TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT r.nXY, DECEMBER 11.1923 ÎÛFWTÂÏ WÏMÏ ’At MV TILE YOUR FARM w vou have a problem in land drainage we will gVdly assist you. Do not put it off any longer. rliWie tu TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS Willard or Not Come to Us The man who has in his car some other battery than a Willard, is no less welcome here on that account. Chas. Brien and J. F. Bradley been made on the following accounts were down from Wheeler last Mon- during the past seven years they will, day on business. if not called for at once, escheat to the State of Oregon and be credited RESOLUTIONS. to the account of the general school fund in conformity with Section 10160 Whereas the Heavenly Father in Oregon Laws. His wisdom saw fit to remove Sam- uel Viereck, husband of Sister Char- T. O. Allison, Tillamook, Ore. $ 2.40 Applewhit*» A L. Tillamook, Ore 3.68 httc VtewwS. 8.00! E. W. Baker, Clk Wave Be it resolved that Silver 5.03 Chapter, No. 18, O. E. S., express our Woods, E. J., Tillamook, Ore. Woods, Lutellus L., Tillamook 14.501 sympathy to the bereaved family, And be it further resolved that a Knight, Geo W., Nehalem, Ore. 1.03 ' 5.00 1 copy of these resolutions be sent to King, Earl L., Bayocean, Ore the family, to the newspapers of the King, Jos., Clk., Tillamook, Ore. 4.60 5.50 ! county and same to be spread upon Maddux, J. W., Tillamook, Ore. Broer, Fred E., Bayocean, Ore. 1.23! the minutes of the Chapter. ELIZABETH OATHOUT Brown, Mrs. Florence, Tillamook 2.50 6.401 Chapman, Florence, Tillamook HATTIE MATHEWS 2.02 | Deacon, I. H., Tillamook, Ore. ESTHER SCHNAL 1.65 ' Doughty, C. L. Bay City, Ore. 2.19 ■ Dunn. R. Earl, Hebo, Ore. 1.99 ' Giddens, G., Tillamook, Ore. 1.511 Smith, Alta, Tillamook, Ore. Wilson, Lee V., Adm. Tillamook No deposits or withdrawals having ' I ■ LEGAL NOTICES Lamar’s Cold Tablets We are always glad to con­ sult with you about any battery problem, regardless of the make vou own. ■ ■ A Safe and Reliable Remedy for Colds and Lagrippe Star Garage 25 Tablets 25/ LAMAR’S DRUG STORE Corner First St. and Secod Ave, East KMIOIXK Reduced price» on open mod­ el» of th» near »»rice »re now in eSect. With the many improvement» there ia now at the new low li»t price a greater value than ever before. McLaughlin, Forest Clk.. Blaine Mead, T. B. Garibaldi. Ore. Murphy, Mrs. Bell, Tillamook. Nelson, Jas. M., Tillamook, Ore. 11.16 Nichols, A. or M. J., Bay City 10.00 Total........... $104.00 I, W. F. Nichols, Cashier of the Tillamook County Bank. Tillamook, Oregon, being first duly sworn, dis­ pose and say that the above is cor­ rect to the best of my knowledge and W. F. NICHOLS belief Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24 day of November, A. D. 1923. C. B. STANLEY Notary Public for Oregon I My Commission expires March 11, I 1927. 7-4t DR. P. J. SHARP DR. E. S. ADAMS DENTISTS • Bldg. Both Phones TILLAMOOK, ORE. FOR SALE—STAR A STAR CE li­ ar Shingles $3.50 delivered. John Mathers, phone 11-R. 50-tf VAUGHAN DRAGSAWS. Krebs, mutual phone. door, but they are unique In that they am met al-h aznod and always flat. They are never rolled. Curtain Ughta can not be ucretched. These curtain« nasrk the end of all the inconveniences u»ualiy t. x\»ed with equipment of this kind. Beran— of their dre.gr.. their clow fit. and the method employed *n attaching them, they are the greatest advance yet made •n this held They solve forever the problem of protection ♦ rem rain, wind and cold These curtains are attached in individual flat and are «towed away flat in at the back of the front i that the curtain« are put anyone leaving the The new Hupmobile curtains, of course, open with the When you < be euro to Gordon Hare TILLAMOOK, OREGON E. G. 51-tf 160 ACRES TIMBER LAND, N.E. Qr Section 26 T. 1 N, R. 10 W. near Bay City, Oregon. Has value for timber, grazing and water rights. Price >2100. A. S. Carswell, Se­ bastopol, Calif. 38tf_____ CORDWOOD, 1« INCH BODY FIR, $8 50 per cord. loavo «..