FRIDAY, JULYu TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 8 „ , — DEATH OF CALVIN COOLIDGE WHEELER vs. W arrej Z^ Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Stevenson, and JR. FELT BY ENTIRE NATION NEHALEM 0 PORT­ MEAT MARKET HAS NEW J. F. Fulton and wife of Portland, PROPRIETOR were registered during Although the President and his The ball game at Nehalem „ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ J. L. Shumaker and family of Mc­ family asked that no nation wide offi­ between Warrenton and Whii Fox News and International News Word that Portland has been selec­ C. F. Lincecum, who formerly own- ♦ Minnville occupied the Sealion cot­ cial period of mourning be observed attended by a good sizjjj“’’» Correspondence on the var­ Service Spend Day on ted as the convention city for the 1925 ed and operated a meat market at ♦ tage over the Fourth. ious subjects of the day is in ­ upon the sad occasion of the death of ♦ Netarts Rocks A bunch of Wheeler gathering of the grand lodge, Ben­ 125-127 21 street, Portland has re- J. B. Terry and wife of Portland his youngest son, sorrow is perhaps accompanied their team and 7** evolent Protective Order of Elks, was cently purchased the market on Third ♦ vited by the Headlight for were Fourth of July visitors. more universal than that felt upon ed the occasion by their ♦ publication. Any paper for Mrs. Justine Medernach and daugh­ The three sea lion rocks off Ocean­ received Tuesday from Boston by Jo­ and Fourth avenues east. The mar­ '« kt« « publication must be signed similar tragedies that have occurred seph Reisch, exalter ruler of ket formerly was operated by Ed Portland ter Harriet, of Portland, arrived side were visited recently by movie with the writer ’ s name, which ♦ at the White House in recent years. Hadley. Warrenton team were \ photographers representing the Fox local lodge. Thursday and have taken an apart- During the last ten years Mrs. Wood­ handicapped by the absence A telegram from Barnett H. Gold- The new owner has made an entire ♦ may be withheld by request. news service and the International Iment for several weeks. ♦ row Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, regular pitcher Ely, he being news servce, the cameras being oper­ stein, representative of Portland change in the arrangement of the | H. P. Sheldon and family of Tilla- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Warren G. Harding and Woodrow vacation, and in consequent** lodge at the present grand lodge see-1 shop and has installed a new meat ated by Theodore G. Randolph and I mook were among those whom spent sion at Boston, Btated that the selec-1 block, new scale, new display case, Wlson have passed on and upon each use two substitutes, who he,.,*?: Eric Magell. Habits and life of the the week end at Oceanside. tion was made Tuesday and that I and a new delivery car. The remodel- of these occasions flags were flown have never made any pretend TERAMORE CAMP birds and sea lions were pictured and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Peery and Miss i Netarts, Oregon some wonderful results are expected Portland should prepare for an in­ ing has given the- shop more room I Edris Peery of Portland have taken at half mast and the nation went into to their pitching ability, how Gibbs McAdoo.” BOYS CLIMB MOUNT HOOD IN 5 to their vision of a desirable place in A. Schacker, Carl Lock, M. M. Coon, son and Mr. and Mrs. Clay S. Morse I vaulter, was one of the four Amer- suited in a bent fender and ad They felt their protest was ignored HOURS which to live. Many of them are J. Spore, Mrs. A. Boutty, J. F. Mey­ and children of Portland occupied a j icans to clear the bar at twelve, feet guard on the Noyes car. Early inthj rather than drowned out in the ensu­ looking for a place such as Tillamook. ers, W. M. Smith, S. M. Hawkins, cottage over the week end. j and qualify among tne seven who are week Reta Rogers hit a trailer it th I ing noise, and a written protest was Sandy, July 10—Two Sandy boys, Our own people, those who have al­ Ralph Wiley, Fred O Brockman, H. