personal mention Charles Cooney, a 12 year old boy „hose hme is in Parkwood, Oregon, s brought into Dr. Shearer Tues- Igy having broken both bones in his right arm ' ’ at play at Pacific City- Mrs. Charles Dieuel, from Devil’s in Lincoln county is seriously ill it Tillamook general hospital. jj , E. Ramage, pharmacist at La­ ar’s drug store has received word that a drug stole he owns at Youngs­ town, Alberta, in Canada, was de- jtroyed by fire last Friday morning, when a half block of that city’s busi­ ness houses was wiped out. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Captain E. A. Burghduff, state game warden, and Mat Rickman, sup­ erintendent of hatcheries, were in the city Wednesday and in company with Eugene Crosby, president of the local fish club, and George Russell, dis­ trict game warden, made a trip to different parts of the county in search of the best suited location for a hatchery that is to be built soon. They report having located several ideal places and are expecting to de­ cide upon one soon. The most likely location is on Faw- cet creek at a spot said to be one of the most beautiful in the state. The county surveyors are working on the project now. Miss Laura Britton of Willamette is vsiting at the home of her sister, L. E. Partridge drove to Portland Mrs. Harold J. Graves. Wednesday night to meet Mrs. Harry The best in Chiropractic, Dr. J. L. E. Hoss, his sister, who is coming to Fayette at Cloverdale hotel, Tuesday, ■pend a vacation in this city. Thursday and Saturday evenings.— Pr. Work was called to attend Ev­ Adv. erett Hornschuch of Hebo Thursday. Mrs. Fred Davidson had her ton­ Mr. Hrnschuch fractured his arm at the wrist while cranking his Ford. sils removed at Boal’s hospital July 9. pr. Work brought him to Tillamook Frank Heston who has been visit­ where X-Ray’s were takne. He was ing relatives in Kelso, Wn. and Port­ later taken to the Tillamook general land returned to his home at Boal’s hospital July 8. hospital- J. E. Shearer made a trip to Salem E. V. Simmns and E. L. (Tiny) Wednesday returning the same day. Smith of the U. S. S. New Mexico Charles Holden is seen driving a which is undergoing repiars at Brem­ new cheverolet sport model this week. erton, Wn,. spent the Fourth in Tilla­ mook. ------- , Al Turner, musician of Darby’s Dr. H. E. Wiseman, dentist, has orchestra at Rockaway was married to Miss Faye Mavis of Portland, Mon­ resumed his practice in this city and day. Tllamook friends send their will be found at 218, Tillamook build­ ing.—Adv. congratulations, Mr. Kertsham, insurance adjuster of the Beals building arrived from Portland on the 9th. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Spring and daughter Geraldine were city visitors from Nehalem Monday. R. S. Watts, head of the Bureau of public roads of Neskowin was a city visitor Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Faxon and (child of Portland are visiting with Dr. Faxon in his cottage at Rock­ away. Dr. Work of Cloverdale was seen ,on the streets of Tillamook Thursday. Bay City visitrs Thursday included 0. M. Bodie. Hubert Brainerd, former employee of F. R. Beals left July 10 for Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson and child of Dallas motored to Tillamook July 4 for an extended visit with J. R. Collins and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Casler and son of Portland visted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kiehm last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Bales, Miss Dena Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. New­ ton Anderson spent the 4th at Amity. Pauline Lamar of Corvallis is •pending hersummer vacation with friends and relatives of this city. Eyes that need glasses are entitled to specialized ef- f o r t. That’s why Dr. Thompson devotes his entire time, thought and effort to the examination of ths eyes and the accurate fitting of (hues. Consult him about your •1** next visit—Thursday, July 10, Tillamook hotel until 4 p. m. 38-t2 1 A. F. Coats and family accom­ Judge Bagley heard a few cases on FILM STAR AND DIRECTOR TO musical numbers that promise to be ington before its release to the pub­ panied by “Drive Alley” Shay spent Monday afternoon at a short session, APPEAR IN PERSON very enjoyable. On the same bill lic. It was recently shown there and a weeks vacation visiting at Joseph­ returnng to Hillsboro that evening. Mr. Lewis, who assisted in the direc­ has also been enjoyed by crowds in ine Caves, Klamath Falls and Crater Coliseum Management Have Ar­ tion of the same production will also several theaters of the northwest. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Meachum of ranged for Leading Lady of appear and give a review of the work Partridge and Morrison are more San Diego, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. “Chechahcos” July 17 and 18 and data required in producing the than fortunate in being able to se­ Phares M. Stiverson and his broth­ Clyde French and son Lee of Carlton, film, which should be more than cure this film and the personal ap­ er, Arby, both of Pasadena, Califor­ Oregon spent the week end with Gladys Johnston, who is starring pleasing entertainment as well as in- pearance of these two people who had nia, were Tillamook county visitors friends here. in the feature photoplay production stractive. important parts in its making. The this week. Phares works for a well The film was made by a Portland financial expenditure on their part is Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamook’s chiro­ “Chechahcos” that is scheduled to be known paint concern in the Califor­ nia town and Arby is employed at one practor hous 9 to 5. Evenings, Mon-' shown at the Coliseum on July 17 and firm and is the only one ever taken no small item, but it has always been of the banks there. Before the World day, Wednesday, Friday and Sat-1 18, will appear at the theater in per­ entirely in Alaska. It was being pro­ their policy to give the people the 36-tf ■ son on those dates. This will be the duced at the time of the late Presi­ best that can be secured, and thia War they both lived with relatives in urday at 7.—Adv. first time that any local theater has dent Harding’s tour of the northwest venture is one of their treats, which Cloverdale, and Phares left Tilla­ J. L. Ketch reports the following. been favored by a personal appear­ and Alaska. Mr. Harding was on the will no doubt be repaid by thoroughly- mook in 1917 with the old 10th com­ sales this week in the Hathaway! ance of the star of the production to field at the time of its being filmed satisfied crowds. pany as bugler. Mead tract east of the fair grounds: I be shown. Miss Johnston is a talent- and made a personal request that, Mr. and Mrs. William Speetzen of Lot 27, Block 1, 1-4 acre to S. J. Pat- . ed young lady, whose home is in when finished, it should be first shown There May Be Just What You Want San Francisco are visiting here with ton. Lot 15, Block 2, 1-2 acre to Portland. She will render several to the governmental staff at Wash- in the Classified Ad Column Mrs. Speetzen’s sister, Mrs. Frank Hardy Lilly. Lot 16, Block 2, 1-2 Bester. acre to Frank Lilly. Lot 3, Block 1, 1-2 acre to Joel Atkinson. Lot 26,; Dr. H. E. Wiseman, dentist, has Block 1, 1-3 acre to Roy A. Phelps. resumed his practice in this city and Lot 24, Block 1, 1-3 acre to J. R. will be found at 218, Tillamook build­ Collins. Lot 25, Bloric 1, 1-3 acre to ing.—Adv. R. E. Collins. Lot 14, Block 2, 1-2 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patton of New­ acre to John Engle. Lot 13, Block 2, berg are visiting for a few days at 1-2 acre to Edgar Cline. North 97.8 UNITED STATES TIRES ARE GOOD TIRES the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cum­ feet of lots 15, 16, 17 in block 1 to Bessie Wright. mins. The Pacific telephone and telegraph Miss Veda M. Resing of Portland is spendng her summer vacation at the company have recently issued their home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and new directory. It shows a decided increase in the number of subscribers Mrs. C. F. DeFord. over last year. Bill Darby of Darby’s orchestra at S. A. Harrs, glove manufacturer, Rockaway received word last week was down from Wheeler Wednesday that he was father of a nine pound on business. girl. He immediately motored to Portland to visit with his new daugh­ G. W. Daley of Willamina has ter and wife. bought the Wallace Hathaway place west of the Cloverleaf factory and Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barber, plans to move on it after harvest. July 6, an eight pound boy. The