Btlldinoo i LUME 36; NUMBER 40 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1924 PRISONERS ON ROAD CREW TAKE VACATION I Pair Walk From Job on Netarts Road Beals Building Serious­ to Sandlake and Find Deputies Waiting ly Damaged by Smoke and Flames Beach Resorts and Moun­ of First Story Conovers Grocery and Graves Studio Badly Burned Lurth of July celebrators in Tilla- L Friday evening were spectators [rather bad looking fire that was Lvered at about eight o’clock. A L crowd at the Coliseum was sur- Lj to hear the jazzy strains of Lt We Got Fun” coming from the in, in the midst of a melodrama I was being shown on the screen. | the reason was son evident when Partridge appeared and quietly Ld that a fire had been discovered [the basement of the building, ike was coming into the auditor- I when the crowd began filing out, there was very little confusion I the people passed through the pal exits in an exceptionally order pinner. When they reached the let they found the fire department york and a large crowd watching, moke was soon pouring from rly all the windows in the build- ind the center of the conflagra- i seemed to be in the basement ■r the grocery store of Conover Conover. Smoke was so dense ; the firemen were unable to lo- i the center of the blaze, which te out in two places on the upper r, after it had burned through the t of the Conover store, which < with the water and smoke de- yed the entire stock of groceries, i was later discovered in the res photography on the second ’ as well as in the Chapin law I took almost three hours of con- mu up-hill fighting for the fire- I to get the upper hand in the it and several suffered consider- I from suffocation by smoke. Rex ley of the fire department had to dragged from the basement, over le by the fumes. Another man was tied down several times by com- ¡ta contact with a live electric wire. *r‘l windows were broken from intense heat, and smoke damaged ■ in every store room in the sow suffering most heavily were: “’er and Conover, grocers; Mary millinery; Larson and Hecht- i department store; Graves studio, 1 Coliseum theatre. Others * the Eldee confectionery, Bon 1 tsrber shop on the lower floor, Fayette, Utter Brothers, C. B. W, attorney, R. E. Ringo, physi- t *nd Bow optical company. 1 found later that the fire had '«used by a defective fitting of J0"® pulley and the fan motor . ^>*come super heat- * Wetion, causing the flames to to rubbish in the basement a urn d*maKe is estimated at WO, largely covered by in- Ip SEA FISH FROM NETARTS ON DISPLAY T,r>eties of deep sea fish play at the Rialto window JW. They were caught off the beach by Lee Stephens and i .mi T80" Some 01 the “tch ’bowing a few signs of life *W$ht to town. , KR men did not VIOLATE FIRE LAW tiDlb«r men, W. J. Frost, 81 and E- Frazier, who to have been negligent /.J*,1 can>P-fire in the woods rui,tT end the esse g i n PRICE $2.00 THE YEAR ELKS COMMITTEE MAK- ING ARRANGEMENTS TWENTY LIQUOR CASES BEFORE JUSTICE COURT Tillamook B. P. O. Elks 1437 Pioneer- $2200 in Fines Paid to County After ing in Large Conventions for Tillamook tain Streams Are Taken Good Fortune and Sensible Driving Keep Down Seriousness Dan Rulli and Bud Blackwell, who In By Visitors The seven committees working on were sentenced to 90 days in the the twenty nine divisions into which county jail last week for unlawful the work of the state Elks conven­ possession of a still and mash were tion for next month have been group­ turned over to the crew working on ed report a lot of progress having been the Netarts road. Tuesday, when made on the arrangements. The en­ the foreman, Mr. Wells, was called tire force of committees meet each Sixteen Minor Accidents Reported at to another spot on the job the two America’s Biggest Day Brings Vast Monday evening at a dinner in the prisoners walked away. This was re­ Office of County Sheriff Tillamook hotel and discuss plans Crowds to Tillamook and Her ported to Road Master Schelling who that promise to materialize into one During Week traced the fugitives to the head of Perpetual Coolness of the greatest affairs ever staged in Netarts bay, but was unable to over­ Tillamook. Last Monday the com­ take them. He returned to the sher­ mittees were promised by the city During the past week there have iff’s office and in company with Dep- _ __ __ hotels of the city accom- council that all policing would be The four uty Lucas headed for Sandlake about i modated about four hundred guests | unaer me direct supervision or Chlei naturally been several auto mix-ups. six o l’clock that evening. Taking an I during the three day period of ; va- j - of Police White, with authority to About fifteen have been reported to ''^hp01 have happened during the last week .