2 ■ FRIDAY, My TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT paragraph about Crowley’s life I shall Mr. Davey knows that he testifies I to bring forth anything that does not .. . -V._ 1 ... bad, . the ___ i. liar! i:.-i liar! liar! liar! liar! forward that to Crowley. As has smell word: falsely when he says that the author been said a man may be ANYTHING, of “Thirty years in Hell” was cast It is this Jesuitical crowd who raises no sin barred, he is all right if he (By N. W. Phelps) Mr. Davey says: “Did the under­ out of the priesthood, or else he testi­ Scott Car) “I blank in the presence will holdup his hands and say, Holy signed or any instructed Catholic fied without knowing the facts. Some­ their hands and swear (Authority, J. father, Mighty Pope, all ye saints, ever deny that we show “reverence” thing like he tried to smear dirt on blessed mother of God. But if he to the pictures and representatives of Crowley by referring to a “jail term,’ of God, the blessed Virgin Mary (A lives clean, tells the hell-bound, lust­ number of holies) do, by the womb of Christ” Notice that word “rever­ but when we called him on this point ful swaggering, priestcraft that they ence.” What does that word mean? and showed that it was all in Crow­ the Virgin, the Matrix of God, and are ungodly and unchristian, looks I Webster says: “Profound respect, ley’s favor, then he says: I do not the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and God and man in the face and lives a mingled with FEAR and "affection” know what Crowley was in Ireland. swear that his holiness the pope, is Christian he is a "shameless char- —veneration.” Veneration, Webster Neither does he know, it seems, about Christ’s vice gerent * * * he hath actor." I says: “Act of expressing reverent Fresenborg. It was a Methodist power to depose heretical kings Mr. Davey says, “(R. C.) abstain The Universal feeling—WORSHIP.” preacher who induced Fresenborg to princes, states commonwealths and from flesh” on Friday etc. Of Dictionary says: “Reverence— Vener- ieave the (R. C.) priesthood. About governments, ALL being illegal with­ course, not being a Bible reader Mr. ation.” And of “veneration”: “To the only thing the church of Rome out his sacred confirmation, and they Davey did not know that Paul says reverence, to WORSHIP.” ever kicks a man out for is becoming So Mr. Davey admits what he has a Christian. He can be a booze fight­ may be safely destroyed. • • ' 1 do in 1 Cor. 15, “There is one kind of tried so hard to deny. Had to, be­ er, a blasphemer, a saloonkeeper, a now denounce and disown any alleg­ FLESH of men, another flesh of cause it is poor business to teach the foul mouthed follower of harlots, iance as due to any heretical king, beasts, another of FISHES, another children of the church one thing and come to confessional, take holy com­ prince or state, named protestant or of birds.” How is it then that (R. C.) swear another before them in the munion and remain a R. Catholic. liberal, or obedience to any of their abstain from flesh. We were on the public press. They are very likely But if he quits his meanness, leaves laws, magstrates or officers, ♦ * * I ocean at dinner, Roman (C.) man to get wise to such a bold double-cross off his habits, becomes a follower of do furthermore promise and declare and wife on other side of table. as that. Mr. Davey’s reason WHY Christ instead of the pope, gives rev­ that I will, when opportunity pre­ They ordered large fine steak cooked they “reverence” has no point here. erence to God only and lets the pic­ sents, make and wage relentless war, as only steamer cooks can cook. They The point is, they DO IT, and in do­ tures, images and relics go by, puts secretly or openly, against all here­ were hungry they waded in. Half ing it they are unchristian. “Thou aside his dark-age belief in “female tics * * * to extirpate them from the done the wife said: “Why John this shalt have NO OTHER GODS BE­ gods” and the holy powers of “saints face of the whole earth; that I will is Friday.” John took the bite from FORE ME” is the way the Bible and shin bones,” he is at once said to spare neither age sex or condition, his mouth and said slowly, “Why did talks. Mr. Davey says: We worship be “kicked out,” if he remains long