Y, FEBRUARY 1, 1924 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Editorial Page of the Tillamook Headlight COMMENT Weekly Paper ■pendent led Every Friday by the I Publishing Company ■nook, Oragott Lenine was a wonderful man, and po- sessed great executive ability. Had his energies and abilities been direct ed in more useful channels, he would hwVB ’.’.M.d.infl* rV i- H.’tcrjr, But an administration of bloodshed, and the foul assassination of the Rus sian royal family, will ever remain a blot on his name, for he could have prevented it. Thousands of people have been murdered by the armies of Lenine and Trotsky. Lenine’s was the rule of the musket and sabre. A government founded on bloodshed and terrorism, never bequeathed a legacy of peace and good will. mer, very rainy; in winter, snow Ruby, GJ, 942, 5.2, 48.98; HIGHWAY SAFETY "" TESTING ASSOCIATION Durrer, rain. DREDGE Nancy, GG, 775, 4.8, 37.20. Warren NEHALEM Between 2 and 4 p. m.—in summer, MAKES JAN REPORT Vaughan> s * ven - gh , 1299.30. -*«.76; PUT UP TO CONTEST changeable; rnniwu jnit. nui vi \ i B el ] e GH GOES TO YAQUINA in winter, fair and mild. ■* ui.u G u. m.—in summer, i Washington D. C., January 23:—In fair; in winter, fair. G. A. Peters, tester. No. cows test Between 6 and 8 p. m.—in sum ed, 693. No. cows over 40 pounds ÍU ........... Editor recognition of conspicuous service in mer, fair if wind is northwest; fair fat, 78. Avg. milk per cow, 459 Avg ......... Manager ■prison highway sefety education, a school and frosty if wind is north or north- fat per cow, 23.73. teacher and two pupils were received ■ as second class mail east. High pure-brad herd: Owner, Ho recently by President Coolidge and || the U. S. postoffice at Between 8 and 10 p. m.—in sum- mer Mason; No. cows, 14; Avg. milk, presented with certificates of award 1 Oregon. mer, rainy if south or southwest; in 521; Avg. fat, 30.68. provided by the Highway Education winter, rain or snow if south or south Three high grade herds over 20 Board and the National Grange, P. iCRIPTION RATES west. cows: Owner, No. Cows, Avg. milk, of H. while in Washington as the By Mail .................... $2.00 Between 10 p. m. and midnight—in Avg. fat: John Berns, 20, 753, 36.48; guests of the National Automobile », By Mail ................ $1.00 summer, fair; in winter, fair and Geo. Olson, 26, 514, 25.37; N. M. Neil Chamber of Commerce, during the pis, By Mail ............. $ .75 frosty. sen; 31, 501, 23.93. week of January 14 to 19. kyable in advance Three high grade herds under 20 The teacher is Miss Teresa M. Len- Modern dairying will be an innova Telephones cows. Owner, No. cows, Avg. milk, tion no longer in Careagena, Colom ney,-New Rochelle, New York, whose ific States, Main 68 Avg. fat: W. B. Vaughn, 4, 1153, bia. The milk supply of this city lesson on highway safety was chosen 46.89; Martin Blaser, 6, 1194, 44.33; has always been inferior, milk being as the best of 60,000 submitted in a, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ brought from nearby farms in tin national contest, winning a prize of Sam Blaser, 2, 1142, 42.76. + containers carried on the backs of five hundred dollars. She was pre High pure bred cow: Owner, Dave TUTORIAL POLICY * mules and donkeys and distributed sented to the President by Senator Oregon has 50,000 deer in her na- Fitzpatrick; Name of cow, Mistletoe; ♦ in bulk from a number of small shops Royal S. Copeland, of New York, and tional forests compared with 25,000 Breed, Jersey; Age, 4; Lbs. milk, advocate aid and sup- ♦ in various parts of city, where each Representative Bertrand H. Snell, of in the forest areas of Washington, 1187; Lbs. fat, 73.59. ly measures that will ♦ purchaser provides his own contain New York. The pupils are Miss Theo according to game census figures High grade cow: Owner, John lie most good to the ♦ er. There is at present being assem dora Poole, Lansing, Michigan, who completed yesterday by officials of Berns; Name of cow, Brindle; Breed, * bled at Cartagena a modern pastur- was presented by John N. Willys, of the forest service. Washington ha;. GJ; Age, M; Lbs. milk, 1814; Lbs. lople encourage industries ♦ ization plant, all the machinery and Michigan, and Miss Mildred Soper, 8,000 elk and Oregon has 3,000. fat, 7982. ablish in Tillamook ♦ supplies required for the plant be- Seneca Castle, New York, presented The following gives owner, name That there are 8,000 black or brown ♦ ing purchased in the United States, by Representative John Taber. bears in Oregon and about 7,000 in of cow, breed, milk, test, fat: Urge the improvement * The plant will have a capacity of Class A. Mature cows making 50 Miss Poole wrote the best essay Washington is disclosed in the annual jrt for Tillamook City. ♦ 4000 quarts of milk a day and will on highway safety in a contest in census, compiled after estimates from pounds fat. John Berns. Brindle, GJ, Insist on an American ♦ produce whole milk, skim milk, baby which more than 400,000 pupils parti forest rangers and lookouts were re 1814, 4.4 79.82; Illa, GH, 1411, 5.0, •d of labor. * milk and cream. The delivery will cipated, and received from the auto ceived. Washington ha.-. approximate 60.55; Whitie, GJ, 834, 5.8, 54.17; be politically indepen- ♦ be similar to that practiced in the mobile organization a gold watch and ly 3,000 mountain goats and a few Buttercup, GJ, 983, 5.3, 52.10; Star, ut to support the can- ♦ United States. medal, and a trip to Washington with mountain sheep. Oregon has practi GDur, 114, 5.0, 50.20. Martin Blaser, ’ for public office who ♦ Joy. GH, 18.76. 4.2, 78.79. Philip all expenses paid. Miss Soper, repre cally none of either. Ing the most good to + The figures are for the 15,000,000 Bushlach, Sunbeam, GG, 1079, 6.4, senting Grange children, also receives The administration is attempting prizes and the trip. Miss Poole was acres of forest land and include the 69.06; Jetty, GH, 1259, 4.2, 52.88. people of Tillamook ♦ and of the State of ♦ to chase down some grafters, which accompanied to Washington by her sections where wild animals are Hunt & Durrer. Blossom, GJ, 1302, « may implicate on ex-cabinet mem father, C. L. Poole, as chaperon, while found in greatest numbers. Wash 5.0, 65.40. Adolph Schild, No. 13, GH, ♦ bers, or one of them at least. The Miss Soper’s father, Elbert G. Soper, ington’s area in national forests is 1854, 3.5, 64.89. Dave Fitzpatrick, + ♦* + ♦*♦♦♦ ♦ trouble with probing alleged graft accompanied her. 11,000,000 acres. * Lily, GJ, 1178, 5.4, 63.61, Wallace ing and other irregularities in the Of the 50,000 deer in Oregon about Hathaway, No. 39, RJ, 1079, 5.8, The prizes were won in the 1922 T, FEBRUARY 1, 1924 past has been that about the time national contests, conducted under the 35,000 are black-tailed, 18,000 mule 62.58. Joe Baumgartner, Bluey, GD, the government got the probe in close auspices of the Highway Education deer and 75 white-tailed. In Wash 1280, 4.8, 61.44. Frank Blaser, Molly, to a vital part, the same was hastily Board and the National Grange. Sim ington there are 17,000 black-tailed, GJ, 1411, 4.2, 59.26;Vivian, GJ, 1082, I the writer was riding on a withdrawn, and nothing came of the ilar contests are now in progress, the 7,000 mule deer and 800 white-tailed. 