempting to cross their satisfaction that this could be the Siletz country of Lincoln coun­ ‘ water, waterways and water products1 the matter out with the county. The I easily overcome, and last evening ___ , 1 * ng T >r °F ’ l e m, ” after which the meet- bouts will be better than ever. Billy I the Nehalem bar it is thought that he : gave them a good entertainment. ty. There are five districts of thia Gardeau of Weser, Idaho, will meet ing adjourned for the luncheon period. are included in section 18 which pro- j following were fined on liquor charg— VJL7.?'nL,'kl'? B *' ’ |was washed overboard and the boat Gene Urbaneck, city champion of Se- t*le afternoon while the ladies ¡vides for the public use of roads and during the week: hsurj uruuvr, «.. ■ i---------- J. jje hag a brother who is Perhaps the greatest value to a sta­ national forest which extends to the The boundary tion of this kind, is the broadcasting Coos Bay country. attle. Clark Johnson of Tillamook of the editorial association and the ways in the transportation of pro-jL. Esbanshade, Arthur Skinner, K. j Ramped. I a fisherman at Wheeler and was prob- of Western Union time, as it has al­ lines are very irregular and are of I ducts. The soldiers ’ bonus extension J Hudelson, Antone Weiss, the latter will tangle leather with Bert Tribby Ben Franklin club were being enter- j ably making an attempt to join him such form that only about one half of Marshfield. Both of these bouts talned at the ^e LXtle hotel at a ' amendment tends to include female being sentenced $500 and thirty days. I there. A pair of boots and a suit case, ways been the custom to keep check of the protected area is actually with­ on the time by means of a sun dial. »re expected to give Gardeau and I c°uirteay of the Tillamook ! employes of the United States army Passing sentence on Porter Dealty in the bounds of the forest it—if, | evidently from the boat were picked or marine corps, widows who have not was postponed for the present. Fines Excellent programs were received Johnson all the work they can handle [ Women ’ a dub. the busness session tfUUMBUU an vuv num v>nisj v—ix ii—nvuto j but this situation makes it necessary lince both of the other two men have continued at the city hal1 auditorium. since married, dependent father or fof traffic violations were levied up on the beach near Manhattan. The yrom an coaat stations including the boat, which was numbered G-162A Canadian stations, and by volume and that the outlying areas be included mother of any person who died in ths against R. C. Nielson, C. W. Wilk — , An address, “ The Trend of Advertis ­ good records and are hard to stop. ... _ ... in the protective policy. Although ' wraa was found okrtiit about *7 7 zx o ’ ’ r»lzAZ«lr clock UZaJnaaJav Wednesday ' There will be two six round prelimin­ ing” by Charles W. Duncan, advertis­ service and who would have been en­ A. R. Dunn, ft. H. Thomas, Leland evening by Fred Kennoyer of Man­ quality, Mr. Yonge believes that east there is a small part of the Siualaw coast stations will be easily received titled to the loan. It also reads to Thompson, L. George, W L. Smith, ing counsellor Foster and Kleiser ary bouts: Phil Bayes, Salem, will hattan. ' Efforts to locate the body during the winter months. reserve isolated near Dallas, the eaat- meet Crackre Warren, Oregon City. company, San Francisco, was follow­ include Spanish war veterans. These E. C. Doidge, Ed Heisel, B. C. Lamb, of a drowned person have been futile. ern boundary of the northern diatrM Jr., T. H. Nielson, A. N. Pr — ton, three have been referred to the peo­ ed by a well appointed discussion, as In the other Tommy McCarty of Later reports deepen the mystery is the Willamina river. i ple by the legislative body. The fourth Aubrey Dun, Leroy Boldt, A L. Es­ Portland will meet Lewis Johnson of was the address by Herman Roe, for the engine had been removed from In the fire that sprang up in the amendment was initiaed by the Ore­ banshade, Frank D. B—ter, L—ter president of Country Newspapers, Inc., Tillamook. There will be a four Coats company's holdings 1—t week gon Workman’s Compensation league, Nix, R. J. Craig, Edward A. Miller, J. the craft apparently after it had been mod curtain raiser and a fast little vice president at National Editorial aa- it was necessary to call a—■ Ma O. R. Hartwig, Portland, pr—id—t. W. Embody, O. A. Bodyfelt, R. W. washed ashore. The owner’s brother, so c ia t ion; chairman of the advertis ­ bout by the Hallowell boys, ages 10 who U—u at Wheeler statee that he service from the national for— t ata* Bodyf.lt . Dewey Led — rik, V J. Mi» It requires all employers and employ ­ and 11 years. Ralph Gruman, well ing committee, N. E. A., and publish­ has a clew te the location of the miss ­ and they were soon eheeHafi* taa Ever since the first movie was pro ­ ees in hazardous occupations te be non and Trevor Hem Dewep Safe knvwn fighter and official of Portland er of the Northfield, Minnesota News. subject to the law that deals with ing was fined five dollars for unlaw«» ing engine which weighs »bout «00 duced the projection of the third di­ flam— on a front of a mile had a half. His subject