1 I -i—- TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 2 Holt Manufacturing Co. Seth Veimilyea . .officer ...................................... H. H. Johnson .... Howard-Cooper Corporation E. R. Ayer, health officer ..... G. C. vuhson Howard-Cooper Corporation Mrs. Alexrandia Rock health C. Oakes ......... officer ...................................... i so : M. C. Kellow GENERAL WARRANTS 1.00 ¡ Lamb-Schrader Co. David Harrison F. E. Cross, health officer .... W. C. Foster, postmaster, sher­ F. Albro ..... 10.00 J. N. Martindale Dr. L. L. Hoy, poor ................ 255.18 iff ? John Pruugh . 10.00 Claude I. Myers ............. L. L. Hoy, insane W. C. Foster, postmaster, H. H. Johnson .... 65.00 Oregon State Highway Com. 70.88 L. S. Hushbeck, poor ... Supt............................................. E. Freeman ..... 7.25 Chas. F. Pankow 4.81 J. F. Jones, dis. sealer ....... Blanche Hogan, election W. S. Coates ..... 6.75 Chas. F. Pankow ... J. C. Culberson, justice court MOTHERS PENSION W. E. Anderson 6.15. A. W. Plank Hdw. 17.50 Kenneth Bannister, justice ct. Gertrude Biglow ......... A. H. Gulstrom 7.40 Wm. Powell 32.50 E. W. Stanley, justice court Henrietta Burdick .................. C. F. Stranahan Roosevelt Highway Garage 10.00 Kilham Stationery & Printing Ethel Davis ............................... C. S. Wells ....... Southern Pacific Co.............. Co., treasurer ....................... 10.00 Myrtle F. Dougherty .............. Ike W ils .......... Standard Oil Co ........ King Crenshaw, Hdw. Co., fair 32.50 Mary L. Dye ............................. Dave Hadley Standard Oil Co........ grounds and improve........... 10.00 Ivel V. Gilliam ........................ Homer Wilks Standard Oil Co ...... 32.50 Lamar’s Drug Store, clerk Marie Getchell ....................... I. . C. V.’iiks 32.05 Standard Oil Co........ poor, treasurer, ct. hs......... 10.00 Rebecca Heath ........................ 4,78 Steinbach Iron Works 25.06 G. B. Lamb, supt. ...»............... Maiv E Heaton . 68.15 Stillwell Drainage District 25.00 G. B. i amb, supt.................... Elwe Hellbuyck....................... 52.12 . Sundquist No-berg Lbr. Co. 17.50 Loop Bros., poor ....................... Maiy Woods .................... >wn .. . 45.11 | Sunset Garage ............. 40.00 Loop Bros., poor....................... Bertha Long . .. . uy -lines Tillamook Iron Works 17.50 Myrtle O. Mills, dist. attorney Rosa Landolt ......... ..... r* Smith .. 85.00 j Oscar Tittle office ........................................ 56.00 Mabel Adams poor i \ Smith Union Oil Co. . Multnomah County, ct .hs ...... 21.00 166.00 II. V'. Alley, county court C onover . 7:25 . Iva J. Nelson, dairy herd insp. 15.00 ’ Kolhe W. A’atson . American Cafe, cir. ct. . onover . Wheeler Iron Works J. 10.00 M. Nicholson, fail' grounds A. C. & H. Anderson, poor .... 13.47 ' and improvement ................. E. J. Q chelling 13.00 j Wheeler Lumber Co....... E. G. Anderson, poor ............ I Pacific Stationery & Printing Guy Grames .... Carl White .. ., 66.00 Mrs. Toni Armstrong, poor E. L. Mohler ..... The Whitney Company Co., clerk ............................... 9.58 John Asehim, sheriff E. L. Mohler .. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., ct. hs. The Whitney Co. Myrtle Wallin, assesors off. 120.00 Cla? k Eaden .... clerk, county ct., tec............ 64.45 The Whitney Co.............. Wm. Baker, insanity 42.80 C. M. . Moron Dr. R. T. Boats insanity ....... 15.00 Packer Scott Paper Co., ct. hs. 37.65 Williams & Williams M. Freeman . . 53.95 Sant Woodard H. S. Biimhnll, clerk, refund 67.45 Chas. F. Pankow, co. ct., shf. R. Alsop ............ 