Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 19, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued from last week.)
Section 13. Tire Cleats—No tire on
any motor vehicle or any other vehi­
cle, except such vehicle be actually
engaged at the time in construction
or repair work on public roads or
highways of this state, shall have on
the periphery of its wheels any block,
stud, cleat, bead, chain or any other
protuberance of metal which projects
beyond the tread or traction surface
of the tire; provided, when it shall
become necessary to move any farm
tractor over the highways of this
state for the purpose of cultivating
any land or for the care of grain or
other crops thereon, then if in the
judgement of the state highway com­
mission, if such highway be a state
highway, or of the county court in
which the same be located, if a county
road, the interests of the public will
be served by the proposed movement,
the state highway commission, or
county court in
i case of a county
road may grant written permission
for such movement, which permit
shall include such terms, rules, stip­
ulations, and conditions as said com­
mission or county court may deem to ‘
be necessary for the protection of the
highways and of the public interests; I
provided, however, that the owner or
lessee of any land adjoining any such
public road or highway, having urg­
ent need to cross over or pass along
such road or highway with any tract-1
or or other farm machinery, for the
purpose of planting, cultivating, car­
ing for or harvesting any crop may
make such use of such highway with­
out permit, on condition that he shall |
be liable in damages, to the state of
Oregon in case of a state highway, or
to the proper county in case of a
county road, for any injury done in
so using such road or highway, said
damages to be recovered in an action i
at law in the name of the state or
county, as the case may be, for the,
benefit of the state highway fund, or i
county road fund, as the case may be.
But this section shall not be so con­
strued as to prohibit the use of chains
of reasonable proportions on motor
vehicles when required for safety be­
cause of snow, ice or other conditions
tending to cause such vehicle to slide
or skid, nor as to prevent the use of i
the driving wheels thereof on dirt or
the traction engines with cleats on
ial Session, Chap. 8, Sec. 1; Laws
unimproved roads. (Laws 1921. spec-
1923. Chap. 61, Sec. 1.)
Section 14. injurious Substance on
Highways.—No person shall throw or
deposit any glass bottles, glass, nails,
tacks, hoops, wire, cans or any other
substance likely to injure any person,
animal or vehicle upon any road,
street or highway of this state.
Section 15. Wilful Destruction.—No
person shall, individually or in associ­
ation with one or more others, wil­
fully break, injure, tamper with or
remove any part or parts of any mo­
tor vehicle for the purpose of injur­
ing. defacing or destroying such ve­
hicles, or temporiiy or permanently
preventing its useful operation for
any purpose against the will or with­
out the consent of the owner of such
motor vehicles, or in any other man­
ner wilfully or maliciously interfer |
with or prevent the running of such I
motor vehicles or the operation of the
Section 16. Consent of Owner.—No
person, except an authorized officer,
marshal, constable or policeman shall
without the consent of the owner or |
person lawfully in charge of a motor
vehicle climb upon or into such motor
vehicle whether the same be at rest or ■
in motion; or, while such motor vehi­
cle is at rest or unattended, attempt
to manipulate any of the levers, the
starting crank or other device, brakes
or mechanism, or to set said vehicle ¡
in motion .
Section 17. Registration of Chauf­
feurs.—Every person hereafter de­
siring to operate a motor vehicle as
chauffeur shall file in the office of the
secretary of state an application un­
der oath for registration on a blank
form to be furnished by the secre­
tary of state for that purpose; (1)
said applicant shall show the name
and address of the applicant, and that
he is over the age of 18 years; (2)
the date of his birth, weight, height,
occupation, color of hair, color of
eyes; (3) that he has had not less
than six months' experience as an
operator of motor vehicles, has been
previously licensed as an operator, is
physically and mentally competent to
operate a motor vehicle and possesses
the qualifications required by this act;
(4) whether or not the aplicant has
been previously convicted of a vio­
lation involving moral turpitude or
any of the provisions of this or any
other vehicle law or traffic regulation,
giving the date and place of such con­
viction and the provision or pro­
visions of the law or ordinance vio­
lated, and said applicant shall pay a
registration fee of two dollars (12),
except that all licenses issued after
July first in any registration year but
one-half said fee shall be paid.
Such registration shall be renewed 1
, . i
Liiss 1 i lit1 sl*t’t*U 144 I valid until the licensee’s usual ait-
annually in the same manner and up­ of age or who is mentally Incom- j incapacitated; provmeii,
nature is affixed thereto by him. .ecvUry of state U11
on the payment of the same fee and petent or physically incapacitated, as ‘ of state may. In hi. discretion and in
Such license shall be valid and re­ original holdei thereof of
hold good until December thirty-first defined in this act, shall operate or i such form as lie may determine, issue
Or ’
main continuously in force, except showing the fact ,,f
of each year, each renewal to take drive any motor vehicle on any pub-, a facial license or permit to
effect on the first day of January of lie highway of ths state. No person, such person, upon receipt of such ev­ during a period of suspension or un- ion and upon payment of a
i til revoked as in this act provided in
| the following year.
other than the chauffeur as defined in idence or demonstration as shall sat­ case of loss or mutilation of such lie-
(Continue,! „„ !
