» a Y.JUNE 27,1924 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PERSONAL MENTION So The 'eople May Know Last week’s issue of the Headlight carried MORE Classified Ads by 125 lines than any other paper pub­ lished in Tillamook Countv MORE dvertising Matter Exceeding any other paper in the County by 155 inches. MORE ■» Reading Matter by 48 inches All our “news” being composed on our own machines, while we use no “boiler plate” or stereotyped stories to “fill up” the space Three Reasons Why you should either be a subscriber or an advertiser of the Headlight—You get re­ sults in advertising together with all the news—local—state and national Headlight Publishing Co Telephone Main 68 Word was received by J. R. Reyn­ olds from Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. The Louvre restaurant is remodel­ Schultz this wek. Mr. Reynolds re­ ing some of its interior decorations. ports that at the time the letter was written, the Schultz were in Omaha, Miss Daniels has accepted a posi­ and reported that rains and winds tion in the office of the county agri­ were so terrific, the roads were hard­ culturist, at the court house. ly passable. 3. R. Reynolds is look­ ing after Mr. Schultz’s business for Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hysmith mo- him at the Economy Cleaners and tored to Portland Saturday evening iDyi rers. returning Monday morning. E. B. Faxon and family returned Mesdamcs A. A. Pennington and A. from Portland Saturday, where the W. Plank are spending a few days doctor as been attending the annual visiting the Eastern star lodge in meeting of the State Dental associ- McMinnville and visiting also in ation. He reports one of the most Portland. successful meetings in the history of Mrs. Coverstone, who is represent­ the association. He took some spe­ ing the Western saving and loan as­ cial work in pulp canal therapy, pyor­ sociation, and son, are leaving Tilla­ rhea treatment and artificial den­ tures. mook for southern Oregon. Mrs. R. A. Leonard and two daugh­ ters, Helen and Ruth, motored to Portland the latter part of last week. Miss Helen is engaged to dance at the Strand theatre during this week. Miss Vida I. Warner of New York City is spending several weeks with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beals and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Beals. Miss Warner is secretary to Post­ master Sumter L. Happy, of Mt. Vernon, and has made the trip thru the Canadian Rockies, Vancouver and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Beals and daughter Ruth motored to Portland one day this week to meet Miss Vida Warner of New York city, and also brought back their son, Rolland, who attended Hill’s military academy last year in Portland. Dr. Helen Babb, graduate of Palm­ er school of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa, will be in the Tillamook office Monday, Wednesday a nd Friday evenings.—Adv. 37-tf The bonus loan paper has arrived, These are application blanks for ad- justed compensation, Bring your discharge papers. Blanks can be had on application at American Legion Headquarters or Fred F. Hoss, in­ surance agent • Expert marcelling and bobcurling at the “Beauty Shoppe” 702 2nd Ave. E. On comer south of new Methodist church. Miss Margaret Nelson, oper­ ator. —Adv. 38-t2 Dr. Bandrick and family of Mc­ Minnville accompanied by Miss Ella Roy, also of McMinnville, are spend­ ing the week end at the home of Walter Nelson of this city. Eyes that need glasses are entitled to specialized ef- fort. That’s why Dr. Thompson devotes his entire time, thought and effort to the examination of the eyes and the accurate fitting of glasses. Consult him about your eyes next visit—Thursday, July 10, Tillamook hotel until 4 p. m. 38-t2 5 Mrs. J. G. Lauterbach is visting in Salem this week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone motor­ ed to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. Matthews motored to Portland returning Wednesday. J. A. Coughran of Cloverdale was a Tillamook visitor Monday. H. L. Babb was called to Wheel-1 er Sunday on account of illness. Merle Harrington spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Port­ land. G. J. Baertlin of Cloverdale was seen on the streets Monday and Tues-1 day of this week. Miss Reberta Campbell visited her