«ter» at Honey A Heu»»ere Grocery. FOR HALF, OR TRADE SALE OR TRADE —I HAVE passenger car to trade for cattle, preferably Guernseys, or will buy two heifers, fresh or freshing soon. Howard Harris, City Mutual phone. Dr. Elwood B. Faxon And Dr. Henry E. Wiseman Dentists 215-216 Tillamook Building ^^^^Tillamook^Oregon^^^^ DR. O. U HOHLFELD Veterinarian Bell phono 8 FT, MutuM phono TUlamook Oregon R. E. RINGO. M. D Physician and Sorge— Room 14-15, Natl. Bldg. Tillamook, Oku BARRICK ft HALL Aitor—y» «I Uw ! | National BnBdiiig Tillamook LODGE DIRECTORY Silver Wave Chapter No. 18, O. E 8. Stated communications flrat aad third Thursday» of sach month ia Masonic Hall. Visitors wsleoma CORA L. MILLER, Soety. —— « W. R. C. C Corinth Relief Corps No. 54, Dept, of Oregon meets on first snd third Fridsy evenings of eseh month, at 8 o'clock in the W. O. W. hall Visitors welcome. Mrs. A. D. Smith, Pres. Elizabeth Conover, Secretary CORINTH POST NO. 35 Department of Oregon Meets on second and on fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. m. in the W. O. W. hall. J. S. Diehl, Commander II W. Spear, Adjutant Chapter, No. 14 K A. M. Stated Communication see- ond and fourth Tuesday« in Visitors welcome. Month. I. E. Keldaon, Sec. Johnson Tillamook Lodge No. 57 A. F. ft A. M. Slated com in uniration sec­ und Wednesday In each month. Visiting Brethern welcome. Harvey Ebinger, Sec Tueaday Evening, 7:30 Rebekahs Wednesday Evening. Marathon Lodge No. »3, Knights of Pythias Regular Meeting Mon­ day evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the Chancellor Commander to work at Happy Camp. If mar riel may use furnished cottag« Apply manager Happy Camp, Ne tarts, Oregon. 9-2t RE DESIRA BIAS FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED-^ EXPERIENCED toucher for photographic work. H. 1 blocks from town. 410 4th SL E. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ J. Graves, city. 8-4t ♦ FOR KENT—CASH, »0 ACRES, 40 ESTABLISHED RATES FOR ♦ Will sell 13 cows, WANTED TO RENT 4 OR 5 ROOM acres botom. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ft modern bungalow in town. Phon« Team horse« and other stock. See ♦ Bell 128 W David Martiny. «-♦' owner, Mrs. Lizzie Churchill, at One cent per word per issue, ♦ Hebo, Oregon. 7-4tp with » minimum charge ti’ $25. ♦ ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE MAI communicate with Ensign l*c of Readers are charged al the ♦ FOR LK.HT HOU8EKEEPING- A the Salvation Army at the White same rate. AH reading notices ♦ flat partly furnished. Apply to »10 2t Shield Home, 6«5 Mayfair Ave, must have “adv." attached. No ♦ Tillamook Bakery. ♦ Portland, Oregon. preferred positions. WANTED ♦ PLAIN AND FANCY DKESSMAK- ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HOUSE MOVER. LITTLE JOBS OR ing. Mra. A. 8. Doreey, 15 W. «tn big ones den« right. Anyone hav­ street. dB- ing this < laaa of work see F. J • »'- FOR sale ter 913 Tenth »treet. phone 42-J. CALVES—I >> an original and exclusive type of storm curtain», owners et the neve me Hupmobile touring car or roadster may now en'oy all tne protection and comfort of an enclosed car. Hours 9 to 5 Both Phones DAVID ROBINSON FOR RENT Oiie Open Car That Gives Closed-Car Comfort Of He« phone MM, Res. 1Ï4-JI National Bonding ! Tillamook Oregon SUMMONS Physician and Surgeon In the Circuit Court of the State of National Building Oregon for Tillamook County. Tillamook Leone Parrot, Plaintiff Oregon vs. Edward F. Parrot, Defendant To Edward F. Parrot, the above named defendant: CHIROPRACTIC In the name of the State of Oregon,, You are hereby required to appear1 THE BETTER WAY TO ’ and answer the complaint filed in this ‘ HEALTH cause on or before six weeks from the I S date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear I DR. H. L. BABB and answer said complaint, within! said time, plaintiff will apply to the I CHIROPRACTOR above named Court for the relief I prayed for in the complaint, which is,, Both Telephone« that the contract of marriage hereto­ fore existing between plaintiff and de­ fendant be dissolved, and the plain- 1 tiff be awarded an absolute divorce from defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the court may | seem equitable. Geo. P. Winslow H. T. Botts ‘ This summons is served upon you| BOTTS ft WINSLOW by publication in the Tillamook Head­ light, by order of the Honorable •