Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 18, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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this city. Out in the valley, ezery one day this week, and broke the left
stream in the country is being whip­ leg at the knee joint. Dr. Shearer
ped to a frazzle by sportsmen of the was called and took the wounded man
Miss Gladys Beals, a sister of Mrs. rod and fly.
to the Tillamook general hospital,
Helen Ebinger of this city, arrived in
Miss Mildred Lupro of Wheeler was where his injuries were attended to.
this city this week from her home in in the city last Saturday.
It is said that Erickson slipped and
San Francisco, and will make a visit
Alt Worral, who recently left this fell a distance of twenty feet, with
in her old home town of two months
city for a visit to Kansas and Ken­ the above result.
or more. She is the guest of Mr. and
tucky, the latter his old home, recent­
Mrs. Harvey Ebinger.
ly wrote that he was getting tired of
Mrs. Walter Reed and Mrs. Adam visiting away from home, and that
J. H. Rosenberg of this city will
Krumlauf of Garibaldi, were in town there was no place like his comfort­ erect a new bungalow in this city
shopping last Tuesday.
able chair by the register in the Tilla­ this summer to cost in the neighbor-
Arthur Ramsey and Lester Bow­ mook hotel, where he could see his hood of $2300. It will contain from
man of Bay City were in town on Tillamook friends. From the tone five to six rooms, and will be modern.
business Tuesday.
of Alf’s letter it is believed that he
A. Bloom returned Monday from a is “homesick,” and that he would like j
business trip to Portland.
to get back and go a-fishing on the 1
Mrs. C. A. Johnson, and son Bobbie, Trask, where he formerly had good i
left on Tuesday for an extended visit luck when the day was fine, and the
with relatives in Southern California. sun shone warm and genially.
Ivan Donaldson, a native of this
The Southern Pacific will put in a
Edna Kyle of Brighton was a coun­
county and state, and well known in
turn-table at Wheeler, this season, to ty seat visitor last Friday.
this city from boyhood up, was found
cost about $15,000.
Alder camp, No. 219., W. O. W. | Claire Churchill of Wheeler, was dead between two logs in the logging
last week elected delegates to the dis­ down to the county seat town last camp of the Brighton mills at Rec-
trict convention, which meets at Dal­ Friday.
S. F. Borger and wife of Garibaldi
las, May 6th, as follows: F. H. Matt­
hews, D. P. Crawley and John Zeller. were up to Tillamook last Saturday.
G. W. Zaddach of Mohler, visited
Several counties will participate in
the county seat last Saturday.
the convention.
R. Freeman of Nehalem was seen
John W. Allguire of Garibaldi died
at the home of his son in Garibaldi on the streets here last Saturday.
T. E. Epplett has rented a build­
last week, aged eighty-one years. He
was found dead in his bed by the ing at Netarts for a period of three
family. He was born in Ohio in 1843. years, and will put in a stock of goods
Marion Walling has been confined for the camper and local trade at the
to the Tillamook general hospital for above place. He will take personal
charge i" about a week.
several days past with illness.
Mr. A. J. Ray and wife of Portland
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Luthi,
are at the Todd hotel for a few days.
April 12, 1924, a son.
Geo. Balmer of Nehalem was in :
W. J. Terry, of Portland, is in the
city, visiting his son Glenn, and fam­ town Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Block of Port- 1
ily, and Mrs. Terry is expected here
soon. They spend a week or two each land spent a couple of days in the |
year in this county, and are always [city. Mr. Block is a representative of i
pleased to get over to the “salt the Winchester Arms company, and)
chuck.” Mr. Terry is an old Civil Mrs. Block imroved the opportunity |
war veteran, and has resided in Port­ to visit old friends while here.
Mrs. Jas. Burk of Cloverdale under- i
land for many years. Another son
went an operation for nasal polypus !
is M. R. Terry of Netarts.
Art Case of the city volunteer fire at the Tillamook general hospital, Dr.
department, paid Portland a Hying Shearer preforming the operation.
John L. McGee and Louise Ebling
visit last Monday
Alfred Gabriel, who was operated were granted a license to wed at the
on for hernia at a hospital in this county clerk’s office on the 11th inst.
Frank O. Hettick and Alice G.
city some weeks ago, is now out, and
Raines were given a license to wed on
is feeling all right.
R. T. Boothby and family visit.»! the 14th inst.
relatives at Carlton last Sunday, re­
turning the same day.
Fishermen report that the salmon
trout are now taking the rly in an
Elmer Erickson accidentally fell
active manner, and some good catches
have been made in the rivets near from a pile of logs at Stone’s camp
tor up on the Salmonberry, last Mon­
day evening. There was no witness
of the tragic fate of the young man.
But failing to come into camp at dark,
a party of fellow workers went out
and found him lying dead between
two logs, badly crushed by the tim-
Donaldson and another man had
taken a job of bucking for the com­
pany, and on the day of the fatality,
he was working alone, It probably
never will be known how the accident
occurred, but one theory is that hav-
ing cut a tree in twain, he was stand­
ing on one of the logs, when it gave
way and threw him against a log ly­
ing further down the hill, when the
log just cut, caught and crushed him
against the lower log, as it rolled
down the hill.
His remains were brought to this
city for burial by the local under­
taker. The funeral occurred on Thurs­
day at th» M. E. church with Rev.
Simpson Hamrick officiating. There
was a large attendance of old friends
at the services in the church and at
the grave; the Odd Fellows officiating
at the grave.
Ivan Donaldson was prominent in
stage transportation between this city
and Portland for some time. He also
was a veteran of the world war, hav­
ing served in France, and his friends
were many. Deceased was a graduate
of Pacific University at Forest Grove,
and worked hard to get through
A sad feature of his untimely pass­
ing, is the fact that he had been mar­
ried to his brother’s widow but one
month, when death came to him. He
is survived by his widow, formerly
Mrs. Joe Donaldson, and three broth­
ers and three sisters.
Specially Selected
Direct from the Hipp circuit
Consult Dr. J. G. Turner, eye
building, Thursdays only.
Light Is The Cheapest Servant Yo
Can Employ
«¡Th the Plug-in switch
The whole bunch is
looking for Buster
Hto photo—aud Tin«’*—
The “Lucky Birthday” envelope will be opened at
our store at 8 p. m. Saturday, April the 19th.
You can register the children up to 6. p. m. Sat­
See For Yourself the Many Benefits and Ad
vantages that GOOD LIGHT Will Give You.
Hundreds of men, women and children are tak­
ing advantage of the low cash prices on our large
and well selected stock of spring shoes.
You can profit by buying here.
See H om Much More Pleasant and Cheerful
\ our Kitchen U ill Be With the New Kitchen Unit.
Buy the Bovs Easter Suits here I
Try The Kitchen Unit For 30 Days
Then If You Want It Pay 90 Cents
Per Month For 9 Months
Two pants knicker suits, moderately priced.
The newest shapes and shades to choose
from at $10.00 down.
FOR THE LADIES— an Easter showing of
coats and dresses at popular prices.
College grade corsets and wrap arounds—mis­
sion knit pure silk Hosiery in all the new shades
$1.00 to $2.45. You will get more wear from
“Mission Knit.’’
It Pays to Pay Cash at
Tillamook, Oregon