t TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by superintendent of the city water ♦ commission at the office of said com­ ESTABLISHED RATES FOR ♦ mission in the city hall, Tillamook CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ♦ Oregon on or before 8:00 o’clock p. One cent per word per issue, ♦ m. of the Sth day of July 1924, for with a minimum charge of $.25. ♦ and under river crossing on Trask Readers are charged at the same + river for 18 inch water main, approxi­ rate. All reading notices must ♦ mately one-fourth mile south of Til­ have "adv.” attached. No pre­ ♦ lamook city. Plans and specifications ♦ ferred positions. for same are on file at office of city ♦ I water superintendent to which refer- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ' ence is hereby made as a part of this i call for bids. Ths said water com­ mission reserves the right to reject SITUATIONS WANTED any and all bids. Signed: Tillamook Water Commission YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION 38-12 in private family . Can furnish best of references. Inquire at Headlight 39-tip NOTICE TO CREDITORS EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Muonic Hall) services, first Sunday onth. dsy school, 10 a. m. ■ning service, 11 a. m. ning service, 7:30 p. m. ducted by Arch Deacon Black, aaining Sundays in each month, iy school 10:30 a. m. lies Guild meets 2d and jays. jry one cordially welcome to (services. I U. B. CHURCH jay School at 10 a. m. Classes ages. iching service 11 a. m. and 8 re is a comfortable pew wait- ir you. Come. W. 0. WOOLEVER, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH lay morning, Ideals of the Prayer. Sunday evening, which makes think. ; Monday morning the minis- d a number of delegates from hristian church will leave for ■ to attend the state convention. i than five hundred dollars have jven by the church during the year for missions, and Rev. ii feels sure that the Tillamook I will make a good record at jte convention. I Charles Gross who has been ling at Garibaldi will preach ie Tillamook church while the Lr is away. aboard for the Turner conven- At The Hotels I ifimiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiinn The Tillamook Friday, June 27: J. C. Black, C. C. SEO. HARNESS, Pastor. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cad­ well, L. Gillespie, H. Gouldstone, E. A. Carmichel, George M. Self and METHODIST CHURCH family, F. A. Abraham, B. W. Gage, ky school