)AY. APRIL lb 1924 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT (This information is required from stition, from which the world is seek­ | ining this phase of the question. For strumental in lowering the price of money, just the same as the wheat daily publications only.) ing to emerge. I illustration, it would be ridiculous for dairy products to a price below cost growers are at the present time, but LESLIE HARRISON Weekly Paper The per centage of education under IndePrnsVvli Z*O Fsza»-» vvnict ho si trnpd | advice-, there is ng logical in the sspûctûtion wl—t they ..re go.iig n.., [ The school !sw passed st the last established by h* or by church dic­ with the writer’s name, which ! giving different and opposite kinds to pull the wheat growers out of a ing, but should any considerable num­ ... By Mail *2-00 ’ election by an overwhelming majority tum, and the common school system ♦ may be withheld by request. whenever market prices take a drop hole and bring them financial success ber do so and try their luck at dairy­ i in Oregon, and which was declared shows like an arc light compared with ♦ in any one of the agricultural pro- by diversifying in farming. [Months, By Mail » -7j unconstitutional b y three federal the light of a tallow dip. ing, it will surely soon overstock the; ducts. payable in advance The common school system has + + ♦ + + ♦ + + + + + + ♦ When Tillamock cheese sold some markets with dairy products, result­ judges sitting together in the United come to stay, and free and an en­ The same things have occurred over years ago around 10 cents per pound, ing in lower prices for this is what WRITER DISCUSSES FARM States circuit court recently, will be Telephones lightened country like the United and over again in Oregon with pota­ the dairymen had their financial over production generally brings PROBLEMS appealed by the st^te. Governor Pacific States, Main 68 States will never abandon its present toes, fruit, meats, etc., but no one was troubles and were hard pressed for about. F. C. BAKER Walter M. Pierce, one of the defend­ system for the old and impractcal foolish to advise the abandonment of To the Editor: To. the casual ob ­ ants, enjoined by the decision from ♦ * + + + + + ♦♦♦♦ ; enforcing the law, states that the systems which enlightened peoples ■ server of passing events it will be re­ growing or raising these farm pro­ | state wifi appeal the law to the high­ have thrown into the discard as con­ membered that only a few years since ducts. editorial policy tributing causes to ignorance, internal that agricultural colleges and the It will naturally occur to most peo­ It est court. The judges who rendered strife, and as an obstacle to orderly, ple, should the wheat growers follow Mrs. Claire Hysmith, Prop Opposite Tillamook Hotel metropolitan daily press were issuing the decision stated that “the right advocate, aid and sup- peaceful and intellectual progression. a large amount of propoganda advis­ 1 the advice now given them and take r° of private schools to exist in the state --y measures that will It any If one believes that the trend of all up dairying and other branches of ALL KINDS OF BEAUTY WORK ing farmers to specialize in the grow­ must be regarded as natural and in­ the most good to the human endeavor should be backward ing of crops and in raising stock for agriculture, there will soon be a short­ Call 162-J for Appoihtments I1 herent.” Lt people instead of forward, then the old ob­ age of wheat, and consequently high­ it was claimed that it would be a so­ The public school system was born k,, encourage industries er prices for the consumer to pay for 1 solete system of church should be wel­ in opposition to parochial and private comed back. But there little danger lution of some of the difficulties that Hour and bread. From that point of | establish in Tillamook schools, whereby the rich and aris­ that such will be the case. The world confront farmers so often, and be in­ | view it can be argued that it is good ' kJ urge the improvement tocratic classes of people could get has become too enlightened fur that. strumental in bringing about better advice the metropolitan press and prices for their products. education, while the poorer classes, of L port for Tillamook City, others are giving farmers to diversify Strange to relate, however, quite | which is composed the majority of pu insist on an American their crops. At last Mah Jong has struck the the opposite advice and propaganda is • the people, were allowed to remain in Ldard of labor. But there are two view points to I ignorance, so far as state or govern- town, with