4.7, 50.85. Carl W. Curl, Baldy, GH, [in Portland, when an eld- probing. There are a few antelopes in Oregon 1277, 4.4, 56.19. Edgar & Son, Dul winners to be announced soon. lame up to the car during a An oil “maggot” has testified that Miss Lenney, Miss Poole and Miss but none were reported for Washing cie, GJ, 1401, 4.0, 56.04. Ben Jacob, La pipe burning blue smoke he loaned ex-secretary of the Interior Ruby, GJ, 1156, 4.5, 52.02. Josi Bros, [rate. Instead of knocking Fall $100,000 on his personal note, Soper were also the guests of honor ton. Coyotes in Oregon number 25,000, No. 14, GH, 1268, 4.0, 50.72. Nielson to out of his pipe before when the latter was secretary of the at a luncheon given by Dr. John J. Tigert, U. S. Commissioner of Educa in Washington 0,000. Oregon has Bros., Nancy, GH, 1225, 4.1, 50.53. I the car, the man reached interior. The question is, why? Class B. 4 year old making 40 tion, and also chairman of the Board. 13,000 bobcats and 150 wolves and light vest pocket and pro- At the White House and at the Lun •Washington has 4,000 bobcats and 90 pounds fat. Dave Fitzpatrick, Mis tork and deftly pushed the Wheeler has two cases of measles. cheon Miss Soper was sponsored by wolves. The furbearing animals in tletoe, RJ, 1187, 6.2, 73.59; Jan, GJ, to the pipe, and confidently in his pocket, entered the Tillamook has been unusually free the Executive Committee of the Na Oregon are: 6,000 badgers, 8,000 bea 933, 5.2, 48.52. Alfred Zwald, Star, ■mly sat down. Here was from contagious diseases thus far tional Grange, while Miss Lenney vers, 3,500 foxes, 11,000 mink, 1,000 GJ, 989, 5.5, 54.40. Paul Edgar, Belle, thought, and the first im- this winter. The only contagious dis and Miss Poole were sponsored at marten, 6,500 muskrats, 400 otter and GJ, 1042, 5.0, 52.10. N. M. Nielson, lynx. Washington's furbearing No. 14, GG, 955, 5.4, 51.57; No. 11, ' bas that the man was a ease that now seems to be spreading both functions by representatives 90 I That led up to the prac- in Tillamook is the political itch, from various civic and national bodies. animals include 7,000 beavers, 600 GG, 874, 5.0, 43.70. Ernest Leonnig, 900 foxes, 1,000 lynx, 8,000 Creamy, GJ, 1026, 4.7, 48.22; Flower, Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris, of badgers, I bf the matter. In the first which seems to be breaking out all 9,000 muskrats, 800 marten and GJ, 701, 6.0, 42.06. John Berns, Net i e was conservation of the over the town, with ramifications in Michigan, was one of the principal mink, otter. ! tie, RG, 843, 5.5, 46.80. Alex Naegeli, [tobacco; secondly, there the country. It is attacking adults speakers at the luncheon. Other 200 No. 3, GH, 1370, 3.2, 43.84. Pete roposition of safety to his only. It is not considered to be dang speakers were William J. Thompson, Silver Wave Chapter, Order of the Jacob, Princess, R. H. 961, 4.2, 40.36. chairman of the Executive Committee nd thirdly his precaution erous, however. Class C. 3 year old making 35 of the National Grange, William Eastern Star, will give a Valentine bi th the odor of the strong Phelps Eno, chairman of the Board card party at the Masonic hall Thurs pounds fat. Robert Portman, Shorty, th is sometimes offensive It is said that there will be a lot of the Eno Foundation for Highway day evening, February 14th, at eight GJ, 899, 6.2, 55.74. Clark Embum, bay from home, who make of beach Improvement in Tillamook traffic Regulation, and the guests of o’clock. Every body invited. Five Babe, GJ, 983, 5.3, 52.10. John Fitz tn to the husband’s smok- county this year. Plans are being honor. Hundred — Music — Refreshments. patrick. Lady, GJ, 970, 5.3, 51.41; le But the thing that most worked out for improvement in sev 17-2t Pokey, GJ, 992, 4.2, 41.66. George A portion of itinerary during the Admission fifty cents.