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Peer, Mr. and | eligible for the finals. Many good corner of 3rd street and 3rd arag sent to Chairman Walsh. Charles Phelps and Wilbur Dodd, 15 ready established themselves in the H. Hartell, G. D. Hartell, W. F.| Mrs. A. Welch and sons, and Miss records are being made and several E. Mrs. Clarence Hannenkratttadil “We request the secretary of this and 12, made a record climb of Mount community and its life, are preparing Walters, G. V. Lintner, Mr. Verhager, Myra Welch spent the Fourth in the have been broken. Bob Legendre, convention," it read, "to register us Hood, reaching the top in five hours. minor collision when she stopped M to show the visitor the best we have. C. H. Hellen, C. Craff, H. F. Fish, New Jersey athletic club, broke the car on the Pleasant Valley road It Allen cottage. on this last ballot, for William Gibbs The boys were guests of Cheif Look­ We have had several state conven­ S. V. Johnson, W .R. Larkin, C. J. McAdoo. We protest any statement out C. A. Phelps. They walked al­ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson and world’s running board jump record rescue a small dog belonging til tions of fraternal and industrial or­ Meyers, P. Mygreen, H. Okamoto, that J. W. Davis’ nomination is un­ most all of the way home from Gov­ children, Mrs. Pfeuffer, Mrs. Johnson, | with a leap of 7.76 meters or 25 feet friends. Francis Garretson of Sts ganizations and we are preparing for Mr. Friend, N. S. J< i.r;.- Alice 16 inches, three inches farther than view collided with a car seven nil» animous.” ernment Camp in six hours. more in the near future. There are Love, C. A. Edmisten, Bert Rupp, H. 1 George Pfeuffer, Charlotte Pfeuffer, | the former record. north of Garibaldi. Both cara wen Dorothy Johnson, Melvina Pittman several places still needing “new H. Hunt. I and Chas. E. Sands and family, all of damaged considerably. Arthur Ba Coos county will vote on $280,000 paint” and if we “save the surface we Eugene business men, alumni of U. From Salem: Fanderson, M. LOCAL OFFICERS COMMENDED tuleit turned over at Lamb’s con» j Portland were a merry party spend ­ of 0., faculty and staff workers have highway bonds early in 1925. save all.” Schopp, E. A. Loten, F. G. Wilkenson, The car was wrecked, but neither b I FOR WORK AT CAMP LEWIS contributed $201,000 to finance a 5- H. Tracey, W. N. Barrett, Albert ing the Fourth on the beach. Natron cutoff employing 2,000 men, nor his companion was seriously hart year building campaign. Mr. and Mis. W. H. Logan and Read the Classified Ads Perrsells, A. J. Feilen, R. E. Pratt, another 2,000 to go on before fall. Captain J. E. Shearer this week re­ C. S. Ward, driving a Union oil trad, I E. G. Highland, J. A. Clark, H. A. daughter Mrs. Harry Callin of Mc­ ceived a letter from the state ad­ was hit by a car that was trying ) Vick, W. Cronen, S. Hitchcock, J C. Minnville were week end visitors. Others arriving this week to spend jutant general commending him for pass a long string of cars on the high­ Cambell, Mr. Wells, J. H. Cornell, Gus Quinn, John Ansfarn, G. A. their vacations were E. J. Oliver and the efficient manner in which he per­ way near Beaver. R. D. Hills'« Nooch, H. Smith, A. Sleusser, C. S. family, J. Matton, Harry Tilwell and formed his duties as brigade sanitary hit the rear end of