TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT BOXING CONTEST DRAWS BIG CROWD was well received. Johnson had an Albert Ellis of Pleasant Valley as- infected jaw but consented to go on sisted by his son Lowell are building with Murphy who is an exceedingly I the fire place and flues in the Frank clever and hard hittng light heavy- . Brown house. It looks as though this weight, and under the circumstances, will be one of the show places of The smoker, put on under the aus­ acquitted himself very creditably. Oceanside. pices of the American Legion, Satur­ Clark Johnson, 152 pounds, of Tilla-» Vic Stewart has opened up the crab day night at the armory attracted mook and Frankie Smith, 148 pounds, and clam market and will operate it one of the largest crowds in the his­ tory of the boxing game in Tillamook of Portland, were scheduled for eight throughou tthe season. Mrs. Olise Liisberg and Mrs. Anna county. The event was well managed rounds. Johnson, who has improved at least 50 per cen under the tutelage i Bestul will handle the restaurant and everything went smoothly. The first bout of the evening was of Billy Gardeau, who has been in- again this season, Mrs. Liisberg’s between the Hallowell brothers, mere structing the Johnson twins for the pies and cakes were among the at­ tots of 9 and 11, who have appeared last several weeks, was entirely too tractions at Oceanside last summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morecraft of here previously on several occasions. fast and clever for Stnith, whom he Dundee, Oregon, spent the week end They put up a decidedly clever ex­ stopped in the third round. The final event of the evening was at Oceanside. hibition for youngsters and were well received by the crowd. The bout a scheduled ten round set-to between S. J. Greene and family and Mr. and went 4 rounds and ended in a draw. Billy Gardeau, temporarily of Tilla­ Mrs. E. G. Green occupied a cottage The next bout was between two mook and Eddie Martin of Portland. over the week-end local boys, Himes, 120 pounds, and Both men weighed in at about 145 C. A. Hancock and family of Port- Schumacher, 125 pounds. They pro­ pounds. land were enjoying the beach this The first, second, third and fourth ceeded to “rough house” each other week. for three rounds at the end of which, rounds developed the fact that Martin W. C. Jones and family are vacation had a good punch and was fairly their efforts were rewarded with a ¡sts from Portland. draw decision, Harry Ditter of Gari- clever and that Gardeau was far more Mrs. C. Numenkemp and son, C. A. so. It was a noticeable fact that Gar ­ baldi, refereed the first and second deau speeded up as the fight progress­ Pond, and Glenora White passed the bouts. week-end in Sunset cottage at Ocean­ The next to appear was George ed and had all the best of it, punish­ side. ing Martin severely in the fifth round. Morgan of Garibaldi, 170 pounds and Joe Johnson, 175 pounds of Whitney In the sixth round Gardeau landed STUDENTS PIANO RECITAL ’ bout camp. ’ This *...» ----- wasscheduled| — ------------ — frequently, finally catching Martin Piano students recital was given four rounds and was refereed by Roy with a left hook, to the body and a McGinnis, as were the remaining right to the point, which resulted in at the Methodist church Tuesday eve- ning under the direction of Mrs. E. bouts of the evening. Morgan started a clean knock out. E. Koch and the assisting teachers, It is rumored that the two Johnson out fast and had the best of the first two rounds on points, altho not in­ boys and Gardeau are to appear on an Miss Marie Holden and Mrs. Ella dicting any severe punishment. At all star card which is to take place Makins ter. There were several little folks on the beginning of the third round during the Elks convention here in August. the program which created favorable Johnson landed several hard and effec­ comment, especially in regard to their tive rights to the jaw and head which tone work and position at the key­ OCEANSIDE seemed to take most of the fight out board. of Morgan, who hung on tenaciously The work on the whole showed While driving on the beach at to prevent being K. O’d. The fourth and last round was a practical repe­ Oceanside Sunday, William Johnson careful training in all phases of piano tition of the proceeding one, Morgan und wife of Portland had a narrow playing. Carolyn Haberlach interpretation of absorbing severe punishment and was escape from serious injury. While all but out at the bell. Johnson un­ traveling at a high rate of speed their Schubert-Leizts, “Hark, Hark, the intentionally fouled Morgan twice light coupe struck a crab hole and Lark!” was excellent. Velma Daniels finished the program during the bout, however, Referee turned completely over, Mrs. John­ by playing Reinhold’s C sharp minor ston ’ s arm was quite badly wrenched a draw. the bout McGinnis declared and bruised but otherwise they were “Impromter” in an artistic manner. A good decision. Those presented at this time were: After being righted by The next on the card was an exhi- uninjured. bition four round bout between men from the crowd nearby the car Blanche Erickson, Willis Henkle, Mar- Frankie Murphy, 170 pounds, of Port- limped off under its own power. F. F. Fowler, bridge engineer for lapd and Louis Johnson, 175 pounds of Tillamook. George Shanks, who was the city of