FRIDAY, JULY 18,1924 ©Uamoofe ÿeaiiligfjt TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT various positions in the different sec­ tions of the country. Other towns the size of Tllamook, but with fewer natural attractions have successfully conducted large conventions have taken the delegates into their homes with the result that the delegates re­ turn to their own towns heralding the news of the good time and hospitality shown while at the convention. With­ out mentioning the oblgation due such elements of civilization as news­ papers and fraternities such as the Elks for their efforts in building and boosting their communities, it be­ hooves Tillamook to give the visitors the best possible accommodations and friendly welcome. 3 OUR COUNTY FINANCES DAIRY COWS iri Dr.mArCD continue. These are real crimes— Eugene—Construction work started Oakridge to build $7,299.37 school. figure it out for yourself. During on two new tent hangars for govern­ Roseburg— City purchases new 7. Independent Weekly Paper Much relief was felt Tuesday when especially hazardous times the Gov­ Here is a news item which indi­ ment airplanes. Stutz fire engine. published Every Friday by the the report of the state auditors who' ernor puts a ban on all fire building cates the hooking up of the dairy in­ St. Helens increases city water Eugene shipped carload black cher­ Headlight Publishing Company had been put to work on the county I in the open. Every citizen should terests of the Pacific northwest with su pply. ries daily during season. Tillamook, Oregon books reported the conditions in which 1 heed these orders. We have all seen I 1 the Orient. K. Makushima of Tokyo they found the county financial affairs. the results of a spreading fire in tim­ and Professor A. Meyawaki of the Manager Italie Harrison There were many dubious ones who ber and know its devastating effects. college at Suporo, Japan, have been in ^vj^ered as second class mail matter had a feeling that serious trouble Large sums of money have been Portland. They are on a mission to In the U. S- postoffice at Tillamook, would evolve from the probe, when spent in educating the public to care buy cattle, to be used on the plains of common sense would have told that for the state’s forests. Motion pic­ Manchuria to develop the dairy in­ Oregon ' M| | a nothing so very serious could be the tures for this purpose will probably dustry in that country. It is their in­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES matter. be taken and shown again this year. tention to purchase 150 head in Ore­ One Year, By Mail ---------------- $2.00 Tillamook county has gone into Farmers burning brush have care­ gon, Idaho and Washington, and ship £ Months, By Mail --------- --- $1.00 debt; no one ever denied that, but lessly allowed their fires to spread. them across the Pacific ocean to Man­ OF PORTLAND Three Months, By Mail ---------- $ .75 that it has value received is proven It is even surmised that cases of wil­ churia. In addition to buying of stock payable in advance by the financial report which has fully starting fires has been commit­ for the herd, the Japanese specialists Official Decorators for the Elks during the Con­ been submitted. ted, simply because some one saw a wish to gather first-hand information Telephone vention will be in the city next week. They will This report showed that there were regarding the dairy industry in the chance to make good wages fighting Pacific States, Main 68 WILL MARKET PRUNES $460,825 in outstanding warrants fire. Our forests must be preserved Pacific northwest. have full charge of decorating the city. Also against the county and the sum of to insure perpetual moisture to the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A similar item of news records that wish to contract the work for all merchants as Representatives of the local units $116,173 in uncollected taxes on the upkeep of grass and meadows so W. R. Walker of Ohio is taking 100 ♦ ♦ they are fully equipped to handle the work ♦ of prunegrowers which have been * OUR EDITORIAL POLICY ♦ formed in Oregon under the plan ad­ rolls of the county, some of which necessary to our dairying industry. head of stock cows across the Atlan­ cheaper and better as all the displays will harm­ will never be collected. This leaves They tell us that Tillamook is becom­ tic to be grazed on the pastures of ♦ onize better. They furnish all materials, put up 1. To advocate, aid and sup­ ♦ vocated by the Portland Chamber of $334,652 which apparently must be ing more nearly arid each year. Thia Belgium. He has been on the Chicago port any measures that will ♦ Commerce met at Dallas June 28 and raised in some manner to put this may be due to a change in the course market selectng the cows. Last Feb­ displays and tear them down. Have a large brought into existence a new cooper­ county on a cash basis, beside the un­ of the Japanese current or an unusual ruary, Mr. Walken took a load of big ♦ bring the most good to the force of experienced decorators and materials ♦ ♦ ative sales agency, the North Pacific collected taxes. tipping of the earth on its axis, beef bulls, averaging 1800 to 2000 to do the work. ♦ most people Cooperatve Prune Growers’ exchange ♦ 2. To encourage industries ♦ which, if hopes for it are realized, What people have very little know­ changing the location of the poles pounds, to Belgium and reports that MR. ELLIS in