9 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 9 rrespondence * 7 MOOK RESORTS* T1LLA‘ of the State of Ore»on tor hunt-| One Hundredths (85.93, acres, SORTS ing shooting, killing, taking or hav- ♦ according to Government Survey ♦ • Z . ing in Possession, alive or dead, ini thereof, and situated in the County EPISCOPAL CHURCH Places of T,lUm °UUng wh°k °r in P*rt’ of game animals THE BEST IN of Tillamook and State of Oregon. _gpondence on the var- ♦ |1 places of Tillamook county , will _____ be .and and game birds: therefore, therefore. ♦ ♦ game birds; CHIROPRACTIC Now therefore, I will, on the 5th "Zcts of ‘be da* 18 ?- ♦ (Masonic Hall) i open for tourists and pleasure-seek- J. L. Fayette, D. C. Ph. C. • ’ bi the Headlight for ♦ Notice is hereby given, that the day of July, 1924, at the hour of 10:00 ♦ ESTABLISHED RATES FOR ♦ Sunday services, first Sunday I era by July fourth. They are easily State Game Commission of the State o’clock A. M., sell the above described ♦ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ♦ Loa. Any paper for ♦ the month. Beals Bldg. Both Phones | reached by car or by rail. Nea-Kah- Son must be signed ♦ j of Oregon has made and entered of property at public auction to the ♦ One cent per word per iasue, ♦ Tillamook, Ore. Sunday school, 10 a. m. 1 Nie, Manzanita and Classic Ridge are record and does hereby issue the fol-, highest bidder for cash, at the front ♦ with a minimum charge of $.25. ♦ Painless Adjustments ,he writer’* name, which ♦ Morning service, 11 a. m. i popular resorts north of Nehalem bay, £ withheld by request. ♦ lowing j door of the Court House, in Tillamook ♦ Readers are charged at the aame ♦ Evening service, 7:30 p. m. that can be reached by either outo ♦ County, Oregon, and by said sale ♦ rate. AU reading notices must ♦ Conducted by Arch Deacon Black. over good roads or by rail, taking a Hours 9 to£ ORDER: ♦ transfer all right, title and interest ♦ have “adv.” attached. No pre- ♦ Both Phones ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Remaining Sundays in each month, pleasant boat ride across Nehalem ♦ ferred positions. ♦ i That for the purpose of protecting of the above named defendants or Supday school 10:30 a. m. bay from Wheeler, and stage from certain species of the wild game life ♦! ie. Physician and Surgeon and Mrs. R. D. Brown and fam- Notice is hereby given that the 1924. pendence, Oregon. 36-t3 Beaverton are occuppying “The There May Be Just What You Want County Court of the State of Oregon National Building Date of last publication July 4, CARD OF THANKS Piper.” FOR SALE—OR WILL TRADE FOR in the Classified Ad Column for the County of Tillamook, has duly 1924. We wish to express our appreci- appointed the undersigned, executrix ■ I. Richards and family enjoyed TtHamook Orogen cows or heifers, Studebaker Special FRED WEST, days stay at the beach this BUYERS’ WEEK IN PORTLAND ation to our many friends in Tilla- of the estate of Hattie Fitzgerald, and Ford touring. Jim Williams, mook for the kindness and efforts deceased. All persons having claims Administrator with the Will Annexed. Wilson River. Mutual Phone. 86-t2p AUGUST 18-23 BRUCE C. CURRY, Attorney, shown us during our recent sorrow and Mrs. E. H. Langdon and against the said estate are required 80g Union Ave.t Northt Portland, Ore. FOR SALE—80 ACRES IN ALDER tom and Dick, returned to their DR. H. L. BABB Special, Portland, Ore, June 25.— caused by the death of our mother to present them, properly verified, to 85-t5 wood. Inquire of Mrs. Leisberg or in Portland Monday after a Merchants of the Northwest will be and grandmother. Tillamook’s Chiropractor the undersigned, at the offices of Rosenberg Bros. 85-t4 T. B. Handley and family. Barrick & Hall, National Building, Hours, 9 to 5. nt outing. entertained by the most extensive NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT . H. Rethlefesen and family and most elaborate Buyer’s Week Tillamook, Oregon, within six months FOR SALE—FRESH DAIRY COWS, Cloverdale Office registered over the week end. program ever arranged during the 12 from the date of the first publication Jerseys and Holst eins. If you want Mon., Wed. and Fri. evenings at 7 Notice is hereby given that the un­ I H. Viesko, L J. Page, M. P. years history of the event when the good ones, I can supply you. Write of this notice. dersigned has filed with the County >, M. A. Murray, Mr and Mrs. gathering is held in Portland August Date of first publication, June 20, ’ Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, for accurate descriptions and prices. DR. HELEN BABB CALL FOR BIDS C. Kruse are registered from 18 to 23. Earl Nelson, Newberg, Oregon R 1, 1924. his final account as administrator in phone 19A25. 