* 3 position on a point I cation over the Fourth and week-end. | deputize any Elks he wishes to. advantageous , . y end festivities. Two cars tipped com- that commanded a good view of the This number does not include the also granted the order the right to beach they waited about fifteen min­ large number of regular residents at regulate all traffic, and the lodge is pletely over. No one was seriously utes when they sighted the men they the hotels nor does it include the to have charge of all concessions. injured. On account of the thousands were looking for coming up the beach number of persons finding accom­ Entertainment for the visitors is the of holiday drivers that were on our toward the spot at which the officers modations at the various rooming big issue at hand as there will be, roads the records show that drivers were concealed. Briefly, it may be houses of the city. The largest count as conservatively estimated, 5,000 are beginning to feel that the other stated that the two men were com­ for any one day was naturally on visitors in the city at that time. Thé- fellow has some right to a little con­ pletely surprised when Deputy Schell­ Friday the Fourth, when there were Elks of the state have wanted to at­ sideration and sportsmanship. A re­ view of the reported accidents show ing suddenly appeared about ten feet about 170 people registered. Of the tend a convention at Tillamook for that, for the most part they were in front of them and Deputy Lucas total of 400 vsitors, nearly half of some time, and this is to be a pioneer practically unavoidable on account of was seen near at hand. The prisoners them belonged to families of two or venture at holdng large conventions the congested traffic. in our city. Other cities that hold were returned to the county jail more members. During the three At the railroad crossing at Miami where their sentence will be complet­ days there were 91 families spending conventions successfully have stand­ ed at hard labor. They had hiked at least one night in our city. When ing committees to care for the wel­ a fender on a car belonging to Zina about fourteen miles down the beach we stop to consider that there was fare of the visitor, and throw open Doolittle of Dorena, Oregon, was bent and through four miles of almost im­ no special celebration in Tillamook it their homes to accommodate the by being rammed by a car driven by passable grown over trail over Cape is easy to guess that people are in­ stranger. There will be plenty of E. J. Boos of Forest Grove. Defective Lookout, and expressed the dissatis­ terested in our town and community. amusement features, the most thrill­ brakes caused a car driven by T. A. faction at their experience in no mild These guests were largely from Port­ ing of which will probably be motor Stan to crowd the car belonging to Henry Landot into the Union oil terms. land and vicinity ,but there were a cycle polo games between two teams truck. There was a minor collision of six cyclists each. Several shows good many from all the other sections on the Nehalem-Tillamok road when of the state. Other states were rep­ of different kinds will furnish amuse­ a car fram Corvallis and one from ment and there has been some re ­ resented. Washington and California Washington locked wheels. C. P. each sent several. Guests were with quest for a trap shooting tournament, James, of Portland was crowded off and for a vaudeville tournament be ­ us from all sections of the country. the grade on the Nehalem road by a Georgia, Nebraska and Pennsylvania, tween teams from the various lodges. car driven by Mrs. Theodore Nelson Printed programs will soon be out. Merry makers at Rockaway were as well as other states, were repre­ also of Portland. The car rolled over saddened last Friday evening when sented. They must have been favor­ twice, but the occupants received only Junior, the seven year old son of Mr. ably impressed with the mild climate minor injuries. On the Bay City- and Mrs. E. W. Schutte, 211 11th and freshness of the county, the good Garibaldi road, a car loaded with roads that haul the raw product that street, Portland, was fatally injured Washington county people locked by the propeller blade of one of the makes our county famous, and the wheels with a car driven by Tex general appearance of prosperity that Rankin planes that was flying for the The Coast Power company are fit­ Thompson of Garibaldi, this being entertainment of the crowd at the compares so well with other sections ting the three rooms directly over caused by the narrowness of the road. beach. The accident occurred at that are suffering from lack of mois­ their present office in the Masonic as A rear-end collision occurred near about 7 p. m. when the ball the boy ture, lack of activities that make a additional office rooms, Their ' busi- the life saving station when Sam was playing