a car belonging tol family, T. J. Catoil and family, S. J. inspector at Camp Lewis during the Frank Still and knocked off a tof I Pratt, Dave Fisher, R. H. Taylor. From Oregon City:S. J. Smith, R. Hof man and wife, Salem; James i national guard encampment. In the gage carrier. A car driven *by M L. Smith, R. L. Thomas, Clyde Mont­ Wann, Camas, Wn.; J. Edwards, letter the general laid stress on the Doane, of Portland turned inf" r a M-'U HU’iNji y. 7 1 J ¡1 gomery, R. Paddock, H. M. Yoder, R. Smith, A. Patten, Mr. and Mrs. L. factor of sanitation in military driven by Richard Dannells, sise d Portland, at a point a mile and 41 C. E. Hunt, W E. Warner, A. R. V. Driscoll, A. G. Harrison and fam­ camps. r i half south of Garibaldi, at a nine I Johnston, John Becker, S A. Smith, ily, R. H. Ellsworth, Mrs. T. J. Born, Astoria to pave Exchange street grade. This kept the Doane car fra I Mrs. T. Huber, Portland; S. S. Wol- J. H. Long, C. Price. Others are: Chas. Ray, A. R. Port­ ever, Lafayette; Mr. and Mrs. Bar- from Seventeenth to Twenty-third going over the grade. Only onesnfit] er, Jefferson, Oregon;J. M. Crach, clay Henderson, Hillsboro; A. L. and commercial street from twenty- light on the car driven by Leix T. W. Simm, Milwaukee, Oregon; J. Powers and family of Vanvouver; L. Second to Twenty-Third and south Johnson, of Beaver, blinded 1* 1 on Twenty-Third to Franklin Ave. L. Edson,Cliff Lamear.H. L. Gordon, J. Hendry, Tillamook. Springer, of Salem, so that he w Astria—Investigatin made to de­ unable to see the road, and u 1» T. O. Valgomery, M. S. Spiery, W. J. termine possibility o f developing suit both cars were damaged, Job Valgamore, W. M. Reeves, H I. Weum, LOST LIFE ON LOG BOOM power in basins of Nehalem and Wil­ son’s going in the ditch. Pete Varseth, E. Grant, Silverton, Or; Sam Snader, Wash.; E. W. Bates, Jim J. Pittman, who had been working son rivers, which are within easy Linn, Wm. Kaake,, Estacada, Oregon; on the boom for the Nehalem boom­ transmission distance of Astoria and TRAINS COLLIDE AT RAD® Marvin Miller, John Shepherd, W. M. ing company was killed Wednesday Portland. 1 KILLED Oregon City paving Twelfth street Thomas, Molalla, Oregon; Fred Muh- afternoon. The exact cause of the Eugene—Work to start soon on leman, G. B. Phillips, Mr. Cabin, In­ death is not knwn for he was found One train employe was killed sail dependence; J. S. Arnup, Malaga, in the water with his skull crushed, new road up Big Creek. number of passengers were badly b’ Corvallis—New Portland cottage at jured when the Seaside limited ■$! California; Hugh Platt, Gladstone; evidently having fallen into the logs Frank Beers, W. H. Bouhey, Boring, and falling into the water lifeless. Children’s Farm Home dedicated July the Astoria-Portland exprew « Oregon; G. Armitage; Geo. Buffum, He has a family in Wheeler and a 6. S. P. & S. railroad met heed-«*' Powell Valley, Rd.; R. W. Rasmussen, brother in Hillsboro. Eugene harvests largest cherry Avon, one mile west of R»itwr»j crop in years. O. P. Brown, Sherwood; George 10:15 o’clock Thursday moraini Strams, Woodburn; Robert Garman, WOOD SAW INJURES MAN Harrisburg laying new sidewarlks. The man who was killed wu wm Beamer Falls, Pa.; H. B. Pleasant, Myrtle Point cannery canning 1500 Burgess and was head breka* James Coy, Dallas; C. Lynn, Trout­ Last Tuesday, George W. Fouts gallons loganberries daily. aboard train No. 22, Portland to»; dale; J. C. Scaife, Beaverton, Oergon; working on the Chilcot wood saw’ Portland—$50,000 hotel planned for The trains involved were N* I C. M. Rallin, Geo. F. Dent, W. G. was seriously injured when his arm block bounded by Broadway, Park, leaving Portland at 8:05 a Wright, Oswego, Oregon; C. Connent, | was sawed