IPAY. OCTOBER 12, 1923 OTES OF PROGRESS ~ formed to irrigate 18,000 acres. Hubbard shipping many fine pick­ ling onions. re9tlBm— Paving ordered on ex­ lion of Basco Llne r"“'1’ CO8t ■I.a Grande school budget calls for $129,929.08. ,000. t Helens lumber shipment for Hood River—$20,000 apple storage k totaled nearly 5 million feet. plant being rushed. (heeler New steel bridge going Salem papermill employs 1700 |WI Nehalem river. people, payroll $40,00(1 a month. ilver Lake—Inland Oil A Gas co. Hood River shipping pears and itart drilling for oil in Fort Rock apples to Rio Janeiro. iey. Woodburn cannery puts Up 125,000 laker to spend $55,000 on street cases. u-ovements. Astoria—City being completely re­ (ortland- Central Presbyterian stored from fire. Bank deposits $8,- jreh to erect $80,000 edifice. 000,000. Eugen, municipal power plant on Vale— Company organized to pro- Kinzie river being improved. spect salt wells. ________ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT lumber, sold 129,328,750 feet, and I Power Co. lines with Puget Sound [at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11. shipped 107,189,245 feet. Evening services at 8 p. m. I Light A Traction Co. This church will observe its an­ Lane county has experienced aj Lumber shipments from Columbia marked shortage of labor. I river during September reached 90,- nual Harvest Home and Missionary Sunday on the coming Sunday. Rev. [367,437 ft., carried on 103 vessels. Lorenz Seller will be the speaker of North Bend sawmill made a record | -------------------— the day. Rev. Selzer, recently from cut of lumber—570,000 feet in nine RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE St. Louis, Mo., is pastor at Hillsdale, hours. Oregon. Whereas God in his infinite wisdom Shortage of labor holding up road Missions will be the theme in Sun­ has seen fit to remove from our midst, day school and of the evening ser­ program in Wasco county. Mrs. Melissa Page, mother of our vices. Harvest Home services at 11 Election to be held on establish­ sister, Mrs. A. K. Case: a. m. Special music%by the choir and ing port of Hood River county. Be it resolved; that Silver Wave male quartette. Sheridan Bridge over Yamhill riv­ chapter No. 18 O. E S. extend deep­ You are cordially invited to these est sympathy in her hour of sorrow. se vices. er being paved with asphalt. Be it further resolved that a copy W. G. LIENKAEMPER, Pastor. Portland — Now Central Presby­ of these resolutions be sent to her, to terian church to cost $77,000. the local newspapers and a copy be METHODIST CHI'ROH spread upon the minutes of the State Corporation department col­ chapter. lected $348,892 for past year. Sunday school and regular services ETHEL BALES at the church Sunday. ZOE E. SMITH St. Helens—Lower Columbia inter­ Morning sermon: “The Temple Em­ state bridge project started. ALICE L. FOSTER blematical.” Evening sermon: “Forty »ortland- Permits issued for $100, Marshfield may get a Methodist I new building. national hospital. Hood River— $500,000 bridge pro­ ject across Columbia started here. Unrshfield him plans for new paved One hundred and thirty-three west- ¡d to Coos Buy beaches. Columbia basin has potentially 21,- ern suwmills, for week ending Sept. Svriiu-li«' ldyear Cord with the All-Weather Tread. That tread is famous the world over for slipless, gripping traction and for long, eco­ nomical wear. L 4« Goodyear Service Station Dealers we tell and renom» mend the new Goodyear Cords with the beveled All» Weather Tread and bach \tm ap with standard Goodyear Service SUNSET GARAGE THE SATISFACTION MARKET LOUIE LOLL, Butcher HOT BISCUITS AND HONEY We have some of the finest honey you ever say. Hon­ ey in the comb, extra heavy weight 35c, Pure strain­ ed Honey pints 40c, quarts 70c, 5 lb. pails $1.00, 10 lb pails $1.95. Very fine and good. WALNUTS Good soft shelled ones, 5 1-2 