a whoop and hurrah. If no«v being doled out to farmers. The j be considered. Should most of the ![•„ be politically indepen- farmers aie now advised that diversi ­ you hear a noise like a rattling of old i ment school aid was concerned. But L but to support the can- wheat growers divert their energies the common school system won out, dry bones, and feminine squeals of fied farming is the proper thing and a and activities to dairying, which most Ltes for public office who way out of their financial and other delight, added to baritone exclama ­ ; and it has grown, and cannot be | bring the most good to of them would undoubtedly do, re­ 1 stifled by the advocates of private or tions of joy, don’t get excited; it is difficulties, especially wheat growers. ! gardless as to climate and soil condi­ I people of Tillamook So in the space of a few years only a game of Mah Jongg. It has [ parochial schools. In fact, it is a sys- Lty and of the State of ARE AGENTS FOR tions, it is a foregone conclusion that - tem that belongs to all democratic been hinted by some scientist that farmers are advised to adopt two 1 in a few years there would be an over Jgon. BALFOUR-GUTHERIES FAMOUS [ governments, and especially to repub- the wooden pieces with which the different methods of farming by those production of dairy products, which game is played, which are imported who claim to know what is best for | lies of our own pattern. would place the dairymen in the same The great trouble comes from re­ from China, contain potentialities for farmers and who should be in a posi­ financial straights as the wheat grow­ tion to give good, sound, practical ad ­ I the distributing of pestilential Ori- ligious bodies who still hang on to btlDAY, APRIL H. <»24 ers, for foreign markets enter into : the old idea that the church should i entai disease! but that probably is a vice. IT’S HARD WHEAT and HARD TO BEAT the price of wheat and cheese, with Good arguments can be made pro ' fabrication quoted by some envious I have control of the education of child- no prospect that wheat growers would WENT OF THE OWNER- editor who hasn’t been invited to “sit and con, for specialized and diversi­ be financially benefitted by making 206-2nd AVE M AN AG EM ENT, CIRCULA- I ren; and the public school prevents TILLAMOOK, ORE. fied farming for climatic and soil in ’ ’ at a game of the new here, but old j this. the change. In fact, it would result ETC., REQUIRED BY THE conditions largely enter into determ- j there, Chinese game. 1 in a double calamity, for over produc­ [IF CONGRESS OF Al’Gl ST i The parochial schools assume that j they have a right to dictate the class tion of dairy products Would be dis­ 24, 1912, of education which the child should re­ appointing to wheat growers who ceive, and that its education should changed to dairying and would be ih- imbibe the particular belief of the Tillamook Headlight pub- | chureh in religious matters, thus fore-1 Leekly at Tillamook, Oregon ! ing a particular brand of religion up­ TILE YOUR FARM il 1, 1924. State of Oregon, on the scholar whether he wants it ASK THE MAN or not. In other words, the scholar of Tillamook. WHO HAS TILED is not allowed to choose his religion,! I me, a Notary Public in and j,ut must take enforce(j by ! Tillamook, Nehalem and Seaside, Tuesdays, TILLA TOOK CLAY I State and county aforesaid,. parochial school. On the other | W IRKS Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. lly appeared Leslie Harrison,. hand the common school system sim- See our very extensive line of hardware, Barb­ Ling been duly sworn accord- j p]y see] matter how small Ind if a daily paper, the cir- ; any co]]ege he may select to finish GEO. SMITH, MGR. and nothing >o large. (’I: 1 to Hides also 4c lb. for sacks. I), etc., of the aforesaid pub- that education. Take your choice of talk it over w: h you any time and | for the date shown in the the two systems. Whether the paro- specialize in p.easing you. kption, required by the Act -chial schools shall educate you in i WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE MONARCH 1st 24, 1912, embodied in sec- some particular religious belief, or STOVE LET US DEMONSTRATE I, Postal Laws and Regula- on the other hand gve you a good rinted on the reverse of this common school education, and allow wit: you to choose your college fof further I the names and addresses of education, and at the same time isher, editor, managing editor, choose your college for further edu­ mess managers are: Publisher- cation, and at the same time choose t Publishing company, Tilla-1 for y^rself the church to which you I