RIDA Y, JANUARY 4,1924 ilUmoofe ^eaùligfjt please TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT the politicians > so much, may want to be disturbed by any laws than the temperature along our coast this year be revived. The party news­ which will increase their own tax obli­ line. Weekly Paper n Independent This is merely the skeletonizing of papers have already received their gations or be put in a position where Published Every Friday by the LUTHERAN CHURCH a constructive vision. It. can only lx» cue, and will shout loudly the praises they can'.wt dodge their responsib?.''.- Comptny eadVght Publishing accomplished by the people of these Service will be conducted on SMI­ of the bij; wwnan, the wild man ties. Soza« of these incorporations Tillamook, Oregffi from Borneo, the two-faced freak are controlled by men who do not counties. Will they be as slow to take day January 6th in the Adventist tslie Harrison, Managing Editor from Patagonia, and other party side­ even live in the state, but who are advantage of the dollar drawing pow­ church at 11:00 a. m. by Rev. W. F. show attractions. The prohibition here by proxy to prosper, and to er in their very frontyard as the resi­ Georg of Portland. The Bible is the Entered as second class mail question is to be nicely straddled by dodge taxation. dents of the timber sections were to Word of God, the infallible truth, atter in the U. S. postoffice at the platform makers, and they will The issue in this case then, is be­ file on timber claims in their back­ Come and hear this word preached. llamook, Oregon. ♦ ♦ ♦ also play peek-a-boo with other iss- tween a governor who is trying to yards ? EPISCOPAL CHURCH ues, so as to jet by. But it will be act for the best interests of the mass ­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Archdeacon J. C. Black will hold ie Year, By Mail .................... $2.00 the same old circus, despite efforts es of his state, and a class who have STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION services next Sunday morning and to disguise it. The bands will wear a spite at him because he does not $1.00 c Months, By Mail ------------- Bend, Oregon, December 15, (Spec­ evening at the Masonic building. Holy ree Months, By Mail ............. $ .75 the same old threadbare uniform, stand where they would like to have well brushed, and pressed for the oc­ him stand. Then there is the political ial) Dr. E. B. Bryan President of the Communion 8:00 a. m. Sunday school Payable in advance casion. The main appeal will be to hatred of those who saw him overturn University of Ohio, one of the leading at 10:00. Morning service with holy Telephones “beat the other fellow.” Both parties a big party majority, and who hanker educators of the United States and communion and sermon at 11:00. Sub­ Pacific States, Main 68 will use the same side show methods, for the control of the state flesh pots. well known as a brilliant platform ject the “Ministry of Giving.” Even­ Mutual Telephone with slight variations. One will be The Headlight is not in the business orator, has been secured as lecturer ing prayer and sermon at 7:30, “The labeled republican, the other dem­ of predicting things. But it does not for the annual sesion of the Oregon Ten Commandments.” ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ocratic, but both will be owned and believe that Governor Pierce will be State Teachers’ Association by the ♦ controlled by the same company, with recalled. It also is opposed to the President of the Association, Super­ “Though the mills of God grind OUR EDITORIAL POLICY ♦ the same b«ard of directors. Many growing pernicious habit of the abuse intendent G. W. Ager, of Bend. slowly, yet they grind exceedingly ♦ of the directors will have foreign of the recall. It deprecates the spend­ The convention will be held in Port­ small!” has been quoted in connection I 1. To advocate, aid and sup- ♦ names, but the parties want the votes ing of money in calling another spe­ land at the Lincoln high schooi or. with a thousand causes. Not often I port any measures that will ♦ of a certain class of the naturalized cial election, in which a large sum December 27, 27, 29. For the general is it applicable to roads, but in at I bring the most good to the ♦ foreigners to help the party win. The of the tax-payer’s money will be sesions efforts are being made to se­ least instance, no glove ever fitted ♦ circus will start out soon after the uselessly spent. I most people Furthermore, it cure another speaker of equal rank tighter! I 2. To encourage industries ♦ new year, and travel uptil the 4th would like to know just what corpor­ with Doctor Bryan. The annua! ses­ Two friends lived across a county I to establish in Tillamook ♦ of November, after which both shows ations or other interests are repre­ sion will open at nine o’clock, Tues­ line from each other; in the one coun­ I county. ♦ will go into winter quarters under one sented by the men who are putting up day, December 27, with a meeting of ty was good roads, connecting with I 3. To urge the improvement ♦ roof. The old Nubian lion will be the ten cents per name to the men the representative council. The work the nearby county seat, in the other I of a port for