with rolled under the community prosperous and a general ness has grown to such aD extent < Roley of Garibaldi stopped and his plane shortly after it landed and the atmosphere of “well-to-doness.” that more room has become neces- car was bumped into by a car driven All this boosting that these recent sary. pilot started the motor not knowing by Paul Burner of Portland. Near that the boy was near the machine. visitors will no doubt do for us at Hemlock A. H. Peterson, of Portland, The propeller crashed into the child’s their homes will help Tillamook im­ tangled cars with Alva Gore, of New­ head inflicting a horrible wound and mensely in her growth; and harmony berg, when they tried to pass at a also injuring the little fellow’s and good will within the town’s own point where a car belonging to Olga shoulder and side. Dr. W. B. Hawk citizenry has certainly made a last­ Rogers, of Portland, was parked too gave the boy first aid and the pilot ing impresson on the memories and near the highway. These are some Sportsmen of Tillamook are co­ took the lad into the plane that had speech organs of the tourists who of the accidents. In some of the injured him and brought him to the were with us during this last festal operating so well with George Rus­ cases rather serious damage was Boals hospital in this city, where he week end. Many of them saw the sell, district game warden, that he is done to one or both of the cars. W. evidence of our steady growth; they unable to find violators of the game was given all the care and attention possible but the unfortunate young­ saw the efficient work of our fire de- laws although he has thoroughly pe­ E. Noyes’ car and one belonging to troled all the streams in the county. (Continued on page 8) ster died at 2 o’clock Saturday morn­ (Continued on page 8) ing. The parents took the body Portland Saturday. MANY MACHINES MIX UP MULTITUDE ENJOYS DAY nt Interior Walls raòlìijljt ft YOUTH IS VICTIM OF AIRPLANE PROPELLER COAST POWER WILL ENLARGE OFFICE WARDEN RUSSELL LIKES COOPERATION CLOYD 0. DAWSON RETURNS ON VISIT Cloyd O. Dawson, who was a mem­ ber of the 1910 graduating class of Tillamook high school, and family are spending a ten day vacation period here with friends and relatives. Mr. Dawson is at present in the in­ ternal revenue department in San Francisco. DEATH CALLS FARMER OF BEAVER DISTRICT John M. Borba, late of Beaver, who had been a resident of Tillamook county for twenty-three years died in Tillamook on July 8. The deceased was the husband of Rosa Borba, fa ther of John Jr. and Emanuel. Mr. Borba was 59 years old and had been fafiFVn? in the south end of the coun- ty since coming to ths locality- mains are at the Minnon mortuary, and funeral services will be he d at the Catholic church Saturday, July 12 at 10 a. m. George Grayson, at one time Tilla­ mook’s leadng liveryman, is renewing old acquaintances in the city ami ex­ pects to remain in Tillamook for several days. At present he and Grayson are living near Portia the Cornell road. Focusing Strenuous Celebration of July Fourth $58,000 Refunding Bond Issue Approved, Water Bond Issue Passed Sentences have bec.t handed out freely in the court house from the office of the justice of the peace, The cases have been coming in since the morning of the fifth and the coun­ ty bastile is getting rather crowded. Several hundred dolars have been paid into the treasury for the most Repairs to Streets Arranged For part by liquor law violators. There Committee Appointed to Look are also several cases of speeding and unlawful parking carrying fines that Over Basements range from $2.50 to $10.00. The heaviest fine levied was im­ posed upon Henry Hellmar. He plead­ The city council at their regular ed guilty to two counts. One for unlaw | meeting last Monday evening trans- ful possession of intoxicating liquor acted several matters of important for which he was fined $250. The municipal business. Since the fire other charge was unlawful possession in the Beals building last Friday of a still and worm. On this charge evening has shown the necessity of he also pleaded guilty and was fined keeping basements free from accumu­ $750 and costs and given 90 days in lated rubbish a committee has been the county jail. He had been manu­ appointed to investigate all baa» facturing moonshine in a common coal ments of the city. Councilman Mer- oil can fitted up with a coil, at his rick, City Attorney Hall and Flre shack near Garibaldi on Tillamook Chief Coates were appointed to con­ bay. duct this work. Ordinance No. 447, a bill to allow Another man, M. A. Dickey, plead- ed guilty to two charges, One was the completion of the $58,000 refund­ the unlawful sale of intoxicating ing bond issue was past, and a water liquor brought a fine of $150 and the betterment fund of $30,000 