♦ L^lz' VOLUME 34; NUMBER 52 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1923 PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR STOLEN AUTOMOBILE TILLAMOOK EXHIBIT DRAWS ATTENTION A Interealing Council agrees that garbage Intorniatili t Regarding Cur lleturned to Owner in Twenty- County Payrolls Gathered by Headlight Reporter disposal requires more Creosote in Water is said to lack Harm, though Smail four Hours after Theft at number of Seconds Reported for Month Portland by Consideration Tillamook gets Second State Fair Display < oa.% Place for Dintrict Large Assortment of Cases Being Threshed Thru Inspector Recently a representative of the Ill-tasting An auto belonging to J. L. Knight, for this Month The Tillamook county exhibit at the Headlight was asked by a newcomer proprietor of the Knight Picking state fair attracted much attention, as to the amount of the annual pay and the exhibits, states County Agent Works, east Portland, was stolen at roll in this county, and was obliged to Pine, wore most favorably comment confess that he did not have uny data the noon hour lust Suturduy in the ed upon by the many visitors to the available upon which i to even base any above city. Tillamook display. kind of an estimate, Inquiry, how- Saturday afternoon, an auto nns- ( »ver Hall of Next Year's Output In the coast district display. Tilla Burnii, of Trash Well Thought of ever, found persons who had some Miles of New Pipe Laid and waring the description was seen to Expected to be made mook got second place, while on the Balance of Week pretty good ideas of the amount of pass through Rockaway at a good by City Dads at Monday display for the entire state, Wasco Improvement on Dim is some of the items which would go to into Loaf Cheese for Hearings on October rate of speed, A traffic officer stn- county was awarded first place. There { vening Meeting make up a total, and here are some of tinned, on the baach territory, raced Work of (om mission was lots of inquiry about Tillamook Court Docket the estimates made: after the auto on his motor cycle. The county, and the stock excited much The milk industry of the county, A meeting of the directors of the admiration from pursued left the highway somewhere breeders from all Council met Monday night in reg- it was stated would this year be Last Sunday, Tillamook was prac- this side of Bay City, utid the speed Tillamook County Creamery associ - over the state. Jos. Nufer and H. Miller, who were around the $2,000,000 ma/k. tically waterless. The Superintend cop lost track of them. He phoned to ation was held at the association In the open class of Guernseys, arraigned in circuit court last term glxr session. All councilmen present The lumber industry payroll in this ent blew the big whistle, and warned, the Sheriff’s office here, and John rooms on Wednesday, All directors Robt. Williams took third prize except Carl Haberlach. who left for on and who plead “not guilty,” changed county was estimated at $2,500,000 and then the water was turned off to Aschim and a deputy, started in pur but one were present. junior yearlings. .* Jack Mowery , took ___ their pleas to “guilty” last Monday at the east early this week. for the current year. Report of Inspector Christensen fourth prize on junior heifer calves a trickle. The reason was that the new suit. Up on the Kilchis they got A bill presented by the Boy Scouts the October term. Two well informed men placed the water pipe, two miles in extent, had truce of the stolen cur, ami near the showed a total of 52,443 August of the Holstein breed. Elizabeth I for $75 for looking after the camp Miller was indicted for gambling, cheese inspected, of which 587 were income from the fish industry in thia Jack Jennings place, saw the fugitiv Mowery took 5th prize on Holsteins, and the court sentenced him to pay a to be connected up with the steel pipe ground- during the past summer was seconds. county at $100.000 anually. and Jack Mowery took 2nd in pro fine of $500; he was paroled on pay below, and that work could not be es,who when chased too closely, aban read After some discussion, the bill Report of Deputy Dairy and Food duction of dam Holsteins. In the above estimates, the stump done with out turning off the main doned the car and took to the brush. Albert wa allowed, the opinion prevailing Commissioner, D. R. Tinnerstet, Krake was 2n<5 in get of sire in Jer ment of $25 and costs which he paid, of the that the boys had earned the money age paid to local people for timber force water supply, The Sheriff, after searching for the showed 46 inspections, and was released from custody. being four was not included, nor was the Workmen rushed by attending to the grounds. the connection, deserters for a