TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 8 k I* RID A Y, JULY 4,1^2 / TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT EARLY BASEBALL TILLAMOOK Henry E. Wiseman came in from Portland Saturday for a few days Baseball has been the leading pas­ visit in the city. Dr. Wiseman form­ time fcr Tillamookers for many years | Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bellinger are erly practiced dentistry here with Dr. spending a few dyas at Rockaway. E. B. Faxon. An interesting engagement an­ during the summer time. There have] Mr. Bellinger, son-in-law of Mr. and Pierce Jacobs was in town from his nounced Monday evening was that of been several seasons when valley I Mrs. Alex McNair, has been engaged farm at God's Valley Saturday. Miss Margaret Coates, daughter o teams were brought to Tillamook and • _ • . The national in the importing and exporting busi­ Mrs. Ben Jacobs is enjoying a visit Thomas Coates to D. A. Di Fiore o given good lacings. ness in Portland for the past two from her sister Mrs. Hauschel of San Jose, California. The news was game had a L good early start in the years. told at a dinner given by Miss Coates city, there being records of games as Bremerton, Wn. I The air compressor and air ham­ The state boiler inspectors were in in honor of Mrs. W. Thomas Coates. far back as 1889 On June 16 of that mers, being used by the Coast power the city the first of the week looking Announcement of the engagement year a game was played of which an company in their new operations, over the boilers in the various build­ was made in a most unusual and ap­ early Headlight says: i The UNIVERSITY of OREGON have created a good deal of interest ings of the city. They found most of propriate way when a miniature air­ “The ball game last Sunday be- contains: about the town. them satisfactory. plane circled over the dinner table tween two picked nines resulted in a The College of Literature. Science Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamooks’ chiro- The bridge over O’Hara creek on with tiny announcements in the form grand accumulation of runs for both and the Arts with 22 departments. praetor’s hours 9 to 5. Evenings, the Netarts road is sufficiently near of paper airplanes attached by rib­ sides, the score standing 40 to 41 at Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat- completion to take care of the fourth bons. Places at the table were also the end of the sixth innings. There The professional schools of Archi­ 36-tf of July traffic to Happy camp and marked by airplanes and the rooms was some very clever work done on urday at 7.—Adv. tecture and Allied Arts—Business Brown’s service station is install­ Oceanside. Administration—Education—Grad­ were profusely decorated with flow­ both sides, notable the catching of ing an underground electric connec­ uate Study—Journalism—Law— The well equipped motor launch ers. Cox, Hunt and Martin, the pitching of Medicine—Music—Physical Edu­ tion from the main office to the oil “Eagle” will make regular deep-sea Guests at the dinner were Nell Stillwell and Bodel was as good as ca t ion—Soc iolog y—Ex tension shed. This will eliminate the danger fishing trips to the Netarts sea-lion Case, Amiette Jenkins, Gladys Coates, many semi-professionals and the bat-1 of the high tops of trucks coming in rocks and Haystack rock, leaving Helen Harrison, Edna De Sart, Vera For a catalogue or any information ting of W. Stillwell, Banton and Ma­ iVrite The Registrar, University of contact with wires. from Happy camp, during good Clark, Myrtle Wallin and Agnes son was better than we have often Oregon. Eugene. Oregon Free reading room and public weather, Arrangements for tickets Coates. had to put up to see, and if the boys ____ _____ _ —_____________ library in city hall First avenue east can be made by telephoning Dave Miss Coates, a very charming ana will only get out and practice, we The 49th Yest Opens September 25.1924 1 between Second and Third streets. Happy camp, phone 9-F3. — Hadley, J popular member of the younger set stand a good show to see some good j Open every evening except Sunday Adv. was born in this city and received ball played on the 4th for there is ' from 7:30 to 9:30. Wednesday and Harry Gilmore who lives in the her education in the public schools Saturday afternoons from 2:30 to southern part of the county was ap­ here, finishing in a Calfornia univer­ ample material for two good nines.. 