6.00 Wright-Blodgett Co. Geo. J. Bu.ckard, court house 25.45 Henry Parks, poor .................. Ira Ludke ....... Peoples Cash Store, poor .. . 40.00 Peter Seymour Burroughs Adding Machine Co. R. E. Starr ..... 2.00 Ed Best ..... - assessor, surv. ...................... 48.64 T. C. Percy, sheriff .................. H. L. Ritpnhouse .55 P. F. Cooper ...... Bushong & Co. Clerk, printing 163.50 A. W. Plank Hdw., ct .hs...... F. Redilaway . Fred J. Pye, ct. hs. ................ 1.25 Chas. Burgland ... CIRCUIT COURT Ole Howell ... Morton Reeher Furniture Co., poor ct. C. M. C. R. Chapin ............................. 15.00 F M. DeRosset house ........................................ 39.70 Frank Reed ........ Eva Hushbeck ........................... 2.30 J. S. Miner ..... 24.60 R. O. Richards, county ct......... 139.00 Tom Ewan J. H. Beeman ............................. Geo. Seward .... L. L. Hoy ................................. 2.20 The Ross System Co., auditor 399.55 Chas. Haybarker Chas. Crowthers David Robinson ......................... 2.20 Royal Typewriter Co., assess 107.50 Chas. Crowthers I. Paul Burke Cl.:. . B.-gland F. S. Boussie ............................. 3.40 Dr. J. N. Shaw, dairy herd Frank Reed .... insp.............................................. 260.00 I John , Anderson David Jones ............................... 11.00 Ed Kellow __ L. E. Partridge ......................... 9.20 J. C. Holden, shf. office ........ 150.00 Bud Steel A. K. McPherson Frank Allender ....................... 9.20 L. B. Lucas, shf. office ............ 150.00 Guy Anderson Floyd Fitch ... Covey ........ Helen Ebinger, shf. office Pete 76.59 Elmer Lucas ............................. 10.20 Fied Hare ....... ..... 100.00 Fritz Reust G. W. Day ................................. 10.40 Elien Norberg, shf. office W. H. Fitch .... 100.00 Howard Tilden ... Norman Dye ............................. 9.20 J. K. Cummins, shf. office J 49.75 Jess Woods . 32.26 Jack Leslie W. R. Coates ........................... 9.20 Mrs. Jennie Sheets, poor 54.89 W. E. Fitch ...... 2.19 Geo. Leslie ........... W. S. Hare ........................ ....... 9.80 Smithys Variety Store, ct. hs. 20.00 P. E. Allen 82.33 Walter Hollett 10.00 Standard Oil Co, .supt .......... Sidney Provoost ....................... 125.00 Bill Ewan 44.91 Chris Bedortha 9.40 E. H. Stark, court house ....... Frank Freeman ....................... 3.00 Chas. Ewan 102.29 Guss Schopard E. J. McHugh ........................... 9.80 E. H. Stark, circuit court ..... 3.00 Frank Lagler 39.95 Bill Munro ..... Alex Watt ................................. 9.20 M. V. Stillwell, cir. court ...... 11.97* Jim lmlah Sunset Garage, shf. supt., surv. 56.15 Bill Russing 9.20 Chester McGhee ..................... 8,98 j Ed Cochran . E. R. Alvord Wm. Robitsch ........................... 10.00 Margaret Armentrout, supt. office .......................................... 95.00 Frank Hadley ........................... 9.20 9.40 Tillamook Garage, county court N. T. Henderson ...................... surveyor ............................ ..... 109.19 Victor M. Stewart ._............... 4.40 27.60 3.20 Tillamook Herald, printing .. Fred Pye .................................... 5.00 Tillamook Herald, health office 22.75 H. V. Moore ................................ 14'25 3.20 Tillamook Herald, clerk . ...... Leonard T. Cain ..................... Geo. Hoskins .................. .......... 3.40 I>. R. Tinnerstet, dairy and food commissioner ....................... 175.00 3.20 W. I. Hubbard ........................... 42.00 Oncda Ryan .......... .".................. 2.40 Mrs. John Trambley, poor . 40.00 2.40 Elsie Vidito, poor ..................... Mrs. Lou Ryan ....................... 