iraòligfrt THIS ISSUE 8 PAGES FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1923 Mary Runkle and Mrs. Eva , cle before returning home. The oth­ lately responded to the S. O. S. sig­ to make final proof o They left for Bremerton, Wash., last and Third street last Saturday. Jeffers visited with the Claussen fam- er members of the party left for Sa­ nals for help sent up by the haymak­ Considerable governim nt tin. one hurt. Each machine received a Monday. lem on their way home Monday last. ers. Among the number was Dr. bent fender. Geo. B. Lamb and family returned I ily at Wheeler Sunday. so being sold in his land <.« l Blithely singing his tra-la-la as he A. W. Plank, C. B. Stanley, W. J. Sharp who spent last Sunday in the tory. Miss Iva Nelson has returned to i Frank McGinnis, who used to be­ Wednesday from a ten day trip thru journeyed in his high powered Ford her work in the county agent’s of­ Hill and Fred Berkey and their fami­ hay field of his brother in law and Washington. toward the coast and elated with the long to the tire department here, was W. C. King the w< 11 fice after a two weeks vacation which lies drove up to a point near the dam later got his own hay up. Doc wears in the city last Sunday. He lives in resi- Chas. Pye, one of the old time idea of spending the summer months scape painter and wif, red eyes and has a decided list to the of the city water supply and carried was spent in Dallas with friends. dents of this county is in this city at the beach, one R. G. Harris of Hills Portland. are in the city visiting Mrs. Chritie Downer is in Portland well tilled baskets of luncheon to the starboard from a lame back but oth­ Capt. Spencer of Bayocean capii* visiting with his nephew Fred Pye dale, Oregon, and a musician, by the will stay some tim< erwise is proud of his exploit. Other dam Tuesday evening where they way, enroute to join the orchestra at over Monday in his motor boat, He and taking side trip out to visit old this week with her father whons very built a fire, boiled coffbe and enjoyed business men who hqve been out in are the parents of < Rockaway met Deputy Sheriff Leslie reports that the “summer girls" are friends. He und Del Hoskins and ill. an excellent dinner. The kiddies the hay fields report lame backs, King and Mrs. Henry Mrs. W. T. Oathout returned Sun­ Lucas near the city limits last Thurs­ arriving in tlocks and that things are Jack Jennings came to the county 43 toasted woinics over the tire, gather­ show bloodshot eyes and have swollen Mrs. Ira C. Smith of years ago, leaving a British war ves- day from Portland where she I iuh day night and his song turned into a lively in that beach town. ed huckleberries and btherwise en­ hands from using the pitchfork too are well known to mo C. Mr. Pye set ­ sei at Vancouver, B. been caring for her mother Mrs. J. L. E. Simmons and wife and A. A. dirge, when he was invited to a le­ joyed themselves while the elders gamely, but the farmers are grinning dents of Tillamook. Mr. Kirq gal seance with Judge Stanley. The Hall and wife are spending a week in tied in the Nehalem country on what H. Myer who has been ill for some viewed the dam and the creek and over the hay the boys helped to get in ing some landscape Inting the Loerpabel place. He was later time. deputy produced liquor in evidence the Sampson cottage at Twin Rocks. here, and both are enjoying i the mountain surroundings and had a Frank O. Northrup, receiver of the which was found in the Harris ear. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice of Hills good social time. Mr. Stanley stands Miss Sisky of this city was operat­ later lived in Huy City, going from weather over in this section. to Portlund where he now that place United States land office at Portland The judge said $75 and costs and pro­ ed on Tuesday following an acute at­ boro and Mr. nud Mrs. E. E. Southard accused of bringing along his bathing resides. Tom R. Wilson of Portly ceedings are on to legally confiscate tack of appendicitis. of Portland, spent the week end with suit. But there are plenty of witness­ and wife, wore in the city Tuesday last on their way by auto to the Rock­ the city with headquarters The Woodmen of the World will the auto