nearly off by coming in Main and Salmon streets. No. 22, due in Portland at 11:W8* Pueblo, Colorado; R. H. Taylor, A. the rapidly moving Daily, P. P. Mason, Mills City; W. E. teeth. The muscles of the fore-arm There May Be Just What You Want There May Be Just What To« w Schrader, Dayton; J. E. Brooks, Les­ were completly cut in two, and also ln the Classified Ad Column in the Classified Ad Cohan ter Waltman, Jarvis; J. J. Rector, | the large bone in the fore-arm. He is Freewater, Oregon; Walter Good, | at the Tillamook general hospital Pete Varseth, Silverton, Oregon; Sam rather weak from the loss of blood Roseburg; T. J. Sutton, S. J. Mc­ otherwise domg nicely. The injury Phone 71J 15 Years Expert»» Cracken, Newberg; A. C. Garland, will be permanent Satisfaction Guarait«» Carlton; J. Kamna, Hillsboro; Earl McCoy, Valsetz, Oregon; Robert Gil­ JUDGE BELT VISITING TILLA­ pin, Tillamook; C. D. Dodkill, Cooks. I MOOK BEACHES Modern kitchens demand arti­ Wash.; J. M. Stewart, Gervais. Ore.; _____ The counterbalanced R. King, Wiley Douglas, Estacada, Harry H. Belt, of Dallas who “shelf” door on Hot- cles that are clean, convenient, com­ PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Oregon; L. S. Lambert, Stayton, Ore.; ™Pies the circuit court bench T point Electric Ranges J. E. Glory, Sublimity, Oregon; A. C. Yamhill and Polk counties is va fortable and efficient The Electric opens and closes at a BERRY’8 MUSIC HOUSE Thomas, Los Angeles, Cal.; J. W Zoning at the Tillamook beach« ri touch, without slam­ Scofield, Morris, Oregon; William '• »Uted that he ■ aspiring 7 th Range is the only cooking device Price $3.50 ming. When open, it Foster, Multnomah, Oregon; Miss »•** supreme court bench at th ° ' which fulfil s these conditions. Richett, Arizona; H. J. Smith, Kerry, election. serves as a shelf, in­ Oregon; W W. Jones, Amity; H. C. ------------- _ dispensable in the Malcolm, Willamette; Ernest handling of hot pans. Your kitchen and cooking uten­ daree, McMinnville; E. Snider, Van- mita one day recently. * couver, Washington. Oregon manufactured 12 ms ko sils will remain bright and clean. announcing the opening of ¡worth of candy duri.71923 ’ OCEANSIDE Your food will be cooked better and 1 - Por‘l,nd »hipped 152,578 bbls |"our during first three weeks of Jui’ have a better flavor if you cook elec­ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hare of Mohler Eugene issued $207.900 buildin I have been enjoying a vacation at Located at 702 2nd avenue east on corner south trically. permits during June. W,n Oceanside. Thos. O’Toole and family of Port­ of new Methodist church. Astoria-County rock crusher land occupied the» Sandpiper cottage Elsie preparing material for Expert marcelling and bobcurling. ■■«pair- a few days this week. >ng roads in that vicinity. J. R. Forman and family of Bay Miss Margaret Nelson, operator. “ -«• »IM« City were regia-ered thia week. th. July 15 the "BEAUTY SHOPPE” will be locatd* Mr and Mrs. Chas. A. Murphy ar­ Astoria »hipped cargoes value, hairen»»- ny H,ltom’8 ’tore where ladies and childrens «!*_ rived Wednesday and have taken a ----- 1 at »7,747.M2 tiunng f to-A.i ,*nd fobbing can be had. The most modem adI »T cottage for an indefinite stay. nscal year endp(J July 1. M. T. Morrison and family were shoppe ’” P“" t ,D d raethod ’ win u U9 ed in the Tillamook, Oregon Salem vsitors who enjoyed the beach ^^•wZjJrhXonder- Mutual phone. I over the Fourth. MOVIE CAMERAS SHOOT LIONS AND BIRDS CORRESPONDENCE SEA ELKS TO CONVENE IN LAND IN 1925 TILLAMOOK ENTER­ TAINS THOUSANDS FEW SERIOUS ACCI­ DENTS ON FOUR » Will The Kitchen of Your New Home Be Modem? CONVENIENT SHELF DOOR a JONES “THE BEAUTY SHOPPE” ELECTRIC RANGES t COAST POWER COMPANY