—Adv. [was the saving of tobacco, eral directions. , In the meantime, week in Washington included visits k what a Scotchman would cottages will be built, and more beach to the White House, Mount Vernon, think of first. That man accommodations added. The Tilla the Senate House, the Smithsonian Kved half a pipeful of to- AXPS-31 mook beaches have been well adver Institution, the parks and art galler blugging his pipe with the tised by those who have come and ies, the Washington Monument, and Itiply the tobacco thrown seen, and they will return. The two all the outstanding places of histor- jin all the big cities of the big conventions scheduled for the is interest in the Capital. Ites, in one day, and how Tillamook beach this year, will furth jeo is wasted? We haven’t er advertise our popular play grounds ;up. Others may. At a beside the mighty Pacific. Is it would fill dozens of m Rises in the country in t. Some of the Tillamook people are [multiply the amount sav- planting early vegetables in their ■ iy, by 365 days, and you gardens, old man Winter to the con f kving for a year, or rather trary, notwithstanding. So much does the success of an out ✓ z No doubt the tobacco ing depend upon weather conditions / /J brs have already figured that the ability to make use of cer L [ up, but they have failed tain signs of the sky and temperature 'A I simple application of the /V in foretelling what one may expect tobacco saver. Rev. N. W. Phelps, pastor of the os a greatly cherished gift. Experi I at first decided that the Methodist church at Amity, who is enced woodsmen after a time can hit Bs a tight wad, thinking conducting the religious controversy pretty closely upon what changes to Ibject, induced respect for in the Tillamook Headlight with anticipate, and the hunter whose goal ¡her some one else should Frank Davey of Portland was here is to secure a fine trophy must heed [edit for the discovery of Monday. Mr. Phelps made an ad weather as none else, for a storm btion, does not matter, dress several weeks ago in Tillamook means alteration of plans, and if [utilize this discovery will in which he scored the Catholic hier- signs go unheeded, positive danger to nt their pipe pockets, nor archy. Frank Davey took him to himself and companions. Clouds will ■rlessly start fires in the task and Mr. Phelps fired another give pretty accurate information in lewhere when the cork is broadside last week in answer to the weather change. If clouds are soft Portlander’s article.— McMinnville one may expect moderate winds and CRES of land now in profitable News-Reporter. fine weather; if clouds are hard-edged ■■ _ i _____ •crops where nothing but stumps ♦ ♦ ♦ we can prepare for wind; if they are grew before that is what Pacific Stump ■ok for the lumber busi Lester Daniels, a leading dairyman rolled or rugged, then a strong wind ing did for me and did it at lower cost.” * present year, was ne ver of Tillamook, son of County Judge is coming; a “mackerel” sky means Many ranchers around here say this lay lumber experts, who Daniels was here last week visiting twelve hours dry. from actual experience. Pacific Stump krketa at the tip of their ing gives you one-half more powder for relatives. Mr. Daniels was formerly The moon has long been an accur kanese buyers are in the your dollar—shoots stick for stick with in business at Lafyette.—McMinnville ate guide of weather conditions, and any standard stumping powder, but ■ever before, and it is be- I News Reporter. the moon changes as given by Buzza- you get 142 sticks of Pacific Stumping khe domestic markets will as against 100 sticks of the others. It cott, if observed closely, will furnish ♦ ♦ ♦ k> This is good news for win not freeze or give you a headache A. N. Matlock of the Tillamook gqod evidence of changes as noted: from handling. Lnber producers, and will country passed through Willamina If a new moon, first quarter; or a full We sell Pacific Stumping and other largest output ever sawed enroute to Dallas Sunday.—Willamina moon or last quarter comes. du Pont dynamites. See us before buy ry of the state. With good more per dollar ing your next supply.^ Times. Between midnight or 2 a. m.—in be sawmill men will run summer, fair; in winter, frost unless jt<> the top notch. Tilla- wind is in southwest. ity will be the scene of Between 2 and 4 a. m.