Icìiìiligljt THIS ISSUE 8 PAGES J. E. Clayton and family of Dallas were in the city Friday last. Mr. Clayton was here about four years ago and worked as a grocery clerk in the Star grocery. He now has a good J. D. Boyle, of Portland, who makes grocery business of his own in Dal­ the famous ‘Doc. Shelton" spinner, las and Dale Bell who formerly work­ well known to local fishermen, was in ed with him in that business in Tilla­ the city last week. While here he mook is now working for Mr. Clayton launched his King folding canvass in Dallas. W. C. Foster, postmaster in this ci­ canoe and navigated the Trask one day, catching a nice creel of trout. ty, states that the office is overburden­ Mr. Boyle is an ardent sportsman and ed with work and that some days he has several new spinners to his credit puts in 15 hours, which is more than as a result of his knowledge of trout, most farmers put in during the hay habits and is manufacturing them for harvest. He has made application for the market. Boyle camps out, like another clerk but so far has not re­ any other real sportsman and thorolv ceived the clerk. There are three men enjoys every minute of his vacation. in the office besides himself. Mr. Fos­ He thinks the rivers that flow into the ter states that the work in the office Tillamook bay are fine streams for during the past six years has in­ trout, but says the constant heavy creased one-third. drain on the finny tribe by the thous­ Mrs. Emil Anderson and Mrs. L. F. ands of sportsmen and alleged sport.- La Flamboy of Nehalem were in the is rapidly thinning them out. He be­ city shopping last Wednesday. lieves that artificial hatching of game R. E. Clanton, wife and children fish is the only thing that will keep are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. the trout from becoming extinct. And T. R. Pollock of the Gold Creek hatch­ he is right. The toll is something ery. Mrs. Clanton is a sister of Mr.. great each yearf Pollock. Mr. Clanton has just return­ ed from Alaska where he went in the interests of the fishing industry. He expects to return within a few weeks. He is one of the best posted men on the fishing industry in the state and A shipment of 224.000 black spotted for many years was master fish war- Montana trout eggs was received at den of the state. He also was direct- the Gold Creek hatchery last week. or of Oregon hatcheries for some time Thelma Anderson, mention of whose They came through in prime condition and are now being hatched. The Mon illness was made last week, died Fri­ tana black-spotted is a Cut-throat, but day morning at the Vidito hospital, the waters of Montana give it its dark and was buried Sunday last at the spotted color and markings. They will Odd Fellows cemetery. The cause of be placed in Tillamook lakes and her death was given as meningitis by streams when large enough, upon req the attending physician. uisition. The big Eastern brook N. J. Peterson of Portland and wife trout brought from the Cascades lakes were in the city Friday visiting with are doing well, and growing very fast old friends. Four years ago, Mr. Pet­ in the hatchery ponds. erson was proprietor of the old Ram­ sey house, now the Netherlands hotel later selling out and moving tff Port­ land where he now resides. Geo. George White of the O. N. G. The Christian church of this city­ and wife of Salem were in the city will hold revival meetings this fall in this citl. Rev. Wilton of Roseburg will Tuesday registered at the Tillamook. Dr. J. C. Booth, a prominent physi- be the evangelist, assisted by Rev. C. F. Swander of Portland. Rev. Geo. .cian of Lebanon, Oregon, spent Tues­ day in this city. Harness is the pastor. Dr. and Mrs. Pollock of Forest Ed Stark, janitor and jailer at the Grove were in the city Wednesday, en­ court house is utilizing the talent of route to the beaches. some of the county hoarders by hav- The Methodist church workmen are ing them do some painting about the now busy excavating for the base­ building. He has some check artists ment of the new church. The finance in the jail but they are not the kind committee will meet tonight to re­ who can paint. ceive bids for the cement work and the plumbing. Selena Small has began iegal pro- The Netarts Spruce Co., which is op ceedings against Sheriff Aschim for erating between the Tillamook river the recovery of a Case automobile val­ and Netarts, has a daily pay roll of ued at $750 and $100 damages on ac­ count it is alleged, of the sheriff keep­ ing possession of the auto which she claims belongs to her. The auto was seized in a recent moonshine ease in which the defendants pleaded guilty. ARDENT FISHERMAN MAKES LARGE CATCH MONTANA TROUT FRY FOR LOCAL STREAMS $185 and is sawing close to 15,000 feet daily, The company recently shipped five car loads of lumber to Portland to be carried by ships to Sydney, Australia and Liverpool, England, W. H. Ankeny stated Tues- day last that his firm had donated $200 to the county