deal was made by J. L. Ketch. E. M. Condit and George Parsons A. J. Bewley of Sheridan and Al­ Dr. Ringo announces the birth of motored to Portland Thursday re­ Jan 8 1-2 pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. fred Dundas of Willamina were busi­ turning Friday this week. ness visitors here Tuesday. • Chas. C. Roe. (- Mrs. Louis Lobowitch and daugh­ Harvey Blaser, son of Sam Blaser, R. E. Ayers had the misfortune of ter Dorothy, are here from San Fran­ farmer of Blaine, was brought into cisco for an extended visit with their fracturing his collar bone while play­ Dr. Shearer’s hospital Tuesday to be Dr. husband and father, Louis Lobowitch. ing ball Wednesday evening. treated for an abcess on the chin that Ringo attended him. had developed from a bruise. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Robinson of Dr. H. E. Wiseman, dentist, has Junction City, Oregon are campers at Dr. Helen Babb, graduate of Palm­ Silver Sands camp at Netarts this resumed his practice in this city and er school of Chiropractic, Davenport, will be found at 218, Tillamook build­ week. Iowa, will be in the Tillamook office ing.—Adv. Monday, Wednesday a nd Friday K. K. Kyle and wife are spending a Dr. Ringo exects to leave Sun­ evenings.—Adv. 37-tf month’s vacation touring California day mornnig for Seattle to attend the and Yellow Stone Park. They plan Removing a stove in an apartment medical lecture and clinical course of to return to Tillamook the former the University of Washington during over the post office caused a water part of August. the following week. The program pipe to break and as a result the A. T. McShane is enjoying a included such speakers as Dr. John plaster and ceilng over the postoffice month’s vacation in Seattle and Spok­ Herbert Parsons of London, England, rooms are slightly damaged. Professor J. A. Polak of Long Island ane. College hospital and E. P. Joslin, FLAMES LEAP UP SLOPES Wm. Martin who is touring Hoods graduate of Harvard University Med­ CANYON NEAR ALBANY Canal, Wn., and Port Angelus writes ical school. He plans to be gone all that he will return to this city the week. Albany, Ore., July 10— Forest flames that Wednesday morning 15th of July. As a result of the fire in the Beals started two miles above Detroit on Hy Jordan who has recently toured building last Friday the organ in the the Britenbush and leaped northward the Southern Oregon coast returned to Coliseum is out of order and will need up the mountan side, turned back Tillamook Tuesday of this week. several thousand dollars worth of re­ Wednesday night and were raging up the southern slopes of the Britenbush Margaret Coates left for a short pairs before it can be used again. canyon toward the north Santiam, en­ trip to Portland this week. Conover and Conover have moved tirely beyond control, Santiam For­ their grocery store U the building Frank McGuire went deep sea fish­ directly across the street from their est Supervisor C. C. Hall reported ing Monday. He reports a few fish Thursday morning. store which was damaged in the fire caught and more fed. The fire already has covered more last Friday night. than 1000 acres and cannot be con­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown and Dr. H. E. Wiseman, dentist, has son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz and resumed his practice in this city and trolled until tonight at the earliest, I said Hall, who is assembling fire ; at the O ’ Hara children are visiting will be found at 218, Tillamook build­ fighters from Lebanon, Sweet Homo ranch at Netarts. ing.—Adv. and surroundng country to open up a defensive this evening. Low humid­ Wm. Matthews is seen driving a China painting. L. Ross Mitchell ity is working against the fire fight­ new Chevrolet this week. Studio. Corner 4th avenue East and ers, he said. 40-tlp W. M. Heaston, who, a few weeks 6th street—Adv. Damage to the Hammond Lumber ago went through quite a spell of J. E. Shearer and famly drove to sickness, is about the streets, gain­ Astoria July 4 to witness the install­ campany, estimated" at $50,000 Wed­ nesday night, has now risen to $100,- ing back his strength. ation of the new Oregon national 000 or $150,000, it was estimated to­ Bill Coats and Bill Cheney climbed guard company in that city. day. Virtually all the company’s log­ ging equipment above Detroit has Mt. Hood with Mazamas, July 4. The well equipped motor launch been destroyed. This is believed to “Eagle” will make regular deep-sea include a second ledgerwood log load­ fishing trips to the Netarts sea-lion er, a steam shovel and bunkhouses. rocks and Haystack rock, leaving The present fire is by far the larg­ from Happy camp, during good weather. Arrangements for tickets est of many years in the Santiam can be made by telephoning Dave forest. It has burned largely in log­ Hadley, Happy camp, phone 9-F3.