34-t8p Date of last publication, July Evenings—Mon., Wed., Fri., and This advice was issued from the ’ the matter of the estate of Orra S. Sealed proposals will be received 1924. ipers in the grove are: J. A. Oregon metropolis today by the Exe­ Sat. at 7 Williams, deceased, and that said CHOICE LOT AT OCEANSIDE FOR i, Dallas; Wm. Johns, Gering, cutive Committee in charge of the by superintendent of the city water Dollie Fitzgerald Court has fixed Saturday, the 12th Tillamook Building sale. Inquire S-167, Headlight. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Granberg and twelfth annual meeting. The list of commission at the office of said com­ Executrix. , day of July, 1924, at 10:00 o ’ clock A 85-tf Petaluma, Calif.; A. G. Peck participants has been closed and a mission in the city hall, Tillamook 37-t5 M., at the Court House in Tillamook rife, Portland; E. Walen and total of 135 jobbers and manufactur­ Oregon on or before 8:00 o’clock p. City, Oregon, as the time and place ‘¡’OR SALE—CLOVER, CHEAT AND H. T. Botts Geo. P. Wiimlow ■ m. of the 5th day of July 1924, for NOTICE Portland; E. J. Noble, D. G. ers will take part in the event. vetch hay in car load lota or can for hearing objections thereto. All ' and under river crossing on Trask ran, Portland; Mr., and Mrs. furnish mixed car. Prices quoted This is the largest number of firms persons having objections to said ac­ BOTTS A WINSLOW 1 river for 18 inch water main, approxi­ Notice of meeting of Land owner of Mollalla, Ore. on same on applicatom B. B. ever signed up to entertain the mer­ count are hereby required to present ‘nd Mrs. Menne of Portland ar- chants and buyers of Portland’s trade I mately one-fourth mile south of Til­ Big Nestucca Drainage District. Lawyers Daughton, Lebanon, Oregon 19-tf1 the same at the said time and place. Notice is hereby given that , In ac­ Saturday, and have opened their | territory. The previous high mark in lamook city. Plans and specifications ROYAL H. FOX Tillamook Oregon WANTED TO BUY for same are on file at office of city cordance with Section 5, Chapter 340 * for the summer. the number of participants was reach­ Administrator of the Estate of Orra ■ water superintendent to which refer- General laws of Oregon 1915 a meet-1 ‘nd Mrs. Max Fleming and Mr ed several years ago when 130 job­ S. Williams, deceased. HIDES— PAYING EIGHT CENTS bs. W. C. Peer were week-end bers and manufacturers joined in i ence is hereby made as a part of this . ing of all the owners of Land in the BOTTS A WINSLOW per pound cash for calf hides, and call for bids. The said water com- | Big Nestucca Drainage District is 1 ‘t the C. H. Fleming and E. D. organizing the reception and enter­ Attorneys for the Estate. giving honest weight. Paul Disney. | mission reserves the right to reject hereby called at the Grange Hall, homes. 36-1« C. R. CHAPIN Mutual phone, Bell 153-J. 30-tf tainment plans. Cloverdale, Oregon, op Tuesday July 1 any and all bids. •nd Mrs. C. B. Stanley were at The list of participating firms takes Attorney at Law Signed: Tillamook Water Commission 1 at 1 o’clock P. M. for the purpose 1 CALVES nde Sunday making arrange- in 25 lines of merchandise including 38-t2 of electing one Supervisor for the | AM IN THE MARKET FOR YOUR for the construction of their everything from furniture to dry i District' baby Heifer calves. Phone me Beals’ Building Tillamook, Ore. immer home. goods. The variety of merchandise W. R. C Dated* June 20, 1924. what you have. Paul Disney, The NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE which will be offered by these firms, Corinth Relief Corps No. 54, Dept W. L. HUDSON, Secretary. Calf Man. Bell phone 153J, Mutual FIRST GERMAN REFORMED I CAMP IS DEVELOPING thus will be more diversified than has 37-t2 2 of Oregon meets on first and third phone. 34-tf CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Victor J. Minnon Freda G. Minnon Friday evenings of each month, at 8 ever before been possible. Happy camp, perhaps the old- Mortician Invitations for the week will be o’clock in the W. O. W. halt Visitors LOST AND FOUND the Tillamook resort for beach Notice is hereby given that the NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE welcome. n is taking on a large pro­ sent through the Western states,, balance of the money derived from FOUND —TWO HOUND PUPS,] MINNONS MORTUARY Mrs. A. D. Smith, Pres. of improvements. A bulkhead British Columbia, and Alaska, July 1, the sale of lots owned by the church Notice is hereby given, that the yellow and white spotted. Owner Elizabeth Conover, Secretary Phone 183 and Mutual *r driven for about a hundred and every merchant in Portland s is to be divided among the subscrib­ undersigned, as Sheriff of Tillamook may have same for paying board ■ trade territory will receive full ad ­ •long