Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 28, 1923, Image 4

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S. K. and B. T. Hoffman of Gari­
baldi, were up here Sunday to attend
the Elks turkey shoot. They went
home with .some game.
hit's. r. Daugherty of near Idaville
was in the city Friday shopping.
Bob Wilson of Grand Ronde, was in
Tillamook last Friday.
G. M. Irish of Cloverdale, was a
county seat caller last F day.
A. M. Barber of Beaver was in the
city last Friday, on business.
S. Tomlinson of Mohler had busi­
ness at the county seat last Friday.
E. N. Hudson and wife of St. Johns
were guests of A. M. Hoffman and
family this week, returning to their
home on Wednesday. They were ac­
companied home by Mrs. A. M. Hoff­
man who will visit in Portland for
a week.
M. V. Stillwell and family left for
Portland last Saturday to spend the
holidays in that city. After that is
finished, they will start for southern
California where they will spend
about six weeks visiting with friends,
before returning to the land of mists
and opportunity and Tillamook cheese.
Raymond Woods and Magdalen
Hellebuyck were given a license to
wed by the obliging county clerk on
the 24th inst.
old home town of Newberg to spend 1 Dale, Jr. and Helena B. La Buda pro- uncles. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Goyne
Christmas with relatives.
cuied a license to wed on the 24th of were celebrating their 57th wedding
Leonard C. Ford and anniversary on Christmas day.
Jesse Edwards, a prominent cap-' tr at month.
italist of Newberg, is spending the Be'Xnice Pohle received a ticket to
holidays with J. C. Edwards and fam­ wed on the 24th. Doubtless there are GATHERING OF CLAN VAUGHN
others who are skirting around the
ily in this city.
Hubert O’Dell end wife were stwets noose, ready to be caught in Hy­ A Christmas dinner for the de­
of the former’s father and mother in men’s lariat, but who have not sum­ scendants of W. H. Vaughn and wife,
moned up the necessary courage to pioneers of Tillamook county, occurr­
McMinnville on Christmas day.
make the matrimonial plunge, But
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stam of Port­ it’s easy once they make np their ed at the fine new home of George O.
land are visiting relatives in Tilla­ minds.
Present were thirty-three immedi­
mook and Brighton, this week.
ate descendants and seven friends of
Pauline Gienger is spending the
the family. The table was bountifully
holiday’s at home with her parents
spread with all the good things of the
near this city. She is attending school
season. The evening was spent in
at Monmouth.
When Clarence and Billy Edwards, music, dancing, singing and conversa­
Lowell Edwards, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Edwards, is home from O. sons of Lloyd W. Edwards, sat down tion. All returned to their homes at
to the Christmas dinner table, at the a lute hour pronouncing the oc­
A. C. spending the holidays.
Gerald Stark is visiting his par­ home of their grandparents, District casion a complete success, and agree­
ents during the holidays. He will Attorney and Mrs. T. H. Goyne, they ing to repeat the program next year.
return to O. A C. the first of the had a very distinct honor. Seated
with them were their three great
We wish to thank our many friends
helped us to win the radio con­
L. M. Nielsen
Montesano and
family are guests of E. H. Stark this Goyne of Tillamook and Jesse Ed­ test at Pennington’s store.
wards of Newberg. There were also GERAID AND JACK MEDCALF
Will Kennedy, who is attending four grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T.
Tom Nicklaus, a Beaver dairyman,
dental school in Portland, is home for H. Goyne and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ed­
wards; besides muny great aunts and was in the city Friday last.
the holidays.
Ford Shaw of Minneapolis Minn,
is visiting his parents in this city
during the holidays.
Dr. J. G. Turner, Eye and X-Ray
Specialist, will leave for Portland
January 4th for the purpose of taking
a three months course in research,
and post-graduate work in X-Ray.
He will still retain his office in Tilla­
We wish you and yours a moft pros­
mook, and may be consulted there
every Thursday.—Adv.
Hearty New Year Greetings
Frank Heyd was brought home
from Portland to his residence in FRANCES LAVINIA STRANAHAN
this city the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Frances L. Stranahan died
His condition is about the same.
Thursday morning at about 8 a. m.
Frank Kimsey, is over from Balls­ at the family residence in this city,
ton, Polk county, paying a holiday after a long Uness, of carcinoma.
visit to his sons, James and Lorin, Her death while not unexpected came
who work in the timber and logging as a distinct shock to the community.
camps of this county. Mr. Kimsey Deceased was fifty years of age. She
has a homestead near Blaine, but for was born in Hastings Minnesota, and
some time has been living out in Polk in 1902 came west to the state of
county. He has many acquaintances Washington locating in Aberdeen,
in this county, and is spending the where she taught school until the date
time pleasantly visiting with old time of her marriage to J. F. Stranahan,
an architect of that city, which was
in 1903. Previous to her coming
Roy Wilson is home from Washing­ west Mrs. Stranahan taught success­
ton, where he has been for several fully in Northfield, Minn, where she
weeks past, and will remain until displayed unusual ability in her chos­
after the holidays.
en professon.
Mrs. Stranahan later came to Tilla­
Alfred Coats, Jr. who is in attend­
ance at the Moran School near Seattle mook, and for some time was City
is now nt home spending the Christ­ Recorder. She was prominent in ed­
mas holidays with his parents, Mr. ucational, civic and social circles, and
had a host of friends who will miss
and Mrs. Alfred Coats of this city.
