FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1924 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 3 Mamook »eablijrtt only by some stalwart son who has eries Al Smithites to he core—took new parish. eluded the injunction of William J., it all in the Spartan fashion and fail­ I not hamper their progress. They are ' time and posted $25 bail. Their cases ing piling 100 feet in length. Independent Weekly Paper also waiting for the two factions to i will come up at a later date. They 1,500,000 trout fingerlings planted Coos Bay—Plant for manufacture made a fortune in Wall Street and ed to go wild at the thought that the Published Every Friday by the kill themselves off over the title con­ 1 were C. D. Hince, R. G. Casey, Guy in streams of western Oregon during sliced off a liberal share of said convention had performed its mission. of fir veneer lath will soon commence fl«dliKht Publishing Company troversy then they will come out and Williams and F. Barker. first week of July. n Tillamook. Oregon wealth for the support of the Madison So sudden had come the turn and so proclaim the title, as it should right- i Hood Rver- -Saint Mark’s to build operations. widespread was the feeling that fully be designated, “Bupyan Peak.” Imagine the SPARKS Manager I Square hostilities. ^slieHarrison that’s done” throughout the dele­ -----------------------, writer’s surprise to obtain through gates, that the demonstration lacked I “ßrtiied’w second class mail matter the famous, even notorious Tammany THE ADOPTION OF THE DOLLAR Great fires from little matches the spontaneity or size which have th« U. S. poetoffice at Tillamook, hall, free convention tickets for all the AND-CENT SYSTEM BY THE grow. characterized such moments in the BRITISH EMPIRE sessions one cared to attend. Tam-1 past. Obviously everybody was glad ♦ ♦ ♦ Oregon ___________ People who live in wooden houses .------- • was finally in [ *" SUBSCRIPTION RATES friend especially if the friend talks The main reasons for giving the shouldn’t throw cigarettes by the sight; the feeling for the candidate Year. By Mail ..................... 12.00 nicely about Mr. Smith and agrees preference to the dollar-and-cent sys- ' roadside. was less pronounced. Months. By Mail ................. »L00 that Boss Murphy created a wonder­ ♦ ♦ ♦ The high light of the convention tern (over the existing English coin-' L. Months, By Mail ............. $ .75 ful organization. OF PORTLAND wonder, , — _ if ____ some ___ _______ age, or a pound subdivided into a , Did you ever history this week, nevertheless was payable in advance________ The meetings of Tuesday, the day not the nomination of John W. Davis. thousand “mils”) may be summed up folks ara as careless at home as they are in the woods ? before the nomination came, were the The real stir was when Alfred E. as follows: Telephone Official Decorators for the Elks during the Con­ ♦ ♦ ♦ tired weary but grimly determined Smith addressed the convention for Its adaptability for every-day Pacific States. Main 68 vention will be in the city next week. They will Every time you throw a cigarette type. The band would play, Califor­ fifteen minutes Wednesday noon. transactions, and its greater simpli­ have full charge of decorating the city. Also nia would continue to wave her pretty Al’s” popularity is a matter to con­ city for the keeping of accounts. If out of the car, say to yourself, “Here wish to contract the work for all merchants as goes another forest fire ” — and don ’ t ♦ * flags and set forth weak hurrahs at jure with. The writer heard Presi­ we are to aim at one uniform empire OUR EDITORIAL POLICY do it they are fully equipped to handle the work currency, that object s more likely to the mention of McAdoo. But think ­ dent Wilson on the latter’s fateful! ♦ ing men, if such here were, after two trip to the west . Then the president be attained through the dollar than cheaper and better as all the displays will harm­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ L To advocate, aid and sup­ The fine art of being a safe camper weeks of battle, acknowledged the im­ was in the zenith of his power, the through pound and mil. In not many onize better. They furnish all materials, put up ♦ possibility of giving either of the two war was over but the demonstration J years from now the number of peo­ consists in being dead sure that EV­ ♦ port any measures that will displays and tear them down. Have a large ERY spark is out. outstanding candidates the banner. scarcely exceeded the prolonged roar ple using the dollar will be much ♦ bring the most good to the force of experienced decorators and materials ♦ ♦ ♦ larger than the number of those using most people Again and again the test had been when the governor appeared Wednes­ ♦ to do the work. What the trees sang:— 2. To encourage industries any other coin. This will make the made only to fall way short of the nec day — Sheridan Sun. ♦ “ Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, to establish in Tillamook dollar the predominant standard. essary two-thirds. The fight had been ♦ MR. ELLIS in Charge. If the loggers don’t get us, the The adoption of the dollar by the so bitter that even the Californian’s ♦ county. MORE ABOUT HAIRY APES cigarettes must. ” 3. To urge the improvement British empire — ould bring us into pronouncement which stirred the air IT WILL PAY TO SEE MR. ELLIS FIRST ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ line with the great English-speaking of the convention in the wee small ♦ of a port for Tillamook City. FOREST FIRE. A very large and communities of North America, and hours of a sultry Wednesday morn­ Paul Bunyan and the Swede First ♦ 4. To insist on an American Fall Out Over Name of Bunyan strengthen ties between Anglo-Saxon disastrous result from a very little ing, failed to unite the party which ♦ standard of labor. Peak carelessness. nationalities.