5:00. prehended on a charge of unlawful sity. She was the first girl to make The base running of Philbrick, Has- The beautiful new farm home of issuance of a check on three different an airplane flight in the county and brouck, Cohn, Ooley and Humphrey Claud Christianson near Kilches river counts. Two of the checks were she later studied areonautics in Cal­ can not be overlooked, it would be | hard to find their equal in the nation-1 is nearing completion. written in favor of A. A. Pennington ifornia. al league, and should Capt. Anson of | Mrs. R. E. Stanley left Tillamook and one to Claude Blum, the three of Mr. Di Fore saw service in France the Chicagos come along thsi way he Saturday to spend a few weeks visit­ them aggregating about sixty dollars. ing friends at Pullman, Washington. He is being held in the county jail during the World War as an aviator, will kidnap ’em sure if they don’t and at present is engaged in com­ hide.” Dr. Helen Babb, graduate of Palm­ under $1000 bail. mercial flying. He is making exhi­ er school of Chiropractic, Davenport, Portland Tillamook Dr. J. E. Shearer announces the KILL KARE KLUB MEETS Iowa, will be in the Tillamook office birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Bern­ bition flights at Pacific City where 19 No. Front St. 209 1-2 Second Ave. E. he will remain through rtie summer. Monday, Wednesday a nd Friday ard Phelps of Hemlock on July 1. The wedding will take place soon The June meeting of Kill Kare | evenings.—Adv. 37-tf Fred Bohmer of South Prairie was Mrs. Jesse E. Robson, of Gales­ brought to Boats’ hospital Sunday but the date has not been announced- Klub was held at the home of Mrs. burg, Illinois, has written the Nether- after having had a fight with a bull. Newton Anderson with Mrs. J. E. Miss Anne Wade and Miss Lucille Reedy assisting. land hotel of this city asking for res­ Severe lacerations of his hand were ' “ ’• Buckner of Portland are spending the ervations of rooms during the State the extend of his injuries. Mrs. Haberlach gave a very inter­ editorial association that j s to Dr. Huckleberry reports that John week visiting at the R. W. Watson esting and detailed report of the first be held in Tillamook, July 25 and 26. Langley of Garibaldi broke his arm and Thomas Coates homes. part of the convention at Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bester enter­ City, the other delegate being absent Interest in the Twilight baseball and was brought to Boals’ hospital league is growing. A large crowd Sunday. tained a party of friends at their her report will be given the first saw the game last Friday evening Mrs. Ralph Himes is seen driving a home at Fairview evening. Individ­ meeting after vacation. Tillamook, Nehalem and Seaside. when the Standard Oil team won a new Star coupe this week. ual strawberry shortcakes were serv­ Mrs. Anderson gave a splendid pa-1 fast game from the cheesemakers. Mrs. Frank Denning of Garibaldi ed which met with hearty approval per on Parliamentary Law, — j The score at the beginning of the underwent a major operation from all. _ ____ ni_ last inning was four to four but a Boals’ hospital July 1. The following officers were elected l and Mrs. James Lemon, Mrs. rally staged by the oil company’s Leave stane depot at Tillamook, 9 a. m; leave for the ensuing year, president, Mrs. ] The daughter of Luke Woolf» I W. G. Mann and Miss Gertrude team won them the game by a score Oretown had her tonsil» “t I | Lemon of Seattle and Mrs. E. J. Reedy; vice president, Mrs. Lamar; removed four. The battery f~~ ’’ne July 1 by Dr. Bo»'- secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Frank­ Lemon of Springbrook spent last "winX'^as Anlauf and* Boon; stage depot, Seaside, 3 p. m. lin. Mls» 4 ■" . .uin Christensen who has week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The hostess served a dainty lunch­ for the cheesemakers, hogg, 1 been visiting relatives in this city for G. E. Hart. A considerable part of COAST STAGES the past two weeks returned to her their stay was spent at the beaches. eon, and the club adjourned for a two j anil Bunn, Geo. Smith, Mgr. Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamook’s chiro- home in San Francisco, leaving Mon­ They left Friday for Springbrook months vacation. The invited guests present were where they planned to spend a day praetor hous 9 to 5. Evenings, Mon­ day. Mesdames Hill, Ford, Gilbert and day, Wednesday, Friday and Sat­ Mrs. Clarence Gabriel returned to before returning to Seattle. urday at 7.—Adv. 36-tf her home last week from Oregon City Driving in from Portland Saturday Miss Marie Tinnerstett. Expert marcelling and bobcurling at where she has been visiting for the evening to spend the following day the “Beauty Shoppe” 702 2nd Ave. E. past two weeks with her parents. visiting here were Mrs. R. L. Wade Eyes that need glasses are I On corner south of new Methodist Mr. and Mrs. Jakd Breeden have and daughters Anne and Roberta, entitled to specialized ef- | church. Miss Margaret Nelson, oper­ purchased a Buick coupe. the Misses Louise and Lucille Buck­ fort. That’s why Dr. I John Aschim and family attended ner, Harry Fererra, Nephi Wester- Thompson devotes his entire time, ator. —Adv. 38-t2 Four salvation army singers were the law enforcement meeting at Clov­ gard, Robert Parshall and Clark thought and effort to the examination i on the streets last Saturday singing erdale Sunday afternoon. North. of the eyes and the accurate fitting of j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitcomb drove their songs and giving their testimon- Henry Bochsler, student at Cor­ glasses. Consult him about your to Seaside Sunday. als. This store will not be open July 4'h. We're going to cele­ vallis has returned to Tillamook to eyes next visit—Thursday, July 10, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wheeler and child­ spend the summer months. One of the carrier pigeons that brate Independence Day. Tillamook hotel until 4 p. m. 38-t2 made the flight from Umatilla last ren, and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Wheeler For your Picnic Lunches we have nearly all the good old of Aloha are spending a two weeks week covered the 230 miles in four standbys and also the delicacise. Buy them here and be satisfied. hours and forty minutes. This is vacation in this city visiting relatives Monopole Grape Juice, very fine, pints 35c, quarts 60c bottle considered very fast flying, an aver­ and friends. - » COLLECTIONS Cliquot Ginger Ale—per bottle 25c. age of nearly fifty miles per hour. Neil Hiner motored to Cottage WE NEVER QUIT WE GET RESULTS NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE Jelly—Kei r’s Premier—large bottle 30c. John Langley is carrying his arm Grove this week. He plans to be ab­ in a sling as the result of a kick- sent from here about three weeks. KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT COMPANY Jelly—Kerr’s Premier—large No. 10 tins, pure and good $1.80. Elmer Hoag is seen driving a new back from a small truck he was McMinnville Hillsboro Tillamook Our bulk Coffee will save you money and give good satisfaction car this week. A J. J. Stangel Jno. O. Bozorht cranking. 40c and 45c per pound. Ben Hathaway of this city motored Mr. and Mrs. Fred Small returned Cantaloupes, lettuce, New Potatoes and other garden vegetables Saturday- morning from a trip to to Canada with friends, leaving the former part of this week. He plans are now at their best. Portland. Mrs. Alber Bennett and to be gone a month. Mr. and Fruit Jars, Tops and Rubbers—We are selling a lot of them. family, and Mrs. A. W. Bennett from Theodore and Tony Berns and fam­ Our prices do it. Let us show you. Dallas, spent the week end in the city ilies motored to Crater Lake Monday to spend two weeks vacation at that with Ralph Bennett and family. Mathers Truck Service uses 50 resort. Mrs. Lee Whitcomb returned to large quilts in packing household Tiny Things for Little Tots goods in trucks. This is the best Tillamook the latter part of last Useful Articles for Baby way to move as they guarantee safe week from Independence where she delivery wihtout mars or scratches. has been visiting her parents. Anything in Fancy Work—Hemstitching This 1« the only truck line operating J. L. Fayette drove to Portland daily between Tillamook and Port­ Saturday night returning Monday. Ray Keenholts of Wheeler spent land.