— ged off lands but has also consumed much standing timber, Hall reports. Adv. A man named Allen is reported to Mrs. R. F. Stone of Nebraska ac­ have started for his cabin four miles companied her son and daughter-in- above Detroit just before the fire law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone on started, and fear i* felt that he may their return from Portland last week. have been caught in the flames. I She plans to spend the summer in this city. TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF GREEN TIMBER BLAZING Amil Hanson who has been work­ ing in this city motored to Spokane Kelso, Wash., July 10—Nearly 200 last week returning this week ac­ acres of green timber in sections 13 companied by his wife. and 25, township 9 north, range 1 Dr. J. E. Shearer has ordered more west, belonging to Ostrander Rail­ X-Ray equipment so that he can bet­ way A Timber company and the Wey­ ter care for demands of the public, erhaeuser Timber company were swept by the forest fire that is raging dentists and physicians. east of Ostrander. Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamooks’ chiro­ There is little possibility of check­ practor’s hours 9 to 5. Evenings, ing the fire until rain falls, as the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat­ 36-tf woods are abnormally dry. Consid- urday at 7.—Adv. 36-tf eiable wind is blowing. No logging Bert Woods, who has been serious­ equipment of the Ostrander company ly ill at the Boals hospital for the has burned. The fire danger is great, last two weeks was moved to his according to County Fire Warden home at Pleasant Valley last Friday. Charles Newell, who was here Wed­ nesday from the fire zone. Carroll W. Cook of Multnomah county and Eva M. Snyder, of Tilla­ DENIED BY MeNARY mook county were united in marriage on Monday at the Christian church. Eugene, July 10—Reports that the Rev. Harness officiating. airplane forest fire patrol base will O. B. Hardwick of Porltand spent be shifted from Eugene to Vancouv­ the week end with his brother H. J. er, Wash., are unfounded, wires Sen­ Hardwick, salesman for the Martiny. ator Charles L. McNary to the Eugene Chamber of Commerce. Crotser garage of this city. • US.Royal Cords O Royal Cord user ever gets very excited about new tire develop­ ments, beeause he knows that when his present Royal Cord’does finally wear out he will find any really worth while advance in tire building in the new Royal he buys. N « Latex treated ccrds are the latest contribution of the Royal Cord makers to better tire service. A new patented process that gives greater strength and wearing quality. You get the benefit of this latex treatment in Royal Cord High-Prescure Tires, Royal Cord Balloon Tires for 20, 21 and 22 inch rims and Royal Cord Balloon-Type Tires built to fit present wheels and rims without change. U. S. Tires are the only tires in the world made of cords solutiened in raw rubber latex -J Buy U. S. Tires from CHAS. F. PANKOW, TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK TIRE COMPANY Fire-Smoke~W ater Straw HATS Felt Cloth HATS HATS EVERY HAT TO BE SOLD Some are slightly soiled; some are not. Pick ’em out. You have your choice; its our loss—your gain. Hats at the Height of Fashion. All go at this Tremendous Sacrifice. Don’t miss this. VALUES AS FOLLOWS: Childrens and Ladies Millinery One small assortment of Better Hats slightly soiled. Values up to $7.00 Your Choice.....98c Childrens and Ladies Millinery One small assortment of slightly soiled Hats. Values up to $2.50 Your Choice..... 5Oc Childrens and Ladies Millinery Small assortment of slightly soiled Hats. Values up to $2.00 Sale Opens Your Choice Fri. July 11 at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Mary Runkle BEALS BUILDING c