was 'The Necessity of trill referee the bouts. There are safety applianc— and provid— m—ns fully setting fir—. Geergs H. Bur­ pounds. One report states that the mension has been the greatest prob­ Mr. Garwood »tat— that he haa had IMO seats available and as inquiries Team Work nationally.” C. C. Chap­ of determining the amount of com­ ns tt and J. W. Koehler were ask oil lights o nthe launch ware burning lem in connection with the mechan­ about sixteen fir— — far thia eata- man, editor of the Oregon Voter, in coming in rapidly it is expected pensation due for the various haa- fined $25 for unlawfully operating at the time of its being found. Thia ical work of the industry. Until ro- mer, the worst eno being the toe at that they will all be reserved before spoke on “The Oregon Income Tax." contradicts the report that the boat cenly no practical means of produc­ the Foster mill at Grand Reade oti engin—. Round table discussions on shop prob- ardous employments. the convention starts. was expected te have b—n swamped ing the effect had been found. “Plasti- July 4th. The jagged boundary Uno The anti-margarine bill referred by (Continued on page 3) A motor-cycle polo game at the old before it was washed on to the beach. grams” is the name of the film that makes it necessary that the fire pro­ the Associated industri— of Oregon, fair ground will be played on Satur­ demonstrates this wonderful new in­ tective association of the private to- George C. Guild, Portland pr—ident, day afternoon between two picked vention. , It will be shown at the ter—te and the national for—t m— makes unlawful the sale, manufacture teams that played to a capacity crowd Coliseum Tuesday evening, August 5. work in conjunction against the flroe. or exchange of butter substitutes, at Multnomah field last Saturday. This reel has been seen by large This is being done effectively and a condensed or evaporaed milk con­ There are six riders on a team and crowds in several of the big citiaa of good deal of damage has been pre­ taining vegetable fat, or any substi­ Friday night Brigadier General they have eight extra motor-cycles tute for butter, condensed or evapor­ George A. White, Sam A. Koter, sec­ Friday, August 8, will be the next the country, and will bo a real treat vented through the— united efforta. for cases of damage to any in the ated milk that contains anything ex­ retary of state, and Major Joseph V. meeting night for the local poet of to the theater goers of Tillamook. During this season which has been ex­ A sport model touring car belong- fame. The teams line-up as follows: cept pure, cl—n, fr—h, healthful, un­ Schur, property and disbursing offi­ the American Legion, when the ex- The filming is done in such a manner ceptionally dry two or three days of Ray Tauscher, captain, Stout Brown, ng to Erick A. Erickson of Tillamook adulterated milk from which no cr—m cer for the Oregon national guard, service men will assemble at the that the images on the screen appear hot weather such as Tillamook had Babe Watsen, Chuck Ferris, E. W. was stolen Friday night. The ma­ has been removed. (Continued on page 6) arrived in the city by automobile to armory for a business and social eve­ to come right up close to the observ­ Rice and H. Hartman on one team, chine had been parked near the court Two initiative bills are proposed. present a resolution regarding the ning. A vaudeville troupe now play­ er. Specal colored glasses that are house at about 8 o’clock, and at 11.45 One, the naturopath bill, initiated by coming defense day before the editor­ (Continued on poge 4) ing in this city has been secured as ncessary will be furnished each pur­ when Mr. Erickson went to get it, it the Oregon State assocation of Na­ ial association, The party left the an extra attraction for the occasion. chaser of a ticket. was gone. The car was seen at its turopaths, Dr. J. W. Sargent, Port­ same evening Frederic E. Ives, one of America’s for their homes at Mothers, wives, sisters and friends parking place at 10 o'clock. Sheriff land, president, provides for the form­ Salem. of the men have been invited, also foremost inventors, renowned as the Ferguson of Yamhill county was no­ ation and control of a state board of Major Schur left behind him when any ex-service men who have not had inventor of the half-tone process now A party of tourists motoring along tified and he saw a young man who Naturopath examiners for the state of he came here, a young son which ar- | their applications for Federal insur- universally used wherever illustra­ answered the description of the sus­ Oregon. The other initiative bill re-! rived at his house about two weeks ance made out This work will be tions in either black and white or the road on the northfotk of the Ne­ halem river in Clatsop county one day At the weekly Kiwanis club meet­ pected thief walking into town, but color are printed, has given to the last week were startled when a large ago. done for them at the meeting. ing last Wednesday letters of com­ having been informed to watch for peals the state income tax. amusement world an invention which elk jumped into the road in front of mendation from various editors