Miss Gladys Edner, employed in the
Deceased is survived by her husband
Clerk’s office, returned Monday from J. F. Stranahan, and three children,
a week's vacation spent in visiting as follows: Carlisle, a son, and Flor­
with her mother, in Portland.
ence and Corrinne, daughters. F. A.
Otto Effenburger was down from Beltz of this city is a brother, and
Nehalem Friday with business at the Mrs. O. A. Schultz a sister. Another
sister is Mrs. Amanda Legler of
court house.
Minnesota, and still another brother
J. J. Hollett was in from Blaine, resides in Utah.
the latter part of the week with busi­
Arrangements for the funeral had
ness at the court house.
not been concluded at the time of go­
Mrs. Edna DeSart who was oper- ing to press. Deceased was the head
ated on at a local hospital recently, of the Christian Science church in
is recovering in good shape. She is this city, and the services probably
will be under direction of that de-
a «later of C. M. Barrick.
Wm. Gupton was taken by the nomination.
police before municipal Judge White
last Monday, charged with intoxica­ CHRISTMAS WEDDING
tion. He was given a fine of $25, to­
Christmas has a tendency to stir
gether with ten days in jail.
IL H. Johnson speeded through up the matrimonial instinct latent in
Tillamook Monday.
He was over­ the breast of the average young man
taken near Garibaldi, and brought and woman. Rev. Hamrick of the- M.
back und fined $25 for exceeding the E. church united Chester Hannegan
and Juanita E. Fouts in marriage
speed limit.
Elmer Hoag and family left Mon­ the 22nd inst. On the 24th inst,
day on an auto trip to Klamath Falls, married Thos. Dale and Helena
where they will visit with relatives La Buda, both of Idaville.
Marriage licenses were issued
until after the first of the year.
Wm. Newman was haled before the county clerk to Geo. W. Smith
the police judge last Monday charged and Lina M. Burt on the 22nd. Thos.
with disorderly conduct and paid $15.
Mrs, Mabel Folks and children
Myrna and Ethen of Tacoma, Wash.,
■re visiting at the home of her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs W. E. Noyes. They
expect to remain about two weeks.
Sunday-Monday December 30-31
E. E. Hoffman and family, A. M.
William Farnum in
and family, Miss Jesie Hoffman, E. N.
Hudson and wife of St. Johns held a
family reunion at the home of S. K.
NIGHT" Our gang comedy.
Hoffman and wife of Garibaldi where
they partook of a Christmas dinner,
Tuesday-Wednesday January 1-2
W. F. Nichols of the Tillamook
County bank left Monday afternoon
Constance Talmage in
for Newberg where he spent Christ­
mas with relatives, and whither his
wife had preceded him. They return­ Comedy drama.
ed home Christmas night.
Clarence Stanley, cashier in the Til­ "AESOP’S FABLE" Cartoon remedy.
lamook County bank joined his fam­
Thursday-Friday January 3-4
ily at Vancouver, Wash. Monday, and
spent Christmas with relatives in ihe
old Hudson Bay town on the Colum­
bia, returning home Christmas night. Amighty story of social law. starring
John Carroll and family were over Marguerite De la Motte, Walter
from Spokane, Wn., and spent Christ­ Long, and Ralph Lewis.
mas with Mrs. Carroll's mother, Mrs. •IS CONAN DOYLE RIGHT?
Orpha iaitman of this city. Archie posing the workings of the spirits.
French and wife of Forest Grove, also
Saturday January 5
spent Christmas with Mrs. Eastman.
Mr. Carroll formerly was roadmaster
in this county, and Mr. French a-as
school coach and physical instructor
in the city schools some months ago. •THE EXPLORERS” Fox Sunshin«
Mr. and Mm. D. O. Spitsine-ser Comedy.
motored to McMinnville Monday and
spent Christmas with relatives.
January program* are now . ,«dy ofr
Mrs. Pearl Ware, with her son Cyril distribution; be sure you get one.
and daughter Octavia, went out to the
perous and Happy New Year
Welcome to the New Year
The personel of Skaggs United Stores
unite in extending
The Seasons Greetings
A Prosperous and Happy New Year
Business Has Been Good
1924 Will Be a Winner. Let us see
People of the Great Northwest. And hope that
the New Year will bring to all new opportunities
and much happiness.
Skaggs United Stores
you often. Always glad to show you
Quality Store
Tillamook, Ore.
More water to your cows when they want it means more milk
The proper way to get results from your cows is to have water
before them at all times. Installing sanitary drinking cups not
only increases your milk yield but eliminates lots of extra labor.
It is a guaranteed fact that you get your money back on an
increase in milk in 10 months, besides the saving of labor and
inconvenience of having to run the cows out in bad weather.
In the past 20 months I have installed 750 cups and ont one
of these could be bought from the user for the money it took to
place them in the barn.
It is a positive fact it not only results in an increase in pro­
duction but also a saving of feed. Without water your cows
would be non—producehs, therefore sufficient water at the proper
time increases your milk flow.
Remember Burckard
the return of your money in 10 months on an increase in milk by
installing sanitary drinking cups.
One cup supplies two cows. These cups are $4 each. It mat­
ters not how large or how small the herd, my guarantee holds
A Happy
and Prosperous
We Wish You a
New Year
Happy and Prosperous
That is our wish for you
New Year
Coast Power Co
Tillamook, Oregon
Tillamook. Oregon