FRIDAY, MARCH 28, ]& AY, MARCH 28, 1924 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Years In Business And Never ConduMle—Comes This Startling After 24 i TO Cl IT LOOSE FROM fcUl AR PRICKS A Announcement Kettle Rendered Bulk NELSON Ladies Cotton Ribbed 35c UL Wt READ ln Every Department and An« 1 Mind ■ - ■ : Everything in this entire stock for home and personal use will be offered in one great store-wide Sale, including • all Dry Goods, Men’s Women’s and Children’s Furnish­ ing Gods, Shoes, Men’s and Boy’s Work Clothing, Hats, Caps, .also Stoves, Ranges, Farm all Hardware, and Cant Bustem Garden Tools, Aluminum, Tin and Granite Ware, Dishes, Bib Groceries, etc., in fact not one article will be spared and every price TIALLY. will be reduced—REDUCED REMEMBER! Sale Continues Daily Until Surplus Stocks Are Sold Out SUBSTAN­ NEVER IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY A Shoe Sale Equal to This On of the great outstanding features of this event will be the greatest sale of Shoes for .'.lcr., Wu.-.-.i;-.. un­ Children Tillamook County has ever known. It is a Sale of Shoes we will match against anything in the coun try for Quality and Value—and we urge every man, woman or child who needs or wants Footwear at a anion did saving to take advantage of this sale. $10 Loggers WOMEN’S WOMEN’S HOUSE SLIPPERS PATENT STRAPS Regular $1.65 values in assorted colors, soft s:>les your choice at per pair A tremendous merch indise disposal for the purpose of turning $10,000 worth of surplus stocks into cash—not for what it is worth—but for what it will bring—and for te first time annou.ic* a store-wide Sale embracing every­ thing in this $25,000 stock. A master stroke of "Big Merchandising” on our part which to accomplish neces­ sitates down right “Bargain Giving” in every ■beetion of this store. STORE CLOSED (EXCEPT GROCERY DEPARTMENT) Reg. $5.75 Water Repellant Thursday & Friday ¡that will caus“ you—-everybody— if this merchandise. To facilitate t has been rearranged and every- ed on racks, counters, tables and special sale tags, making it con- kith your own eyes the goods and lie tickets every way you look— |is great sacrifice. With this brief explanation, we announce the first big Sale Event this store has ever attemp'ed and our every n Tgy is concentrated on this out-of-tlie-ordinary event. Thousands uf dollars worth of Dry Goods, Work Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hardware Kitchen Ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., will be sold at sensational Bargain Prices—and we call your special attention to the Grand Opening Day Special and the wonderful Specials for every day next week. The store will be closed excepting grocery department which will be open for business, and on the inside exprienced people will rearrange the entire stock -literally slaughtering every value. Costs will Le forgotten —prices will be smashed. * FOR Opening Day and All Next Week Real Bargains! Real Values 35c COTTON BATTS The well Mown "Pansy Brand act­ ual weight 8 ounf s special sale price 24c Mac’naw 25c CURTAIN SCRIM Good Serviceable Quality in white reduced especially for this sale, to, per yd. 30c COTTON TOWELLNG 18 inches wide good serviceable weight and weave special sale price per yd. 23c ALL BLANKETS Including Cotton, Cotton and Wool, and Pure Wool materials in all sizes selling at ’4 off . '/< Off L L. SHEETING 25c FLANNEL One lot of Dark shades of plain and fancy patterns while any lasts per yd. 72c SHEETING 9 4 wide an extra extra sale spe­ cial going at just about cost, per yd. 52c Selling in the regular way every­ where at 22c specially reduced to, per yd. MONDAY MARCH 31st TUESDAY APRIL 1st The Best White Laundry The Best California White Naw Windsor Crepe WOMEN’S SATIN STRAPS With full 10 inch left, a few pair only at this Sale price per pair Strictly New Spring styles that sell elsewhere for as high as $7.50 sale price _ _____ $3.98 One Sale That Has The Goods Space will not permit our listing prices on everythin" in this mammoth stock, it would take dozens of pages the size of this—but for your information—and to impress you with the importance of this sale—let us say, that absolutely every article goes on »ale at prices the lowest ever quoted in ten long years. _____ ______ B — MENS $5.50 HATS Extra Fine Grade Made of extra Quality Velour, new. styles and popular shades spe­ cially reduced to , Ecru Curtain Mens $5.75 Unions Limit 5 lbs. to a customer “Wrights” make extra quality garments to be closed out at 2 suits for $9.25, single suits WEDNESDAY APRIL 2nd THURSDAY APRIL 3rd $4.65 Genuine Full Head Your Choice of Any In a full range of popular sizes of Percale and Madras assorted col­ ors and Patterns going at each MENS SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Medium wrtght ribbed wool spe­ cially priced at $3.65 per suit, in dividual garments 98c CRYSTAL WHITE SYRUP $1.89 Will be specially featured in this sale, 5 lb. pails going at Principally light shades, and 32 inches wide going at per yd. 38c Limit 5 Iba. to a Customer Fleishers Y arn FRIDAY APRIL 4th In 2 ounce Balls all popular shades of this dependable yard selling at, each “Olympic’’ “Drifted Snow” and “Crown” FLOUR a $1.25 THURSDAY APRIL 3rd we will sell to anyone making a pur­ chase of $2.00 or over in any department except groceries any bi and of coffee in the store at per lb.................................. 5c Limit une lb. to a customer The Best Granulated Cane or Berry SUGAR 15 lbs. $1 FRIDAY ATRIL 4th we will sell to anyone jmiking a purchase of $2.06 or over in any department except groceries, “Olympic ” “Drift.d Snow” or " Crown Flour" 49 11. ack for......................$1,25 Limit one sack to a ( SATURDAY APRIL 6th we will sell to anyone making a pur­ chase of $2.00 or over in any department txcept g.