to the order of the state of Mrs. Maud Phelps of this city. Oscar Siegert of the New Y’ork es who will make oath, if necessary, Oregon. Mrs. R. W. Holtburg and children that he did not go into the reservoir away beaches for a week.. Mr. Nor­ court house where he < looki^ Conservatory of Music was in the city picnic at Oceanside on August 12th. A big time is in anticipation. Harris stated that he was going ov­ on business last Tuesday. of Prineville, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gil­ swimming. He just happened to have thrup states that there arc still a few the records with a view t<> find» persons in this county who are due is liable for federal inheritance er to join the orchestra at Rockaway A. S. Tilden, of Nehalem, reports bert and Mrs. Anna Rusk of Portland the suit along after a beach trip. E. L. Stewart returned from a bus­ and that the mellow moonshine was Dr. Smith, is making a nice recovery spent the week end with Mr. and G. Carleton with the Southwestern designed to create the impression that iness trip to Portland last Monday. from a severe illness. Mr. Tilden is Mrs. Fred Rusk of this city. Daily News of Marshfield was in the 'ac’2.iüdS2SE5aSBSZ52Sa5’t!5cL='2525E52SïSB5H5ES?5Z5Z5BSaS2SH5H£: W. D. Pine, accompanied by his fa ­ he was a good fellow, but alas, th<‘ one of the old time residents of the ft A. T. Dolan is shipping two more city this week on a pleasure trip. would be good cheer reposes in the ther and mother, left last Thursday above section of the county and has loads of concrete tiling to Lincoln ft SPECIAL SALE ON A. C. Everson returned this week vaults of the sheriff’s office and failed for Berkeley, California where his a wide acquaintance in Tillamook. county in the near future. T^ie schoon from a real estate convention at Port­ of its purpose. It would have been parents reside. They went in an auto Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brantner er Siletz took out the first load a few vastly to Harris’s interest had he owned by Mr. Pine senior and W. 1). of Garibaldi, July 20 at the Vidito hos days ago. The tiling is being used land. will return by train about the first of ditched the booze and taken instead Mr. and Mrs. Dorrat and Jens A. pital a son. for road work. a box of good five-centers to ingrati­ the coming month. Anderson of Tigard, Ore., were week Mrs. Mary Runkle who for the past Four automobiles with tugs showing end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heyd of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rufner returned ate himself into the hearts of the boys ON THE ft! at the beach. As it now stands he is last Monday from a weeks trip to two seasons has rented the Haltom them to be from Oberlin. Ohio, missed this city. On Sunday the visitors ft millinery department has rented a Fri- through the city in u fleet last out nearly $100 bucks and probably Portland where Mr. Rufner passed an were driven past the cheese fac­ now will have no more car than a rab­ examination for freight conductor on room in the new Beals building und day evening. tories and dairy ranches intervening will open a millinery store there about Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Terry and Mr. between this place and Pacific City. ft bit has courage. He also should have the S. P. He was head breakman for and Mrs. F. K. Blackudar made a nio- The visitors expressed themselves as known that Tillamook officials have a some time, but now will get a train. August 15th. Don’t buy down stairs until you .see the WON Stewart Wendell Tulley, faculty tor trip into British Columbia return­ being greatly pleased with what they record reputation for grabbing boot­ Mrs. Rufner and children leave this ft DERFUL BARGAINS that await you on the leggers right and left. This is the week for Spokane,, Wash., where she member of the Oregon Agricultural ing u few days ago. They report that saw and may later become residents Balcony. I am sure I can save you money. second case of recent date where bib­ will visit relatives and friends for a college school of Music will sing at the Vancouverites are very cordial to of this county. Beaver Friday evening August 3rd. American tourists in their city. ulous