time, brought the car factories and forty-two dairies. Twen seys. Nufer was indicted for cruelty to amounts derived from live stock sales to the city. It was a Dodge, Boys and girls winning prizes at and but it took The matter of an ordinance to gov time, at that, animals, and was fined $100 and sent ty-two condemnations, consisting of practically new. the State Fair in Club work are: but evening by ern stage terminals again came up. included, when sold to outsiders. water came enced to 60 days in jail. Nufer was It was estimated that $250,000 has on; but it tasted queerly—tasted and Otto Holhfield, 1st, Junior Jersey paroled on payment of $25 and costs. In a little over 24 hours after the one bam, two milking machines, ten After considerable discussion a mo- cans, three pails, and six strainers. calves. easily been spent in this city alone smelled of creosote, with which the car was stolen. Sheriff Aschim re- r> . vailed hat each stage line be Lois Walcher, who plead guilty to Thirty-three patrons cooling milk and Eula Krake, 1st; Allen Krake 2nd; possession of liquor, and who was 1" requi' d t<. maintain a satisfactory for building purposes, or will be be pipe was painted to keep wood from turned it to the owner, who was nine not cooling. Forty-two herds *' — - 3rd, Junior Jersey seized in the Wilson river raid soma Marjorie Krake, The terminal in this city. And tiie city fore the end of the season. Thia esti decaying, thus adding life to the pipe. greatly pleased to receive it. tested for Tuberculosis and none not yearlings. mate will include the new armory, the Sheriff took the car to Portland early But, before we go further, the sup three weeks ago, was fined $500 and attorney was asked to draw an ord teated. Herbert Berns, 2nd; Joseph Berns, was given a six months jail sentence. inane to include the sense of the school house, the Beals building, and erintendent has the word of Dr. Stry Sunday morning and at the same Report wits made that Tillamook 4th, Junior Guernsey calves. the big creamery association ware ker, head of the state medical board, time took F.d Tomlinson of Wheeler She was given four months by the motion made. county had taken the first and second Robert Williams, 1st Junior Guern- court to raise the fine, and paroled for Dr Robinson, city health officer house, besides a number of fine res that no harmful effects need be cx- to the Disabled Veterans’ Hospital in prizes at the state fair at Salem last sey yearlings. Portland, where he will be treated. that length of time. was present and made a detailed re idences in the several parts of the (Continued on page 6) week, had tied with two others for Jack Mowery, 1st; Elizabeth Mow city. Tomlinson suffered injuries during Mrs. J. M. Robinson, who was in port of the unsanitary conditions ex- ery, 2nd Junior Holstein calves. (Continued on page two) In order to get the total county pay the world war. In returning Sunday, dicted on a charge of forgery and of isting in a part of Front street bord Andrew Lagler, 4th Senior Holstein obtaining money on false pretenses, the Sheriff brought back Lois Wal ering on the slough in the west part roll, one would have to interview own calves. ers of the various mills and other en cher, who has been in the Multnomah was arraigned Monday and plead not of tht city. He thought that the best Theodore Jacobs, 2nd Junior year guilty. Her tase will come bn for county jail pending her trial this week way to overcome the conditions pre terprises in the county, including the ling calves. in circuit court on un indictmnt found trial Friday next at IQ o'clock, sen' would be to either fill in money paid out by the county, which Alvah Foote, Garibaldi, 1st, by the grund jury at its last session, On Tuesday last cam* _ the low land bordering on the alough, is estimated will approximate $250.000 Cookery. . .V o. . » -on the case on a liquor charge, in connection with or to properly drain it. The street this year. The county payroll is con 0 e - ui Oregon vs. Joe Plas- Marion Coat*- . Wesley Stormer, who has been em a raid made by the sheriff on a Wil- siderable, and this would include now z, ¿-s i --<*• Tillamook, 5th, I ker and Etta McNaughton, indicted committee was instructed to take up ployed with Floyd Culbertsen, in Last Sunday was one of the warm Gamp Coo1' A,> the matter with the city surveyor, and roads, maintainance, and bridges, etc. cheese making for some time past, son river bootlegger's nest. on a charge of lewd cohabitation, both eft days of the year in Tillamook. It will be seen, however, that a Molph Benscheidt, 1st, Garden. report their findings to the council, defendentB pleading not guilty. The last week purchased Henry White’s An east wind prevailed early in the ----- - Ce