Tillamook City. ♦ given a dose of “high life,” and circus who are circulating the petitions to of the Council, which consists of act­ was opposition to good roads, and no 14. To insist on an American ♦ hands disguised as Agihoogitarians get the issue on the ballots. ing upon all official reports of stand­ good connection with the county seat. * from the jungles of Africa, will prod standard of labor. The two friends had many argu­ ing committees and of transacting ♦ the old beast with gilded pitchforks, all regular and special business of ment on the subject, he of the good 5. To be politically indepen- ♦ to make him howl at the right time. the association, will occupy all of the roads county exulting in what the I dent, but to support the can- ♦ Yep, it’s the same old show. Both first day. Only accredited delegates good roads did for him, he who had I didates for public office who ♦ shows will make a pretense of fight­ Hillsboro, Dec. 15.—Urging that have the right to speak and vote dur­ poor roads being glad at the smallness I will bring the most good to ♦ ing each other, but they will winter the new highway to Tillamook be ing the deliberations of the council, of his taxes. I the people of Tillamook ♦ under the same old roof back in routed up Patton creek to Cherry though the metings are open to all There seemed no winning the argu­ ment for either. The one had a defi­ ■ county and of the State of ♦ N’ Yawk. Efforts will be made to Grove and down Trask river to Tilla­ visiting teachers. ♦ sidetrack all issues of real import­ mook, a committee of citizens of the The general session of the associ­ nite saving in hauling and time, the I Oregon. ♦ !• + + + + + + + + + + + + + ance to the nation, and the party south end of Washington county met ation convene at nine o’clock Friday other had much smaller taxes. spielers will sing the praise of the Then the farm house and the barn ^Steelheads are now coming in to big showi and at the same time deft-; contended that pass was lower and morning, December 28, The opening where lived the opponent of good addres will be given by Dr. Bryan. with the county court. The committee the bay in large numbers, and local ly short-change the voter at the the proposed route wiuld be from 10 From reports already received by roads, caught fire. He telephoned sp»t smcn are having good luck in ticket office. to 13 miles shorter than the Wilson officers of the association, it is esti­ instantly to his county seat, mean­ ’nagging them with rod, line and They will catch many. Some they pass road, that five miles of com­ mated that there will be more than while his friend was also crying “fire” hole, using salmon eggs for bait. will not catch, But, despite the pleted highway between Forest Grove two thousand teachers from all sec­ to his county seat, over his telephone! platforms, it will be the same old ag­ and Gaston and five miles of well tions of Oregon in attendance at this The fire engines from the up-to- ^Rie prospects for the improvement gregation, that think more of the graded macadamized road between sesion. Department meetings will be date county seat arrived and put out .W>he Tillamook bay now look ex- dollar and party patronage, than they Gaston and Cherry Grove would be held Friday afternoon and Saturday the fire before those from the poor ceelingly bright. If our congressmen do of the fate of the nation. But, in available and that Washington county moining, and the convention will close road county were seen! Of course the poor-road advocate and senators do their duty in watch- some states, no doubt, the shows will would have but two miles to build to with a general assembly Saturday inglthe progress of the plans worked not do well. People will be too busy connect with the Yamhill county mar­ afternoon for which there has been had to pay the cost of that fire run; ¡^■for government aid in the matter with real principles to be allured by ket road, surveyed to within three provided an excellent program of it was not in his county! And of special music and an address by one course the cost was much, much more of ithe deepening of ship channels the blare of the old trombone, and the miles of the summit than a road tax would have been. The committee included Benn Pat­ of the Eastern speakers. from the bar to Garibaldi, and from cage of monkeys, the striped stage­ The teachers’ association is com­ But he paid it cheerfully. 'hellatter place to Bay City, it would horse, and the thin man and the fat ton, Lee Carpenter, Mr. Loomis, R. “Either we get good roads next more than probable that an ap- woman. Many there will be, who, ¡Thompkins, Oaka G. Beeler, Please posed of twenty different departments. iriation by congress for the work tired, of the old show, will demand I Smith, J. J. Ford from Road District Programs of unusual merit have been election, or I’m going to move across result. One thing already has new, attractions, and those of real No. 4; and from Gaston and vicinity prepared for these various divisions, the line!” he said. Adequate fire protection is just one I accomplished, and that is the moment to the nation. A new spirit Jay Gibson, A. A. McDonald, Fred the meetings of which will be held on ling of community interests by of Americanism has been born. It Lyons and H. H. Wescott.