—Exchange. adjourned at 4 a. m. for another day ♦ 5. To be politically indepen­ ♦ ♦ ♦ I dent, but to support the can ­ of turmoil. ♦ SPARK: Acompound essence of fire didates for public office who THRIFT IN PUBLIC EDUCATION As was stated in last week ’ s Head- ♦ It was the writer’s good fortune to fury, compressed into the smallest ♦ will bring the most good to happen back to the hall Wednesday ligh the hairy apes in the vicinity of possible space. Usually found in cig- the people of Tillamook Kelso, Washington, are descended The recent session of the National . arette stubs, matches, and neglected ♦ afternoon. The belief was prevalent county and of the State of General Line of ♦ that the nomination was still afar off. from the time of Paul Bunyan and his Education association at Washington, camp fires. a Oregon. One never knows, however, the tem­ sojourn with the Swede and the blue D. C., emphasized the importance of ♦ ♦ ♦ perament of 1096 dog-tired, bored, al­ ox. Although newspapers claim that thrift, teaching economy in school ad­ The man who puts out the last spark * e ♦ ♦ <■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ these animals live in the vicinity of ministration and introduction of uni ­ most down-hearted stalwarts. generally acquires the reputation of Mt. St'. Helens, it is a well know fact versal savings systems. The balloting began. The governor being a good woodsman. X WELCOME EDITORS that they are more abundantly in­ Arthur H. Chamberlain, chairman of Alabama whose classic “twenty- ♦ ♦ ♦ habitant in the foothlls of Mt. Rain­ of the National Committee on Thrift four votes for Underwood” had be­ Before leaving your camp ground, » MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS For several weeks, people of Tilla­ come a convention slogan, started ier, but since the controversy over Education, advocates courses of study take an inventory to see that you that mountain ’ s name has temporar ­ on these lines in the school systems mook have been looking forward with his favorite horse on the 103rd haven’t left anything,—sparks of fire, Both ’Phones Tillamook, Ore. with interest and pleasure to these ballot. Will Rogers who ranked as ily been dropped the reporters do not of our country. I for instance,—or camp rubbish. like to mention the mountain because General introduction of school sav ­ two big days that are at hand, when high-point man of the convention we may welcome the editors of the humorists, declares that Alabam’s an­ they do not know which name to give ings deposit systems, with millions of small depositors drawing interest, GARIBALDI COUPLE MARRIED state of Oregon to our community swer to roll will speedily become the it without getting into trouble. Back in the old days when Paul are to be introduced in the common and its surroundings. We, the citi- national anthem. The swing for Sam Roley and Dorothy Cummings lens, expect to derive a great amount Davis started with the early states and the Swede were digging the Col- schools and colleges. Progressive banking houses are were married at the court house on A STRONG BANK ffll WILLING TO SERVE of pleasure and intellectual breadth i in the list and grew in intensity as lumbia river, the ox got mad at the . Paul and taking up this matter on practical July 22 by E. W. Stanley, Justice of from our associations, short though [ R ¡s a they may be, with the boosters and moment to see a convention, dead- I the Swede were piling the dirt on a lines to counteract the tendency of the Peace. The couple are from Gari­ where Mt. Hood now stands. children learning to spend money be­ baldi where they will make their fu­ builders of public opinion who will locked for the longest period of any I spot They had jugt spenl the ioug fore they have acquired earning abil­ ture home. be in our city during these two days. such American gathering—one would' .. .. . . . Not long ago, when transportation I be safe in saying for the longest I summer keeping the snow shoveled ity. The Dalles—Libby cannery employ­ I out of Hood ’ s canal, an echo of Puget The morality and stability of char­ and other means of communication period in the history of the world for ‘ gound ing on average of 400 women and were so remote from any large de­ we recall no such throes in the choice ,____ . The sound had to be kept i acter, to say nothng about individual men. gree of perfection it was the news­ of a Caesar—move like the mind of a I clear so it would carry to Eastern honesty and saving habits, of the Hood River—Interstate bridge us- , Oregon where the sound had to be ¡child can be conserved by such sys- papers that kept up united spirit child. _-lV.Y ........... iTriaKW_aL.m2!tinL!'heard where the ^eepmen used it to [ terns for the welfare and prosperity i that has meant so much to our en­ heroic effort to place her favorite son^" the?