oyer the car was not watching for lone promises to revolutionize the motion their machine. It ran up the road the state were read commenting upon pedestrians. The car was found the picture industry as his photo-engrav­ ahead of them for several hundred the remarkable manner in which the next day about a mile this side of Mc­ ing process revolutionized the print­ yards towards a logging camp where convention was conducted. Votes of Minnville, having run out of gas. ing art. The invention is employed it became frightened when some one thanks were extended by the clubmen The thief was evidently a vain sort in the photographing of motion pic­ appeared in the road in front and to those individuals and organizations for the only fixtures missing when tures in such a manner that they are jumped over a high bluff. The fall *ho so willingly assisted in the en­ the machine was discovered was the entrely stereoptic, giving the long killed it. The game warden in that tertainment of the editors. Goerge mirror that was attached to the sought effect of depth to the motion section who was notified stated that h*®b won the attendance prize which picture as the old fashioned stere­ the animal was very large weighing windshield. **s donated by Claud Barrick. Fred oscope which graced out grandmoth­ 900 pounds. Pye was added to the membership. er’s table in the latter part of the SPORTS ARE SCHEDULED VETERANS INCLUDED BODY STILL DISASTER IS IMPENDING MISSING NOVELTY PICTURES COMING TO COLISEUM GENERAL WHITE VISITS HERE FRIDAY NIGHT LEGION POST MEETS AT ARMORY FRIDAY STOLEN AUTO FOUND NEAR MCMINNVILLE ELK LEADS CHASE FOR AUTOMOBILE LOCAL KIWANIS CLUB GETS NOTE OF THANKS At the Filling Station CIRCUS DAY COMING TO TILLAMOOK CITY MOBILIZATION DAY IS SET FOR SEPT. 12 Pacifist, and those in favor of a c. Rhodes, advance man of the «• Barnes circus, was in Tillamook strong national defense will have onday to arrange for a return en- about six weeks to clash to their Mgenient to this city for that com- hearts content until Mobilization or "y- Arrangements were made for Defense day that has been proclaimed ‘ ’ »nimal show to appear at the old as a day for meetings and other dem­ 'r grounds on Monday, August 18. onstrations on a quiet, patriotic order Barnes show is considered as for the nation to check-up on its war strength case an emergency should greatest animal circus in suddenly arise. September 12 wa. U WorW- They hustled out of Cal- last winter just in time to chosen as it is the sixth anniversary * 'he hoof and mouth disease (of the battle of St. Meheil, It is not •tantine, and are returning to the 40 be a national holiday from regular ■ for the summer. They will 'activities, but it is asked that farx- ** to Tillamook from Kelso, Wash- lers and all other men of busimxi , ”• and will show in Portland ' meet at designated places that even- ...... This circus was w« ing for the purpose of patriotism. *i„le,vin8 here. Tillamook about eight years ago Incidentally this is •!«> the last day insider this one of the best of the Tillamook county fair. 'owns they have shown in. The city health officer has just completed an analysis of the water ’ nn Rusk, 15 year old son of W. >f 802 E. 5th street, was ac- ¡in the reservoir and other pomf n I city under the State Board of Hmlth . y y ’hot in the foot while load- L*“ 22 rifle. Dr. I. M. Smith 'ruling and report, very boy is improving nicely. * condition. nineteenth century, did to pictures of still life. This picture that demon­ strates the new process will be shown at the Coliseum next Tuesday even­ ing with a news reel, Aesop’s Fables The cheese market is getting rath- and "The Blizzard’,, a love story of ur slow and most of the storage ord­ the beautiful northern Lapland. ers have been filled. So far there has been no change in prices. Wis­ consin continues in the cellar and is selling at 17 cents and less. Production continues quite high considering the drought prevailing. Arrangements have been made for Production this year in July will be the baseball club of the Whitney about 290 boxes under last year, but Lumber company to play the Tilla­ the season to date shows an increase mook aggregation at the county fair of over 5500 boxes. ground next Sunday. Each team won l-ast year Los Angeles took 2.530,- a game in the two that were played 000 pounds, or 35.57 percent of the early in the season, so both teams are 1c cal chees> San Francisco territory anxious to win, and have snappy in­ ok 1,982,00 Opounda, or 27.87 per fields, good batteries and hard hitting mt; Oregon, 1,603,076 pounds, or outfielders. Baseball in Tillamook de­ percent, and Washington, 998,- serves the support of all those who >unds. or 14.03 percent. f 'hecks enjoy the most popular summer ath- for June milk will be out i letic contest that is rightfully c ■lled the te th of the month as usual. ! the great American sport. Robert Watt of Brighton is in Warren Martin of Coate camp was B. >alt hospital operated on for ap­ operated on at Boats hospital July pendicitis by Dr. J. O. C. Wley of 30th. Portland. CHEESE MARKET SLOW IS REPORT THIS WEEK TILLAMOOK PLAYS WITH WHITNEY TEAM » 1 B I MK3 F) ¿ a H n Vi ir . gnnr -¿¿J