FRIDAY, JUNE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 1 I - GET YOUR BRAKES FIXED BE­ your brakes before r y°u stwt LIMIT PLACED ON CLAMS AND TELEPHONE OFFICIALS LOOK going over the constructon work Portland, and then you FORE GOING TO PORTLAND ~ c’8 i* Í CRABS IN NETARTS BAY OVER TILLAMOOK LINES along the beaches. The men making that your brakes won’t the trip were J. F. Lowrie, division 7ou , Sixty brake testing stations have fine. Four officials of the Pacific tele­ Reduction in the clam and crab Now Is The Time for All Good superintendent of plant, L. I. Coombs, been established in Portland, for the phone and telegraph company were in supply on the flats of Netarts bay Tillamookers to Boost Their division methods engineer J. J. King CITY COUNCIL transa Tillamook for a few days this week I has been brought to the attention of purpose of making driving safer in City and County of the plant department and C. E. BUSINESS; 8Ach making an inspection tour of the new I the Fish Commission of Oregon, and that city. The work is to be carried office quarters in the Goyne building, Heckman, division commercial super­ on by the police department with the Sunday, June 22—P. B. Stoddard, TAKE OFF YOUR COAT—OPPOR- as a result, partially through the cooperation of the Portland automo­ At the regular semi.monthl, equipment and plans for improv- intendent. Construction work has al­ tunity often roams round disguised as I efforts of T. W. Ross, member of the San Francisco; Jack L. Stoddard, Mc ­ ments. They also spent some time ready begun on the improved system. tive trades association, the city coun­ ing of the city council last m *** 1 commission the following communica- hard work — get actively behind our Minnville; Mr. and Mrs. George W. cil and the National safety council. June 16, several petitions Wer °nia River south to see for themselves what highway overlooking the Hudson iard, Eugene; J. T. Howser, D. J. Con­ visitors are here in Oregon to “look highway overlooking the Hundson we have to offer for the “ Tourist. nelly, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ried­ lllllllllllllllltlll en, Pendleton; Reuben Anders»|i and river in New York, and the Lacka­ SUNDAY, JUNE 29 family, Centralia, Washington; E. J. wanna Trail from Delaware Water HARRISON FORD, ENID BENNETT, ALEC FRANCIS and Boos and family, Mildred Carmack, Gap through the Pocono mountains in MARY ALDEN in Hazel Carmack, Winnifred Aldrich, Pennsylvania.” Oregonians, remem­ ber that our own highway is given Forest Grove. first place. We’ve seen it in the Ma­ Monday — F. K. Blakner, C. Cruick- A big picture with a wonderful cast. “OH MIN!”—Gump Comedy. shank, Fred Anderson, L. S. Kent, H. con (Ga.) News, the Ft. Smith (Ark.) For you and me and every mother’s L. Parker, C. Reinberg, J. Borne, Record and scores of others. All of camping and beaches, in fact every which is good publicity. Are you do ­ MONDAY, JUNE 30 Portland; A. MacLean, Willamette; son to tell “ The World, ” for the thing for the out door life. Tuesday—Fern M. Gettman, Ter­ ing your part for our City and Coun­ Ninety per cent of the tourists tourist represents almost every ty as a live booster? rence Gillick, T. V. Morgan, Sam Ray, ♦ ♦ ♦ Starring BEBE DANIELS, DOROTHY MACKAIL, JAMES from the east are headed for the state in the union, that we have the V. E. Wise, Portland; Ray Kilberg, RENNIE and GEORGE FAWCETT AS USUAL, EARLY REGISTRA- coast beaches, and if they strike Walla Walla, Washington. Taken from the novel by Arthui Train. most wonderful beach resorts in tion of “foreign” automobiles in Ore­ the one that offers them the most “MOTHERS JOY"—Comedy. gon show the heaviest travel from the Oregon, if not on the Pacific Coast ■ lllllltllllllllllillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIt pleasure, that is where they will three adjoining states of California, TUESDAY, JULY 1 vv hen it comes to fishing, hunting, come and spend their money. Idaho and Washington. Of the 16,- TOM MIX in 781 registered to May 31st of this year, 3,921 were from the southern Sunday, June 22—Claude Resing, state, 1,795 from Washington and A big spectacular play of the far north. Eagle Rock, California; A. W. Ken­ 538 from Idaho. Ashland is the "INTERNATIONAL NEWS" and "AESOP’S FABLE. dall, Salem; Ray White, K. Brunner, heaviest registration station, with J. J. Daily, Frank Bailey, George Medford second and Portland third. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2 Bailey, William Coffman, Frank Mer­ This is an excellent showing for this rill, J. Childers, Harry Barnum. The next tourist you meet, give stage of the tourist season and is an he can go in the way of pleasure, Monday — Thomas Kennedy, As­ Starring BERT LYTELL, BLANCHE SWEET and BRYANT indication of what can be expected him the glad hand’ tell him where WASHBURN. even if you put your self out a bit, toria; Walter Wilson, Portland; C. E. during the summer months, Two Reel Comedy. DeFord, St Johns, Missouri. you are from, no matter if you are someone will profit by it—it might others what we have here for a hundred miles from home, let be you—give him that genuine tourist and watch business grow. THURSDAY. JULY 3 TILLAMOOK TO HAVE FINE MILTON SILLS and VIRGINIA VALU in western hospitality—he won’t for­ him know what we have in Tilla ­ RESIDENCE NEW MAIL SERVICE get it, and what better advertising At The Hotels TELL THE WORLD The Tillamook MILLINERY Eva Jeffers THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Mr. Tillamooker The Todd K J J ARE WE GAINING A REPUTATION? FACTS and FIGURES The Netherland COLISEUM THE TIME IS NOW RIPE THE FOOL’S AWAKENING HIS CHILDREN’S CHILDREN Allen House NORTH OF HUDSON BAY Now Spread The Gospel MEANEST MAN IN THE WORLD A LADY OF QUALITY “FAST STEPPERS" Rare track serie«. tlltlWtliltillHIIIIHII* FRIDAY, JULY 4 JOHN GILBERT in THE WOLF MAN A story that leaps from the White Lights to the great White Hills of the Northland. “WIDE OPEN”—Two Reel Comedy. llll.llltMMIItitHUllli SATURDAY. JULY 5 THOMAS MEIGHAN in PIED PIPER MALONE One of Meighan's latest and one of his best. Jack Dempsey in " BUILDING WINNERS." HIS BETTER HALF—Two Reel Al St. John Comedv. mook, what he can see and where can we get than that by tongue? Work ha* begun on the new resi­ dences that is to be built for Carl Haberlacb, president of the Tillamook cheese association, on Third street. Sixth avenue east. The house will be built on the Spanish mission style, with walls of tiling and a stucco fin­ ish. The dimensions will be 52 feet long and 36 feet wide at the front elevation, with an offset making it 39 feet wide in the rear. It will house nine large rooms that will be finely finished. Hill and Bales are the contractors doing the work. The following new mail schedule has been posted in the city post office: Departure 7:30 A. M. 4:15 and 6:30 P. M. Arrival 12:30 and 5:00 A. M. 3:30 P. M. Mail must be in the office one hour before