and I will hang, burn, waste, boil, you say anything.” Mr. Davey ad- pictures and images. I heard a Hin­ enough for it to happen which is not flag, strangle, and bury alive these why this worse than silly practice? infamous heretics; rip up the stom­ mits that there is no Bible for it, then doo give the same reason to justify often. achs and wombs of their women” etc. Christ gave us the service we were their worship of images as Mr. Davey We are not surprised that Mr. here gives for his worship—exactly. Davey finds document 190 a bitter almost without end. It was priest to use in His memory why take it In Deut. 4; we are told not to make dose, If we were in his place we Tamarr who killed Cubans and hid on ourselves to institute another? any graven image of male or female would find it so bitter, so revolting, their bones in his cellar in 1898 and These people had a feeling that they “lest thou * * be driven to worship that we would say goodby to an in­ chained his own 13 year old daugh­ would go to the deepest hell if they them.” In Lev. 26 we are told to stitution that could produce such base ter in a tunnel to starve. The horror finished that steak. Who, what, gave “make no * * * graven image, neither and unhuman conditons as McKinley of (R. C.) history in Cuba was un­ them that feeling? Think of Christ covered in 1898 and it fills a book, rear you up a standing image.” But found in (R. C.) Phillipines. being pleased with such childish bond­ the Phillippines fills another book. Mr. Davey says, instructed Catholics age. Instead of being an honor it back waters on his Mr. Davey “reverences” pictures and “represent­ These were not dark-age monsters is an open insult. slander statement. He indicated cry atives” (images) of ChriBt. No mat­ If we lament the past why not plainly that if what Miss Schoffen I wonder if that is what Mr. Davey ter what the reason, God says Don’t out against the present. Are not the said on i the platform was reduced to calls proving a point? Does Mr. for do it, Mr. Davey says We do it. Mr. H. 0. G. S. sweat shop hell mills to slander Davey must admit the facts. He and writing 1 it would amount little children running NOW, and the Davey think his “intelligent” public his crowd know that if this flimflam of a 'whole group” and she could torture dens for Nuns grinding away will swallow an “ever virgin” Mary childish “reverence” for images thus be handled. I called his atten- at motherhood? That list of sodden on that kind of tiradiddle? In Matt. 1; 18 Joseph found that should die out of their church? the tion to men who were alive who had drunken, immoral, priests named for St. Ann “shin bone” graft would die reduced their statements to writing before the dhurch by Crowley, in Mary was with Child, in 19 he is to out. He must admit the truth or and they are the same kind of state­ Chicago, that was in the lifetime of put her away—divorce her. In 20 the hurt his trade, he has chosen the ments as Miss Schoffen’s. Crowley this generation. As for that little angel of the Lord came to hm. In former. Such outstanding Protes­ makes charge after charge and tells tant Catholics as Paul worshipped the time and place, and offers to God only. Protestant Catholic peo­ come forward with the names of the ple have been doing the same ever men and the witnesses to prove what since. It was against such things as he says, All this talk about “dead “St. Ann shin bone worship, ,’ 1 ’ rever- men” is just another little crawfish ence for pictures, that we “protested I» 1 crawling into shallow water. That talk that Ex Nuns are out “gold get- —WE STILL PROTEST. ting ” is a mighty cheap way to throw Mr. Davey makes a true Roman Catholic priest out of Peter. Mr. sand in the eyes of (C.) laymen and Davey says he left his wife and was make them believe that “unanswer­ followed around the country by “holy able” evidence is a lie. The (R. C.) women.” Why did he not take his tried stopping the mouth of Miria wife? What reason is offered to Monk by law, the result was that show that the women Peter did take they piled up so damaging evidence was NOT his wife? None. Peter on court records that they have not would not be a true Roman if he took had the heart to try it again. The “humbugger” Mr. Davey talks his wife, so