Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 27, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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in other states.
Howard R. Edmunds, Moonshiner,
California is sending more automo­
With the arrest of Cyril Goff, an
Loses on Appeal.
bile tourists into Oregon than any
of the Irwin-Hodson com-
other state, according to statistics in
Maximum sentence of one year in pany of Portland, on charges of lar-
the office of Secretary of State Kozer.
| ceny, police officials declared they had
During the month of May a total of
Oregon’s new champion Holstein jail and payment of a $3,000 fine, im-1
7081 were registered in Oregon from cow for butter production in one year posed on Howard R. Edmunds by made the first step in uncovering a
other states, 8921 of them from Calif­ as a junior three-year-old is Fobes District Judge Deich, was affirmed ring of men who have been defrauding
ornia. Washington was second with Pontiac Longfield of the W. T. Phy yesterday by Circuit Judge Camp­ the state out of thousands of dollars
1795, and Idaho third with 538. The herd at Hot Lake. Her record is bell. Edmunds, convicted of unlaw­ through the counterfeiting of auto­
largest number of registrations was 22,623.4 pounds milk containing 782.- ful possession of a still, had re­ mobile license plates. Goff, according
at the Ashland station where 1793 37 pounds butterfat, equivalent to ceived the limit sentence on this to the police, helped furnish a pair
regist ered.
977.9 pounds butter, according to the charge and appealed to the higher of counterfeit tags found on the ma­
The non-resident registration law advanced registry department of the court. Trial in circuit court was with- i chine of P. J. Pierre, ex-motorcycle
I policeman, when he was arrested at
is mandatory, but many travelers Holstein-Friesian association of Am­ out a jury.
Edmunds was arrested April 21 at 1 ! McMinnville on a minor traffic charge.
seem to think it is discretionary and erica.
do not register.
As a consequence of this record she 406 Sacramento street by deputy The Irwin-Hodson company has the
On the assumption that the number displaces the former state champion sheriffs, accompanfed by federal of­ state to furnish license plates. Dis­
of persons to each car averages five it in this class, Lucy Freela Pontiac 2d, ficers. These testified that they found honest workmen, the police said, have
is estimated that 50,000 tourists have who in the herd of Max Arp at on his premises a still of 50-gallons stolen or made duplicate sets of tags
entered the state so far this year. Eugene, produced 21,224.4 pounds capacity, 600 gallons of mash and a I in the company’s workroom and are
small quantity of moonshine liquor.— thought to have done a profitable
During the period between April 25 milk and 10.48 pounds butter.
business in selling these at reduced
Oregonian, Saturday, June 21.
and May 31st $3406 was received in
rates to friends.
motor vehicle license fees from cars
Read the Classified Ads
Prompt Adjustments of Claims
Fire, Automobile
and Liability
Public Stenography
Notary Public
Reliance Life
“Perfect Protection”
Hotel Tillamook
Phone Main 6
Tell the World.—Especially when.
its people are visiting Tillamook.
Does the world know about Tilla­
mook beaches? Do Tillamook people
give the unattached visitor the glad .
hand of welcome and show a few,
signs of interest in the beach-seeker? i
It is said that there are places,
rather small towns usually, where a,
stranger on the streets feels that he
is being looked upon as an undesir­
able addition to the town in which’
he is not acquainted.
Mr. “Dryman” stepped into a soda
fountain one warm day and jovially
asked the dispenser, “Who serves the ;
best coca cola in town?” Miss So D. I
Jerk, as usual, replied with a frown
and a growl, “O, go on down the
street to the next place.” And her
boss wonders why he does not get
more business.
“Grumpville” is a little town in the
fair state of “Opportunty” where plea­
sure and profit exist in abundance,
but its people are prone to pass by
the stranger with a suspicious stare
that makes the pleasure seeker wish
he had gone on through and past
“Grumpville” and its snail shell cover­
ing. Just as Mr. Visitor stepped into
his car up stpped young Mr. Boost
and began an artillery of chatter that
caused Visitor to hesitate and listen.
It went some thing like this: “Hello,
Visitor,—I knew by your load of
camp equipment that you were head­
ed for the beaches. Which one you
going te? There are lota of them
near here, and they are all splendid.
Take the “P. D. Q.” road and you get
to the best all round beach in the
world. Back there on the “X. Y. Z.”
boulevard you can find the most plea­
sant camp ground along the coast.
Well, in fact, they are all good and I
can tell you all about any of them,
and we have the best roads of any
country in the state. But, say, before
you leave “Grumpville,” go down here
about five blocks to the fromage fac­
tory, which puts out that great pro­
duct for which we are famous the
world over. Every one knows about
that though, but it takes a long time
for some older men in Grumpville to
find out that you pleasure seekers
like to have a little attention paid
you. Well so long, I see another
‘foreigner’ coming that I’ve got to
talk to and tell about our beaches.”