lbs for $1.00. A great bargain and only a few sacks left. Get yours now. Buy bulk coffee on Friday. THE SATISFACTION STORE E. G. ANDERSON HIDES Let me know what you have. Bend—American Legion takes 99- PAUL DISNEY year lease on site for erection of MUTUAL PHONE BELL 153-J building. Ranier gets increased electric pow­ er due to connection of North Coast BELLS KODAK SHOP Work left before 9 p. m. will be ready at 3 p. m. the fol­ lowing day. Prints finished on glossy or dull paper as you prefer for the same price. THE COLISEUM SUNDAY-MONDAY OCTOBER 14-15 MR. BILLINGS SPENDS HIS DIME Featuring »«uii Hiers, Jacqueline Logan, George Fawcett and Robert McKim. A fast and H»«hy comedy-romance—made purely to entertain. BACK STAGE, Our Gang Comedy TUESDAY OCTOBER 15 PENROD AND SAM Taken from Booth Tarkington’s story and a all star cast includ sequel to "Penrod." An .... mg Ibs kliffe Fellows, Benny Alexander, Gar­ eth Hughes, Buddy Messinger. Gladys Brock- Well and Mary Philbin. A high test comedy with all the fun of a lifetime in one evening’s entertainment. SPRINGTIME Aesop’s Cartoon Comedy Fables WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17 “GIMME” A Rupert Hughes production, featuring Hel­ ene Chadwick, Gaston Glass, II. B. Walthall and Eleanor Boardman. The story of a girl Who had conatracted a bad case of the "Gim­ mes” nlways saying to her friends Gimme this, or Gimme that—you’ve met some members of the “Gimme Gang" come and see this one. BUDDY AT THE BAT Two Reel Comedy A story of unusual angles, surprising sit­ uations and clever coniedv. If you ve a laugh left in your whole system; this one will bring it to the surface. BOUBLE CINCHED, Two Reel Western Playlet. HUNGRY HEARTS Featuring Bryant Washburn, Helen Ferguson George Seigmann and Bert Sprotte. A vivid and true panorama of life which you should not miss. TWO REEL COMEDY J. H. NASH THE LOVE BRAND TWO REEL COMEDY Stationeiy The Kind that appeals CLIP THIS COUPON If you are interested in receiving pro­ grams and announcements of special at tractions to be shown at the Coliseum in Tillamook, Oregon, just sign your name and address on the lines below and either mail to or leave at the Box office of the Coliseum. Name . Featuring Agnes Ayres and Mahlon Hamilton. s g When you want to convert your entire holdings into cash by way of auction Sale, it will be to your advantage to see me. Plaese ask for a date before you get out your bills. Call me at Tillamook Bakery, Phone 101. SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 Featuring T. Roy Stewart (the pleasing star in Zane Gray's "Last Trail”) in a thrilling, gripping romantic story of the great south­ west and the big range country. Address ............... ....................... ; , , ; (Give street No. R. F. D. or general del.) This is the one Gold Seat round and gdd colored — not rightfully used by any other organization. AUCTIONEER FRIDAY OCTOBER 1» THURSDAY OCTOBER 1» THE HEART RAIDER AT KOCH’S DRUG STORE to You The Gold Seal pledges you greater service! jDRINT the Gold Seal of the Good- * year Rubber Company on your memory. Rely on it when you look for durable, long-wearing rubber footwear. Since 1S7S it ha* been the baying guide of logger« and muckers, fishermen and buckers of the great Northwest We shape layer after layer of para* rub­ ber. blended with strong woven fabric, tatto our footwear. Our vacuum pressure In certain models we build reinforcing ribs of heavy, springy rubber. Any Pacific Coast store can fit you with Gold Seal Footwear tn your choice of size, weight and style. Yon will also appre­ ciate Gold Seal Oiled Clothing. We are the original and only Goodyear Rubber Company. Portland and San Francisco. rubber from tropical PRICE 50c to $3.00 Goodyear Gold Seal Rubber Footwear traAt W» r "w tt w» W * vulcanization binds them forever. Gold Seal Boots are warranted crack-proof. <4