E 35; NUMBER 24 II ion of Illuminating m Put Off Until uture Time TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 OLEOMARGARINE MEET HELD HERE TUESDAY FOUR FAST FIGHTS OCCUR AT ARMORY Former Copra Plantation Owner Has Writer Says All Boxing Cards Were Vivid Story of Origin of Synthetic Butter Seven Miles of Bad Road to be Replaced Soon by Commissioners BEATS LAST YEAR Real Exhibition of Fistiano Saturday Night Association Office Wrestles With Income Tax and Forgets Checks PRICE $2.00 THE YEAR VOLUNTEER FIREMEN WILL HAVE LIBRARY Improvements Will be Added for Better Appearance and Com- fort of Quarters Primary Expected to Bring Out Many Still Who Aspire to Office • •«. A record-breaking crowd filled the The anti-oleomargarine demonstra­ The volunteer fire company of this armory last Saturday night when the tion staged at the city hall last Tues­ T city held a business meeting last * V Sly* ; Tillamook Boxing commission, under day night by the Tillamook county Thursday night. Fire Chief Coates the auspices of the American Legion, cow testing association, packed all of I was in the chair, and Ted Fritz sec­ put on a card that is locally quoted I the lower floor seating space, and retary. After the business of the as the best ever seen in this city. I nearly filled the gallery. The occasion company was transacted, there was a This is the way the sports editor I was featured by the presence of sev- general discussion about fixing up the lade to Get Mail to C ity I ra[ out oj town speakers, including J. Very Little Construction Work Plan- of the Headlight saw it: Association People Expect Dearth of hall to make it more attractive to Paid Propagandists Covering County “ Oh, boys, some fight! Bout No. 1. D. Mickle, state dairy and food com­ the boys and to visitors. During the at Night Instead ned for Coming Summer by­ Harry Soo, a young Portland China­ Hay Next Season Account for Some of the Prospective missioner; J. A. Scollard of Seattle, li coming summer Tillamook will have man, started a tong war, and so en ­ I Wash., chairman of the Pure Dairy in the Morning the County Dry Winter many visitors, and naturally, they Office Holders raged Billy Nelson, another Portland I Products committee for the state of will want to visit the hall, and that boy, that he forgot they were to be Washington, and Lawrence Aber, late The Sandlake market road is to be it should be re-whitewashed, and the friends, and sailed into the scrappy met last Monday night, °f the Phillippine Islands, with a improved this year, and that fact wainscoating repainted, and other All of the storage cheese in San The county primaries are not very little “Chink” in such, a gentlemanly should be good news to people who 1 Smith in the chair. All present home in Seattle, Wash. Francisco and Los Angeles has been things done to make it more cheerful I far away, and there is considerable manner that he won the decision after The meeting was presided over bv have travelled the old Sandlake road i roll call, but Councilman sold. So has the cheese that was was agreed upon. The matter of cov­ deep-down activity in political circles William Maxwell, who open- for many years past, when traveling four rounds of good, clean exhibition. made in January and practically all ering the bare floor with linoleum was that does not appear upon the sur­ Two very pleasant and willing little jhe head of new business, I e d the meeting with a was attended with much difficulty; also though expedient, and in the in­ face. Two candidates who have an­ scrappers. Harry Soo 105 pounds; of what was made in February. ¿was read signed by J. F short talk upon its object. when chuck holes of unknown depth Milk production is considerably terests of sanitation. Chief Coates nounced their intention of contesting Nelson, 110 pounds. Mustee of the Nazarene He then introduced J. D. Mickle, who made small loads the rule, and which “Bout 2. Otis Stringer and Brick ahead of last year at this time al­ appointed a committee of four con­ for the county attorneyship are C. W. |d others, to close an alley *B no stranger to Tillamook audiences, caused great mental perturbation, and Coyle entertained the boys up to and though, due to the cold weather that sisting of Case, Terry, Fritz and Carl Barrick and C. R. Chapin, both at­ i in Miller addition, for the Mr- Mickle spoke upon the use of profanity in some cases, on the part including a portion of the fourth Tillamook has been favored with the Leach, who will map out a program torneys at law in this city. Mr. Bar­ ■ the alley led nowhere and oleomargarine products from the of those who sought in winter time rick has been a resident of this city round, when it all ended in favor of last two weeks, the milk production of improvement. ke