—Adv. 37-t3 lliillIinntlllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllHIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllliHilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllinitttlHilUIMHflMniOtmHMHH Rainier, Oregon, suffered a $150,- Monday in this city. 000 fire in her business district last Mrs. Maud Stephens motored to week. Many of the smaller cities Seaside Sunday returning the same could well afford to maintain an ade­ day. quate water supply and a capable Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morrison drove equipment such as Tillamook is pro­ to Portland Saturday night. Sunday fire-fighting organization with good they enjoyed a trip on the Columbia River highway. They returned to vided with. F. A. Beltz made a trip to Portland Tillamook Monday evening after leav­ ing their daughter Loretta to spend this week. Mr». C. F. DeFord and son left the summer with friends near Forest Sunday to spend a few weeks visit Grove. at the home of her sister in Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armentrout Grant county, Oregon. •nd son, George, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miss Beryl Burkhart returned from Breeden, Charley Cater, Mrs. Ken­ Portland Saturday where she spent neth Cater, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Moon, LITE START1NG- LIGHTING a few days last week in the interest Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown motored AND IGNITION. If there were a of the Pacific Tel. and Tel. to McMinnville Sunday, spending the better electrical system than the Auto G. W. Daley and wife spent Mon­ day picking cherries for canning pur­ Lite, ite, Star would have chosen it. u. poses. day on business in Tillamook. Auto Lite equipment is the only elec­ Walter Hartsough of M i n n e- The best in Chiropractic, Dr. J. T. trical system that gives 90 days 9 or apolia, Minn, and daughter Mildred of Fayette at Cloverdale hotel, Tuesday, I 3,000 miles labor service *, free of University of New York are spend­ Thursday and Saturday evenings.— charge. Economical in action, it has ing a week visiting Mrs. E. V. Hard­ Adv. ability to withstand weather condi- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hoag left Tues­ :ions. Spitsmesser. Mr. Hartsough repre­ day morning for Klamath Falls sents the American Collecrion agency where they plan to spend their vaca- The "Stay Sa ti »factory" Ranfa of Minneapolis, Minn. A luncheon tion. We have 26 other reasons why the Mrs. J. Nicklaus of Blaine was in was served to a few of Tillamook's star should be a part of your family. busness men at the Tillamook hotel this city Monday. We are Agents for Monarch Stoves and business pretaining to Mr. Hart­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Raney, sough's collection plan was discussed a girl on June 29. Tuesday at about 3 p. m. R. W. Bennett and family are leav­ L. 8- Daniela has resigned as mem­ ing Thursday for Dallas yhere they ber of the county fair board and Will­ will spend the 4th with relatives. iam Williams has been appointed to Oretown visitors included H. W. Vogel last Tuesday. serve the remainder of the farm. SEEN ON THE STREETS SAJUSL'C I r YOUNG LOCAL WOMAN TELLS ENGAGEMENT MATHER’S : 1 For Sale A good single horse Price very Reasonable if g* At Once Inquire Geo. Zirr Box 310 R. F. D. No. 1 F. J. PYE & SON Fully equiped to draft plIn f any building no matter how sm,n and nothing too large. Glad tn talk it over with you any time «d specialize tn pleasing yon. TILE YOUR FARM ASK THE MAN WHO HAS TILED TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS TRUCK SERVICE COAST STAGES Daily LET THE EAGLE SCREAM STAGES I*— LEAVE TILLAMOOK 7:15 A.M. 10:30 A.M.’ 2:30 P. M. 6:30 P.M.’ •Holds for afrival of Manhattan Stage •Holds for arrival of Seaside Stage LEAVE PORTLAND (Park and Yamhill Streets) 7:50 A. M. 12:50 P. M. 4:80 P. M. 11:50 P. M. For arrivals-departures an con­ nections call UNION STAGE TERMINAL 3rd. St. and 3rd. Ave. Eist Both Phones Portland - Newberg • Mo Minnville-Tillamook Stages Inc. •’•ft • *. p. •1 I- ki p L’4 ‘«I a <1 ■ DENA-HANSEN GIFT-SHOP Satisfaction Store-Market E. G. Anderson Across from Tillamook Hotel STAR • The 27 Feature Car No.10 A & B BLOOM Furniture & Hardware Co To Portland-McMinnville Hillsboro-Forest Grove Corvallis-Salem Eugene-Roseburg and Willamette Valley >> ’ Points . >■ / 4 L 4 b Ji L’i ‘¿1 VIVI i V / A.q YA Vi II z Low Inllati«» TktN mat ovenin rnrda were th« 575% ma » »* •VedaDy for greater eœafor« ud to -cautrn» A*** ~ nelson Electric Co. Distributors Tillam®0*1 County Martiny-Crotzer Motor Co. Inc. IH| TIRES £yTU0£5j I