Charge. * to establish in Tillamook ♦ will market the product of 15 prune­ ledge of is the large sum of “outside” and so on, but other areas have been a few hours after arrival they were money which has been brought into known to become arid and barren all sold. About 75 per cent of the ♦ ♦ county. growers’ organizations in Oregon and IT WILL PAY TO SEE MR. ELLIS FIRST ♦ 3. To urge the improvement ♦ Clarke county, Washington. There this county by the expenditure of after the removal of the timber, the animals on the farms of Belgium are the $400,000 we are now in debt. The soil flows away with the rain water dairy cows. They look much like ♦ of a port for Tillamook City. ♦ 4. To insist on an American ♦ were present growers representing report showed that something over1 that can find no roots to hold it in Holsteins, but are called Blue cattle. ♦ 37,000,000 pounds, or around 70 per­ a milion dollars in state and federal the ground, and no shady spots to —Oregon Farmer. standard of labor. 5. To be politically indepen­ ♦ cent of the crop of the district, and money had been spent within the protect it from the evaporating pow­ although at one time division threat­ ers of the sun’s rays. Consequently ♦ dent, but to support the can­ ♦ ened, the vote to organize the ex­ past three or four years here in re­ forests are as essential to the farmer FIFTY-YEAR-OLD- CHERRY TREE turn for the extra money spent by ♦ didates for public office who ♦ change was unanimous. Other meet­ the county, or new money in the these reasons every one should feel ♦ will bring the most good to ♦ ings to push the plan were set for ratio of 4 to 10. Many shrewd as they are to the timberman. For A 50-year-old cherry tree at the ♦ the people of Tillamook home of Mrs. Charles Babcock in Ore­ ♦ General Line of July 1 at Yamhill and July 7 at Sa­ business men consider this a very it their personal duty to keep down o county and of the State of ♦ lem, and the incorporators, who also good swap, even though, on the first fires. If every one had to fight for­ gon City is doing its share toward ♦ furnishing a big crop this year. o Oregon. est fires there would be fewer cases ♦ will have charge of future work on consideration, it looks rather bad. This tree was planted by the late « ♦ it, are W. L. Taylor of Scott Mills, Another feature to be considered of spreading camp-fires, brush fires, Christopher Columbus Babcock, vet- chairman; Edward Allen of Forest also is that there will very likely cigarette fires or other kinds of fires tran of the Civil war and father of Grove, secretary; M. P. Adams of Sa­ never again be another such oppor­ that are left without thought of their the late Charles Babcock. It is of the FRIDAY JULY 18, 1924 lem, O. W. Haynes of Yamhill, Will­ tunity to realize on such an amount results. Black Heart variety. This year the MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS Did you ever hear a self appointed iam Elliott of Dallas, E. P. Dixon of of state and federal money, and that branches are laden with delioious FALSEHOOD SHALL PERISH agitator make the remark that Amer­ Dundee, Frank Carlisle of Spring­ if it had not been obtained when it fruit, the largest crop the tree has Both ’Phones Tillamook, Ore. ica and England would some day have brook and L. F. Russel of Washougal, was Tillamook county would probably ever produced. Baskets and buckets A false witness shall not be un­ filled with cherries have been given another war ? It might be well to re­ Wash. Success of the plan will do be out in the cold so far as road punished, and he that speaketh lies away by Mrs. Babcock and the tree member that a little over a year ago away entirely with marketing by lo­ assistance is concerned. sailors from an English naval ship in cal units, sending the entire dried still has bushels hanging on To top all of that the sixty miles shall perish.—Prov.l9:9. If there is one thing that the Bible branches. the Portland harbor marched with prune crop thru one selling channel. of highway through the county which American fighting men in a parade California prunes have brought their was built with this money is now emphasizes over and over it is the ne­ WILLING TO SERVE A STRONG BANK that welcomed President Harding producers an average of five cents per turned over to the state for mainten­ cessity of being truthful if one would Silver Lake—$39,675 contract when he was on the tour that was pound more than Oregon, and if the ance and will no longer be a burden be accounted worthy in the sight of for grading 8 1-2 miles Summer Lake either God or man. The liar is de­ cut short by his fatal illness. Then new exchange succeeds in raising the to the county. tested by even his fellow liar. Catch road. a few days ago American eagles ex­ average price of Oregon prunes only There will undoubtedly be some Glendale to pave road leading to tended brotherly beaks to the British three and one-half cents, this will charges of “whitewash” and “salve” a man in a lie and all the other vir­ Pacific highway. tues he may possess will not give him lion when a United States air squad­ make a difference of $1,750,000 to the hurled by some discontented ones ron met part of the British fleet at prune men of this state. Growers who who would like to put the county standing again. He may be indus­ San Francisco harbor. Fort Scott have signed with the Oregon Grow­ officials on a bad light so as to gain trious. He may