Boys and girls from Tillamook rough estimate of the payrolls gives when action will be taken. moaning, and the thermometer regU- colir,ty won three hundred dollars in following jury secured: S, G. Reed, interest in the Fruit Palace on Sec The matter of burning up the re- Tillamook some standing among oth ond avenue, and will hereafter be «s- tered over 90 degrees at ten o’clock prize money at the State Fair count W. H. Hoskins, Ray V. Hushback, fuse on the city dump came up, and er counties of the state, and it should sociated with Hubert O’Dell in that a. m. Most of the automobile owners ing the six first prize winners which Fred Scheringer, H. M. Farmer, F. M. be remembered that we are just be it was agreed that the accumulation of business. Mr. Stormer is well known spent the day at the beaches, The is a twenty-five dollar scholarship at Gould, Gust Peterson, F. J. Klineham, the season should be burned up. It ginning to develop our resources. The in Tillamook, and vicinity. Mr. White » weather bureau at Portland has pre- O. A. C. summer session for Club F. S. Foster, Frank Owens and Fred | was believed by some of the council ground has hardly been scratched. Davidson. A large number of wit has not definitely decided what he dieted rain for the coast section this members. that the time had come in this city nesses were examined on both sides. will do, but it is quite certain that he The building formerly occupied by week. County attorney Goyne appeared for when an incinerator was indicated, as will still remain a Tillamooker. the old pcture show is being refitted the state, and Geo. Winslow for the the matter of the disposal of the rub for occupancy by one of the chain of defendents, The jury returned a ver bish of the city was becoming a pro Skaggs grocery stores, and the diet of not guilty, after half an blem requiring action. Complaint changes are being made by the pres hours' deliberation. ( wa- also made that some one had left ent owners of the Coliseum picture Merrick, Chaffed & Heyd. the Arm J !°t of spoiled moat at the duiiip- At I The case of the -state of Oregon vs. show on Second avenue, who have an Sam Oldstein of Portland, a Heb-1 Jos. Fleck of the Cloverdale neighbor this point councilman Conover, pro ory building contractors, have got the unexpired lease on the building which rew, who was caught i<l th* sheriff’s hood, charged with the possession of voked a laugh by inquiring if it was basement walls enclosed up to the is owned by M. W. Harrison of Port- Congressman Hawley and wife at drag net down at Rockaway, on a “fresh meat.” It was described as be first floor nbovi’ the basement, and intoxicating liquor came on Wednes lland n -H u"dersto,,d that the »M tended Sunday school and preaching The fire department was called out ing c menace in the atmosphere of the are now pouring concrete from the about ID a. m. Friday morning to the theatre building wil1 b*' rwady for t*' at the M. E. church in this city last charge of liquor possession, some day forenoon. Trial by jury. Ver time ago, and who was released on his neighborhood, and the dumper, who ground up to the level of the floor,,' Plasker apartments, where a smaJI cupancy about the 15th the pres Sunday. Mr. Hawley spoke to the promise to pay a $50 fine and the dict for the defendant. with a large force of men employed, ever h< may be, was severely scored The case of the state of Oregon vs. fire was found burning in a waste ent month. The advent of the ,<l<uggK Bible class during Sunday school, and costs, in all $53.10, was so negligent for the act. Councilman Conover said and are making good progress. The paper basket in one of the rooms of J. E. Shearer was called at 10 a. m. ! later listened attentively to the ser company will make the total number of his obligation that the authorities Wednesday morning. Some time was that a real problem before the council joists have been placed on the floor the apartment, which was quickly of grocery stores in this city eight in mon pT^ut’hed by Rev. Hamrick dur reminded him that he would better spent in getting a jury. After sev wa the matter of th# disposal of de of the entire building, ready for the subdued. No damage was done. ing the mor.?'