FRIDAY, JULY 11, TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT CRACK RIFLEMEN OF SEVEN­ TEEN COUNTIES TO MEET FOR SHOOT The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains: The College of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments The professional schools of Archi­ tecture and Allied Arts—Business Administration—Education—Grad­ uate Study—Journalism—Law— Medicine—Music—Physical Edu­ cation—Sociology—Extension For a catalogue or any information iprite The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene. Oregon The 49th Year Opens September 25.1924 MATHER’S TRUCK SERVICE Portland Tillamook 49 No. Front St. 209 1-2 Second Ave. E. - i ! COAST STAGES | Tillamook, Nehalem and Seaside. Leave stage depot at Tillamook, 9 a. stage depot, Seaside, 3 p. m. ¡eave COAST STAGES Geo. Smith, Mgr. PICKLES and VINEGAR Sour Nubbins in 1 gal. Glass Jars $1.25 each Dill Pickles in 1 gal. Glass Jars ................. 1.25 each Sweet Pickles in 1 gal. Glass Jars ................. 1.75 each Cut Mixed Sour Pickles in 1 gal. Glass Jars ................ 1.85 each Pickles in bulk, in bottles and in tins. trade heavy, our prices right. Our stock is large, our VINEGAR Heinz Bottled Vinegar—you know what that means for quality, also our extra strong, pure Cider Vinegar in the barrel which costs you no more than the common kind. Flour—Fisher’s Blend—more loaves of good bread to the sack. Fruit Jars—Glass tops, Mason, Economy and Upressit Jars, all at saving prices to you. Fruit—Apricots coming next; let us have your orders. Coming again to Tillamook—The Little Polly Broom, a friend to every housekeeper; sold only by Satisfaction Store-Market E. G. Anderson Cherry Pests Salem, July 10—Crack military riflemen from 17 Oregon counties will assemble at Clackamas next month for the annual rifle competition of the Oregon National Guard, according to orders issued here today by Brigadier General George A. White. Six picked shots from every organization in the state will be in attendance and for seven days, beginnnig August 18, will argue the question of which is the best rifle team in Oregon. The state individual championship will also be decided, as well as the com­ pany and regimental championship. This will be the second state match since the World war and federal funds sufficient to double the number of participants have been received by General White. Each team will be made up of at least four enlisted men and two officers, teams to be selected at preliminary contests on home fir­ ing ranges. Eligibility to participate in matches is limited to men who at­ tended the camps of field instruction at Camp Lewis and Fort Casey last month. One of the new features will be a machine gun markmanship com­ petition. Organizations not armed with the rifle will participate in the state pistol matches which will be held at the same time with the rifle matches. The 16 best shots in the state will be selected at this time to represent Oregon in the national matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, and this team will leave for the East in a special sleep­ THOUSANDS CELEBRATE AT BEACHES ing car September 2 to be absent a month at government expense. The July Fourth celebrationists throng­ executive personnel $nd the details ed to Tillamook and her beaches last of the matches have not been an­ Friday. Beginning »built dark Thurs­ nounced. • _____ day, a continuous stream of visiting i automobiles lined thé rôâo and en­ EPISCOPAL CHURCH tered Tillamook at the rate of about 500 cars per hour. Machines kept (Masonic Hall) Coming Into the city all Thursday Sunday services, first Sunday in night and for a greater part of the the month. day Friday. It is estimated that Sunday school, 10 a. m. about 5,000 cars passed through the Morning service, 11 fi. m. city on the way to the beaches. This Evening service, 7:30 p. m. would mean that fully 15,000 people Conducted by Arch Deacon Black. were in the city at different times. Remaining Sundays in each month, Several local people who spent he Supday school 10:30 a. m. day at points south of the city re­ Ladies Guild meets 2d and 4th port that they met over 500 incoming Tuesdays. cars between Tillamook and Hebo, a Every one cordially welcome to run of about 45 minutes. these services. Thousands of people at Rockaway and the other beaches in that vicinity There May Be Just What You Want filled the resorts and spent the time in the Classified Ad Column surf bathing dancing and enjoying themselves generally. The Rankin THE CALL OF THE MAR­ airplanes were present to take care of those who desired a flight in the KET BASKET air and performed stunts for their en­ tertainment The launches "Richard M” and the “Hunter” took crowds on White tents suddenly ev- deep sea fishing excursions. Throngs spent the holidays at the rywhere—with flour, pota­ Netarts beaches enjoying the various of the resorts at Silver toes, eggs. Merchants un­ features Sands. Happy Camp, Terrymore and der gay awnings displaying Oceanside. Many Tillamookers went to Manzanita and Neah-Kah-Nie and ginghams and black satines. joined the crowds there. Apostles of Squealing pigs with their Isaac Walton heeded the call of the mountain stream and matched their feet tied pushed into carts. wits and first class fishing tackle against the agility and cunning of the Women in Sunday best, bal­ wiley cut-throat. ancing loaves of bread on People were everywhere and in Til­ lamook they found hospitable and their heads or tugging nap- genial restauranteers and garage and kin’d baskets. Men and service station men eager to be of