court to be used in the planking of the Netarts road. This was two or three months ago. The company is composed of four men who are working on the co-operative plan. Albert Zimmerman and Sam Lund- borg of Wheeler were arrested by the Sheriff last Tuesday, charged with unlawful possession of intoxicating liquor. Both plead guilty to the charges and were fined $50 each and the costs which they pungled without smiling. Justice Stanley was at the receiving end of the legal pungleario. The W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. W. E. Noyes on Thursday afternoon of next week at 2:30 o’clock. The program will bi- in charge of Mrs. A. M. Ginn. A cordial invitation is extended to every woman interested in mission­ ary work to be present whether a member of the society or not. The Chas. Brown home in Sun- nymead addition is being painted this week. Mrs. Fred Carter returned to Salem Tuesday last after spending a week with her husband and children at the Chaffee home. Howard Brooks of the Brooks Tran sfer company is recovering from an attack of the grippe. Mrs. Coleman is in from Portland visiting her son Harry Coleman of the Sunset garage for a few days. Mary Runkel left Thursday for Portland to buy the Fall stock of mil­ linery for her new store in the Beals building. A Mr. Scott of Hillsboro, accom- panied by two other men, recently made a trip from Cherry Grove to the north fork of the Trask river thence down that fork to a point be­ low the Trask house, 15 miles above Tillamook. Scott, who is a surveyor told M. E. Gruber of the Trask house that he was surprised to find that there was a better route down the north fork for a state road than the Wilson river route would afford. He and his purty hiked for four days looking over a pass from Cherry Grove to u junction with Trask road and is enthusiastic in his claim that it is a much better route than the Wilson river road and hopes to sec it improved as a state highway. Mr. Scott thinks the new route is as near if not nearer to Portland from Till­ amook, than any other line that could be chosen. Contractor Feldschau has opened up for travel on" sido of the 800 yard strip of highway beyond the cheese factory which was laid some weeks ago, and which has been drying for some time. Now he is laying cement on .he other half of the pavement. When this part of the highway is fin­ ished and ready for travel a much needed improvement will have been completed. This stritch of highway has long been an eyesore to the trav­ eling public. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rock of Oretown, July 28, a daughter, re­ ports Dr. Smith. Chas. Fleck and Eva Fay Cozel were married last Saturday, June 28, by Rev. Geo. Harness, pastor of the Christian church at the church par­ lors. Both are residents of this city. Judge Stanley has been doing a land office business lately in uniting young couples in marriage, Three was the record tor last week, The judge ties them up good and strong and it isn’t his fault if they don't stay united. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vy. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sims motored up from Vallejo, Calif., anil are visiting at the home of Mrs. Cannon's sister Mrs. W. E. Anderson. Mrs. Cannon will be remembered here as Miss Lo­ is Wade. License to marry was issued by the County Clerk July 30th to Daniei Parvin and Etta Pitts of Nehalem, each being aged 51. Mrs. T. C. Feldschau entertained last Friday afternoon with a delicious lunch • for the following visiting guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peter­ son, Mrs. E. M. Rhodes and Mrs. Frank Heyd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heyd entertain ed the following guests at dinner last Monday: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. P.:e,- son, of Portland, Mrs. T. Ashley of Bay City, Mrs. Gruber of the Trask House, Mrs. E. M. Rhodes of Port­ land. An old time picnic was enjoyed at Manhattan beach last Sunday at noon when a goodly party congregated where lunch was had after bathing in the ocean and other entertainments were had. Later the party stopped at Rockaway where at Nob Hill they had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Viereck. Members of the party were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. E. M. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Termier and Agnes Hamden of Wheeler. Oregon, were united in marriage July 30th by E. W. Stanley, justice of the peace in this city. Married on July 21 by E. W. Stan­ ley, Howard Owens aged 23 and Mary Fox aged 23 years. Both of Tilla­ mook “QA.LE” and “bar- O gain” are attrac­ tive words. But there is something more attractive in Standard Goodyear Service. For one thing, it is trust­ worthy. When you buy a Goodyear Ti re from us authorized Goodyear Dealers, you know we’ll help you get all the mile­ age out of it. That’s rea/economy. “Bar­ gains” sometimoa aren’t. 4* Goodyoar Sor^ee StaHoat lhaiari tot aal! and ana nd tka n»a Got a^tA tka Amwt •'•of Aer Traad «n Coodrw Saaviaa SUNBET GARAGE Ì ou Cannot Steer By a Sternlight Experience too often only shows U“ the mistakes of (he past. AFTER you have experienced financial loss b, fire, accident or theft, experience tells you to insure. Do not steer by a sternlight­ experience. Insure today—before loss. W e can give you all forms of Property Protection Policies. HARRY L. GILHAM 20» Cecond Ave. E. Ancient Order United Workmen c: Naturally a Fine Beach Resort. Wonderful k cation Between Tillamook Bay and the Ocean HOTEL BAYOCEAN. Mrs. H. .1. Martin, manager, American plu $3.50 to $5 per day. Weekly and family rates made. Abundant« of sea food. THE MITCHELL, rates *2.50 to $3 per day. A few hoiisekttp. ing rooms furnished except silver and linen. New stoves, rata $1.25 per day; $8 per week; $30 per month. F. I). MITCHELL, Real Estate and rentals. Bl'NGALETTES completely furnished to accommodate four, with wood, water, lights, etc. $12 per week; $20 for two weeks. You need bring only tea towels and table linen. Mrs. F. D. Mitch­ ell. manager. BAYOCEAN GROCERY, Arthur L. Springer, proprietor. BAYOCEAN FERRY, "RUSTLER,” < apt. Earl Snodgras-. Boat leaves Bay City at 8:30 a. m. and 3:45 p. m. Special trips phont 162 at Bay City, Hays & Blanchard. For further information write or see any of the above at Bayocean, Oregon. For one week only we are going to give the people of this city and county some good summer buys. Below we mention a few of the bargains we have in store for you: A FRATERNAL BENEFICIARY SOCIETY « Operating on the American Ex­ perience table of Mortality. 55 YEARS IN BUSINESS OLDER THAN ANY OF THEM BETTER THAN MOST OF THEM Edff&r F. Allen. Deputy Grand Master 2” Post Bed Steads . ... $11.00 Axminster Rugs .... $40 to $45 Breakfast Tables ... ........ $3.69 Copper Wash Boilers Wall Paper................ ...........................10c per Roll Good Grade of Paint .................... ..........$2.50 Gal. Fruit Jars.................... Qts. 65c doz, 1-2 Gal $1 doz I here are many other wonderful values in our store not advertised, so come in and look them over. You are welcome whether you buy or not. A. & B. BLOOM FURN. CO COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS I 4R <4 ► The First National Bank TILLAMOOK, OREGON C apital and Surplus $85,000.00 Deposits June 30, 1923 $1,236,939.19 Resources June 30, 1923 $1,365,398.17 Tillamo.,« Representing the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA JC FOR ONE WEEK BEGINNING SAT. AUG 4 Married in Tillamook July 11, Asa Haugen to Florence Blem, E. W. Stan­ ley, J. P., officiating. GOODxYEAR Set viceStat ion G. A. Gilbertson of M Mi wife are over here to : p.-nd tha cation. Mr. Gilbertson mil residents of this city i me ti he being employed in y; store. He now has cha of t department in a large gezei*^ chandise store in McMinnville Frank Smith, Bay < ity’e was in the city Mondaj Special ABOUT THE TOWN Married July 16, E. W. Stanley of­ ficiating. Jas. B. Rogers and Rhoda Reynolds, both of Hebo. The groom was 22 and the bride 16 years of age. Ashley, Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heyd, Mrs. Ashley, Oscar Barker, Tillamook, Henry Bochler, Mrs. Minnie Rhodes, Barview. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rupp and Miss Leona Rupp of Mohler, Mrs. Sarchet, Portland, Mr. Sam Viereck of Rockaway, who has been quite sick v.as so far recovered as to enjoy the occasion. The participants report a very pleasant outing. w The surveying party under Survey­ or Hobbs from Washington county is working in the big gorge on Devil’s A/fAKK well the powerful cop- struction of those hand-bunt C-T-C Cords. Is it any wonder users are piling up record long-distance mileage over some of the toughest roads in the west? And C-T-C’» won’t skid. OFFICERS B. C. LAMB W. J. RIECHERS C. J. EDWARDS C. A. McGHEE I I KELDSEN HENRY HELSEL DIRECTORS ... , J President c< j EDWARDS Mgr. Coast Power Co. Vice President and Manager A. W. BUNN ...........................Farmer Vice President JOHN MORGAN ................. Farmer (..hi HKNKY ROGERS Farmer B < I AMB Assistant Cashier w. J. RIEt HERS Assistant Cashier C. A. McGHEE Pre- I amb-Schrader Co. Vice. Pres, and Manager .............................. Cashier BELLS KODAK SHOP Work left before 9 p. m. will be ready at 3 p. m. the fol­ lowing day. Prints finished on glossy or dull paper as you prefer for the same We want you to place at least one C-T-C Cord on your car on our highest personal recommendation. I hi* remarkable tire will do the rest. H. J. NELSON, Distributor for Tillamook County. Throughout th»* County Dealers OrfumHa Tire Corporation price. AT KOCH’S DRUG STORE 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS » Mq teipt •beri in h ;AND TUBES OUR VAULTS ARE PROTECTED NIGHT AND DAY BY THE MOST UP rO-DATE ELECTRIC BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM MADE i» no Are i Juai < Aid « '■ma