X. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT The Hotels HMlMMiHHM***** he Tillamook iSOl ’‘ft* «ho»! ge. »Jim rii i* bdi ts-ta ticr-i uni Y$idll msor I’ll nil i ■te>: 3S I0ÚÍÍ oTj »»J heNetherland Allen House iW J- rt. CORRESPONDENCE ♦♦♦♦*+*++*« Correspondence on the var­ ious subjects of the day is in­ vited by the Headlight for publication. Any paper for publication must be signed with the writer’s name, which may be withheld by request. ♦ CHURCHES ♦ EPÌSCOPI’, CFf 1C? I * : Me»,.: s nil ♦ Set fay ¡. jrvicej fi» i 5« day il ♦ the month. ♦ Sunday school, 10 a. ____ m. ♦ Morning service, 11 a. m. ♦ service, 7:80 p. ♦ Evening Conducted by Arch Deacon Black. 11: Elizabeth Sims, u Peterson, W. E. Grayl, L. ’ «• f Tucker, Victor Daute, ’’ . m C Smthhisler and M°pXnd'; A. E. Stansbury, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ gurnets, Chicago; J. G. Kal- " E. G. Narrigan, As- OCEANSIDE A Denton, Salem; Mr. and 1Byland, C°7ll‘S:AGM“: A. L. Powers and family were Eugene; Mrs. F. E. A. Me Oceanside visitors during the week. .Angeles; Mrs. Almira Con- Mrs. L. J. Hendry and party are Ung Branch, New Jersey; Ted- spending a week in Driftwood cot- KJ. Wesley Asbury, Leon tage. Kmer De Sart, Ted Stiff, E. Mrs. T. J. Born and Mrs. T. Huber L pacific City. fey Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bak- of Portland are occupying a tent house. 0 Miller, E. Dilthy and family Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kenan and son Claussen, J- L. May, Mr and of The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. William A. Davidson, Rebecca Kenan of St. Petersburg, Florida, J L Rice, Dr. Thomas W. were enjoying Oceanside the past Hugh Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. week. Kimmell, Dr. Ella F. Kimmell, E. C. Sharp and family of Gaston V Getty, Mr. and Mrs. I. U. are spending their vacation in We- - W S. Raker, W. A. Ward, coma cottage. ^George, G. E. King, George George Pierie and family occupied . Ruth Ellis, Ruth Thompson, the Breakers Mnday and Tuesday. ’MacDonald, Portland; J. W. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dean of Port­ ¡uä Spokane; J. O. Hayes, Sa- land are in “ few Robert Durney, Hoquiam, Wash- days vacation. i- Thomas H. Heney, A. B. C. H. F. Williams and family and /Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Rice, Rec- Chas, Ellis and family passed the / V. Gaute, L. B. Avrit, Gari- week end in “The Anchor.” W. B. Cook and family of Astoria jay: Wheeler baseball team, are among the vacationists at this Elizabeth Tohl, Timber; E. C. resort. B, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Suther- C. W. Tandy and party were regis­ Margaret Hess, Portland; Mrs. tered from Salem this week. iplegate, Batterson; Miss Mist Homer McKenzie and wife, Mrs. J. !ger, San Francisco; Mr. and R. Johnson, Mrs. Hazel Tanke and L Davis, H. A. Campbell, Se- two daughters, of Freewater, Oregon, A. 0. Davidson, Salem; Mrs. spent the week end here. , E. Halloway, Spokane; Alta Mrs. S. M. Calkins, Dean, Clifford, jt, Garibaldi; C. L. Josephoon, and Clara Calkins arrived Saturday. o, California. They have taken the Sandpiper cot­ iday: Chas. Miller, Cape Mears tage for the next few weeks. ihouse; F. B. Pratt and family, A. Mrs. Barnickel, Mrs. M. Zee and L w .A. Martin, W. W. Cole, Mr. daughter, and A. E. Barnickel of Mrs. B. F. Bloomfield, G. H. Portland enjoyed the beach over the on, Shannon Phillips, Ray Hop- week end. F G. Cate, R. D. Cruikshank, Dr. and Mrs. Guy A. Woods and / Moreland, H. C. Tier, H. L. family and Mrs. W. R. Bevins of 1er, D. E. MacDonald, Carl G. Portland were among the Sunday ar­ er, Portland; R. W. Pilkington, rivals. They will occupy Ship a Hoy Book; Robert E. Stewart, H. S. cottage for the next two weeks. I, McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Hubbard and son, Claude Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard, and Mrs. B. D. Johnson returned to their home in Portland Monday after a pleasant outing. Mrs. H. B. Smith and Miss Ethel day: R. Ulber, T. M. Reddick, uid Mrs. F. E. Smith, B. L. Can- Smith of Salem have taken a tent G B. Taylor, L. H. Brown, W. H. huse for a week. rM. and Mrs. 8. C. McDowell, Mrs. it, C. Strandberg, Paul C. North- Henry Cook, Portland; I. W. H. C. McDowell and Miss Thelma son, Hanford, California; Mr. Carey of Salem are here for a two Mrs. E. Kennedy, Eugene; DI L. weeks vacation. Francis Thomas and family of city; A. W. Thompson, Agate Cornelius have taken a tent house turday: J. Brown Strong, P. L. for a few days. L. C. Lomax of Hillsboro brought db, E. G. Markett, Edward G. L W. H. McGregor, T. M. Red- his family to Oceanside Sunday »here Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lankow, Mr. they will spend the remainder 4 the Mrs. B. H. Suffert, O M. Hicky, month. W. R. Rosh and wife are registered I Smith and son, L. O. Hall, Al- Johnson, August Waldnagel, from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Roseman of i Crawcraft, Portland. lay: C. R. Fram, Fresno; Max Dayton and Misses Eva and Florence f, J. R. Pitts, Portland; H. T. Oliphant of Lafayette are recent ar­ i; Tillamook; J. C. Gray, Em­ rivals. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edwards are in, Sheridan. > Idaho; F. M. Franklin, Floyd entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Daw­ aday: J. T. Beauchamp, Frank son and son, of Oakland, California, nd, Wheeler; R. Howard, B. C. and Mrs. Jack Rutherford and son of *11, W. A. Newall, M. V. Leasia, San Diego, at their cottage on Tilla­ we M. Leasia, Portland; L. A. mook avenue. Campers in the grove this week are: me, Max Dunham, Albany; Mrs. I* Baker, J. R. Hamilton, George G. C. Erwin, Jack Erwin, Alex White and family, Ellis A. Simmons and laker, Astoria. family, Chas. G. Young, F. C. Barnes and family, L. Byington and famly, J. O. Johnson and wife, A. M. John­ son, J. R. Sammons, S. J. William­ son, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ii>s Meyer, J. H. Cannon, R. D. C. Stevens, G. W. Worden and wife, Bti, H. Walmer, R. J. Fulton, R. Newberg; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smith, l»non, J. G. Born, Portland; W. Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. James, «Donald, McMinnville. Mary Margaret Reed, Seattle; Victor turday: W. M. Peterson, M. C. Ivie, Junction City; C. W. Ivie, * Mrs. J. G. Born, F. E. A. Chatham, Ill. Portland; A. N. Blanch, Whit- MmP: Cecil Embody, Charles CHINK SEASON TO OPEN roR *7. Tillamook; C. B. Ownby, S. TWO DAYS “»pany; R. o. Britton, Oregon George Paterson, Willamette; The following communication was Potts, Salem; Monte Ballu, Mc- received from the Oregon state game commission recently, by Eugene Cros­ “«F: Bud Wallace Hemlock; A. by, president of the Tillamook county ■«Callum, Seattle; Bud Under- game protective associaion: • Mike Donovan, Jim Donovan, I beg to inform you that upon re­ ®ook. commendation of the state game war­ Mr. and Mrs. William J. den the game emmission issued an J. Dayl, E. S. Underwood, order providing for a two-day open |Çd*,ter> C. K. Mageske, Mr. season of Chinese pheasant, the dates ■ L. K. von Pier, Portland; to be the 12 and 13 of October and v8'18’ Shavertown, Pennsyl- the bag limit to be two male birds in f ru D- Brown, Spokane; one day. G*Mn, Silverton. This will give the Tillamook county sportsmen a taste of pheasant hunt­ ing without endangering the breeding J stock it is essentially V I1WCO3«* necessary to 1 just when the protect at ths time j .tart in vour kn.^illiam B°yd' Arlingt a; birds are getting a good start in your .Doyle, Bob Hickey, Porti« td. locality, Yours very truly, A. E. BURGHDUFF, l Villip Frost, Mr. and State game warden. R- R. Parker, D. J. .’Seattle; Steve Stratton, Roy Oregon canneries will handle ever­ u Portlan«l; P. L. Frost, green blackberries as usual- Matthieu, Portland. Ashland-8132,000 subscribed for y ^rs- J- Applegate, Bat- new tourist hoteL • ’ an Patten, Portland. The Todd r ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ bl Remaining Sundays in each month, Supday school 10:30 a. m. Ladies Guild meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Every one cordially welcome to these services. U. B. CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. Preaching service 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. There is a comfortable pew wait­ ing for you. Come. W. O. WOOLEVER, Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school rft 9:45 a. m. The Sunday school meets 15 mniutes soon- er than formerly. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. Epworth League at 7:00 p. m. Evening service at 8:00 p. mp SIMPSON HAMRICK, Pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH certified check equal to five per centiare required to present them, proper- of the bid as a guarantee of good jy verified, to the undersigned at the taith in making such bid, and the I ~ . D • v * u n xt *• i bidder will be required to furnish the I °®CeS °f BamCk & H*U> Natl0M1 " '»lank bonds, ready for the signature I Buildin «> Till«re<*>k- , Oregon, within th« officers nffiporo of the District Tk- six months from th the a date of the first f f the The