«* ««rvice. number. pay up or go to jail. T, 2— ----- By the next eral excused jurors had been replaced cayed fruit, etc, by the grocery «tores flooring. As soon as the present work mail Sam pungled the amount and of getting the concrete up to a level of the city. He said it had to be tak (Continued on page 2) the slate was wiped clean. en somewhere, and the dump was not with the floor from the ground is th. place. An incinerator would done, then the side walls will rise. solve the problem, as all such stuff Everything seems working smoothly, could then be burned in it. The mat and there are large quantities of mat ter may come up for future1 dis erial on hand ready for use, when needed, A walk from the business cussion and action. A • mmunication was read from the part of town, to the armory site, int Mrs. Mellissa Page died at Ilwaco, Mary E. Utter, who was formerly a Tills; ok women’s club, thanking the presses one that the distance is re Wn., Monday, October 1, 1923, after resident of this county, passed away small. Tillamook ’ s big arm- latively council for the use of an office in a lingering illness. She was aged 76 Sept. 27th, 1928, at the Good Samari the city building as a free meeting ory and entertainment building will years. Two months ago she went to : tan hospital, Portland, Oregon, follow add much to the appearance of the pia<< . nnel for other courteeiea. The Ilwaco to benefit her health, but the ing a brief illness. She was born town when finished, and at the same recorder was instructed to make suit- change was of no avail. The remains Sept. 6. 1856 in Portland, Michigan, time supply a long felt want. able . snowledgement of the letter. were brought to this city for inter and was married in 1877 to Lauren S. Tin usual number of bills were al ment. The funeral services were Utter, also of Portland Michigan. lowed, and after transaction of that held yesterday at the First Christian Nine children wen' born of this union, routine business, council adjourned to church, at 2 p. m. Interment follow six of whom are living. They are: meet on October 15th. ing in the Odd Fellows cemetery. De Mrs. Laura Ixmch and Ben Utter of ceased was the mother of Allen and Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Cora Finch, There are rumors floating about in Eugene Page and Mrs. A. K. Case of Mrs. Rose Huggett and Mrs. Helen the air that Rockaway is to have a this city, and Mrs. Brumbaugh of II- Russell of Tillamook: also Mrs. Clara waeo, Wn. big $100,006 natatorium and a new Finch of Lansing, Michigan. and spacious hotel, and that back of She also leaves a husband, Lauren the enterprise is a Portland firm with S. Utter, one brother, three sisters, 14 grandchildren, and a host of Thar looks like a lot of money to plenty of money. While nothing def friends to mourn her loss. With her «xpcct during the present week, but inite has come to light, there are family she came west in 1913, living Sheriff John Aschim believes fully those in the beach town who assert for a time in Tillamook county, after that amount of uncollected last half that there is something like the above The steam schooner Hornet left the which they moved to Portland, Ore- tax money will be paid into the sher proposed improvements in the wind, bay early this week for San Pedro, gon. iff office this week. Up to last Sat and the recent presence of Portland Cal., with a load of lumber front the She was a faithful member of the urday, there had been collected a lit capitalists in Rockaway, and their Whitney mills. The above named car First Christian church of Portland, movements while there, seem to give tle better than half of the taxes for rier is making frequent trips between Oregon, She was patient in all th<- year 1922. The whole amount some color tn the rumors. San Pedro and Tillamook bay, and has things. Her life was a loving and due for that year is $830,139.68. taken away considerable lumlter. willing sacrifice for her family. Mm. Linn Garner and baby daugh Their i a big rush on to get receipts, “Sweet memories < f our mother, ter left Wednesday morning for Buhl, which keeps the receiving office on the The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Shall forever with us stay. jump. But it always happens that Idaho, where they will join Mr. Gar society will meet Thursday afternoon, And the lessons she has laugh us, th< taxpayer hangs on to his money ner. They were accompanied as far October 11, at the home of Mrs. Rob To love, to be patient, to. pray, •» Jong us possible, and that brings as Portland by Mm. Garner's parents, ert Coleman, with Mrs. W. E. Noye: Are guiding stars to Heaven, a big rush at the sheriff’s office at Mr. and Mrs. Dodge. The Garners as leader. Along the narrow way." are taking up farming in Idaho. the last moment. DUMP IS CONDEMNED FIRST 2 PRIZES TAKEN EXPECT HIGH PRESSURE BOOTLEGGERESS FINED WHITE SELLS PART OF FRUIT PALACE YEAR'S HOTTEST DAY OCCURRED SUNDAY NEW GROCERY STORE TO OPEN ON 15TH CONCRETE IS POURED FOR STATE ARMORY CONG. W. C. HAWLEY ADDRESSES CLASS Along the Concrete ; , i ■ ’NOTHER BOOTLEGGER "HITS THE DUST" MRS. MARY E. UTTER MRS. MELISSA PAGE DIES AT ILWACO, WN. DIES AT PORTLAND NATATORIUM RUMOR STILL PERSISTENT $270,000 IN TAXES EXPECTED THIS WEEK SCHOONER HORNET CLEARS FOR SOUTH »