TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT [W PICTURE SHOW TO FF OPENED SOON Morrison, proprietors in this citv, into their new building Reals building in the coming JM’ptrmK‘1. - haw been leased : ami are being fitted ¡he special require- The building tot Fk’ et U' ni toe A r a tong ■ • seer era ting room is 8x12 which will be occupied by tm picture There two upstairs firm is 410,- 000 Smith unit pipe organ is now tn* .nstaJed. It is oim I» * of the bust. I hv ceiling and wails will be decora! t*d with oil hand work bv a Portland decorator. Mr. Ammer, who did sim- ilar work for thr Liberty theatre of Portland, and others. All aisles open- mg to thr stage will be drain'd with heavy plush velour n old rose color. Thr front of thr new theatre will covered with a marquis and elec* Inc flasher sign. A heating and ven­ tilating system is being installed of thr Anderson type of forced circula- tion, which will supply a complete change of air every four minutes. winch is in itself a decided healthful (novation. I hr ventilator will be au- tomatically controlled bv thermostat installation. Ihr lights will be of thr latest improved tv ties used i nthe best theatres. All lights will be controll­ ed b\ electric dimmers. wrmitung i i.HIlgv colors and intensity controlled bv switches irf the p lion booth. In the front part of th r< »om. on either ide. will be located the flower gardens which w ill add mu- terially to the beauty and ic effect of ti ior of the auditorium and balcony. Thr appointments of thr nt w thr ire have r ently attracted the att< ot theatre proprietors from sev- of the state, and thr gen- verdict is that the kcal propri«- wi ' have one of t! most tthh I- ern th. at res in the children left for then home in Port- land after a wvuka ¿lay in the Gulls Nest. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Humphrey, of , Salem, arc in the Sands. F. b. Burnii is registered from Yak ima, \Y ash. Dr. F. E. Menne und wife and Miss Menne, arrived Wednesday to spend the month of August. Melvin Phitta and wife arc register« ed tonni Clintonville, Pa. il. G. Campbell and wife of Eugene are enjoying the beach this week. Howard Hull and family are visit- ors from Portland. \ ! Beacroft and party of Salem arrived Sunday for a weeks stay. Olds and family of \Y apato, \Y ash., and A. r. Kellner and family of Portland are occupying the Lind- burg cottage on Tillamook avenue. W . J. Fleming and family of Port­ land «pent the week end id Oceanside. Mr. and Mrs. Derby daughter Newton, of Mc- Minnville, arrived Sunday for a two weeks stay. They are in the Dream- Mr and Mrs Earl A. Simms ot Val- ie.io, < au, art registered in the grove. rnng S. Phillips of Hubbard, Ore visitor at Am and luiCasae’s last week. He reports he intends to move back t-» Tillamook soon. Bake the butt of a FRYE’S DEI ICIOI 9 HAM. then it will he readv to slice cold for suptier FRYE S DEI K IOI S HOI 1« ideal I OB baking. It » just choice, tender rain-fed pork, cured and smoked in hard-wood smoke hv the exclusive FRYE PROCESS to preMTve the juices and delicate texturf and develop the richest flavor No pal* boding of FRYE'S DELICIOUS HAM to nec< -.-arv—the meat is so mild and tender« frye's Delicious 1 Ham Everything the name implies For perfect baked ham score the skin half thr 'Ugh the fat, season with grotm id cinnamon, and mustard, sprinkle with brown a like a pork roast in a covered roas enough hot water to make ateam, allow «tea to the pound. A clove of garlic inserted to the bone will add uavor. ON oí You will find FRYES DELICIOUS •ame quality zi FRYE'S DELICT best part of the bacon aide is uaed rPYE Ö COMPANY PORTLAND-TILLAMOOK STAGE LINE Ivan Donaldson. Manager DEPOT OPPOSITE GEM THEATRE LEAVE TILLAMOOK 7:30 A. M 11:00 A. M. 4:00 P. M LEAVE PORTLAND 12JO Midnight; 7:50 A. M.; 12:50 P. M.; Mr. and land spent Jumes ( lund speri Driftwood John V. W lo of Winchester, Idaho is here visiting his sister Mrs. L. D. brake and family. also his brothers ( harley Hance and Albert vY ilks all of T.Uamook. Copyright hv underwood £ Underwood N. Y. I 1GHTHOI SE WITHOUT KEEPER—TO GUIDE PLANES This show the Airway lightht at Tatsfield, England, which guides Croydon-Paris airplanes across the Channel at night. This lighthouse throws a beam of ight to reach Lympne in Kent, and is only visited twice a year. The lights arc supplied with gas from the cylinders below. There is a patent device on the top which automatically lights the lamps when the sun goes down. The lights are so arranged that when the sun comes up again the lights automatically are switched off and are lighted in the same manner on dull or cloudy days. Mrs. L. D. Krake and son Kay and Elide 1 Jr., ho.ae Sunday from their trip to Dayton, Ore., bring­ M rs. J. E. Durham of Port- ing home lxmis Krake s two small the week end in The F: children which Mrs. Elidei* Krake Jr., ha- been taking care of. rouch and family f Port- Earl Ray and family was out to u pleasant spend the < ••nir.g with Mr. Amami cottage luna e andf amily Tuesday. i.ve roster is registered from Purt- Jack Robinson and family re turned land. from Seaside Wednesday. Bert Brooks and family of Inde­ pendence are spending their vacation here. waiter J. Jewitt and family have arrived for a few weeks or. the wach. They are m w ecoma. CHURCH NOTES ME! HODJST CHL RCH Sunday school at 10 a. m. A place Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Nelson spent for everybody. Morning service at 11 th» week end in the S*a!ion. Sermon Among the Crows at Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor are vis- ' henth. The pastor is preaching a itors from Portland. senes of sermons on Elijah. This is Mr. and Mr-. A. K. Sawtelle are reg the second one. Y oung peoples meet­ ing Sunday evening ut 7. All young is’- red from Portland. people are invited. Evening service Mrs. Geo. Gulley arrived at 8. Sermon “The Altar on the Moun- r i iday for h week s stay. tain. This will be the third of the senes. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. H. h. Dem mitt and SIMPSON HAMRIC K, Pastor. f G'f '¿'t Gem Theatre SI ANDARI) Bl RE \l DEVELOPS REMARKABLE HIGH SPEED < VMERA " hlle theaverajre piaflex camera used by our up-to-date news photographers is able to i«teh moving objects at one thousandth of a second, ths remark­ able high speed cameia us«d at the Bureau of Standards in Washington per­ mits measurement of small time intervals of a millionth of a second. 5:10 !'. M This change should please local people as they can spend eveningi in Portland and return on midnight special ■ TKK Oceanside is now at the height of the season. All cottages and tents are filled and reservations are pounng in for later m August. The grove is titled with auto campers coming and going each day. i JfíR* * . t .-.’laaafs THIS IS THE WEEK TO CAN Apricots, Loganberries, Wild Blackberries and Raspberries. We can supply your wants in about everything connected with canning. Get our prices on fruit jars, rubbers and caps, you can save monej CEMEX 1 LIME 28 W LAMB-SCHRADER CO BULK COFFEE Our roast Coffees are meeting with increased sales and are giving good satisfaction due to high quality and low price. A good coffee at 25c per lg is hard to find these days but we have it. Our 40c coffee is hard to beat at any price. Come in on Friday each week and get extra coffee values. THIS WEEK FOR $1.00 23 Polar White Soap 27 White Linen Soap 13 Fine Mixed Toilet Soap 10 lbs good Italian D/ied Prunes 10 lbs. fancy small white beans o large cans Preferred Stock Sardines $1.00 $1 00 SLOO SI.-KI SLW S1.00 IHE SATISFACTION STORE E. G. ANDERSON The HEADLIGHT is .he standard by which the other rs of Tillamook ( oi My are generally compared Ancient Order United Workmen A FRATERNA!. BENEFICIARY SOC IETY Issues 10, 15 and 20 pay Life Certificates on the American Experience Table of Mortality. 55 YEARS OLD OLDER TUAS ANY OF IDEM BETTER THAN MOST OF IDEM I). ('. HERRIN, (¡rand Recorder II-, OREGON! \N !{f IM.