A AY» LIGHT At f 'f “THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME AN UNFORGETTABLE PICTURE Epochal! Brilliant! Vast! Glorious! Colorful! Lavish! & The Greatest Picture of the Age! Coliseum--Tillamook--Fri.--Sat. June 20-21 , . • . ? \ e • ■ r • ‘L Two Complete Shows Each Night at 7:00 and 9:30- Saturday Matinee at 2:00. Never Before Shown At Our Prices < WÍ Children: 10c Adults: 40c ■3 ■ PERSONAL MENTION TiTjL Is Our business increas- rr ¡ly" ing in leaps and bounds? Mrs. Celia M. Evans of Carlton, Oregon, has been the guest of her sis­ ter, Mrs. T. E. Ashley, for the past week. Because quality and service are our watchwords-our prices are as low as good merchandising will permit- mer­ chandise of questionable quality is not offered here and when you buy merch­ andise here, you make an investment. Dr. H. L. Babb, Tillamooks’ chiro- praetor’s hours 9 to 5. Evenings, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat­ urday at 7.—Adv. 36-tf W. T. Macy, funeral director of McMinnville, spending his summer vacation at Pacific City, was in Tilla- mook shopping, Monday. LADIES SWEATERS $2.69 A special purchase of ladles sweaters and vests are now on sale at the extremely low price of $2.69 These are exception­ al values and there are numbers that would readily sell at $5.00 Special Friday and Saturday only Best Quality 12 Mummy Pongee, the yard t [ It Pays to Pay Cash at -..a- . » Larson &Hech Ladies Rest Room Low Roundtrip Local Fares You can now obtain stopover prive! eges on 15-day roundtrip tickets between stations in Oregon which are served by Southern Pai the Lines. This Is a new service which means much to you in added convenience. In addition, special week-end roundtrip tickets from all stations to Portland are on •ale Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the final return limit being the following Tuesday. And, of course, you know how much less it Costs to travel on Southern Pacific trains than it does to go in any other way, comparable Ln convenience and comfort. «M «7 ■. PIANO TUNING . . AND REPAIRING . ... «'i BERRY’S MUSIC HOUSE Price $3.50 ' - llllihoitllHMHiNHttlNNMMtHfNlniin iNHiiittiiimiiir -■Ji." -*11 „• . - ■I ■ . I '«li'.. 9 Sunset Garage EVERYTHING FOR YOUR AUTO A.Jg. Dodge Brothers Buick Used Cars 1921 1918 1918 1919 1922 1924 1922 1921 1922 1919 1918 BUICK SIX (7 Pass.) .............. Good shape BUICK SIX ..........Overhauled and panited BUICK FOUR......................$150 A Bargain LIBERTY......................................... Painted FORD SEDAN ..................... See this one FORD TOURING ..... Just like new FORD TOURING Ready to drive away, FORD TOURING....... Look it over GOOD MAXWELL ? .*. A good buy FORD TRUCK Overhauled and painted DORT $150 Worth the money A USED CAR PURCHASED FORM A RELI­ ABLE FIRM AT THE RIGHT PRICE IS A GOOD INVESTMENT