Portland, wife and children scheduled to meet Johnson, failed to irove over Sunday for a few days visit appear and Murphy substituted for While here Mr. Fowler will make ar­ him. This was purely an exhibition rangements to build their new bunga­ bout, with no decision to be given and low on Tillamook avenue. A. W. Plank Hardware Co. General Line of Hardiva re, Pa in ts, Oils, Va rn ishes and glass MOWING MACHINES, DISCS and HARROWS Poth ’Phones Tillamook, Ore. GARIBALDI BASEBALL GAME garet Faxon, Loretta Morrison, Elna Henkle, Gladys Smith, Everett Will­ The base ball game at Garibaldi iams, Caroline Possetti, Anne Burton, Sunday resulted in a 10 inning closely Charles Koch, Marian Honey, Daniel contested affair eventually ending in Plank, Earl Franklin, Tom Goyne, Rod­ a 7 to 6 victory for Tillamook. ney Mathers, Jack Kinnamon, Louise i The local team played a greatly ini- Hechtner, Miss Helen Church, Miss j proved game over any game played Leora Philippi, Vera Rosenberg, Mar­ by them this season, showing the re­ jorie Wiley, Mildred Ringo, Catherine sult of some practice. The batteries Schultz, Pearl Glad, Inez Hamrick, i were Fortier and Sumner for Tilla- Lorin Buell, Ruth Beals, Ruth Kuratli, Imook and St. Arnes and Morgan for Dorothy Esch, Mildred Glad, Carolyn Garibaldi. Haberlach and Velma Daniels. Fortier, in particular, pitched a steady, heady game and deserved to WHY OPERATORS ROLL THE R win while the boys behind him had IN SAYING THR-R-EE no great difficulty in hitting St. Arnes safely. Why do telephone operators habit­ It was a nice clean game with no ually say “thr-r-ee?” spectacular features with the excep­ It has been found that sounds such tion of a triple play, (the first of the as th, f, v, s and z are the most season), pulled by the Garibaldi boys difficult to understand because they depend upon very high frequencies. Some frequencies of th, f and v ex­ ceed 5,000 a second which is about the maximum frequency of human voice | waves. This explains central’s fond­ ness for rolling her r’s when she pronounces the word “thr-r-ee.” In her training for telephone work she has been instructed that the th sound is difficult to hear over the wire and must be accented if it is to be understood. In her effort to speak the difficult sound intelligibly, she usually puts so much stress upon it that it becomes something like “thuh.” This c. uses her to make two syllables of the word “three. We Have the Pictures Tillamook plays next Smu lamook against Cloverd.]^’ all turn out and encour^ Astoria to have new theater costing $400,000 Eugene—U. of 0. to auditorium seating 650 FREDA G, VICTOR J. MINNON Mortician MINNON’S MORTUARY TILLAMOOK’S FUNERAL HOME Calls answered in any part of County Phone 183—301-East 5th Street—Mutual BLUE BIRD i i Summer Millinery Specially Priced O.K.X.1 Dawson & Dunn GROCERS Will be at our present location for about 3 wee yet and as a special inducement to get you to i us we offer one big special, extra quality milk quart. Confectionery 3 Watch the Window Netherland Hotel Building First Street A Special Every htXMXMXJI CHEVROLET Bring Your Friends to the Liberty Theater in the eighth inning. The Tillamook boys showed an ag­ gressive, peppy style of play, which has been sadly lacking in some of their previous games this season. If they keep up this spirit and with prac­ tice, they will be favorably heard from this’ summer. There was a large en­ thusiastic crowd present, altho, on account of the wind and dust, it was I Hats $4.75 Hats 3.95 Hats 1.00 Come in and see the new Hat and Scarf sets Mrs. Mary Runkel Beals Building Price-Raise Effective Immediately Touring cars now Roadster now ... $650.00 Tillamook 630.00 Tillamook We have only two touring cars left at old price. First Come First Served DON’T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING Link Motor Co. Inc THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO House of Service YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO < OVER ALL YOUR GOODS CAL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: “tj^ick Service mid Reasonable Rates. ^troublé COR begins at the surface RACKS appear, joints open up, boards warp. These are some of the signs of surface trouble which lead to other and more costly trou­ bles, unless arrested by the use of paint SCO Cords have establish U tire equipment at a medium pn* The new patented latex treatme®1 of the cords gives them strength wearing qualities that mean manf Your bona« and bwkfing» ndght b« fa trouble right now. h'e a good tfa» to find out. Thea get in touch with a» and fat ■» help jroo d whnt ■ beat to do and bow to do iL 4^aamuaaan Paints and \tanfabea fa etoefa added miles of service. The easy steering, yet sure grip ping non-skid tread, means ease handling—traction safety. A. W. PLANK Made in 30 x 3 as well as inch clincher and in all Tillamook, Oregon It is with a heightened sense of gratitude and a deepened feeling of reverence that we approach once more the day set aside in sacred memory of those who in the past have given freely and un- stintingly of their all, that we as a nation might survive. U. S. Tires are the only in the world made of c°r solutioned in raw rubber lot** USCO Cords from Tillamixik, Oregon ✓ •ide sizes. & Skagg’s Grocery Store closed all dav a new standard in high-vahx VirnuS Stain TA«r«*» a ( H tt 1 i F.\PANK0W’ tilllamook ILLAMOOK TIRE COMPANY