be liberal. He may and H. M. S. Hood exchanged 21 gun ers’ Cooperative Prune association their own ends, but fair minded tax­ be anxious to lend a hand in your salutes. Martial strife between these have been released from their con­ payers would do well to pay little task. He may be patriotic. He may ‘I hear Blank a house burned down while two greatest English speaking na­ tracts with this organization, and attention to such talk. Whenever leave no duty unperformed in his tions wuld be too great a calamity many of them are joining local units. such babbling is heard it might be effort to do righ by his family and he was out of town. Did he lose his deed his neighbor. But he lies. Then for any diplomat to consider. Canada The exchange is expected to be in well to look around for the exe which and insurance policies and other papers nthing else matters. He is under a and her wealth are too intimately re­ operation by August 1. is being ground, and not jump at con­ cloud. Y'ou look upon him with sus­ that he always kept in the old desk draw­ lated to both countries for even a clusions. picion. You watch your movable prop­ Tillamook county is to be congra­ As one of the citizens’ committee step toward hostilities to be consider­ er! ” erty when he is around lest some of ed. Friendship with England is tulated in having in John Aschim a aptly stated this week, “We're mighty it disappear. You do no business sheriff, who, despite the mountainous glad we got all this road money ail growing, not waning. “No. Just before he left he decided that with him except under written and Last year 150,000 divorces separ­ and heavily timbered country he has right, but we’re anxious to get our enforeable terms. The element of the desk wasn’t a very good place for such ated 300,000 men and women and to patrol, handles his work more effec­ debts paid up too.” This seemed to doubt enters nto what you see him do thngs after all—so he rented a Safe changed the lives of 1,000,000 child­ tively and fearlessly than do many be the prevaling sentiment of the tax­ and what you hear him say. ln the cities you will ren in this country. In some states sheriffs in districts where duties are payers present at the reading of the posit Box at the First National Bank And your doubt and suspicion and note todaÿ that the every third marriage was dissolved, more simple and less exacting. Par­ report. Public interest has been stir­ distrust do not pass away in a day or stucco house and cot­ all his valuable papers are safe.” and the average husband and wife ticularly was his handling of the ex­ red to the extent that county affairs a week or a year, even though you tage are predominant We have a Safe Deposit Box for you lived together four years. Some traordinary Fourth of July situation, will probably occupy more space in never again hear him tell a falsehood. People have learned that stucco built homes states do not recognize divorces produced by traffic without precedent, the minds of the people from now on. A drop of ink discolors a whole pail It will cost you only $2.00 a year. are the most economi­ granted in other states, and each of work that deserves commendation. It is the opinion of the Headlight of water. One foul streamlet pol­ cal and attractive. See the forty states have a separate and The Grand Ronde district, lying along that all of the recommendations made lutes an entire river. The air of a us about your plans. distinct law. South Carolina grants the southern and eastern boundary of by Mr. Ross be followed to the letter, locality is impure because of one source no divorces and New York one only, his county and outside of his juris­ and that every taxpayer or special of impurity. Just so one false declar­ Lamb - Schrader while New Hampshire limits the num­ diction in Yamhill, harbors a number representatives be present at meet­ ation, one instance of bearing false Company of persons who care less for law and ber to fifteen. There are a total of ings held to consider budgets and witness, one lie destroys the purity (Better C. Lamb) 35 grounds for divorce throughout order than they do for the money they money expenditures. of reputation of an otherwise admir­ Member Federal Reserve System the country. Why not eliminate some can convert from illegal acts. They able man or woman. of the family squabbles before we pour into Tillamook their contraband; Falsehoods do not pay. If one Why all this agitation about the consider any more international they are constant source of irritation. hairy apes which they claim they could only see beyond the moment The nuisance could be suppressed to a have found in Washingon? Any old- when tempted to try to evade trouble strife ? considerable extent, no doubt, by co­ timer knows that they are simply the by the route of misrepresentation operation of the Yamhill county sher­ decendants of the people who were truth would win over lying. Trouble CONVENTIONS iff with the Tillamok county sheriff. keepers of Paul Bunyon’s blue ox is not evaded by falsification; it is Tillamook is to have two state con­ We commend the matter to the Yam­ when he was in that country digging invited. Truth is the most essential thing ventions in the near future. One will hill county sheriff’s attention. Sheri­ Puget Sound. in the universe. It is the essence of| occur next week, Friday and Satur­ dan Sun. stability in all things, It is the ex- day, July 25 and 26, when the