service to the hungry mouth or dry maids bargaining for brace­ gasoline tank. The traffic officers lets. Vendors shouting, rib­ were continually on the job and hand­ the traffic in a very commendable bons streaming . . . Mar­ led manner, keeping the intense travel ket day in peasant countries continually on the move. gala day! The little gay city of tents has become jixed shops for you. Clean shops with enough varieties inside to confuse a peasant mind. You know which you want, how much they are worth, before you enter to buy. You shop in minutes instead of hours, and get fair ex- change. Advertisements have made you wise. Any day with you is mar­ ket day. Any day, the mar­ ket basket travels to be fill­ ed with selective care. Let advertisements keep on help­ ing you choose. Their facts are facts. Read them. TILLAMOOK TRAVELERS MEET STORMY WEATHER C. A. Smith and family motored to Storden, Minn. They started from Tillamook, June 8th and arrived in Storden, on the 19th, and had a very pleasant trip, but had to keep on the lookout for storms at Yellowstone Park. They were compelled to change their route to avoid a very stormy territory. They camped out every night with the excepton of when it was too stormy looking to attempt after so many reports of storms all around them, and that night was spent in a hotel, but was enjoyed, be­ ing a change from the every day tine of camping. The speedometer showed they traveled 2583 miles and used 107 gal­ lons of gasoline. In their letter to their mother in Tillamook, they stated every mile was enjoyed as the roads are all in fine shape, scenery is at its best, weather was ideal if one picked out the spots that were not in the storm zone. Eugen«—County to build 12.000 bridge over Camp Creek up McKen­ zie. Canyonville—Pioneer No man will spend money to advertise unless his pro­ duct is right—read the ad- vertisemnts. Bridge, Canyon camp, dedicated. Pendleton—Very little wheat acre­ age is being abandoned in Umatilla county this year. Read the Clansiflad Ada Last Monday a $25,000 bond was voted on the Bay fit ** district to remodel the old * ium into class rooms and to c a new gymnasium. A great T1"* in the number of pupil, at thT? Oity school made this bond ' necessary *•“ Jesse O’Neel, at one time gist in Tillamook, has been F. J. PYE & SON Fully equiped to draft plan any building no matter how SBui and nothing too large. Glad u talk it over with you any time te specialize in pleasing you. TILE YOUR FARM ASK THE MAN WHO HAS TILED TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS CALIFORNIANS READING ABOUT WHITNEY LUMBER LAMI PORTED DESTROYED OREGON SCENERY Late reports state that the Blue Los Angeles and San Francisco pa­ pers this week carried an alluring ad­ Star lumber camp of the .Whitney vertisement portrtying through print lumber company has been destroyed Ly fire. Ths camp is several miles and picture the charms of up the kiiehis liver on the logging The presentation of the state's case in this manner of advertising was rallload that leaves the Southern Pa­ made by Herbert Cuthbbrt, manager cific line at Idaville. A call for twen­ of the publicity department of the ty fire fighters came to Tillamook Portland Chamber of Commerce, and Thursday evening. the advertisement was the first of a series to be run n the Suthern state. Dr. H. E. Wiseman, dentist, has Attention is called to the fast that resumed his practice in this city and the hysteria attending the foot and will be found at 218, Tillamook build­ mouth disease in California has come ing.—Adv. to an end and that with the peak of Mr. and Mrs. Perie Mark and Miss the tourist travel about to be reached, Olive Mark of Sheridan were in the autoists should visit the Pacific North city last week. west to enjoy a real holiday. A pic­ A communication received this ture of Mount Hood as viewed from week from Mrs. Freda Heyd who is Lost lake is nserted. now making her home in Los Angeles, Citing the tremendous increase in i states that she s gradually regain­ automobile travel into Oregon, Cuth­ ing her health. Mrs. Heyd is assist­ bert predicted shattered records now ing her sister and brother-in-law in that restricting because of the stock a drug store in the California city. plague have been eased. He said that She wishes to be remembered to her a day or two ago cars from 30 states many friends here through the col­ were counted in the course of a drive umns of the Headlight. down the Columbia River highway. First class crocheting any pattern. I furnish thread (J. P. Coals) $1.00 There May Be Just What You Want spool. Mrs. Leslie Walker, Yellow in the Classified Ad Column Fir, Tillamook, R. F. D. 39-tf STAGES To Portland-McMinnville Hillsboro-Forest Grove Corvallis-Salem Eugene-Roseburg and Willamette Valley Points LEAVE TILLAMOOK 7:15 A.M. 10:30 A.M.' 2:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M.' •Holds for arrival of Manhattu Stage •Holds for arrival of Seaside Stage LEAVE PORTLAND (Park and Yamhill Streets) 12:50 P.M. 7:50 A. M. " ............ 11:50 P. I 4:30 P. M. For arrivals-departures an tn- nections call UNION STAGE TERMINAL 3rd. St. and 3rd. Ave. East Both Phones Portland -Newberg-Mt- Minnville-Tillamook Stages COLLECTION S WE NEVER QUIT NO COLLECTION WE GET RESULTS NO CHARGE KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT COMPANY McMinnville J. L. Knight Hillsboro J. J. Stangel Tillamook Jno. O. Bozorht DENA-HANSEN GIFT-SHOP Tiny Things for Little Tots Useful Articles for Baby Anything in Fancy Work—Hemstitching Across from Tillamook Hotel nelson Electric Co- Distributors rill*®®* County