was recona- other which was for unlawful posses­ ■nended by the water commission and sion of intoxicating brought a fine of passed by the council. A committee $100. Harry Johnson was also fined from the Elks asked permission from on two charges to which he pleaded the council to have charge of the guilty. He was fined $100 for un­ policing, traffic and concessions dur­ lawful possesson of liquor and $20 ing the state convention that is to be held here on August 14, 15, and Id. for being drunk in a public place. Harold Hadaway,' who gave his Permission on these points waa name as Mickey Havaway, Albert granted. Current bills were allowed. Slakis, and C. L. Shultson were fined The city attorney was instructed $100 each for unlawful possession of liquor, and Christy Temple was fined to prepare an ordinance to provide $250 and sentenced to 60 days in for the repair of streets that had been jail, having pleaded guilty to a damaged by undermining from work charge of unlawful sale of intoxi­ on the water and plumbing system*. cants. B. II. McKillip, Ray Howard, Bids were received for the purchase James Smith, Frank Heschl and of 500 feet of fire hose The Camp­ Howard Whittaker were each fined bell fire apparatus company of Port­ $250 and costs on charges of being land was the successful bidder. ELKS WILL HAVE TOWN drunk in a public place. Minor cases of drunkenness brought fines of $10 and costs to L. C. Skidmore, L. M. Hurd, E. F. Olson and Jack Dunn. Ed Marshall pleaded guilty to • charge of unlawful possession of in- toxicating liquor and was fined $200 and sentenced to 80 days in jail. There were also several cases of traffic law violations heard with one acquittal. E. Gilbert and Nettie Krake were each fined $5 and costs for unlawful parking. Charles Ed­ monds and D. W. Burris paid fines of $2.50 on similar charges of minor severity. A fine of $20 and costa wee levied against George St Onge for unlawful operation of motor vehicle without proper license plates. Marvin Campbell was fined on two counts. One drew $10 for speeding a truck, and the other $2.50 for insufficient lights. S. Barkhydte was fined $10 for speeding. O. D. Wooding paid $5 for violating parking laws. Connie Dye and Lenord Cannon were fined cient lights. There are several more $2.50 each for drying with insuffi- cases of traffic violations to be heard next week. 1 KIWANIS CLUB MEETS AT REGULAR LUNCHEON At the regular Kiwanis club lunch­ eon last Wednesday the attendance prize was won by Thomas Coatee Sr. and four other members were fined for not winning. It was announced that the team captained by E. B. Fax­ on won the signature contest from the team captained by L. W. Turn bull. This means that the latter team will furnish the winners a lancb- eon at some near future date. Dur ing the luncheon N. C. Jamieson, at the Oregon Agricultural college gave a short talk on dairying in the slate. Cloyd O. Dawson, formerly of Tilla­ mook was present and gave a few words of greeting to the local club. The committee on general arrange­ ments for the entertainment of the visitors during the state editorial as­ sociation convention July 25 and 28 reported that all arrangements were well under way. Other committee« were appointed. WHEELER TEAM TO PLAY ISSUES OF MARRIAGE LICENSES CONTINUE BASEBALL HERE SUNDAY On Sunday, July 13, the Tillamook baseball team will tangle bats with the team from Wheeler that beat the crack Warrenton outfit 10 to 4 last Sunday. The game will start at 2 o’clock, The Wheeler battery will probably be Anderson and Heisel. For Tillamook Fortier and Meehan will probably start. Manager For­ tier’s tentative line-up is Hecker, first base, Irvine, second, Gilmore, third, King short stop, Campbell, left field, Joe Plasker center, K. Meehan, right field, and probably Trachsler as util­ ity. A good fast game is assured, as both teams play good ball. The following marriage licensee were issued from the office of the county recorder during the past week: Carroll W. Cook, Eva M. Snyder; Arthur C. Hamilton, Amy Williamson; Frank Me Edward, Mary A. Cunningham. Robert J. McDaniel and Jennie Wil­ son of Tillamook were married in Vancouver, Washington, last Satur­ day. Alva A. Patton, instructor in the history department at Lincoln high school, Portland, accompanied by his wife, passed through the city Tues­ day on a hike from Seaside to Port­ land, via Tillamook. They walked Mrs. John Carroll and son Jack are over the old Necarney mountain trail at Oceanside where they will spend following the beach all the way. the summer with Mrs. Carroll's moth­ Miss Margaret Coates is visiting er, Mrs. Orpha Eastman. Mr. and Mrs. Archie French and daughter friends in Portland for a few days Dorothy of Forest Grove are also and will return home the first of the week. visiting with them.