FRIDAY, APRIL lr r 8 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT I 9th, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Landolt April 9th. W. L. Dallas is constructing a bungalow on his property on Eleventh John Edwards, one of the old resi- . street between 1st and 2nd avenue dents of this county, returned recent-1 east. ly from a trip to California. His j Miss Carrie Galwith left Thursday home is at Idaville. morning fur Portland after spending Ross Johnson is building a large a week in the city visiting her sister barn at his farm out south of this Mrs. John Lamar. Miss Galwith formerly made her home, here and city. has many friends in the community. The last week was a very busy one Alfred Gabriel is able to be about for the sheriff’s office, on account again after his recent illness. of the closeness of the date for the W. J. Gilbert was in town Wednes­ final first payment of taxes, and the day from Beaver. clerks and sheriff were kept on the M. W. Harrison who has been in jump to wait on the taxpayers who the city for a few days attending to crowded in on that date. business drove to his farm at Daytor. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Valdyke and Thursday morning. Mrs. Fred Poorman was in the city on spent a few days last week in Astoria. Mr. Valdyke is employed from Garibaldi Thursday. Mr. Gould of the Van Wei studios with the Tillamook Spruce company. at Portland was in town Thursday Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pye and Mrs. negotiating with the management of Philip Buslach drove to Portland last the Colisium for further improve­ Wednesday. Archie Pye went out ments in the theater. Saturday and returned with them Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hiatt and fam­ Sunday. ily of Forest Grove have been visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. F .8. The train was delayed several hours Armentrout, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. And­ Monday by a freight train wreck. erson and Mr. and Mrs. J. T» Davis, in J. B. Stam was in the city this the city for the past week. Mrs. Henry Leach underwent a week. Mr. Stam was formerly with the Brighton Mills company at camp goiter operation Thursday morning. Four, but is now travelling for the J. E. Shearer was the surgeon. Last Monday Dr. Shearer attended a sur­ Clyde Equipment company. gical clinic in Portland. F. L. Howard of Portland spent the week end in the city meeting | NEW BUILDING BEING ERECTED friends and incidentally trying his A new garage building is being luck at fishing in the streams near erected on Second avenue for the * here Link Motor company as a garage and automobile show room, at a cost of George N. Self was in town on busi­ between eight and ten thousand doll­ ness Tuesday from Portland. ars. Merrick & Chaffee are the con­ Mrs. Harry Thomas was a Portland tractors. The building will be 54 by visitor from Friday of last week until 105 feet and of concrete. Facilities Sunday. for fifty cars will be provided ill the show room. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ebinger return ed Sunday night after a week’s stay TEN NEW COTTAGES TO GO UP in Portland. HERE PERSONAL MENTION is pleased with Tillamook county, and nai. faith in its future. Circulation for March averaged 76 CHIMNEY FIRE CAUSES PHONE volumes a day; the reference work CALL used in room being also very heavy. A chimney fire, which did not cause It i^as been found impossible for the a general alarm, however, was phoned librarian to do the work as well as in at about 8 o'clock Friday night, to she should when ha- this amount of which the tire company responded. The fire occurred at the home of Al­ material to handle in the limited fred Gabriel just across from the hours library is open. It was very high school gymnasium building, but gratifying, states the board, to see no real damage resulted. The high in the vote conducted by International school play was about to begin, and Book Review a to best books publish­ Fifth street was well lined up with ed since 1900 that the Tillamook pub­ automobiles at the time, which caused lic library has seven of the books re­ the firemen some delay. One loaded ceiving the highest vote and also has truck blanketed the engine, which had some of the writings of the eight to wait until the truck got out of the authors having the highest vote dur­ ing same period. Good suggestions road. H. J. Graves of Ovo studio has rented his old location to W. B. Scott for a rooming house. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Munson spent the week end in Portland. • L. R. Elder, manager of the motor department of the General Electric company will give illustrated lecture on the uses of electric motors at the Guild hall today, This is intended to be an educational treatise. Ed and Frank Hurner of Carlton were here Saturday visiting friends, and called on the A M. Hoffman fam­ ily. The Hurners own the Advance farm at Carlton. As Mrs. Lloyd Blanchaid was driv- ing down first street this week she discovered that her automobile was afire from a short circuit. She kept her head and drove on to a service station a few blocks away, where the fire was extinguished. Later on the same day the car, after being repair­ ed, caught fire again from the same cause. Take advantage of this. Our truck will call at your residence any time day or night to pick up packages, trunks any kind of freight, baggage or express. Ike Labowitch of Portland is here insisting his brother Louie in the dry goods store. Mr. Iarbowitch brought H. G. Schiller, a window dresser, with him. A A. McCluskey of Ney York city is here visiting with his sister. Mrs. | Alex McNair. Mr. McCluskey is the father of Henry Burr, well known phonograph singer. Henry and Eddie Helsel made a flying trip to Montesano, Washing-1 