»inAY, DECEMBER 21, 1923 EN WERE DISCOVERED (Continued from page 1) me suspicious that it might be )rth investigating, and so posting e men about the house quietly, and th Lucas and Holden behind him, ihim knocked at the door whkh „ opened by Leslie Weygant. As ; sopnomores-ireshmen 25-21; sen- Oatfield unveiled the pictures. The drawers .to be used in his new home.! iors-sophomores 25-6. The line up was: seniors—Wesley Tippin, Lewis cost of the pictures was about $40. They are also making step ladders Johnson, Warren Foland, Homer Blum One picture is placed in the front of for use in the high school and grade Verner Abplanalp, Victor Mathews, the assembly room, and the other one school buildings and repairing school and Archie Pye; juniors—Frank Hol­ is in the lower hall at the foot of the chairs and seats. The high school den, Henry Himes, Carol Smith, Jim man stairway. classes have class work for twenty or Harrison, and Asberry Minor; soph­ This entire week is being given to thirty minutes each day in lumber omores— Lloyd Johnson, Charles Christmas work in the sewing and measuring, tool grinding, wood finish­ Thomas, John Gienger, Wane Jen­ cooking department. The sixth grade ing, and estimating the number of kins, and Merle Frisbie; freshmen— girls in the sewing class are making shingles for buildings. yarn dolls that are suitable gift3 foi Those on the honor roll for the babies. The seventh grade girls’ sew­ third month are Octavia Ware, Veda ing class is making “Aunt Dinahs” Smith, Muriel Wiley, Roletta Watson, negro dolls. The high school sewing Catheiine Smith, Lunetta Pollock, clases were making gingham dresses, Irene Lyster, Wanda Haltom, Rowena but now they are making Christmas Hanson, Arlene Heyd, Mabel Ander­ novelties, such as slipper trees, boud- son, Beatrice Sheldon, Agnes Arney, THE Xmas Gifts for Everyone üæææR We are now prepared to bake PATTY SHELLS for which there is a big demand. Our usual line of cakes and pastery. Place Your Orders for CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKES at Koch’s Drug Store OOOOOOOO0OOOOOOQ TILLAMOOK BAKERY ATTENTION (Under new management) SMITH & SON Music Lovers iKirxiaoc New music studio to open soon. Enroll now for spring term. Courses in vocal, piano and har­ mony. Accredited teacher. For further information, address ALYSE E. MURRY 891 E. Main St., Portland Oregon Starts Friday. End Jan. 1st We have purchased the entire grocery stock from Larsen and Hechtner’s large store in the Beals Building, and must turn it into cash at once. Larson and Hechtner will discontinue the grocery line—The discount they gave us we will pass on to our customers in our cash store. Teas and Coffees Green tea, 1-2 lb....................... 29c Green tea, 1 lb.......................... 57c Coffee, 1 lb........ \....................... 39c Coffee, 5 lb.............................. $1.89 Coffee Bulk,........................... 27c Heinz P & B ......................... 15c COFFEE IS ADVANCING LAY IN A SUPPLY NOW Profit Forgotten It is the cash we want, and to get it quickly, we give you this op­ portunity to save from 10 to 20 per cent on this entire line—all new stock—no stale goods. Canned Fruits Peaches 40c cans......... Apricots 40c cans........ P. apple No. 2 1-2 P. S. Apple No. 2 1-2 25c grades for 19c. 27c 27c 29c 37c Look at These Prices and Save Cash X eribest milk—buy it by the case—4 doz. cans $4.93 Tillamook White hennery eggs per doz................. 40c 5c Naptha washing powder, pkg. Toilet paper, 3 large rolls........ 19c 23c lb. Walnuts 15c> 17 l-2c and 25c lb. Mix Nuts and Candy 99c Spitzenburg and Jonathan apples, box . $1.25 Newtown, box...................................... SEEING IS BELIEVING It is impossible to quote all of our prices on hand bills. Come in, look around, buy a supply for the winter. Buy it by the case and save money. Hard Wheat Flour $1.63 a sack $6.43 per bbl. CONOVERS torf S S. W. CONOVER. vlVrvUw Rolled Oats 49c per sack Pan cake flour 59c Tillamook, Oregon HOTEL NETHERLANDS