Mr. Davey makes him leave hs wife and take other women— about does not live so very far from “holy women.” I wonder if we should the (R.) Catholic Truth? Society of infer that Mrs. Peter was not holy. Portland, Oregon Making men belief Peter was a married man. The Bible that “image worship” is “God Wor­ says he took with him a woman. ship” and that it is right to make There is no reason to be found to “Benidictine” for PROFITS in the think that this woman was any other name of Christ—that is pure “hum­ than his wife. No one of Mr. Davey’s buggery.” Mr. Davey says: Many more Pro­ “open-minded intelligent public” ex- I pected him to make anything ehe out testants have persecuted Catholics.” of Peter than just what is seen If I were given to using Davey terms I around (R. C.) priests’ houses every- I would say something about “delib­ II where we go—A house, a priest—a erately false,” but I refrain knowing I harem of women. The only way to that Mr. Davey is either trying to II keep the (R. C.) laymen swallowing earn his money or is among the blind­ I the soddenness of the hierarchy on est of the blind—those who “will not” I this point is to make them believe see. On the 23 of Sep. 1413 Cobham that Peter (and others) went about was led before the Primate who said their priestly toils followed by “holy to him: “We must believe what the holy church of Rome teaches without I women.” FRYE’S “DELICIOUS” BRAND I Look at those “nice” phrases about demanding Christ’s authority.” HAM is “everything the name im­ “I am willing” said Cobham, “to I the "nice” chaste priests who have put all things of sex out and no longer believe all that God desires but that plies. It is tender, because ft is pre­ I think of these things. Yet, was it the pope should have authority to pared exclusively from the most care­ I not SEVEN popes who were children teach what is contrary to Scripture I of popes and other high priestly offi­ that I can never believe.” They took fully selected grain-fed porkers—it is cers ? Surely. How about those oth- him out and burned him at the stake. juicy because the natural juices are I er sodden sinners? If any are able This is only one of thousands. This to do this nice thing surely the pope was done under the pope’s orders, it preserved by the exclusive Frye pro­ ought to be able and if he is not able was done by the church. Mr. Davey i how can we expect the others to be says they were monsters—so they cess which is the result of long yeex* able? The Bible says, 1 Tim. 3: “It were. Nevertheless either the pope of experience and the most nodem behooveth therefore a "BISHOP” te who ordered this was “infallible” or be blameless, the husband of ONE he was not. If he was Mr. Davey •deirtific methods of preparation—it WIFE * • • not given to wine • • • has no right as a Roman to call him to mild flavored because of the Frye having his children in subjection." a monster, if he was not then NONE But Mr. Davey and his hierarchy says of they are ever have been or ever —thodof curing which results in the he must be a man followed by holy will be—this is the truth. Faith is yy* «PPeel that is winning women. When you hitch this starry not the result of DISCIPLINE but language to the (R. C.) Confeaaional diacilpine is the result of Faith. First litre among diacrim- in which the priest may. and very the faith after the discipline. There often do, ask the femalee an unprint­ can be no change of discipline with­ able list of questions; to the locked out a change of faith in some degree. *■?**"* 7011 «°marketing and Ham door Nunnery over which the priest If it is wrong, and it is. to kill a man rales and may at will do his will, and because he will not believe that the W IWcii hat a phca on your list you this to the fact that 80 per cent of pope has the right to teach what the 0 more than satisfaction if you hie dealings is with married women Bible does not, then there is no rea­ (who of course are all saints??) and son why a man should not always GO Mtmombc name. it begins to look, not like the angel TO THE BIBLE and avoid the pope . Mr. Davey pictures, but like Docu­ for his teaching. But to lay off kill­ ment 190, or a sad eyed, hooded Nun ing men for this involves a change in going down the street in a maternity faith. It