Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 25, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    I was right, the one who burned JoanTthat the whole American “scheme I he says at the end of a long recital produced one of his own.
.f AiC at th« Hut« aa a bariUa, «r]>, wua wzangly thought out.* He caUu[ I I thu«« things handed down iruti* i Report« from the other side
the one who elevated her to a saint- attention to the "utterances of the the Bible and from without the Bible 1 mix-up say that Mr. Roe was con­
ship in the Church. Mr. Davey’s i Vatican Council," which established which are to be regarded as having tentedly fishing unaware that he was
(Continued from page 2)
•ent out this letter but I do know that talk on this subject will do very well I papal infallibility and Temporal pow- been handed down by “infallible” trespassing on any one’s property,
and learned Mr. Davey to answer on when suddenly a rock hit him on the
the author knew in Feb. 1923 the for reading matter for the laymen, , er as beng “against Americanism.”
It is evident, therefore, that all acton. We will now allow he wise 1 head. He t urned, ready to tight, saw
plans for the 1924 convention in Al but he would not dare to advance his i
Smiths behalf and that he most ably ideas on this subject, weak in the ! Mr. Davey hopes to do is to throw dust “infallibility.” What will we get ? the woman and knocked her down.
pointed out the souless character of legs as they are, before a priestly ' in the eyes of Catholic laymen and Some more of that little “spot,” with She drew a gun and threatened to
the Church of Rome when he said audience. What do the popes say on i prevent them if possible from know- a little pope, with a little cat, which shoot, but he talked her out of that,
Mr. Ryan stated that if the
and later __
"We must not be squemish when it this subject? In the body of the i ing the truth,- by talking childishly. he teaches to sat, and sat?
he would
w prosecute
—— —
eomes to fighting the battles of the
We j , ghoot at sight any trespasser on hist
1, we read: “Therefore, this one and the pope has a cat, and day by day he able to find that living witness. Vve
only Church has one body and one i controls the pretty thing and teaches give Mr. Davey anothe- challenge. property.
“St. Alphnsus Liguori, the favorite
head, not two heads like a monster, , it to sat. It was a secy, to the pope We challenge him to find an ex-pro-
These are the two versions and the
theologian of the Vatican says: ‘The
to-wit Christ, and the Vicar of Christ, , who nlotted the distructon of battle testant mnister who has been in good i prosecuting attorney refuses to pro­
Scriptures may not be permitted in
Peter and the successor of Peter ♦ * ♦ ships during the war. It was Cath­ standing in his church for at least fif-1 gecute the case,
the vernacular tongue, as also THEY
And we are, moreover, advised by olics who were found sending sup­ teen years, who will come forward
sayings of the Gospels that this church plies to Germany. It was Catholic and tell a tale of rotten Protestant
and under her powers there are two Ireland which refused the draft. It priestcraft and misrule that Crowley FOR SALE—PROPERTY ON PAV-
ed street for $3250. Rental value
“Cardinal Bellamine says: "The swords, namely the spiritual and the was Catholics in Canada who refused tells. Who will be able to show evi­
$60 per month. J. L. Ketch, op­
Catholic church forbids the reading temporal swords.
the draft. It was Catholics in France dence that cannot be successfully de­
posite Coliseum.
of the Scripture by all, or the public
“Thus the MATERIAL as well as who were found guilty of treason, but nied that he brought forward a doz­
readng or singing of them in vulgar
the spiritual sword is within the pow­
er of the church, the latter is wielded a “little spot” and has a “little cat” ed them to the bishops of the church,
for the Church, the former by the that he teaches how to sat, had noth­ told their crimes against morality,
Mr. Davey grows red in his wrath Church, the one by priests, the other ing to do with any of this intrigue. citing the place and the time etc.,
when he comes to that doctrine of the by the hand of kings and soldiers, at
Mr. Davey calls his public “open- and that the bishops of the protestant
Final Clean Up
real presence of the Lord Christ in the NOD and with the permission of minded and intelligent” then pro­ church turned a deaf ear. Who will
the Johnie wafer after the priest has the priest. ♦ * *
ceeds to talk to it like it was the name the time and place when pro­
mouthed a few words over it. We are
“For, as truth bears witness, the worst of fools. Like they never heard testant laymen gathered together and
not surprised it was for the denial spirtual power has authority to es­ of Cuba, the Phillipines, or Mexico, flamed petitions to their church offi­
Priced to
of this that the Roman Catholic tablish the TEMPORAL power, and or were entrely ignorant of the lordly cials asking relief of ungodly and im­
church burned many at the stake. be its judge in case it should not sway of the lord god the pope in moral ministers, and then show that
Nevertheless it remains of all doc­ prove good. Concerning the Church Spain, Poland and some of the Islands the officials of the church would not
trines the most heathenish and re­ and the power of the Church the pro­ of the sea. Or that they did not so much as answer their plea.