—in summer, Hty this year, and it is cold with showers; in winter, snow hany years to come. The and stormy. has the last and greatest Between 4 and 6 a. m.—in summer, Supervisor Ed Schelling states that Merchantable timber, and rain; in winter, rain. thus far, the damage to roads and TILLAMOOK GARAGE Jone should stimulate the Between 6 and 8 a m.—in summer, » the greatest possible bridges in this part of the county has been slight. A few slides and wind and rain; in winter, cold rain NON-FREEZING washouts have occurred, but they if wind ia west; snow in east. NON-HEADACHE Between 8 and 10 a. m.—-in sum were of minor importance. It is be the lieved that unless something unfore mer, changeable; in winter, stormy. Between 10 a. m. and noon—in sum seen happens, that Tillamook county A Pacific Northwatt Product , _ will get through this winter with mer, frequent showers; in winter, cold __ ___ Portland, Ore comparatively little expense for road and high wind. E. 1. DU PONT DE NEMOURS Ik CO., INC. ro . Between noon and 2 p. m.—in ram- and bridge repair and upkeep. 50,000 OREGON DEER ROAM THRU FORESTS WEATHER PREDICTED WITH HELP OF MOON “I cleared my land at lower cost by using PACIFIC STUMPING”- V FROM OUR EXCHANGES f. Buslach, Rex, RG, 868, 5.2, 45.14; Su sie, GG, 606, 6.0, 36.80. John Berns, Glenda, RG, 995, 4.35, 43.28. George Olson, Polly, GG, 911, 4.7, 42.82; Nig ger, GJ, 983, 4.2, 41.29. Alex Naegeli, No. 15, GJ, 984, 1.3, 42.31. Frank Blaser, Jersey, GJ, 930, 4.5, 41.85. Paul Fitzpatrick, Wooly, GH, 1011, 3.8, 38.42. Clyde Kinnamon, Nig, GH, 834, 4.2, 35. 03. Class D. 2 year old making 30 pounds fat. Kiger & Josi, Dolly, RH, 1345, 4.2, 54.17; Nelly, RH, 1497, 3.5, 52.35. Paul Fitzpatrick, Flonnie, GJ, 942, 4.6, 43.33. Leo Sander, Uly, RJ, 809, 5.1, 41.26. George Olson, Cherry, GG, 815, 5.0, 40.75; Mut, GG, 673, 4.8, 32.30. Ernest Leonnig, Nugget, GH, 871, 4.5, 39.20; Diamond, GJ, 670, 5.3, 35.51. John Berns, Marie, RG, 781, 4. 9, 38.27. Joe Baumgartner, Mary, GJ, 849, 4.4, 37.36. A. W. Mills, Doll, GJ, 828, 4.2, 34.78. Zenger & Kohler, No. 17, GJ, 536, 6.3, 33.77. Harley Foland, Babe, GJ, 415, 7.1, 33.02. Hediger, No. 25, GJ, 512, 6.2, 31.74. g The Nehalem dredge was towed onS to sea last week, by the tug Go Get Her, bound for Yaquina Bay where it will be used by the big spruce mill at Toledo to fill in around the mill docks, and on other work on the bay. The tug is owned by the Bandon port commission, but was loaned to the Toledo mill company for the work to be done on Yaquina bay. The price paid was $20,000, and the money goes to the Nehalem port commission fund. Paul Edgar, Anita, GJ, 462, 6.8, 31.42. Ben Jacob, Mut, GH, 784, 4.0, 31.36. Hunt & Dürrer, Red, GG, 667, 4.7, 31.35. TILE YOUR FARM ASK THE MAN WHO HAS TILED TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS Why does Bodily In jury Cause Pain _ —because the nerves are a system of danger sig nals. When injury occurs they hurt. Thus they send to the brain a call for relief. Calls for PURETEST RUBBING ALCOHOL keep coming from thousands of places where tired muscles and bruises cry for its balmy re freshment. Fine for relieving headache, cooling babies’ inflamed skin, removing odors of perspiration, and for soothing the face after shaving. Abso lutely safe for external use in any quantity, and leaves a faint rose odor. One of 200 Puretest preparations. Every item the best that skill and conscience can pro duce. Notice: We would like a few more used Ko daks to be taken in as part payment on New. Also—Don’t forget our Saturday Candy Special, 31c per lb. CHARLES I. CLOUGH CO. THE REXALL STORE TILLAMOOK OREGON !SS? POWER I « A >2 SLIDES ANO FLOODS FEW THIS WINTER FEATURES Star Garage King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. cffUPOMi PACIFIC STUMPING POWDER % - -