editors KEEP DOWN FOREST FIRES presión of fact. It is that which is. of the state will meet here. Leading OREGON BOYS HELP FRENCH I CELEBRATE newspaper men from all over the With forest fires raging in various It is, in the words of the dictionary, country will be with us. Next month, ; parts of the northwest, some of them “the eternal principle f right, or law Having flown through Persia, to August 14, 15, 16, one of the largest reported to have taken human lives of order.” Thus, when one lies he at and most popular fraternal orders inf Constantinople, and Bucharest the as well as the lives of farm stock, tempts to set aside the law of order. The writer of Proverbs was not the world will invade our city wifn capital city of Roumania, the Amer­ not to mention the damage amounting several thousand delegates from all ican globe-circling flyers reached to thousands of dollars they do to overestimating the fate of the man the Elks lodges of the state. They Paris on July 14, Bastille day. This timber, Tillamook has been very for­ who “speaketh lies” when he declared will be here to look us over and is well remembered by many ex-over­ tunate so far in keeping the fires that he “shall perish.” Though no broaden their fraternal spirit at their sea men, who helped the Frenchmen under control. Several bad fires have man bring him to task for his falsity, Have your eyes examined and glasses state convention. This will no doubt six years ago celebrate the French started in the county, but each time no liar shall go unpunished. The Fourth of July ” . The aviators made eternal principle that can not be set be the largest affair of its kind ever prompt action by the wardens and special efforts to reach the French made by a vision specialist whose entire staged in the city. patrolman, added by a timely appear­ aside and the law of order that can capital on this particular date. Some of us are prone to look upon ance of a light rainfall has checked not be annulled operate to the ulti­ Two young Oregon boys also helped the fire before it spread extensively. mate and utter destruction of every- such invasions with unfavorable eye. time is devoted to this work. Drop into in the celebration when they wrestled Wednesday evening a fire started : thr.g that is nt in conformity there- However, comfort and amiability are for the world’s featherweight cham­ in the vicinity of the Tillamook j with.-—Oregon Farmer. the things we are expected to extend our office and talk it over with the spec- to the visitor. People of Tillamook pionship, as an event in the Olympic spruce company camp north of the EGG COSTS IN CHINA games, that have been won by the city. It presumably had started from have attended state conventions in cialist in charge. American teams since their lnst*^' the carelessness of fishermen along different cities of the same caliber as The cost of producing eggs in China tion in 1896 at Athens. Robin Reed, the river. It threatened the entire Tillamook. They have been received tion in 1896 at Athens. O A C Wrestler, won from Charles camp and fortunately was checked by ! is very low. There are no poultry ’n the homes of the peo­ Newton of Oregon City, who was untiring efforts of the fire fighting farms. A few chickens are raised by ple who are residents of i awarded second place in the cham­ force. The fire at the Whitney camp almost every family and are fed table tbe particular town in which the pionship bouts for amateurs in the «craps with coarse rice or low-grade last week cost the life of one man; convention was being held. .Homes wheat and other refuse, vegetable nrifoiaht division. featherweight and nearly wiped out the camp. were thrown open to the visitors and scraps, and what can be picked up in State Highway Engineer Gray author­ welcome to the conventioneer is ex­ the yards and fields. There is little A movie actor was suing a com­ tended and expressed at every oppor­ pany for an immense sum for breach ized one of his employees to do some feeding, however, in most areas ex- burning along the road in the north tunity. Tillamook, proud of its na­ ! cept in winter. tural resources and industries that he demanded such a sum, he replied, end of the county, without authority The average price of eggs in Han­ from the state forest fire department. bave been talked up and advertised “Because I am the greatest actor m This fire almost got away to do vast kow, China, which is more or less 80 extensively, will derive more real the world " Later one of his friends Upstairs representative of the whole egg-pro­ pleasure and benefit, as well as the £kTim for .o'oudly«;«- damage. Wardens along the Clat­ ducing section, in wholesale quantities Heals Building Tillamook, Oregon. sop county line have been running in best possible advertising obtainable, ing his own praises. I know, r timbered areas. All of these fires ¡aid down at the factories was 10 through entertaining the visitors in in 1923. have been caused by carelessness or I cents a dozen _______________ ■ts homes. No education is more disregard for law. There have been thorough or more pleasant than the 1 K*- Read the Classified Ada fines levied, but the crimes seem to| associations experienced in face to f*ee communication with people of t gas City Star. a U/«nlzlv P ora » THE AMERICAN DECORATING CO. A. W. Plank Hardware Co. Hardware,Paints, Oils, Varnishes and glass n CORRECTLY FITTED EYE GLASSES OW OPTICAL CO. y