I aunt, Mrs. Alta Magnuson, the latter M. J. LeMasters left for Portland part of the week at Brighton. today to buy stock of groceries and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lamar and campers supplies for the new store at daughter Mary returned from Cor-; Silver Sands. Mr. LeMasters has vallis last week after spending a week leased the building of J. L. Ketch, end in that city owner of Silver Sands beach. Mr. LeMasters is very favorably impress­ Rodney Farley, student at Univer­ ed with our beaches and intends to sity of Oregon has returned to his [ locate here permanently. home in Barview to spend the sum-1 mer. The well equipped motor launch “Eagle” will make regular deep-sea Mrs. C. B. P. Lucas and son Elmer fishing trips to the Netarts sea-lion attended the graduating exercises at rocks and Haystack rock, leaving Eugene and stopped off for a short from Happy camp, during good visit in Salem on their way home. weather. Arrangements for tickets Fred Burnett who has been visit­ can be made by telephoning Dave ing at the home of Jesse Parks for Hadley, Happy camp, phone 9-F3.— two weeks left Thursday for his home Adv. in Idaho. Reverend Harness motored to Sa­ Claude Resing, nephew of Mrs. C. lem Tuesday evening. While there he gave a memorial address at the F. DeFord visited in this city during Knight’s of Pythias lodge. After the week on his return from Califor-1 meeting a number of very good nia. friends in Salem, he motored home Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamooks’ chiro­ Wednesday evening. practor’s hours 9 to 5. Evenings,. George Durbin of Nebraska who Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat­ 36-tf came to Tillamook expecting to ac­ urday at 7.—Adv. cept a position at A. A. Pennngton’a, Messrs Crotzer and Hardwick of left today for home, He likes the the Martiny-Crotzer garage motored country and would consider coming to Salem Monday night to attend to back in case he can find a position. some business in that city. The work on the new county fair A concrete driveway at Plasker grounds has begun with leveling the court apartments is being lain for portion next to the road. The work the convenience of those using the is being very rapidly and efficiently garage and storage house in rear of done with two tractors. Mr. Ben- the apartments. scheidt is forman of the crew. Mrs. Harry Rogers and daughter At the Kiwanis club luncheon Wed­ Lucy and Mrs. E. C. Barber and two nesday, the men listened to a very sons of Portland motored into Tilla- j interesting address by M. B. Parouna- mook Sunday to spend a week with I gian, representing the Near East re­ C. J. Neff of this city. lief. Two new members were taken L. Reiden and wife of Pendleton | into the club. are spending a few days in Tillamook j Brooks Lucas graduated from the while on their wedding tour. They j University of Oregon, June 16. He are accompanied by D. J. Connelly of I plans to spend the summer with his Seattle. parents in Tillamook. This fall he Mrs. Claire Hysmith announces plans to go to medical school in Port­ change of name of Beauty Shop to land. Claire Beauty Shop. Opposite Tilla­ Mrs. Alice Morrison, mother of Leo mook hotel. —Adv. 37-t2 Morrison of this city, accompanied by Mrs. Glen Leach went to Willamina I Mrs. Allen Trager of Aberdeen, visit­ ed in this city the latter part of last last week to attend the graduation1 exercises at the high school at that week. place. She returned Saturday. Mrs. M. C. Bogart is to have The Tillamook band gave its sec­ charge of the rooming house over Penny’s store. Mrs. Bogart is a sis- ond weekly concert on the school ter of Rosenberg Bros., owners of the grounds last Friday. They played several pieces that were fully enjoyed building. by several hundred listeners. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Holt and child Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hoar of Moll- of Silverton drove through Tillamook last Friday and will spend an indefi­ alla. They are camping at Oceanside, nite vacation period at the beach that having come by way of the old Wil­ son river road camping and fishing suits them best, on the way. Mrs. C. L. Craver and son, Mrs. Out of town visitors this week were Arthur Travis and Mrs. Harry Hogan drove to Portland and Tigard Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Spring of Ne­ halem, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Boatman day, returning Saturday. of Hebo, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Vogle of Mrs. Linn Garner is leaving for Oretown, and Mrs. George Williams Buell, Idaho, Saturday after enjoying of Bay City. a month’s visit with relatives in this F. L. Angel, District Traffic Super-1 city. intendent of Portland of the Pacific I Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamook’s chiro­ Tel. and Tel. company, motored from 1 practor hous’ 9 to 5. Evenings, Mon­ Seaside last week and spent the week day, Wednesday, Friday and Sat­ end at Terrymore camp at Netarts. 1 urday at 7.—Adv. 36-tf His family accompanied him. IM Stay Satisfactory Hange We are Agents for Monarch Stoves A & B BLOOM Furniture & Hardware Co. Good Used Cars Prices and Terms Right 1-1923 Chev. Coupe, disc wheeles, Many extras................. $600.00 1-1921 Ford Coupe............... 385.00 1-1918 Chev. touring........... 175.00 1-Chev. Bug, classy............. 225.00 1-1920 Chev. touring............ 225.00 1-1921 Chev. touring............ 250.00 1-Overland 83 ....................... 50.00 Buy your car before you go on your 4th vacation. Link Motor Car Co. Inc. The House of Service SUMMER’S AT AUCTION HEBO, OREGON TUESDAY, JULY 1 Mis. Ada E. Harvey of Rainier, Mrs. Clara Thurman accompanied Wash, is visiting Rev. Woolever and by her daughter Lula and George family. Mrs. Harvey is Mr. Wool- Parsons motored to Salem Sunday j Twenty-seven head Registered Jerseys, including heavy producing cows, herd bull and young stock, both sexes. Complete disposal of entire herd. Many ever’s aunt. returning by way of Portland. While | of this offering were sired by Pets Poppy, he was sired by St. Mawes Gold­ gone they visited the Indian school I en Poppy and in thus a half brother to Poppy’s Dortha, the world's record Mrs. Sadie Lucas and daughter, at Chemawa. three-year-old. The present herd bull is of "Pogis” breeding. Some of M’s. C. A. Ragan of Oklahoma City, visited at the home of C. B. P. Lucas The local Elks staged an open the cows have been fresh a short time; others will freshen this Fall. There last week. house smoker last night in their audi­ has been no official testing in this herd hut the cattie are capable of making torium. Following their regular creditable records, and it will be an ideal opportunity to buy "diamonds in Concrete doorways have been placed meeting which will be the last until the rough.” All tested for tuberculosis and free from disease. in the office of Watson and Eberhardt next month, chairs were cleared for I on Sec nu ' street and Third avenue several bouts t hat were fast and fur­ Also the following items of personal property will be sold: 1 team horses, 1 east. net double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 farm wagon. 1 spring wagon, ious, The public was invited. plow, cultivator, hay fork, and rope, chickens, pigs, small tools and house­ Miss Lucile Anderson, of Salem, is There May Be Just What You Want! hold goods. • visiting at the home of the Stormers. in the Classified Ad Column She expects to spend her vacation here. Mathers Truck Service uses 50 j Male to be held on the farm 20 miles South of Tillamook 1 mile Southwest large quilts in packing household1 of Hebo on < loierdale road and about 40 miles west of Sheridan, Oregon. Mrs. Arrah Whitcomb is spending goods in trucks. This in the best ( her vacation at Independence, visit­ way to move as they guaiantee safe ? \LE TO START AT 11 O’CLOCK. FREE LUNCH AT ing with he; parents. delivery wihtout mars or scratches, i NOON E. Huntly of Yamhill spent the This is the only ti uck line operating | latter part of last week on business daily between Tillamook and Port-1 Catalogs will be published, sent free upon request to owner, sale manager or land.—Adv. 37-t3 Tillamook County Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. in our town. Several of the dairying throughout the county have been cutting hay this week. Mrs. Charles Stevens, of Mohler, was a Tillamook visitor Saturday. Liberty Theatre Why Not Tonight? W. S. WOODS & SONS A. SUMMERS, Owner, Auctioneers Vsncouver, Washington DAVID KURATLI, Clerk Hebo, Oregon. E. A. RIIOTEN, Sale Mgr., (Tillamook County Bank) Tillamook Salem, Oregon.