Legon; Editor, H. G. (fcrild, want to Join- The common school I be Oregon; Managing Editor, system is a bulwark against the union Lrrison, Tillamook, Oregon. I of chureh and state> which this ^v' ernment strictly forbids, as the con- M orc atxl more, the women of the I the owner is: (If the pub- \ stitutpn gives all churches and creeds Is owned by an individual his , freedom of expression, but does in- West arc Becoming keen judges of |d address, or if owned by i sist that church and state shail be re al values in motorcars. That i> one kn one individual the name ¿kept separate. of many reasons why thousands of less of each, should be given I The trail of church and state com- I the publication is owned by bined has left its bloody imprint up- Star Cars grace Western roads today. htion the name of the cor-: on the pages of the world's history, !• or women were <|tii< k to appreciate land the names and addresses and resulted in the Renaissance, which our ideal of building the finest small ■ckholders owning or holding brought freedom of individual thought ■ cent or more of the total ! on religion, and in other departments car at the lowest possible cost. [of stock should be given.) of life. That old system still seeks Long, low lines, glistening lustre of larrison, Tillamook, Oregon. . to perpetuate' the rule of church and bnuh—a car to be pioud of in any state, which not only takes away a It the known bondholders, man’s freedom of thought and action company —and mechanically per­ ■es, and other security holders j in this world, but also leaves behind fect. Never before have so many v holding 1 per cent or more it a legacy of ignorance and super- ROFITABLE crop« should be growing on that un­ •mount of bonds, mortgages, cleared land of your»—productive instead of idle acre«. high p-iced features been built into And blasting stumps is now much cheaper and easier. ■securities are: (If there are a low cast car. ■state.) None. Pacific Stumping Powder is clearing land quickly and cheaply for the ranchers around here, because there are Twenty seven distincr »nd exchisiw 6-stnse* tvbvlar f the two paragraphs next about 142 sticks of 1J4* x 8* of Pacific Stumping to the make the Stsr Car the lowest cost high grads 50-pound case. You will get one-half more sticks for B ackbone ping the names of the own- car in the world. No other car often so each dollar spent for explosives for land-clearing when you kholders, and security hold­ KtXonlom4 «tram. buy Pacific Stumping. It has the same strength as other much real car value for so liuke money. in' contain not only the list standard stumping powders. There is no danger of its Geared to the pocket-book of the family ítatm freezing, nor does Pacific Stumping cause headache from lolders and security holders Car» of modest income, it sarishes your every handling. lappear upon the books of demand of a fine, Mibwantial car. Let us supply you with explosives this year. We carry ►ny but also, in cases where large stocks of du Pont dynamites for all blasting purposes ' Star Cal) a Star dealer up now. R ide with him—• polder of security holder ap- 1 on the farm. Tell us your job and we’ll tell you the cost. vatH one by one, be will demonstrate to you ry |n the books of the company feature reasoru why the New Star Car I or in any other fiduciary re-' more per dollar Iruilt for you. f name of the person or cor-. sta * Mom« rrwr.m y CAuraaata |for whom such trustee is OAKLAND. CALiroama I given; also that the said! Bgiaphs contain statements I I ■ affiant’s full knowledge I the circumstances and I fl I under which stockholders I TILLAMOOK OREGON Mees of Models f' holders who do not ap- ■» i *n >»<««■ ex B the books of the company , I f' h°ld stock and securities I other than of a bona fide 1 NON-FREEZING non - headache H this affiant has no reason 1 ■ ^hat any other person, as- I corporation has any in-1 F1 or indirect in the said I ■7’ or other securities than B® hy him. ainoolt lieaNisIlt I » 3 CORRESPONDENCE BEAUTY SHOP Dawson & Dunn GROCERS White Loaf Flour A. & B. BLOOM Al nil i. I. i •» PHflí COAST STAGES FURNITURE and HARDWARE STAR THE 27 FEATURE CAR D l/ll “We Talked It Over My Wife and I!" Idle Acres Yield No Profit P GENUINE 5- BULL” DURHAM King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. it) 2 bags far ice 8« j LJI I 1m av-rage number of I ''ue of this publica- I H’tributed, through the ■^*r*ise, to paid subscrib- , ■ ■ ’ix months preceding j ■>*r. above is ....... ’ •490 a bag y&M can roll 100 Cigarettes STUMPING POWDER Jvrl5Cents ■ ■ ) e> MARTINY-CROTZER MOTOR CO. Inc AR. DURANT FLINT CARS—MASON ROAD KING TRI CK Honest Service