a nuisance on account of standpoint of health. He said the or in the early 3pring to negotiate Another matter that was discussed, for some time, and Mr. Chapin comes is not* increasing very fast now. There Brick Coyle. This was to have been immunity dumping ground public health was paramount to all the seven miles or more that sepa­ six rounds, but it was not carried out. were 2187 boxes of loaf and 609 box­ was that of a library for the fire ooys. from Newberg, where he is well and ■ The matter was referred °ther considerations, and should be rated the Sandlakers from the main Stringer is a clever point-boxer, but es of triplets produced the first week Many of the boys have no homes favorablely known, and he also has let committee. strickly safeguarded from the stand- smooth highway. not of the give-and-take kind. Brick in March, and 2356 boxes of loaf and here, and spend their evenings at the many old acquaintances and friends Etives of the Kiwanis, Elks Point of Pure foods- Food values were But now, relief is in sight. Market Covie is a brick for sure, and eats 745 boxes triplets produced the sec­ fire hall, listening to the radio, and in this city who vouch for his ability Co^le _^^_J‘civic organizations were Entirely in favor of butter as made road No. 3 will be constructed this in talking. It was thought it would and moral and other fitness for the puiÜWhment ___ i up. We suggest a good ond week in March. present topee a demonstation of the from the cream of the cow. The pub- summer, for which there will be state classy, Checks of January milk will be be a nice thing to have a book-case position. Mr. Barrick likewise has fast man for Stringer, and new Westinghouse street lamps in the H*c *8 not living as_jt did three de- aid. The road will leave the main a real slugger for Coyle, the nexe out the latter part of next week. and start a library of clean fiction, a large following of friends. It bids council room. by permission of the cades ago, when the diseases that highway at or near Hemlock, and The association office has been espe­ science, biography and history, so fair to be a pretty race. (Contipued on page 4) doOM^- Boyd, a travelling rep- followed mal-nutrition were not great- wind up at Sandlake. The distance, cially busy getting out the income tax that the hall would have more of the As to the county clerk, it is hinted ieemrt«Mwi of the above company was I in evidence. Now, a large per it is believed, will be a little less reports, and this has delayed issuance atmosphere of a real home for the that there will be another candidate pnneet j»rl demonstrated his post centage of the population is living out that seven miles, although that has of checks about a week. Butter fat boys. besides Mr. Brimhall, to make the lamp» bath in the council chamber of tin-cans and paper sacks. Many been the distance usually given to One of the boys said that a man race interesting. The name of the prices will be substantially the same and on th* streets. The represents- persons, for the sake of economy are travellers on the old road. It is of this city had offered to donate a other candidate is not available at as they were in December. tive that these lamps not | eating oleo products, and these lack thought that the ney surrey will cut Slight changes in the feed list: mo- lot of 300 volumes to the fire com­ present, but it is hinted that he will d waste light, but placed I the essential element of vitamin A, off curves in places that will make the Ernest Johnsqn accidently slipped las-o-meal has been advanced to $39 pany. He is at present out of town, be a strong man. it upon th* street, where most need- which comes only from the cow. In distance a little less than seven miles. from a log on which he was walking a ton. The chances are that mill run but he will be interviewed when he The matter of commissioner is the threw the street light countries where the cocoanut is pro- This new road is in Commissioner one day this week, and fell, breaking will be advanced to $32 within a few returns, and if still of the same mind, storm center. It is understood that d of the automobile driv- I duced, there are various diseases R. 0. Richards territory, and the work two ribs. He was brought to town days as the market is now $2ff in the boys will accept his generous Commissioner Alley will be a candi­ which appear as ulcers on the body, will be under the supervision of Wm. SF, ______ fetically do away with the and had his injuries attended to. Portland in car lots and the freight offer. date to succeed himself, as he feels glare that is quite often productive of berri-berri, etc, that are not preva­ Powell, supervisor for that section. It is believed the matter of a that he should not withdraw from the is $4.30. Recleaned, grey, seed oats lent in this country, for the reason He in turn will appoint sub-bosses to accidentals The glasses are scientifi- are quoted at $45 a ton. Crown flour library will take definite form in the race because certain interest wojld W sally «rang ed to conserve light, that the use of real butter is more the number of about three, so that is $1.75 a sack. Otherwise, the list near future. like to see him do so. He has a large r I ¡often it, am place it just where it common here. Th cow provides four the work may go on in sections. remains unchanged. The association following of friends, who say that he elements of food value which the oil It is believed that the work of It was also contend- (Continued on page 6) will make a good race. Just who his ojM by the ^representative that it is of the cocanut does not contain, and grading and building bridges will be opponent will be, is at present veil­ those elements keep one in health, accomplished this year, and that a J. E. Shearer this week received than the lights now used, and ed in mist. It is understood, however, information from Captain Hathaway, uch better. Instead of six posts to These are constituent elements of (Continued on page 5) that certain timber interests are butter far or vitamin A. Illustrations that Captain Kelly, airplane instructor block, th i light would only re­ grooming a man from the north end at Vancouver barracks, Wn., will soon sts for extra iliumina- of animals fed on butterfat on the of the county, and that he will appear fly over to this place, landing at the nsequent saving of cost. one hand, and on cocoanut oil on the in time. new fair grounds. His purpose in On Thursday last six automobiles t would cost $40 where other proved the superior value of Arthur Beals has no opponent ns The county clerk is sending out filled with gypsies invaded thia coun- coming over here is to interview cer­ Ight would be about $60. cow butter over the oleo products. yet, and it is believed that he will The next speaker was J. A Scollard tain ex-air service men now residents books and cards for registration in ty from the east. They stopped at have to go against candidates in other ' ■ Vhile ncil was not in position Webb Elliott of Garibaldi, paid an of this city, with a view to persuad­ the various precincts of the county, Hemlock, and put on a short cam­ counties, and will get the vote of his _____ to take up the matter of Seattle, Wash., who emphasized old fine of $300 to the county last ing them to join the U. S. air service, Each precinct will be open for regis- paign of swiping things from the own county. (Continued on page 2) f the_______ tallation, it was evident Saturday, which had been hanging but to be in the reserve corps, subject tration for a period of one month Hemlock store. Several articles were ; ‘ hat thajBW light was very favorably George Winslow is an avowed can­ fire for a matter of three years, owing to call. It is believed that he will from March 16, and the registrars taken by the light-fingered men and didate for representative, and it is to Elliott’s unredeemed promises. A also look over the fair ground as a of each precinct will attend to the women and children of the clan, but strongly rumored that his opponent L of Councilman Haber- bench warrant was issued to the site for a future, and possibly a perm­ registering of all voters who may most of the stolen gods were recover­ for the primary nomination will be Irder was instructed to1 wish to have their names entered on ed. The proprietor of the Hemlock Russell Hawkins of Garibaldi. Both sheriff, resulting in the sheriff taking anent landing field. |erty owners having de­ the books. Registering will save lots store notified Sheriff Aschim of the men are well known in the county, Wehb into custody last Saturday. He kens upon their hold- Mr. and Mrs. George Haskins *ent of trouble at the polls, and every invasion and conduct of the invaders, and each has his friends, and should appeared before Justice of the Peace t improvements, to pay The other night, Ed Webb, who Stanley and paid the fine and costs, to Corvallis last Saturday and spent man of legal age, and every woman, and the latter met the procession of Hawkins file, another pretty race I as the city would soon Hoskin’s also, should take the little time re­ worked-over Egyptians, and lined will be assured. Ivertise for sale all de- works for the Sundquist & Norberg was released. Webb is a fisherman, the week-end with sawmill a few miles east of this city, and well known here. quired to register. mother. them up and gave them the alterna­ Brty. The main fight, however, it is whis­ was driving a truck home from Tilla ­ tive of going on out of the county or pered, will be on commissioner, as