/sheep“.' They had piled Newspaper people of Ore- . They had piled of the individual, the family and our tire county. Tillamook, in those days, °n...?e-h5h“t_Pin"îC1l2he_ Part^ this snow in the Rainier nationaI Park- ' country. was more isolated than the average could offer. .Here and there a state They called it that because PauI said gon who have come to be our - 1 They called it that because Paul said communty, and perhaps [hat increas­ would cast a • split vote, then gather it wa3 rainier there than any place COAST CUTTER BEAR WINS es the appreciation on that we feel in consultation and change its entire FIGHT WITH ICE PACK —-—■» | he had ever seen. While they were guests—may your trip here be an towards the newspaper workers rep­ strength to John W. Davis. C Glass working here, burning the asbestos resented by the hundreds of men and supporters were hangng on. A proud ' | handles from their shovels from work- The Coast Guard cutter Bear, women that are with us now in their southern woman with the pleasant | ¡ng so fagt, 0]d cbjef Rad;0 Light’s grand old craft of the icy wastes instructive and enjoyable one, seventeenth annual convention. And drawl, was doing her best to convince favorite daughter climbed up on the where ships are ships, has whipped in this modern age the newspapers the leader of a state delegation that pile of snow they had thrown up and Old Boreas to a frazzle again. and your impressions lasting are still the most dependable sources Davis was incapable and Glass the started to comb her hair. The Swede Battered by ice, her timbers strain­ of information and education obtain­ truly great candidate. Every time saw her and exclaimed, “Look Paul, ed, two blades of her propeller gone memories of the Tillamook coun able. a Davis vote was announced the West she’s goin’ “t’ comb ’er” hair on our and her rudder wrenched Joose, the The UNIVERSITY of OREGON We are offering the best we have Virginia bunch let loose with a pile of snow.” Every day thereafter Bear came into the roadstead here contains : for your entertainment, for we want broadside of applause. Mr. Walsh, she came up there to comb her hair, Thursday and dropped anchor. try The College of Literature, Science • you to be happy and feel that we ap­ who in most people’s opinion, earned i and one day when it was rainier than She made port through the heaviest and the Arts with 22 departments preciate your efforts that have meant every compliment the conventon paid < usua| the Swede, who had fallen cave- ice seen in these waters for a quarter so much to the entire state. We feel him, looked over his iron gray mus- manfu]|y jn love with her, and Paul of a century. The professional schools of Archi­ tecture and Allied Arts—Business that Tillamook has more to offer in tache, which threaten to obstruct his, gunyan had a heated argument over It was down to the northeast of St. Administration—Education—Grad­ the way of things to look at and all view, and sees a storm ahead. te name of this knoll that the maiden Lawrence island that the ice pack uate Study—Journalism—Law— around pleasant surroundings than Davis increased steadily with the. liked to mount to comb her hair, on from the northern sound, hurried on Medicine—Music—Physical Edu­ the majority of cities our size, and call of states, When the end of the this day that was rainier than the oth- its way by a sudden shift of wind Tilla cation—Sociology—Extension we are surely glad to have the op­ roll was reached and delegates by | ers. —. Of course the two men didn’t from Siberia, caught the Bear against Member Federal Reserve System For a catalogue or anÿ information portunity to welcome all of you. We rapid calculation found that the West( get along very well after this argu­ the shore fields. iprite The Registrar. UniVer»ttÿ of were not expecting to show you so Virginian had more than majority— ment over the mound that has since I Day after day she fought her way, Oregon, Eugene. Oregon much smoke but that is only an added the first time for any convention can­ grown to such physical as well as slipping stealthily through an opening attraction. nosing about in a sea-going lagoon, didate to reach such a place, one could anti-neighborly preponderance. The 49 th Year Opens September 25,1924 Well, what made the blue ox so always battling the clutching arms of see a tidal wave sweep over the floor. A dozen leaders were on their chairs mad up there on the Columbia river the “old man of the north.’’ Then the POLITICS ARE DISCUSSED waving the state standards and clam­ job was that Paul and the Swede got ice seized her and carried her helpless oring for recogniion. ^Alabama with to wrangling among themselves and through Behring Strait. The ice broke near tie entrance to By Sheldon Sacket the stentorian voice of her leader, wouldn’t get together and build a (Editor’s Note: Mr. Sackett, a broke the Underwood cordon and cast boat to haul the dirt in, for the fog Kotzubue Sound and the Bear slipped former Sheridan boy, discusses the her votes for Davis. Oregon was cry­ was so thick that he had to swim with through, fought her way to the west­ democratic convention and the nomi- I ing for recognition. Walsh was cool ! the load to the top of the pile that | ward close to Cape Espenberg and oation of John W. Davis from the and dictatorial. It was proof positive I is now fully grown and indisputably so along the northern shore of Cape viewpoint of an eye-witness.) of ability, this time, to hold the con­ 1 called Mt Hood. All he had for a Prince of Wales, where she found Politics vie this summer with base vent ion. une Dy one one «w. carrier was a toy automobile belong­ clear water and showed her heels to vention. One by the states went as the great American sport. Davis. D avis. The crowd began to yell, ing to Mr. Hood’s oldest boy. So the the ice pack. One would think the old boat would “Babe” Ruth in New York tempor- tbe end was in sight, one woman who ox sneaked away one dark night about take a rest after that experience. But anlv kin M — J 4-Si 1 . . « i V Avr noon and at 1 p. m. the next morn ­ *rily doffed his hat and home runs to' bad pledged herself to vote for Mc- team of Davis and Bryan vs. the Adoo all summer changed her vote ing got back to the place where the the Bear isn’t that kind of boat. A Swede’s sweetheart had let the pile few repairs and then she’ll steam Coolidge-Dawes battery. and the end was at hand. It was the writers privilege to gain, Someone who perhaps had an ar­ of snow grow so rapidly that it was away into the Arctic. There are Eskimos starving up •t first hand an estimate of the lead-1 rangement with the chairman, moved, too high to mount to comb her hair. er’ in the two parties which will play that the vote be taken by acclamation. That day was rainier than any pre­ there by “the circle” and they depend the dominant part in the coming elec- The chairman never put the motion. vious. The relatives of the maiden on the Bear and her food supplies. dP, the socalled historic Democratic faith in her lawyer-candidate by large A sentence of 30 days in jail for there the mercury dropped to a very tonvention of 1924 was visited. signs bearing the caption “Davis, the low mark and all the hair was frozen smoking in a closed area of a national To have listened in succession to next president of the United Stat«, forest was passed by Federal Judge °*Phu- Daniels of war-time fame, Together with large pictures of the off his neck and when the Indians Bean to Thomas Carey, truck driver melted down the snow where the hair Gwemor Cox of Ohio, who held standard bearer. These were thrust in construction work in Lane county. banner under whkh the party out and the triumphal march was on. had dropped off the ox’s neck some i Carey pleaded guilty to the charge of of them, not wise to what had hap- ' "®«red such disastrous defeat in Rome had triumphed! PoJiUcal^con- • from * i this i smoking where no smoking signs had mphed. drank the water " ■ t«len to see the convention go ventions have 1 _ placed. r. and ever since, their been 1 over the appearance and speech cially is this trw when the conven That the severity of the penalty ­ Here decendants have been a tribe of Ind-^ " thi doubtable “Al” only to give tion has made its dedston ” ano. TKfiV ' due to the importance of the ob­ r«* ians that look HL. like hairy apes. They was '*®'P®ratively mild applause to the comes an old l.dy. no doubt­ never come out to civilisation because servation of that particular law was ~®®date of their choice—all these fined three score and ten, tnpp» « they are ashamed of themselves for the explanation of Judge Bean in T* *ns»tions which in part tell the some light fantastic of earlier d y _ letting the pile of snow grow to such passing sentence. It is the first since ""‘ of the political wind. Likewise Here was a fat «»rota, P^ked stupendous proportions, and causing the forest service has established the -oolidge address of the Fourth, the state's standard with alL?e e ' so much dissention. This has prob­ closed areas on account of extreme Ups taira ’ ’Pectacular but a more accurate ergy of a kid at th. circus The^nd ably accounted for their great su­ fire danger. The court ruled in Car­ Beals Building Tillamook, Oregon. ¿T?*'0" of party belief, was an played “Pack Up Your Trouble, m ture which is reported to exceed seven ey’s case that July 7, the date of the .v Pterion of the temperature of Your Old Kit Bag -nd «round and feet. They stay up there in the woods arrest. should be called the first day * Political pot around the hall went the *«***? ' where wood alcohol, automobile«, tax­ of imprisonment Four others were arrested at the I om J' t>Wn Widely heralded thru- Hats went into the: air; tte es, elections and moving picture« do 7* pre»» that seats to the Dem- good amount of ytfl«« but th* g * festivitea could be procured THE AMERICAN DECORATING CO A. W. Plank Hardware Co. Hardware,Paints, Oils, Varnishes • and glass Welcome i O. E. A. I nal Bank CORRECTLY FITTED EYE GLASSES Have your eyes examined and glasses made by a vision specialist whose entire time is devoted to this work. Drop into our office and talk it over with the spec­ ialist in charge. OW OPTICAL CO.