2.10 A. C. Vogler, ct. hs. .............. 205.10 Clyde Ryan 2.20 J. J. Rupp, fair ground and im­ David Robinson ....................... provement ..... ...................... 99.79 Eddie Crane ........................... 2.20 L L. Hoy ......................... 2.20 H. H. Hannenkrat, fair grounds and improvement .................. 76.80 City Transfer, Ct. house 1.25 Edna L. Mills, clerk’s office 100.00 C. S. Career, fair grounds and 79.80 improvements Faye It. Stark, clerk’s office 95.00 Lucia Wiley, clerk’s office 85.00 Pete Jacobs, fair grounds and improvements ....................... 77.80 Illa Davidson clerk’s office 80.00 Henry Olds, fair ground and Chas. 1. Clough, assessor, clerk improvements ...................... etc. 3.30 ROAD WARRANTS Coast Power Co. ct. hs. .......... 69 41 Cloverdale Lumber Co. A. F. Coats Lumber Co,, sur­ ETIGURE it out for yourself. A Bill Munro ................................. veyor, election ..... ■* little money, now, to save the Lamar Chntensen ....................... A. F. Coats Lumber Go., Ct. hs. I. D. Hutchinson ....................... surface of your home and build­ A. F Coats Lumber Co., fair grounds and improvement 31.10 I. D. Hutchinson ....................... ings, or a considerable sum of .............. Wm. Coen, justice court 30 50 E. W. Hutchinson money for repairs and replace-, .......... Conover & Conover, poor ........ 25.00 A. C. & H. Anderson Anderson Bros ............................. Conover & onover, poor ........ 24.99 ments—which ? J. O. Anderson Crosby Printing Co., clerk Unpainted surfaces leave the field clear election supt. ....................... 58.75 C. M. Arney . for rain, wind and sun to do their damage. Brighton Mills Co .................... Crystal Laundry Co., court house Ramshackle houses and out-buildings, once poor ...................................... 34.70 W. F. Cain so new and storm-tight, gaping corner W. F. Cain Crystal Laundry Co., ct. house boards, warped and rotting window frames, poor 15.30 A. K. Case —all directly result from failure to paint. W. C. Cheney S W Elliott, truant officer 21.00 Either you have to go in for expen iive re­ ..................... T E. Eppietl, cir. ct. 12.00 Ross Chilcott pairs. or let the entire building investment City Transfer Co. ..................... Gilhuni-White Insurane-J Agency go. How much better and cheaper it would assessor ................................ 15.00 F. E.Clark .... be to keep the buildings painted! Glass J- Prudhommo Co. elec. 41.40 Cloverdale Garage . The cost of even slight repairs on your Cloverdale Telephone Co......... T. H. Goyne, district attorney hosr.e or buildings would practically pay for ..»Uri ilCudc* ..................... 222.00 Clyde Equipment Co.............. reptun ting them entirely. It is a good thing Coast Power Co.......................... Gieat Wos tern Transportation for every property owner to know, and Co., court houao .................. 1.35 A. F. Coats Lumber Co. ........ beed. that a eo*t of pamt stands between him J. R. Collins .............. 4.25 t. E. Hanyun, cor. ct............... 20.00 ■nd aerioua loan 23.89 Sadie R. Harris, poor 63.60 W. J .Gilbert ............... Great Western Transpoitation Dr. R. T. Boats, health officer 14.00 Co......... ........................................ 11.25 H. E. Rinehart, health officer 4.25 J. E. Haseltine Co. ................ 11.50 Dr. E. R. Huckleberry, health Pure Paint The to the protee- and general COUNTY BILLS ALLOWED . 35.91 A. B. Dental .......... 35.91 Huber Ray .............. 129.74 P. C. White ............ 116.74 L. J. White --------- 120.11 Ed Creecy .............. 120.11 A. K. McPherson 124.61 . O. E. Kellow .......... 