ton, last week to visit their parents [ there. E. O. Hodges was in the city this week to remove his family to Burns, i Oregon where he has purchased a power plant. Mr. Hodges states that a new railroad is in prospect for Burns and that everyone there con­ siders business good and is talking prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Killam and son, Gordon, of McMinnville, and Mr. Kil- lam's father of Duluth, Minnesota, were in Tillamook last week-end. While here the Killams spent the time with the D. O. SpitzmsSers. Orval Bodie, partner in the Nelson , store at Bay City, closed the big sale ( there Saturday and reports that wond-' erful result« were obtained in dispos­ ing of surplus merchandise. C. W. Stinger, assistant general passenger agent for the S. P. lines, was in the city from Portland yester­ day Dr. J. E. Shearer, office hours 1 to 4 p m. Evenings by apoint nient Adv. Dr. J. E. Shearer, office hours 1 to 4 p m. Evenings by npointment.— Adv. Dr Robinson reports the birth of a •on to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dowell of Riverdale on Wednesday April Safe delivery guaranteed. We are governed by the Pub­ lic Service commission of Oregon and each truck car­ ries heavy liability and cargo insurance. Dallas prune growers hay. 009 acres in pool. “ Consult Dr. J. Q. T x-ray specialist, building, Thursdays only. Lucky Birthday Prize Contest Fast Freight, Ex press, Baggage Fverv child under 15 years of age whose birthday falls on ^The Lucky Date” will receive a cash pnze-maybe LEAVES PORTLAND EVERY NIGHT AT 5 O’CLOCK BIG EASTER SALE ii BUSTER BROWN SHOES LOW RATES—QUICK SERVICE The Butler Real Estate company of Bay City, which has connections with an eastern loan and building company, will soon begin the erection of from five to ten new bungalows and cottages in this city, states Henry Butler, manager of the above com­ pany, who was in the city last Friday. Mr. Butler has purchased the E. T. Haltom lots on Stillwell avenue, near the new public school building, and announces that the contemplated buildings will cost from $2,000 to $.3,- 500 each. Just as soon as bids are accepted, it is expected that the suc­ cessful contractors will begin work. While Mr. Butler would not make any statement to the effect, it is believed | that the company which he represents will have more to do with Tillamook building programs in the future. Mr. Buller is recently from the "ast, and MATHERS I 4 TRUCK SERVICE This store is offering real values in all kinds of children’s shoes. You do not have to buy in order to enter the con­ test—but you will want to take advantage of the remark­ able bargains here offered. Bring in the children and have them REGISTER TODAY. INSURED CARRIERS PORTLAND: TILLAMOOK: 4» N. FRONT ST. Tel. Broadway 8420 20»SECOND AVE. E. Tel. 65 W and Mutual Night Phone UR P SEE THE NEW HOLLYWOOD SAN DALS IN OUR WINDOW Larson & Hechtner ennington Mrs. C. E. Modlin, of Twin Falls, Idaho, is visiting with Mrs. E. G. Green. Trio: Cavatine ................. PaBse-Pied ............... ’ '—> Dr. Faxon, Mr. Bowers M;" Baritone: ’ ***’ Sylvia ........... I Am Thy Harp W, Fulfillment ........... Minor and Major Program begins at 8 00 day, April 11. Admi^A' Contributed — -- — » INSURED CAR­ RIER Free Delivery and Pick up Service for Tillamook, City I T. D. Loop of Loop Bros, store at Garibaldi was in town shopping the medium of her symathetic piano as to best plays and films are given accompaniment in the Bookman each month. Miss Eunice Swenson will play a piano solo, and a new combination of MUSICALE TONIGHT local talent, composed of I- B. taxon, violin, Arthur Bowers, eel o and Miss Ira D. Morgan, baritone, of Port­ Esther Munson, pian»’ wil) niake lts land, will sing in public concert to­ initial bow The program follows: night at the new Methodist church in Trio: Zamcenik Tillamook. Mr. Morgan is well known Swing Song ................. Mascagni in Portland, where in addition to re­ Intermezzo Sinfonico cital appearances he has sung for the Dr. Faxon, Mr. Bowers, Miss Munson Rotary club, Kiwanis club, churches Baritone: and other organizations. He is a She Never Told Her Love ... Haydn member of the Apollo club. Audienc- In the Time of Roses ...... Reichardt ..... Tours es hearing Mr. Morgan are invariably o’ Mine enthusiastic in appreciation of his Mr. Morgan artistry; his programs admirably re­ Piano Solo: . vealing the richness of a voice of ap­ Norwegian Bridal Procession .... (.neg pealing resonance. Catherine Miller Miss Swenson Morgan affords able support through g g Quaûty <5 Yore” TILLAMOOK, OREGON SPECIALS-MONEY SAVERS-SPECIALS r Ladies—Misses—Children’s Children’s Wash Dresses All colors—6 to 14. Saturday— one day only. Special $4.50 each Pumps Sandals nd Oxfords Suede—Patent—Satin—Gray—Tan Beige—Brown—Black $5.00 to $8.00 The New Home of 6 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING $30-$50 Latest and Popular Styles I ,1 I READY TO WEAR New Assortment—Coats and Flannel Dresses. Silk Jersey Special Silk Yama Crepe Silk Ribbed Silk Blouses Jersey Special Spedai $2.75 yd. $5.00 each Spedai $3.75 yd. $1.39 yd. Cravenette’s $15 to $40 Men’s Suits Latest models Springs popular top coat $25.00 each $32.50 to $45.00 each Knit Suits Wash Blouses Just in Misses sizes $2.25 each $4.50 each Children’s Stockings 2 pr. for 35c Men’s Boy’s Vests Trousers Atheletic Shoes Slip Overs Late arrivals for Spring $6.50 each to Men’s Stylish Powders Spedai All Colors % off 25c can ■-* g I We Have Been Dis appointed In our collections—Too many customers are not paying their bills—Too many are only making part payments— WE PROMISED "tn it editors to meet their terms promptly and we are going to keep our promise. Listen—Watch this space next week. We aie going to pull the most unheard of GROCERY SALE NOrnnnJ™CASH ONLY— *