©illamno VOLUME 36; NUMBER 41 7 eaòligljt k* xn a* X TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1924 PRICE $2.00 THE YEAR I E THREATENED FOR CASH Blame Placed on No One Young Man, Now in Scappoose Bank, Experiment Tried by Railroad Com­ Promised Death if Money pany After Many Requests Isn’t Delivered Number of Wild Horses are Person or Office For Condition EVILS PART CORRECTED Importance of Advisory Committee is Stressed by Auditor Making Report More adequate bookkeeping and managerial system is needed by the county to overcome the ills now threatening its financial affairs, ac­ cording to a report filed Tuesday afternoon with the citizens’ commit­ tee by G. Ed Ross, accountant of Sa­ lem, who had been put in charge of the investigations last January of the county affairs. No one man or organization or county office can be blamed for the condition of affairs; the whole system has been blamed and an immediate effort will be made to correct the evils. This system which has got Tillamook county into so much trouble extends back for years and grew out of that used when county business was very simple. Now that Tilla­ mook county has grown to be equal to a great corporation it has still been trying to get along with a coun­ try store set of books. For the most part these evils have already been corrected within the past few months, and if the recom­ mendations of Mr. Ross are followed, the committee is of the opinion that in a short time Tillamook will again be on a cash basis. Mr. Goss’s recommendations accom­ panying his report were summarized as follows: 1. That the bookkeeping system now installed in the clerk’s office be kept up to date and instructions for ita operation be followed closely. 2. That the matter of calling in a county advisory board be given ser­ ious thought 3. That the county budget be more carefully assembled and when adopt­ ed be followed closely by county offi­ cials. 4. That the matter of adopting a general road improvement program for the county over a period of years to be given serious thought. 5. That the county be put on a •ingle unit so far as road improve­ ment is concerned, and that all work be handled through a central agency with a definite responsible head. ’• That machinery and road equip­ ment charges be handled on a more definite basis, and charged equally to ••ch project on a basis of time actual­ ly used by that project. '• That the county bookkeeper in clerk’s office act as clerk to county tourt and handle much of their gen- er,l routine record of which the Wunty court is required to keep ac­ cording to law. 8- That beach lot valuations re- ce*’c some special attention with a ”** to plaeing values represented by J™ent conditions. Th*1 handling of county poor be some serious consideration » view to improvement if con- ®aons now seem to justify. , ' ®oss l*id much stress on the »^rt*n