must be decided—Is it dress, or that pile of bones in Mexico. right to kill men for refusing to be­ This is spoken of as if it were lieve what the pope teaches, before something to lift holiness, and only the discipline on this point could go the holy would do it. Mr. Davey has forward. To admit change in Disci­ ' fooled so many by this little trick pline is to deny the church its “in­ that he thinks his “open-minded in- fallibility." God and the Bible are ; telligent public” will be fooled, but infallible—nothing more. We restate 1 1 assure him they are not Christ | that the plea to forget history and said: Use not vain repetitions as the take the present is to deny that the "heathen” do. A priest may say di­ church is infallible in anything. What vine offices "four” hours every day, it has done it has done because of but if he spends another four in re- what it “believed and taught," I treat with a Sister he will go to hell There is one word which so fills the ( with the rest of the unwashed forni- mouth of Mr. Davey and his crowd ¡cators. that it is near impossible for them PHELPS REPLIES TO DAVEY WE CAN GIVE REAL INSURANCE SERVICE Prompt Adjustments of Claims ROSE J. WILKES Fire, Automobile and Liability Public Stenography Notary Public • Reliance Life “Perfect Protection” Hotel Tillamook phone Main 6 DONT LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS CAL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: “Quick Service and Reasonable Rates. n REVERE TUBES applies just as much to the new 30x3’/i *‘R” Tread Clincher built especially for light cars as the standard Revere Cord in all sizes. With Revere Tubes these tires will give you many thousands of miles of splendid service. J GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY Distributors Portland Oregon Ml ¡III COLISEUM SUNDAY JULY 18 LAURETTE TAYLOR in HAPPINESS A delightfully pleasing story with a lilttie pathos and plenty of fun. "JUBILO Jr.” Two reel comedy. MONDAY JULY 14 GLORIA SWANSON in ZAZA You’ll rank “ Zaza” as one of the best pictures of the year. Pictures of local children, posed as movie stars. TUESDAY JULY 15 WESIÆY BARRY in GEORGE WASHINGTON JR. A snappy, Jassy social comedy. Second night of children posed as movie stars. WEDNESDAY JULY !• THEODORE ROBERTS in TO THE LADIES A real Yankee comedv-drama, with Roberts at his beet. •WHOSE HUSBAND ARE TOUT" Twe Reel Comedy THURSDAY-FRIDAY JULY 17-15 THE CHECHAHCOS (Pronounced Chee-Chaw-Kos.) You will gasp with amazement at the scenes of crashing glaciers. With thia picture we will have a personal appearance of GLADYS JOI JOHNSTON the lead ing lady and MR. LEWIS assistant director. SATURDAY JULY 15 MARY CARR, TYRONE POWER. EDMUND BREESE, EFFIE SHANNON and FLORENCE BILUNGS in DAMAGED HEARTS A big mystery action romance picture of the Florida Ever­ glades. Story by Basil King. "JAZZ WEEKLY" Two Reel Comedy. 24 he took Mary M 7 re*d: “A““ brought forth her and 56 we read: “I, not penter’s son? ia called Mary, and hi. bretJ^ and Joseph and Simon and his sisters are they not Now turn to Matt 12;4« speaking to the multitude T** mother and his brethern out, seeking to speak knew Mary, children are bon ? names are given. Thev Jesus. Notice that Mary th' of Jesus is 8aid to be the Joseph. Turn then to Where the mother of Christ ' out in the words: “Mary th ** ol James and Joseph.” fu ' Matt. 12 and read: “Who is J"! er and who are my brother»’* For whosoever shall do the my Father, that is in heave» l my brother and sister and ¿2 iiatDthVey h8S n° m°reri»hli that these were not his brjthJ the flesh than to say that M ' not his mother. The crowd mother and brethern are here is for you. Then Christ made it MJ that anything like (R. Q) Mar/ ship was unwholesome and vfr any authority. Mary had to be» just like the rest of folks. This is a fair sample of the da age methods used by a fawning m craft to wrest truth and twin a Scripture. At the Cross Christ a ed her “woman”, how far L from "Mother of God”? Wht outrage on God to talk of His moth If God has a mother, then she er than God, and God is notGdl his mother is God, and it is pure bi to ask her to go to God since A God. Davey says: It has been hut down. What does Smith say: Th (Continued on page 6 I Tender Juicx that’s ¿*4 FRYFÍ MEAT GU®€