129.74 M .B Lucas ............. 119.74 Carl White .............. 159.74 Oscar Bennett ........ 159.74 Wm. Powell ............ 77.64 Nelson Electric Co. 303.70 Mallory & Savory MARKET ROAD WARRANTS 39.91 I. D. Hutcheson ......... 7.79 A. M. Moore ......... 87.55 A. G. Tharp —..... J. A. Greenwood ! I. A. Ma 11.97 ( Elmo Ki N. I, Buc J M. Kei | M. D. U 59.83 C. H. Ny 54.89 E. O. Poi 35.91 R. J. Pot 19.94 I Geo. E. Smith .... 6.73 i E. Kerby ............ 77.34 i E B. O’Neal ...... 75.80 i Charley Baker 75.80 1 Royal Fox .......... 55.85 : C. M. Arney .............. 79.79 J. W Bond ............ I P. R. Russell ........... 55.85 3.90 : A. C. Æ H. Anderson ' H. A. Bell 12.00 379.40 A. T. Dolan 182.20 Lamb Shrader Co. j Mead’s Cash Store 2.50 97.95 | Frank Read ...... 52.85 [ Dave McCracken 72.35 Paul Burke . 73.81 ; O. H. Howell 91.77 I A. Miller I F. Gary 78.79 103.54 i C. M. Morton 159.74 ; Francis Buckles 13.96 Paul Wobke 67.36 Geo. Leslie 42.41 P E. Allen .. 18.94 L. Christensen ... 18.« John Schaffer ... Frank Fessenden Will Derrick Carl Bestul L. H. Apple Eugene Atkinson C. H. Webb Fred Briody Floyd Blum Miles Robertson K. T. Bestul .. C. J. McGhee . Bill Ewan .................. W. F. Cain W. S. Coates ......... W. E. Anderson A. H. Gulstrom ..... C. F. Stranahan W. S Coates W. S. Coates W. E. Anderson ..... A. H. Gulstrom C. F. Stranahan W. S. Coates ......... C. F. Stranahan Lloyd Wood .......... E. A. Lane ...... -..... Bruce Case .............. Harry Robertson Ike Shortledge ......... George Davis .......... Jess Shortledge ...... VV. L. Ostrander ...... W. L. Ostrander Lloyd Lane ........... Elno Lightfoot, ......... A. A. Lane ......... J. W. B. Edwards ... Henry Newberg . .. U. S. Edwards .. Eugene—New hospital Astoi ia— Shipments of mately 2,650,000 ¡Ul scheduled to leave for f()re" within short time. Condon—Gilliam county • ndorse proposed $75,000 bond for completion of John Day Benton county will call for bii 28, for surfacing Alsea Mount* tion of Alsea highway, six mj* 20,000.000,000 feet timber in former Oregon & Califon* • oad and Coos Bay wagon rq* grants ip. Western Oregon, tola at auction. Dawson & Dunn GROCERS Will be at our present location for about 3 weeks yet and as a special inducement to get you to see us we offer one big special, extra quality milk 9c quart. Netherland Hotel Building First Street s’s Delicious Ccosts more not to int than to paint Paint now with good paint A. W. Plank Hardware Co MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS Both ’Phones Tillamook. Ore. DON'T LET THE KAi h ’ DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY IS VBEPARtl» TO SEND EXPERIENCED l’A( KERS TO YOUR HOWt Wl«II CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS CAL US DAY OR NIGHT Our .Moth»: ■'Quirk 8ervise »rd Rcssonxb’r Hates Your assurance of quality in buy­ ing Frye’s “Delicious” Brand Bacon begins out on the farm where Frye experts seleot the young grain-fed porkers. These experts have the keen eye for super-quality that comes from long years of experience, and their judgment is backed up by orders from tjhe Frye organ­ ization that none but the fanners choicest porkers will be accepted And Frye’s “Delicious” Brand Mam is equally good. Anothet wurthy product ot of the Lieat pest Frye Plant is Frye'« 1 'Vild _ -W Brand L_ard—Giurante T_._ Puro »nd the idea1 shortening in- every General Une of Hardware,Paints, Oils, Varnishes arid glass uafâ Delicious Brand A. W. PLANK Tiiiamook, Oregon Bt ndtng u for poet»*« to Frye 'c tie. you will receive the Fr, ' indo, a loilactxo of orifMwl ■wl useful help*. iwssgn n !» * Ham* and Eac< n by this Brand N mm —yM (ind d»''1’ EVERYTHING THE NAME IVPI.1F.S”