I Also wish to
volting. One priest said, “When I phecy of Jeremiah has been accom­ know that around the world, as now challenge Mr. Davey to do it. Surely
New Fall Hats arriving
command, the Lord MUST come plished as we read: “Behold I have in France, the pope had lost his rule if the Protestant ministery is so rot­
New showing of Felt Hats
down.” Think of such words in the set thee this day OVER the nations, because he WOULD NOT relinquish ton as he infers, he should be able to
presence of the God who sits at the and over the kingdoms to root out, his “ancient severity.”
find at least one such witness either
center of the Universe. Think of be­ and to pull down, and to destroy, and
When he has
This doctrine of “infallibility” was ancient or modern.
lieving that by a few words Christ to throw down, to build and to plant. not settled until 1870, and a large failed in this we shall ask him to
Beals Building
can be created in a wafer and in wine,
“Thus if the earthly power go as­ faction, now known as Old Catholics match some others, such as document
that he can be in turn swallowed by tray, it can not be judged by any (see ency.) now numbering more than 190. Of course we know that this
a man, digested and passed into the man, but BY GOD ALONE.
150,000 are living witness to the fact holy stew which Mr. Davey repre­
Dung hill. While one priest is mak­
“In conclusion, we assert, declare, that the absurity is a MODERN in­ sents, which is in the business of
ing this Christ to be eaten by man, define and solemnly pronounce that vention. One of the popes issued a making booze, to make drunkards,
or dog, or rat as the case might be, all human beings are under the auth- bull in which he asserts his belief that
(Continued next issue)
ten thousand others are doing the orty of the Roman Pontiff, as an in- men were having sexual intercourse
same thing, thus we may have as dispensible condition of salvation.”
with devils. It is evident that this BAIRD’S COMEDIANS RETURN
many Christs as there are priests
Here we have what Roman Cath­ pope believed a LIE to be the truth,
saying latin words, Yet one Pope died olics mean when they talk about sep­ what becomes of his infallibility ?
Arrangements have been made for
because of poison in his communion aration of church and state, and also Poor devil he did not even have good
the Baird’s Comedians to play Tilla­
cup. How could his cup be a Christ to what limits the doctrine of infalli­ sense say nothing of being
unable mook in their big tent theatre which
to bless and a poison to kill ? I read bility extends. Remember Mr, Dav­ to err. At one time there was
FOUR will be located on the lot at Third
in the Bible that Christ took on the ey’s little speech about that “LITTLE popes, from which shall we
expect street and Stillwell Ave. Mr. Baird
»«ratio« ta
form of a man, but no whore do I SPOT” in Rome over whch the Pope “unerring authority?” The
church has his company housed in a big new
read that he took on the form of a rules, and reread the Papal curse had ONE woman pope, who deceived tent this season, also a complete new
against the Magna Charta and Eliza­ the whole church until she birthed a reportoire of good plays, most of
Mr. Davey says: “The witholding beth. I am wondering if Mr. Davey child. Was she infallible? (Platina’s which are great comedy successes
of the wine from tho laymen involves thinks his “intelligent public” never history of the popes. Platina was that give the well known comedian, j
no change of the doctrine \of the heard of Italy’s fight for liberty? secy, to Pius II, and Sixtus made him “Toby” Leitch, an opportunity to get!
church.” This may or may not be Mr. Davey knows that the reason the librarian of the Vatican.) The sixth many a laugh each evening, there will
true, Mr. Editor, but Mr. Davey will Pope is within the Vatican, and why ecumenical council under pope Ath- be a complete change of play and
have to admit that it involves a he will not depart therefrom is be­ ago, condemned a former pope “Hon- vaudeville nightly. The opening bill ¡
CHANGE of the SCRIPTURE. Thus cause he has been on an age-long pout orius” as a HERITIC. This was ap­ “Toby the Sheik” gives the entire
MMBVne k • Ara
this MIGHTY supreme court, which since he was deprived of some of his proved by Agatho, by Leo the II, and company a chance to show at their
Mr. Davey talks about, is found de­ authority as a TEMPORAL ruler. later by Hadrian II, and was men­ best. This company played here last
parting from the law. Why? Be­ The Popes have denied the right of tioned in all copies of the Roman season.
o A km U m farpowiv /«farir
cause to give the same man both the laymen or priest to read certain breviary up to the 16th century. WAS
wafer and wine would be to give him books, they have denied the right of THIS POPE INFALLIBILE? Who
two doses of this man-made christ the state to collect taxes from th§ was infallible the pope condemned or
and this might prove to be an over­ priesthood, they have required all the pope who condemned? Either
Last Sunday, a tourist named
dose. The Komau ^‘holic church civil officers to take oath that they ground makes “infallibility” look like Charles E. Roe, evidently stopped to
pope, the thing it is—The dream of a mad
— ­ fish along the Wilson river in the hills
becomes a “wafer-god” religion "JH 5Worlt ?u* Ji'S wil1 oi
and faithfully labor io .exterminate man, believed by the exercise of J east of town at the property of Will-
through this most unholy belief.