Mr. Visitor left and knew about
where he was headed for—the beach
that best suited his fancy according
to the young fellows story. But he
knew there was lots of time—the
young fellow told him—so he staid
around “GrumpviUe” for sometime
just because one man had made him
feel at home.
Why wait for business men’s clubs,
the newspapers or railroads to ad­
vertise Tillamook beaches? It isn’t
a difficult task to recognize an out­
ing party headed for the beach, and
they surely like to be noticed, and any
English speaking citizen can make a
visitor feel very much at home. In­
cidentally, the tourist likes to be
stuffed a little, too. The more he is
told the more he has to look for­
ward to. 20,000 or more autos from
other states are visiting Oregon;
many of these people will settle per­
manently. Tillamook has the most
varied assortment of any beaches in
the world, so why not tell every tour­
ist that stops in the city. Visiting
with him makes him feel at home.
Our beaches are on the best roads in
the country, and these roads are all
tributary to Tillamook city. The more
people we get to our beaches, for
they really are our beaches, the more
prosperous Tillamook will be. And
the more we talk to the traveler the
more he will talk to his neighbor
back in Hottown about having seen
the home of the famous cheese, and
how lie enjoyed the finest beaches in
the world, largely because a young
fellow made him feel at home and
helped him feel at “ease” in the land
of trees, cheese and ocean breeze.”
This promises to be an exhibition of
(Continued from page 1)
mighty good boxing as all the boys
that are to participate have good rec­ would receive guests in their old,
ords to their credit.
worn-out and dirty clothing; they
Joe Serra of Seattle has taken task would be ashamed to. Then why re­
so many have tried, he says he can ceive the city’s guests with weeds,
take Billy Gardeau’s measure so the rubbish and dirt cluttering up proper­
boxing commission has consented to ties? Even if there were no com­
let another good boy make the sacri­ munity spirit a personal pride should
fice. Joe Serra has fought such boys rule in this matter.
as Joe Kennedy, Frank Brooks, Art
Some weeks ago a local clean-up
Kileen, and Sailor Lee. His showing week was proclaimed and a com­
is such that he is entitled to try any mittee from a local organization
of the boys in Billy Gardeau’s class. named to help carry out the cam­
Bill needs no introduction, all he paign. Very little was accomplished,
needs is good clean stiff competition it would seem, for the results are
ana tnen you will see a gooa snappy practically unnouceaDie.
fight every minute of the ten rounds, the committee used the wrong meth­
Ted Burns of Portland has decided ods or whether it lost enthusiasm is
to try Clark Johnson again, We all not known. Probably it was neither,
remember their last exhibition, and for no committee, however efficient
they need no special mention. Every­ and tactful it may be, can do every-
body be therb and this ten rounds we body’s else work, and unless each
know will be thrills from the sound citizen rolls up his or her sleeves and
of the gong to the final count, that gets busy the results are bound to
sweet music so familiar to the ears be discouraging.
of the one or the other, Which shall
It would be well not to wait too
it be, Burns or Johnson?
long before letting the clean-up idea
Joe Johnson and George Martin take hold, for the newspapermen will
will repeat four more rounds for the be here within the month, and, judg­
benefit of the fighting fans who wish ing from the looks of some places,
to see them matched again. Their it will take nearly that long to clean
other match was so well liked and so them up.
snappy, that they are wanted again,
so lets all go see them make their
final. It’s going to be good.
Harry Johnson will meet Chet Ben­
Mrs. T. M. Berns of Garibaldi was
nett in four rounds. These two boys
are great on the mix up. They are a Tillamook visitor Wednesday.
good husky, fast boxers and quite a
Dr. Huckleberry announces the
bit of interest is being taken in this birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
bout, as Harry Johnson is a “comer” Paquet of Garibaldi on the 24th.
Repair work is being done on the
with a bright future for him in case
he can get by such boys as Bennett. office rooms of Watson and Eberhard
He is going to try hard so watch him on Second street and Third avenue
Harry Ditter, the very popular ref­
After being on special duty at the
eree from Garibaldi, will officiate. Boals hospital for some time, Miss
Tickets on sale at Rialto Cigar store. Pearl Peterson has returned to Port­
At armory Wednesday night, July 2. land.
Miss Elizabeth Scully of Idaho has
CARRIER PIGEONS STILL MAK­ taken Mrs. Purcell’s position at Boals’
Mrs. John Riggs has gone to Port­
The carrier pigeons belonging to land to visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Art Case of the fire department made Ralph Warren.