Portlanders have lost their au­ week or two. G. E. Turner of Rockaway who has Some beautiful styles for mid-summer in the Mrs: Harold J. Tolford and Mrs. M. Mrs. Lem Parker of Garibaldi who Mr. TuHey will be remembered as the tomobiles by bringing booze into this several cottages filled with summer felts which are in such demand. A. Draper and sons Charles and Billy director of music for the state federa ­ was seriously hurt in an auto accident county. people, was in the city Thursday. near that place some weeks ago, is tion of womens clubs which met in of Wheeler were shopping in the city Henry W. Bohna who lives near $3.25 Felt Hats at Tillamook a year ago. And also for Monday. reported to be getting along nicely. Blaine, was in the city Thursday mak­ ÇTAGE LINES CONSOLIDATE $3.75 Felt Hats at $225 Mrs. Carl Olson was in town Satur ­ the splendid recital which he gave at Emanual Krumlauf of Garibaldi ing final proof before the county elerk $4.50 Felt Hats at $2.75 who was paralyzed some time ago, the close of the session. It is indeed day from Garibaldi. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Honey and fam­ on 1(10 acres of government land. His The Tillamook-Portland stage com­ died last week at the age of <17 years. a rare treat to hear a baritone of his ily motored to Portland Wednesday to witnesses were Hiney Smith nad Matt pany will hereafter be known as the Interment was in the Bay City ceme­ reputation, He will sing at the Thompson. Portland- Newberg- McMinnville and tery on Sunday of the week in which church at Beaver and the proceeds visit relatives returning Friday. A number of Tillamook business Mrs. Ed Lindsey was shopping in Tillamook Stage Line, and has been he died, beside the remains of his wife will be applied toward paying for the and professional men are just now BALCONY AT HALTOM’S the city Monday from Mohler. incorporated for $50,000 paid up stock Deceased had lived in this county for new church. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin returned complaining of sore hands and lame The new line will have five new buss­ several years prior to his death. Mrs. S. S. Provost was in town Sunday from a trip into Washington backs. Several of our citizens have es. Three 18 passenger Whites and Mrs. Mark Harrison of Portland is Monday from Idaville. Mrs. C. E. Robinson of Garibaldi which lasted u week. two 18 passenger Pierce-Arrows. The a guest for a few days of her son Les- John JYIoulton, wife and daughter Portland-Newberg line and the Port­ lie and wife at the Harrison home in wus in the citj Saturday. land-Tillamook lines have consolidat­ this city. Miss Zilphia Funk returned Sunday Blanche and Mr. and Mrs. Alderaon ed. “E. Randall, a successful business C. W. Barrick last Sunday attended from Portland where she had been tak and daughter Doris of Weiser, Idaho, man of Portland," states Ivan Donald­ a picnic given by the lodges of the en for treatment. She is reported as were over Sunday guests of ex-mayor son, this week, “is the president, Ivan K. of P. at Rickreall, Polk county. greatly improved and it is hoped she Sam Moulton and family. Miss Blanch Donaldson vice president and J. The lodges were from Polk and Mar- will soon be able to return to her Moulton will remain here for a few weeks visiting with her aunt and un- Fletcher secretary and general man­ ion counties and there was a large work. ager.” “There will be no more delays representation present and Mr. Rar­ or aggravating stops to repair cars,” rick reports that a very good time states Mr. Donaldson states, “but we was had. will have a first class mechanic to see Velma Anderson of Garibaldi is that the cars are always fit '.or the very low at the Vidito hospital with road. The new line will be in a posi­ meningitis. She was injured on the tion to furnish the very best service Fourth of July in an auto which is and will follow strict schedule time. believed to have been responsible for There will be no change in the Port­ the present attack of meningitis, land-Tillamook schedule for the pres­ Floyd Ingram and C. J. Johnson of ent. Ours will be one of the best or­ Silverton, were in the city this week ganized lines running out of Portland on a fishing trip. Floyd formerly and is one of the few incorporated worked here in a grocery store, but lines in the state.” Mr.