the edge of the camp CORINTH PO8T NO. 85 ers to the purchase of the lots in County, Oregon, by virtue of an Order bill and this advertisement. beach. This has been fill- vice of the plans and program. Novel prportion to the amount paid by each of Sale and Executio.. issued out of Department of Oregon Louis Rickenback, 01 d Netarts ■ features for the entertainment of ’’th a good solid foundation Meta on second and on fourth Sat­ We buy dry Cascara Road. 88-t2 both men and women buyers will be subscriber, and that each subscriber the Circuit Court of Tillamook County, ’”**** and supports twenty should file his or her claim within I Oregon, upon Judgment, Decree and urdays of each lonth at 1:30 p. Bark FOUND—PENNANT FROM END «uses for tourists. Two pipes listed. six months from the date of this no- ( Order of Sale rendered in said court in the W. W. hall. Railroads of the west have issued a of lavallier. Inquire at Headlight 1 ; See us before you sell «h water have been put down Samuel Downs, Commander tice with Kasper Zweifel or John, on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1924, office. X 172. 38-t21 J* beach so that clam diggers special rate for the week, this being Zumstein who shall approve the1 in a cause therein pending wherein We Pay 11c per lb. H. W. Spear, Adjutant fbeir clams there without equivalent to one and one half of the claims before they are paid. Agnes A. Graber was plaintiff, and STRAYED — ON TO THE PLACE: one way fare for the round-trip. The Tillamook Ixtdge No. 57 1S* up the camp as is usually This notice is published in accord­ Lester Phelps, administrator of the A hog. Owner can have same by usual feature of providing a refund A. F. A A. M. *t camps where clams are ance with instructions given at a estate of A. H. Lehmann deceased, Third St. Tillamook Ore. identifying same and paying dam­ Stated communication sec­ J11 ul u they are around Ne- of fare to all merchants and buyers business meeting of the church held Magdalena Lehmann, R. G. Closter- ages. J. E. Jensen. 35-t3p purchasing $500 or more worth of ond Wednesday in each Uy. • mann and John Doe and Richard Roe March 18, 1921. month. Visiting Brothers FOR RENT re ‘re fifteen row boats for the goods from participating firms during were defendants, and by which exe­ Dated June 26, 1924. LOST—FRATERNITY PIN, SWORD this week, will be available again this welcome. II °f the tourist who likes to KASPER ZWEIFEL and cution and order of sale I am directed and shield, set with pearls. Re- ; HAVE 600 ACRES OF GOOD PAS- Howard C. Boone, See. * if rowing does not appeal year.. to sell the following described proper­ JOHN ZUMSTEIN turn to Headlight office and re­ tures to rent—Stock wanted to pas­ “of three small light draft Trustees. ty, to-wit: ceive reward. U 170. 37-t3 ture. Call M. E. Gruber, Beil phone Hood River erects tourist ’ s inform 38-t3 Lot Numbered Four (4), being the ts may be procured to take i Hood Kiver erec« ation booth at Main street intersec- Southwest Quarter of the South­ LOST—SMALL SACK OF I.AUN- t itk?Cr0S8 t'le bay to the sand west Quarter of Secton Thirty (30) dry between Cannon Beach and Til­ ROOM TO RENT—IN NEW MOD- Tuesday Evening, 7-JO T*r. Points on the bay. The NOTICE Dallas—Approximately $59,000 is Township Three (3) South of lamook. $5.00 reward. No'ify ern home all new furniture, fine Rebekahs Wednesday Evening. tuakes regular trips "being spent here for asphaltic paving Range Nine (9) West of the W. M. Morris and Mills dairy, Tillamook, location. Hot and cold water at all ¿77 outside the surf and to To Whom it may concern: and the Southeast Quarter of the SELL OR TRADE —FORTY-FOUR times. Inquire at Headlight. Phone Oregon. 37-t3p Commis- ■ of interest along the Whereas, the State Game acres fine bottom land near Wood­ Southeast Quarter of Sectoin Twen­ 181 J. is auth- s are now about forty sion of the State of Oregon S>VM ——------- - __ land, Wn. Well drained .fresh wa­ LOST—HAND GRIP ON ROAD BE- ty-five (25) in Township Three (3) the beach at Happy camp orized under Section 8, Chapter 66,' tween Corvallis and Seaside. Find- HOUSE FOR RENT— FIVE ROOM ter for stock. Very low priced. South of Range Ten (10) West of r Dave Hadley states that General Laws of Oregon, 1921, to house. See Walter Stark at Sunset Fred Hess Motor Company, Long- I er please send to J. G. Mi’cheli, the Willamette Meridian, contain ­ ent'’ must continue because Always Good. open any closed season or dose ■.ut Garage. 36-t2 5030 12th Ave., N. E. Seattle. 38-tlp View, Wn. 38-t6 ing Eighty-five and Ninety-three modations are already in any county or district i : open l season ------------ CHURCHES S1 END CLASSIFIED AD COLUMN PROFFESSIONAL CARDS ■uaiinBtiiLDumsim. LEGAL NOTICES LODGE DIRECTORY Burge Grocery Liberty Theatre