Upon receipt of such application this act, shall operate or drive a motor isfy him that such person has had
th«' secretary of state shall, in the vehicle upon any highway in this sufflcient experience in the operation
absence of just cause for refusing to state until and unless such person of a motor vehicle to enable him to
grunt license to such applicant, there shall have issued to him an operator's operate the same without endanger­
( upon file the same in his office, assign license by the secretary of state. No ing the safety of the public. The fee
. the applicant a number and register such operator’s license shall be issued | for such special license or peraiit
' him in a book or index for the reg­ to any person less than sxteen years ' shall be $1.
istration of chauffeurs.
of age and who has not had at least I Section 21 Operator* l icense
The secretary of state shall forth­ live days’ experience* in the operation i Every person, other than a chauffeur.
with, upon registering such chauffeur, and driving of motor vehicles; pro­ I operating or driving a motor vehicle,
anil without other fee, issue and de­ vided, however, that any person over shall first obtain an operator’s licens«
liver to him a badge of aluminum or the age of fourteen years may make from the secretary of state.
other suitable metal which shall be application to the secretary of state ’’operator,” a* used in this net. shal
in such form or shape as the secre­ for i* special permit to operate motor mean any erson other than a chauff
tary of state may de termins, and up­ vehicles over the highways of this eur who operates, ride» or drive- i
on which shall be stamped the words state .is a means of transportation to motor vehicle
Application for an
‘‘Registered Chauffeur Number------, and from school, college or other ed­ operator’s license shall be mad, upon
Such applica­ a blank furnished by the secretary of
State of Oregon.” with the number ucational institution.
and date of expiration inserted there­ tion shall certify in edition to the in-; state and shall be signed bj the iippli
in. This badge shall thereafter be formation required by section 21 of cant. Such application shall contain
worn by such chauffeur pinned upon this act, that the applicant has no the applicant's full name and resi
his clothing in a conspicuous place at other available means of transport­ dence, age. height, occupation. ,o!oi
all times while he is operating a ve- aton by which h, would la* enabled to of hair, color of eyes, date of hirth
hicle upon the public highways of continue his education, and shall spec­ and a statement of his experience in
the state. In the event of the loss. ify the road or highway over which it the operation and driving of motor
, mutilation or destruction of a chauf­ is desired to operate motor vehicles, vehicles and that he is not mentallj
feur’s badge, such chauffeur may ob­ and any other information the secre­ or physically incapacitate«! as defined
You are as justly entitled to the best ir. Dentin,
tain from the secretary of state a tary of state may require. Said ap­ in this act. Upon receipt of an ap
duplicate thereof upon filing in the plicant shall be indorsed by the sher- I ( plication for an operator’s license ac
rv as any city in the country. This office is an
, of the secretary of state, on forms iffand the county judge of the county . eonipanied by a fee of $1. the secre-
extension of the ADVANCED, SCIENTIFIC
prepared by him. an affidavit show­ in which the applicant resires to oper­ I tary of state shall, in the nh-enev of
SERVICE rendered in our oflices in Portland,
ing the fact and the payment of a fee ate motor vehicles and also by the I just cause foe refusing to grant a
Salem and Newberg where we have been esta£
chairman of t!.e board of education of ' license to such applicant, issue to such
of SI.
Such badge shall be of a distinct­ the district wherein it is desired to applicant a motor vehicle operator’s
lished for years.
ive shape or form for each year, to attend school, college or other ed­ ■ license which shall be of such 'ize and
be designated and selected by the sec­ ucational institution. Upon receiffl of ! form as the secretary of state may
such application the secretary of determine. If any operator shall fail
retary of state.
No chauffeur having registered as state may, in his discretion and in at any time to carry such license with
: hereinbefore provided shall voluntar­ such form as he may determine, issue , him yhile operating a motor vehicle
ily permit any other person to wear a special licens, or permit to such i and produce it upon request of any
his badge; nor shall any person while person, if satisfied that such person peace officer, such failure shall tn
operating a vehicle wear a chauffeur’s has had sufficient experience in the prims facie evidence of his not having
badge belonging to another person, operation of root or vehicles to enable obtained such license
Such Icense
1 or a fictitious chauffeur’s badge.
him to operate the same without en­ shall be numbered and shall contain
Section 18. Unregistered Chauf­ dangering the safety of the public. the licensee’s name, residence, age,
feurs Can Not Drive Vehicle«.—No The fee for such license or permit height, weight, occupation, color of
person shall operate or drive a motor shall be one dollar ($1). If it shall
hair, color of eyes, and shall not be
vehicle as chauffeur upon the public be determined that such person shall
highways of this state after this act have operated a motor vehicle over
takes effect, unless such person shall any other highway or for any other
have complied in all respects with its purpose than designated in the ap­
requirements; provided, however, that plication for such license or special,
a nonresident chauffeur who has reg­ permit, then the secretary of state
istered under the previsions of the shall forthwith cancel such license or
I law of the state of his residence, special permit No person who is 1
I which are substantially similar to the the owner or custodian of any motor
provisions of this act, shall be ex­ vehicle, shall, except as herein other­
empt from registration under this wise provided, permit any person who
act; provided further, he shall wear is lees than sixteen years of age to
the badge assigned to him in the operate or drive any such motor ve­
provded in this act; provided further hicle nor shall such owner or cus-
More by far than use any
state of his residence in the manner todan employ any person to operate
that the privileges of this section or drive any such motor vehicle who
other make. If you have any
t shall be operative as to nonresidents is less than eighteen years of age and
doubt a* to which battery you
of this state only to the extent that a licensed operator or chauffeur.
under the laws of the foreign state of (Laws 1923, Chap. 33, Sec. 1.)
ought to buy, why not follow
the chauffeur’s residence like exemp­
Section 20. Physically Incapacitat­
tion and privileges are granted to res­ ed.—Any person who has lost the use
the judgment of these battery
idents of this state.
of one hand or one foot, or who has
Section 19. Age Limits.—No jierson lost the use of both feet, or whose
experts, who have more to lose
whether or not the owner of a motor eyesight or hearing are greatly im
by a wrong selection than any
vehicle, who is less than sixteen years paired, shall be considered physically
♦ ♦ ♦
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