Seven popes were iam Ryan. Difficulties involving a
Mr. Davey ought to know how all heritics within their domains, etc. rank credulity.
many Catholics are in Congress, but without end. Coming down to later CHILDREN of popes and priests. I rock, a blow and at least one gun
Let us read from Council of Trent I seems to have arisen out of the ang-
it seems he does not. When we said times what does Leo XIII, say about
55 per cent in Congress, that is just Americanism, for which we have so further on this subject. "“Therefore, I ler’ voluntary or inadvertant tres-
what We meant. We did not expect many smooth tongues saying kind if any one shall Say that the Roman passing on Mr. Ryan’s property. The
Mr. Davey to understand, he seems words in these days when they ob­ Pontiff holds only the charge of in- above seems to be about the extent
like a good many of his followers, un­ serve that the day of winning is not i spection or direction, and not full and of the available facts as the details
able to understand English. In the y’et come. This is what lie »ays: sUpieme power of jurisdicton OVER come from two different sources.
“From the tenor of our discussion up THTE ENTIRE CHURCH, NOT | Mrs. Ryan’s version is that she saw
Senate there are five Roman Galli til lliit ¡joint Belover Son (Cardinal ONLY in things which pertain to • the intruder in front of the house
olics and in the House 38. Thera Uere
Gibbons), it is plain that we CAN­ FAITH AND MORALS, but to those fishing along the river and ordered
around sixty who introduces al one
NOT approve the opinions whose es­ things which pertain to the DISCIP-:him off. He emphatically refused to
time “beer bills.” Of this number
LINE AND GOVERNMENT Of the comply, whereupon she threw
55 per cent were Roman Catholics. sence some people term “American­ church spread throughout the wo. Id ' a rock and hit the fisherman in the
Another writer says of this “beer
* *
let him be anathema." Rev. head with it. (She must be an ex­
bill” bunch: "Ninety per cent are approve is a request that the Church Nicholas Wiseman, and eminent Ro- ceptionally good marksman for her
from districts which have been sur-
man Catholic of the 19th
l'dth century says I sex.)
This, naturally angered the
merged under the alien tide.” We up age, relax to some extent the an­ of the “infallibility” that it includes
[ angler and he hit Mrs. Ryan with his
will have to admit that this is a
he authority “of repressing all at- fist and knocked her down.
tent to the modern tenets and ays-the
mighty bitter dose for Mr. Davey to
tems of the nations.” He here asserts tempt* to broach new opinions.” This threatened to get a gun, and the man
swallow but facts are facts and they
must be faced.
Mr. Davey takes a real delight,
it is the result of his schooling, to
shout that every damaging fact is
false, false, false! The strange thing
about it is that he seems to think
he has proved it false by his shout.
Mr. Davey's Hierarchy has been prov­
ed to be worse than false, it has been
proved to be a living lie, passing
beads with one hand while it peddles
When ya*
“booze” with the other.
owrsixe C-T-C haaMvffl
Strossmeyer said what 1 quoted as
Inflation cords yon learn a
per history, and at no time did he re­
new lesson in tire satisfaction,
call his statement of fact as to what
riding comfort and economy.
the “infallibility” of the Pope involv­
The superior construction
ed. Mr. Davey says that some of the
means extra long-distance
popes were "sinners,” he also says he
travel and reduced tire mile-
believes that the popes are infallible.
What he does not seem able to see
is, that to male a g .Hess .-inner, who
polutes his own daughter or lives
» C-K **■* W i lt
with hs own mother, infallible, is to
make a monsterous devil out of his
God. Mr. Davey talks about Crass
* «W-
gent public” will not take his serious-
ignorance, but of course his “intelli­
ly since ho represents a bunch who
do not know
a col! i’ ought not
to button in the back. Mr. Davey
forwith demonstrates that what he
Distributors Tillamook
knows about infallibility is nothing.
The diction;:.y says: Infallibility, not
capable of erro..
If bne pope by his position is not
capable o» e. or then ALL popes are
so. If one IS NOT then none are.
If one has vr:ed in matters of church
affairs, it is proof that no pope has
EVER had anything that you could
even call by the name of infallibility.
Now let Mr. Davey tell us which Pope
Fire Sale Continues
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