Miss Louise Blaque of Hebo was
the distance from Hood River in
about three hours last Saturday. operated on for appendicitis by Dr.
They were liberated at about 8:30 Boals, June 25.
Dr. Smith reports the birth of a
and the first four arrived at Tilla­
mook at 11:30, covering approximate­ girl to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Buffin on the
ly 115 miles air line. Their next 17th.
For sale, several milk cows, also
flight will be from Umatilla, a dis-
some heifers and other young stock.
tance of about 220 miles.
A. C. Harris, Woods, Oregon.—Adv.
Mrs. Ray Keenholts of Wheeler
Read the Classified Ads
was a city shopper Wednesday.
J. M. Crull of Garibaldi was seen
on the streets Wednesday last.
It is reported that little Doris Mann
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
' Mann, is confined to her home with
1 chicken pox. •
Walter Metten who has been visit­
ing with his mother, Mrs. E. M. Aa-
derson, left for his home in Nebraska
Dr. Boals reports the birth of a girl
to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Larson on the
I 1(1
19 of June.
I Mrs. Bertha Johnson and Miss Eva
Platt of Bay City were Tillamook
shoppers Tuesday.
Mrs. Graham and daughter of COUNTY AGENTS MEET AT
Blaine made a visit to this city Wed­
Among the Garibaldi visitors to
Tillamook Thursday were Mrs. S. R.
W. D. Pine, county agent, attended
j Vermilyea and Guy Aydelott.
a meeting of county agents of the
Mrs. E. B.1 Harvey of Marysville, coast division, which was held at As-:
i California is visiting with her daugh- tora last Monday. They spent the
* .■ « a»
ter, Mrs. J. L. Fayette. She plans"to ?*y. ? ^king °Ver the «Pfrimenta
spend the summer in this city.
that had been made on crops for the
Thomas F. Ranes and Maude A. coast section at the John Jacob Astor
' Kidshner, of Rockaway were married experiment station. Six counties were i
at the court house on June It.
represented: Clatsop, Columbia Tilla­
Mrs. R. E. Ringo and daughter mook, Lincoln and Douglas.
Mildred motored to Portland Satur­
day. They expect to visit there for
North Bend- Smith mill resumed
a week or ten days.
work with 520 men at lower pay
Robert Telford of Oretown who
Jacsonville Post sold to Mrs
suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday Blanche Cook of South Morris, Ill ‘
i is reported improving.
Marshfield- $22,000 Presbvterian
Clarence Reed of this city suffered church to be dedicated June 29.
a stroke of paralysis Monday.
•h —
W. J. Rumbaugh of ths city is
• onfined to the Tillamook Generali
hospital of an injured wriat
Wed. Eve
July 2nd.
Special« at Regular Prices
There May Be Just What You Want
in the Classified Ad Column
10 Rounds
Joe Serra
Billy Garden
( lark Johnson
Ted Burns
Joe Johnson
George Martin
Harry Johnson
Chet Bennett
Wed. Eve
$1.25 $1.50 $2.|
July 2nd.
10 Rounds
4 Rounds
Whitney Camp
4 Rounds
Whitney ('amp
I’hone 71J
Years p,
Price $3.50
Located at 207 2nd avenue east on corner m J
of new Methodist church.
Expert marcelling and bobcurling.
Miss Margaret Nelson, operator.
After July 15 the “BEAUTY SHOPPE” will be locatai
the balcony of Haltom’s store where ladies and childrens *
haircutting and bobbing can be had. The most modern aT**
to-date equipment and methods will be used in the “BFttw
Mutual phone.
Every American should abare in Ua a
of Ita towerin« peaks, leaphw Mnni
: cauMronäjnönanJ!
t hotels, charatas cotM
aatchieae booiranhZ
Send for <m booklet It tella th. Mte
of nature ■ wonderland. Oar
Service DAILY between Portlui <
Yellowstone by On
U nion P acific S yst
makes the trip very eeofatalk
Lot our representatives Bisks yew Ml
and arrange row reservittwa, *
tjust A R$al Good Rsm& and
Do you Believe that Electric Cooking is
151 lbs?
Do You Believe that Electric Ranges area i
145 lbs.
157 1U
163 lbs.
Many women believe these things and
as the result are denying themselves the
comfort and convenienc that Electric C ook -
ing offers.
175 lbs.
180 lbs.
We invite you to investigate and see
for yourself why Electric Cooking is30
167 lbs.
167 lbs.
Liberty Theatre
Coast Power
Tillamook. Oregon