—Oregon Friday afternoon and Saturday morn­ of hundreds of reasons why any other ing. The chairmen of the sections kinds of a road than a hard road is cooperative action of the whole will not be downed by buncome. It Journal. uneconomic, expensive, unreasonable, are as follows: Section for harbor improvements, has tired of horsc-p!ay and graft and Agriculture, Forest Rycraft, Leb­ and foolish! petty jealousies of the past, have greed, and a pandering to foreign- largely eliminated by United conceived ideas, and foreign-made OPEN A NEW TOURIST ZONE­ anon; Art, Miss Esther Wuest, Port­ land; City superintendents, Supt. A. t for the whole bay. And it is amusements imported to blind and I >eful sign. Community prejudice deceive the voter for a purpose. (Communicated) IM. Cannon, Hood River; Classroom jealousy are the forces that erect The entire Columbia Highway mag­ teachers, Miss Elsie M. Neave, Grants Pacific Northwest winter wheat Btones over dead towns. United nificent though it be, together with Pass; Commerce, R. D.- Taylor, Port­ acreage passes 3,000,000 for first time. WHO IS PUSHING RECALL? t brings general advancement of the grandeur of the scenic loop around land; Higher education, Dean Colin Roseburg planning a $18,00 library te or county. Tillamook and all The circulation of petitions for the Mt. Hood are not in themselves suffi­ V. Dyment, University of Oregon, building. 1 towns in the county now see recall of Governor Pierce, is progress­ cient to attract and re-attract the Eugene; History, P. E. Christenson, Klamath Falls— Several thousand ralue of community cooperation, ing at the rate of ten cents per name. bulk of the average summer tourist City high school, Eugene; Home Ec­ otherwise useless horses to be manu- Bhould forget ancient jealousies Just who is putting up the money crop from over-advertised and burnt­ onomics, Katherine Kooken, Girls’ Polutechnic, Portland; Industrial Arts, facutred into chicken food. hildish disagreements as a night- will later develop. Evidently there out Southern California. Portland tax levy reduced from or a bad dream. Tourists from interior states and Washington High, Portland; Libra- 44.55 mills to 39.45 for next year. are several interests behind the move rians, Superintendent Twyla Fer- to recall the Governor. The elements from the interior of our state want to Eugene to get two new praternal guson, Klamath Falls; Modern Lang- Mis reported that large sums of conspiring to remove the Governor see the ocean, sniff its salt air and eat uages, P. A. Getz, Roosevelt High, y are available to defeat Gov- from activity as the chief executive sea food before it has been embalmed Portland; Music, Miss Louise Wood- Pierce through the recall. It of the state, no doubt were heartened in ice for distant shipment—and there ruff, Marshfield; Oregon State Coun- Io said that most of this cor- in making the present attempt by the is a difference. cil of English teachers, Miss Ida V. |n fund is held ready for use very slight majority given the state! The way to the tourist’s heart is ' Turney, University of Oregon, Eu­ income tax at the polls recently. One I through his palate, and what has I hands of agents of corporations gene; Oregon State Council of Geo­ ling in this state, whose boards indignant corporation man and money I more zest than a crab cooked and graphy teachers, Miss Jessie Mc­ lender, it is stated, has left Oregon I cooled in ocean water, or delicately rectors and officers live in the Gregor, Portland Public Schols; Phy­ cities of the east. In other because of the income tax law. An-1 browned clam fritters preceeded by a sical Training, Dean J. F. Bovard, other former governor and unsuccess-1 bowl of well peppered clam chowder — L the slush fund of certain of University of Oregon, Eugene; Psy­ ig eastern corporations doing ful contender for a second term, also I salmon purchased from the fisherman chology and Education, Superinten­ left the state, disgruntled, and is no5v almost as it leaves the water or self- bs in the west, will give the dent M. S. Hamm, Roseburg; School I of Oregon an object lesson in an official in an Italian bank in Cal-1 caught on a sporting spoon—trout for Principals, Principal Austin Landreth, It is amazing how people I the hiking up a nearby mountain ifornia. ie iwer of money to influence pub- Pendleton; Vocational Education, A. Inion. If Governor Pierce is do get peeved, like spoilt children, stream, or pop-eyed flaky meated R. Nichols, Oregon Agriculture Col­ ocean fish caught by the hook and line who cannot have their way politically pus to the big corporations, it lege, Corvallis; Rural Schools, J. Al­ 1 be said of him that he is and otherwise. Such people come from the rocks and cliffs which ir­ ton Thompson, Bend, Science and regularis« our beaches from monoton ­ positively to detest the will of the ly to their interests, and is their Mathematics, L. E. Griffen, Reed Col­ F These big corporations de­ majority when the majority express­ ous stretches of sand? It takes more than the vision of a lege. loperate here, but they want to ion at the polls is not to their liking. ^Mlngs to suit their own pocket- Governor Pierce is not a great man. dreamer to make