» FRIDA Y, JU^Rt TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Charles F. Pankow has been con­ hospital Sunday and is reported to Marion Wallin is in the Vidito hos­ fined to his home the last week on. be recovering nicely. pital of pneumonia and is reported to account of asthma. be in bad condition. A machine driven by Oren Blanch­ i. John Hathaway motored to i Severe lacerations on head, hands ard was damaged this week when Mrs. Mi. and Mrs. R. E Cherrick and • this week ' and face was the extent of C. J. struck by a machine driven by II. H. Portland to visit relatives two boys, of Barlow in Clackamas Payne’s injuries when he fell from a Cox. The accident occurred a min county, are in t the county on a sum- Lorin Heckor, employed at Rector, moving truck, sometime last week. north of Garibaidi. liter visit. The Cherricks, beside own­ is visiting at the home of his sister, Elba Hamrick, daughter of Simp-, Attempting to escape a falling tree, ing a farm in the Willamette -valley, Mrs. Henry Leach. son Hamrick, had the misfortune of | Herman Schleusener received a deep are school teachers, and may possibly Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hutton of fracturing her collar bone, while cut on the knee from an ax which will look for positions here. Louisville, Kentucky, are to arjive irt walking down the steps at the rear lay him up for some time. The acci­ bon C. Ellis, of Garibaldi, was a Tillamook Saturday, 7th of June, to of her home. dent happened at the Smith logging visitor at the county seat yesterday. visit their son, E. W. Hutton with camp on the Miami last Saturday. The Ladies Aid will meet at the Miss Willeta Knight, technician in the Union Oil company of this city, Methodist church Thursday after- Mrs. George Wesley accompanied the office of Dr. Shearer, went to Port Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hutton made noon., by Miss Selma Ford were stage pass­ many friends their visit eight on land Wednesday evening, returning years ago in Cowlitz county, Wash­ The Women’s Foreign Missionary engers to Portland Wednesday after­ the following day. ington and Portland, Oregon. Many society of th Methodist church will noon. They will spend several days Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Keldson return­ of their friends they made during that meet with Mrs. E. S. Wright, June in the metropolis. ed Tuesday evening from a honey­ visit are at present in Tillamook 12. It will be well to remember that Allan Page who has been ill at moon trip through eastern Oregon, county and will be glad to see them June 12 is Might Box Opening. the Boals hospital was so far recov­ Washington and Canada. They are again. Mr. J. C. Hutton is credit Donald Vogt of Garibaldi fractured ered as to be able to be moved to receiving the congratulations o f man with the Stewart Dry Goods and dislocated his left elbow thiB his home Wednesday. friends. company of Louisville, Ky. week. He fell while playing. Mrs. G. A. Broughton and son Walter Mitten, a railroad engineer ELK ATTENTION. Next Thursday Miss Beryl Burkhart spent a few Wilbur and daughter Mrs. John As- of North Platte, Nebraska is hexe evening June 12th Liars night. Prize chim motored to Aberdeen Thursday visiting his mother Mrs. Louis And­ given to biggest liar. Everybody be days in Portland last week. to visit a daugther of Mrs. Brough­ erson for two weeks. there.—Adv. Miss Mary Pelz made a trip to ton. Mrs. E. H. Stark also went with Tillamook Woman’s club meets H. L. Gilham and V. L. White, Portland Thursday, returning Sun­ them and will visit her daughter, Mrs. Louis Nelson, in Montesano. Wednesday, June 11. partners in the Gilham-White In- day. surance agency, upon leaving for the Mrs. George Vaughn of Bay City Dr. Boals reports the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Boatman of national guard encampment next spent Saturday last in this city. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hebo were Tillamook shoppers Tues­ week will leave the office in charge Olson Memorial day. Mrs. Olson was day. of Mrs. Gilham. A special agent for Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Vogle of Ore- Miss Blanch Glad before her marri­ Mrs. W. M. Harrison of Portland the insurance companies will handle town were seen on the streets Tues- age. day of this week. is visiting relatives in the city for a the work. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Simmons, their few days this week. Mrs. Martha Wallace of Portland j Miss Jean Richardson of Portland daughter Alta and Arthur Hedges Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blanchard of was a week end visitor at the home spent the week end at the home of1 drove to Tualatin Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Himes. Bay City have left for a vacation at of F. C. Esch. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hedges an uncle St. Martins Springs. They expect to The Misses Mae Parks and Helen and aunt of Mrs. Simmons. They re­ was Miss Mae Lewis of Galibaldi be gone for two weeks. Kiehm are spending the week at turned th same day. a Tillamook shopper Monday. Wheeler where Miss Park’s father is Tuesday of this week J. L. Ketch W. J. Riechers and wife left this employed. Jack Redmond fo McMinnville has sold the Brandt house on West 10th week for a few days business trip to aoeepted a posi'ion in the shoe de­ street to Lloyd G. Pi.’s who is em­ Dr. J. E. Shearer, office hours 1 to 4. partment at A. A. Pennington store. Spokane. ployed at the Maple Leaf factory. Evenings by appointment—Adv. Mr. Redmond was shoe salesman for Mr. and Mrs. Pitts will occupy the Mrs. Ena Bacon, widow of Ralph Miss Cordelia Oatfield was a Tilla- D. Nayberger at McMinnville for house in the near future. Bacon, who was very well known maak shoppr from Trask lodge Tues-1 many years. He is also a brother-in- here, was in Tillamook this week day and Wednesday. law of A. A. Pennington. George Parsons spent Tuesday visiting friends. with his relatives in Dallas. W. A. Graff and R. M. Repass of Dr. J. E. Shearer, office hours 1 to 4. Vernonia, the fast populating city, George and Thomas Van Patton, Evenings by appointment.—Adv. was in Tillamook May 3 and 4. accompanied by their sister, Mrs. Andy Olson visited with their parents Norman Olson and family and Jack Miss P. A. Short of Seattle accom- in this city Friday until Sunday last Olson and family were in town last panied by Miss Nettie Ray of Port- week. week visiting at the home of their land spent the week end in this city. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Olson, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross and family Mrs. Rudolph Stasek was suddenly Norman is in the garage business at of Blaine spent Tuesday in Tilla­ ill at her home Wednesday taken Eureka, California, and Jack is prac­ night. She was brought to Dr. ticing dentistry at Oak Harbor, Wn. mook. Boal’s hospital where she was attend- Mrs. W. C. Brumbach of Ilwaco, Miss Edna Mills has accepted a Washington, at one time a resident Hardwick, salesman of Star posititon with the Sunset garage of of Tillamook, is visiting with her sis­ ears at Martiny-Crotzer garage, made» this city after spending several years ter, Mrs. A. K. Case. She expects to return to her home Sunday. a business trip to Portland Wednes­ in the office of the county clerk. day, returning Thursday evening. O. Crane is here visiting his daugh­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Call, a A Garibaldi shopper in the city, boy whom they have named Robert ter, Mrs. George Hanslmair and fam­ IJoyd, Dr. Shearer attending. ily. He plans to return to home Sun­ Thursday, was Mrs. Hill. day. Mrs. Arthur Wallace accom panied Mrs. E. Parker of Woods, Oregon, Mrs. Leonard Rayl is enjoying a by her sister visited at the home of was operated on at the Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Himes last week. General hospital, Dr. Shearer attend­ visit from her father, Mr. Crowder, who came in Wednesday from his ing. John M. Burkhart has accepted the .home in Washington. position as first deputy in the county Miss Willeta Knight was called to Mrs. Fred Hill of Nehalem under­ clerks office. Miss Edna Mills re­ Portland on account of illness of her went a major operation at the Boals sister, Mrs. McCormack. cently resigned this position. SEEN ON THE STREETS C1R( I DEATH Ob' MRS. KOCK W. D. Rose of Spokane ha ed to Portland where he ac< a shoe position. He was vetj 1 ly with the A. A. Pennington s. Rock died Thursday noon a„ illness of over a year due •omplhation of diseases. husband and two ■e, also a mother, re, rs living at Sand Some of those who <1 McMinnville to attend itiation last Saturday Schultz, Prof. Titus, E Havila Hinshaw and Lambert. it C0UR t . Circuit court will _ Conve]i( fur a three j0Il ~ T , , day , 8egi --»vu, be no Jury jury trials a', at thia this u t number equity cases will. fore Judge Bagley. * Corvallis will get new m proof 6-story hotel. Reedsport shipped 2 000«. Headlight going to press. I lumber on three carrier« u Adam Christmann formerly of Jo- I Early lamb crop in * Eugene—Work to start on new average. ” liet, Ill. arrived in town last week. bridge over Long Tom. Lebanon boosting for J. L. Ketch was in Portland Wed­ nesday on business. H. C. Gould representing the Van Wie company was in town this week superintending the installation of the new curtain at the Coliseum. M. D. baton of the Union Savings association whose home is in Port­ land, is spending some time with his family at Silver Sands camp. __ Mrs. C. R. Chapin and son of berg were week end visitors to mook. They will make their here after the closing of the berg school term. New­ Tilla­ home New­ Here’** where you’ll r . id Buster and Tv' W<- are their local htadqu utera. You’ll th d their pictures rev. d right into the tap f :: s of the genuine Buster Brown Shoes B-s 11. You'll take pride in having their r . sin the shoes you buy. Come tn and see the latest values. gv. »•body's wearing them because they wear so well. Dr. I. M. Smith will take a two days trip to Lebanon the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilmot are expected to arrive here the latter part of this week from New York. They plan to make their future home in Oregon. Mrs. Wilmot is a daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. A II. Harris of this city. ULSTER BROm SHOES For lioyt - 61< It Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kennedy spent last end at the home of A. H. Harris. Al Boon, insurance agent of Mohler was a Tillamook visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Richards of Beaver spent Thursday visiting at the Teeters home and other friends. Larson & Hechtn Such popularity must be deserved ER the footl ights or over the ter, it’s the same story the big public can’t be fooled. ^.a. or a product makes good, it’s because it is good! Cheaterhdd’» swift rise was no Chesterfield I Copyright ION. LUnrw It MvmToUero (V millions!