­ is now employed in a hardware store turned Wednesday night after a week at the Willamette valley town. Mr. spent on business in Portland.—Adv. Johnson is in the foundry business there. KANSAS DAIRYMAN PLEASED W. E. Hamilton of Garibaldi was in the city Saturday last. John Pugh of Senbca, Kansas, who Mr. and Mrs. Thos Boothby of this has been looking over this county’s city visited their daughter Mrs. W. dairy and cheese centers of late, was W. Winegar of Dundee last Sunday. seen at the Todd hotel this week. Mr. Coming home that evening they count Pugh is a prosperous Kansas farmer ed 192 automobiles between Dolph Edgar F. Allen, Deputy Grand Master and stock man and is greatly pleased and Hebo going east. with the dairy outlook in this county. Frank Brooks of the Carlton Nurs- Said Mr. Pugh: "I think Tillamook ery company and vice president of has the most wonderful dairy I have the Carlton bank, in company with ever seen. I have only skimmed over Robert Porter and Frank Jenkins the surface but I will be back again were over here the latter part of the and will look it over more carefully. week to spend a few days at Netarts I surely am pleased with what I have beach. seen. You have all the things at II. G. Bales with a friend Harold hand that go to make up a first class Schram, spent several days last week dairy country and nature has provid­ visiting with Mr. Bales brothers M. ed them all.” H. and J. J. at the Gold Creek hatch­ C T-C ery. The brothers had not met since Tires CHRISTIAN CHI RCH before the late European war, a mat­ Conserve ter of 7 years. The visiting Mr. Bales The Car Geo. Harness, Pastor has been in the navy for 7 years and Preaching both morning and cven- is th<- boatswain's mate on the IJ. S. ing. Special music al both services. S. Prometheus, and Mr, Schram is Special invitation extended to tourists coxswain on board the same Aip. who may happen to be in the city. A cordial welcome to all. WAY OF TIIE TRANSGRESSOR A L L M ILLI N E R Y I BALCONY IN HALTOM’S STORE I MARY RUNKEL DEMONSTRATION fl i Ancient Order United Workmen FREE SOUVENIRS ORGANIZED OCT. 27,1868 ABOUT THE TOWN R> Oli HE custom-built appearance and sturdiness of C-T-C tires are toe outstanding to fail to arouse your respect and admira­ tion. T 5Oflood cigarettes BELLS KODAK SHOP for lOcfrom one sack of GENUINE Work left before 9 p. m. will be ready at 3 p. m. the fol­ lowing day. Prints finished on glossy or dull paper as you prefer for the same price. AT KOCH’S DRUG STORE •4 - XI BULL" DURHAM e TOBACCO And every inch of these great justify your confidence by performance, for never has a offered which is so uniformly and satisfactory. tires will unrivaled tire been powerful C-T-C’s are hand-built under improved processes and of tile best rubbers, lon< staple combed cotton and other high-quality materia!« procurable That Is why they will 4 I up under V lower inflation I, ng noon for ordinary cord tues. FRIDAY II. J. NELSON, distributor for Tillamook county. Dealers fhruout the county. Columbia Tire Corporation Portland, C rtgon. X* 4 ’>ri We are now stocking a big line of Richards Twisted-in-wire Household and Personal Brushes, Mops, Dusters and Fibre Brooms, over 40 items for tak­ ing the drudgery out of housekeeping. • Agents have calle don you and asked you outlandish prices, told you that these brushes could not be bought at stores. They can be bought at this stor and for less money too. For the purpose of introducing these goods to the people of this countv « factory representative will be at thestore for two days demonstrating ‘the use of these various articles. To each lady visiting our store during this demonstration we will present free from cost a kitchen brush that you will find to be a most useful tool in the kitchen. Come and get your brush. Looks Superior Dr. Koch and J. A. Bell were busi­ ness visitors to Portland last Friday. Died in this city July 20th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Leach, aged but a few weeks. Autos driven by Clara Thurman and W. Willis collided at 3rd avenue ff, JULY 27 SATURDAY On 1 .30 o’c fire :cupie< er of I nd so