matter of fact a oHB It would seem that the state He probably has made some mistakes, I great horde of tourists overflowring FISHERMAN BOTHER DAIRYMEN Qw n is or should be able to but those who know him beet believe the accommodation in the towns along Tillamook land owners are good na- :fli&ny question that might arise that he is honest, and is striving to | every coast stream and bay and using leuAir.g the efficiency of its Gov- do what he conceives to be the right I the miles and miles of our uninhabit­ tured, and want to give people a I ed ocean shores. This can be done by chance to fish, and have a good time, MW ©r of his lack of efficiency as thing. He is not in sympathy witKthe idea I forming a county wide zone along our and have no fault to find with local I^Br. r, without interference from ^^Bions operating under the laws of tax-kiting; he also believes in law I entire coast line and restricting the people; but there are fishermen who enforcement; he would like to see a I commercial shipment of these delic- come in from the outside who do not thaitate of New Jersey. lot of useless commissions lopped offlacies to intra zone shipments during treat them fairly, and many of the that benefit no one but the office hold-1 the tourist season. After this season, dairymen will be forced to protect Mg political circus is getting ing set who draw the salaries; he I the matter of commercial shipments themselves by putting up trespass Id for the coming presidential acks somewhat in decision. He is alto points outside the zone but not out- notices. Complaints are that fisher­ b> The band wagon has been trifle too much inclined to change | side the state could be left to the dis- men leave gates open, allowing stock painted a gaudy red, to catch his mind, the result of an impulsive I creion of the people of the individual to go into fields where they do not I of the party patriots. The nature, but taker, all together, there I counties, providing regulations with belong, that fishermen take shovels bnd is tootling some old tunes *re a whole lot of worse governors I due regard to conservation were and dig up large spots of good grass lw music, which in the opinion than Pierce. I adopted. land in search of worms; knock off I circus manager will prove But it is of the recall we would] The stocking of these coast streams rails in getting over fences which b the prospective voter. The •peak, or, rather of the abuse of the] with Humpback salmon which will they do not replace, and many other bich is an old tune which has '«call. It was primarily designed to | afford fresh salmon during the tourist things that annoy and bother the limes caught many votes for pry incompetent and bad men out of season when ordinarily there are no dairymen. It would seem that fisher­ r. is being sugar-coated and effice, and to supplant such a person salmon running, is the opening move men would do as they would wish to »nd will have a new title, with a better man. But the politi­ for the creation of such a lone. Each be done by, but many of the city fel­ the same old thing. cians and the tax dodgers have found bay should plant the varities of bay lows and others from the outside, do is drum, the clarinet and the S new and evil use for it, They want clams which it lacks. Soft shell crabs not al) consider the golden rule, hence, horn will be made larger to use it against men whom they do which tickle the New Englander’s fishing places are going to be scarcer so as to make more noise. like, and who will not bend the palate should be introduced experi­ hereafter, say the dairymen. ■ued spell binders are now •uppliant knee to corporations that mentally as should seed from the var­ ! their parts, and the old have intrenched themselves through iety of Japanese oyster which n'ona- Riddle State bank or* r processions that used to ipecial legislation, and who do not gatea ia water five degrees colder department. CHURCH NOTES NOTES OF PROGRESS I ---- buildings, addition to hotel, Eugene Deschutes county. Development of Guard building, $225,000 hotel and ¡175,000 h. p. in first two units possible numerous other ’mprwenjeat», <•» pear at very small cost. future. Wasco county’s valuation amounts Marion county slashes budget 58,- to $15,842,690, increase of $129,12® 716 below 1923. over last year. Coast power line to be constructed Salem—$32,000 apartment house to between Garibaldi and Manhattan. go up Parish Grove addition. Detroit—Niagara road to be built by Roseburg broccoli arowers receive county and forest service. $2,000 shipment seed. State lax levy for 1924 wilt be 13,- Wheeler to get $15,000 hotel and 277 below 1923. store building. Felix dedicates new high school. Astoria—Work starts on new 4- story Higgins-Warren-Niemi building. TILE YOUR FARM Astora had exports valued at$975,- 000 during October, gain of 30 per ASK THE MAN WHO HAS TILED cent over September. The Dalles—Work being pushed on TILLAMOOK CLAY new telephone building. WORKS Plans completed for extensive de­ velopment of hydro-electric power in ft.-. “r? T rfl. -TV ft.-» 'M Alice Genevieve Smith HARPIST Who will appear in a Joint Concert with the Mc­ Ghee Orchestra January 11th 8 p. m AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT KOCHS DRUG STORE *