I securing sewage out- being charged with petty thieving. it will involve political matters that ber of householders on mook, and when near the end of the paved road, he observed a panther They readily agreed to start “whoop­ will cause tight lines to be drawn west and First street, ing it up” for Seaside. The crowd during the primary campaign. hanging on somewhat crouching by the roadside, evidently was a motley one of men, women and i suit of “Jarndyce vs. bent on mischief. Webb stepped on State politics will also figure to the accelerator, and the machine shot dirty faced children, and but for their some extent. In fact, beneath the ;one of Dickens’ novels, past the figure of the wild beast, and orders to get out quickly, they prob­ surface there is much wriggling go­ | through the medium- ably would have over-run the town by ing on; while the surface apears as imittee from that part soon left it behind. This is said to have been a real experience, and plying their vocations of fortune-tell­ (Continued on page 7) ho seem determined to ing and stealing. Other towns along of relief, either by sew- shows that one of the three panthers the line were told to be on the lookout ptic tanks. After a which the government man says re­ sides in this county, has been account­ for the wanderers, and to speed them l of ways and means, ed for. It is fitting to add that the toward the county boundary, to the re-referred to the moon was shining brightly at the north. and the city survey- time, and that the animal was plainly known as the stage visible, and Webb sates that he could Everyman’s Class gave a banquet not have been mistaken * led on page 6) last Friday night at Guild hall, which was largely attended, more than one hundred men and women being pres­ ent. The program was in charge of Rosenberg Bros, and others Eugene Crosby, A. F. Botts acted some time ago petitioned the Post­ as toastmaster, Rev. Geo. Harnesa master General at Washington, D. C., gave a talk on loyalty to the class. One of the finest dairy farms in , the young man to establish a summer post-office at Miss Ella Roy of McMinnville sang by a falling limb this county was sold last week, by the Oceanside. The petition was quite two solos in a very pleasing manner. hile falling timber at owner. Clark Hadley of this city, to largely signed at the time, and now Miss Christine Nelson also rendered camp of the Whitney Louie Hurliman, a well known Swiss comes the news that the desired per­ two solos that won favor. pie of weeks ago, has dairy .nan of this section. The farm Next Tuesday night, March 21, at mission has been granted. The in­ ■e. with a cracked or ia vfhat ia known as the old Hanson 7:30, in the city hall, Everyman’s formation came to Postmaster Foster, place, and consists of 40 acres, be ­ say his relatives in who will have charge of the arrange­ class will give a brief program con­ neck is in a plaster ing located just north of this city, ments for a daily mail to that point sisting of instrumental selection by adjoining the Hoskins place. It is I be some time before the best talent; also some solos; fol­ from this city. hospital. The young not definitely known what the con­ lowed by a box social, and Ira G. sideration was, but is is believed kcious for several days I .anee will be the auctioneer. Women Jo. Baumgartner, a well to do Swiss juries, and little hope that it will run close to $24,000. Mr. dairyman of the Tillamook section re­ are requested to brihg their best look­ his recovery, but he Hurliman is a good farmer, and will turned last Sunday from a six months ing food baskets. The cash realized tied consciousness, and no doubt keep the ranch in good visit to relatives in Berne, Switzer­ will go to pay for the piano. The rse with relatives. He shape, and continue its excellent in­ land. He is glad to get back to his class debaters will compete with a i 24th day of February come. This is one of the biggest adopted country and does not hesi­ like clasa in Eugene very soon, and ar. Mrs. Rose Pennock deals in farm lands that has taken tate to declare tnat this is the best are getting in trim to make the Eu- r home in Mabel, Oie- place in this county since the first | gene fellows like two cents after dark. country in the world. of the present year. nth other relatives. IS DISCUSSED STARTS NEAR HEMLOCK STORAGE CHEESE SOLD UNDERCURRENT IS FELT TWO RIBS BROKEN IN FALL FROM LOGS AIR RESERVE PLANS BEING PERFECTED REGISTRATION BOOKS SENT TO PRECINCTS OLD FINE IS PAID ON BENCH ORDER ( panther GASOLINE GYPSIES HASTENED ON WAY in road , SAYS TRUCK DRIVER □ Ì Hotbeds SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS HAS BANQUET FRIDAY HADLEY DAIRY FARM D NECK .TS FROM FALL WAS SOLD LAST WEEK AT OCEANSIDE HAS BEEN ALLOWED