öalkumw VOLUME 34; NUMBER 42 Icaòliqbt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1923 TWO MORE HUSTLERS Parable of the Early Bird und the Worm Applies to Three Local Both Bay and Ocean Young Rockerfellers Enjoyed by Frequent SCENERY IS BEAUTIFUL Ossrrs of Bayocean Property lake 0m Properties With Intention of Improving Them Tillamook is rich in natural beach wort site- and many of them are be- LyutJiz..: and improved. Each year A. Uss an ¡«crease in the number of Lgtists ai ■: campars and season res- Ments at these beaches. All the beaches have their friends, and it is merely a matter of individu- |sl Reference. Ail are good. One of the several prominent beach ites in this county is Bayocean, sit- uted w the |>eninsula extending roni the mainland at the foot of the It ape Mears promontory northward ; miles of the bar of Tillamook bay. |Tne peninsula at its northern extreni fey is about three fourths of a mile (wide. Where it >oins on to the main List to the south it is about 350 feet vide and at the hotel and natatorium pt has a width of approximately a ■Mrtei of a mile. From the divide hpon which the hotel i- built, one may view both ocean and bay, and in bet there are many such points of me» < n th. peninsula. 1 Bayocean is one of the few places kp the coast where such a view is af­ forded Directly east is Bay City; (ftrthe. north. I it in plain view is iGanbahii. with the big Whitney mills. pBlamook is not visible but it will be within about eight miles of Bayocean men the road to the latter place is Mauhed. Many Tillamookers have 4( bts in what is known as “The Mead- >ws" the southern part of Bayocaan. She trustees of the Bayocean townsite aivt recently placed 100 lota on sale ■ this section of the resort. Looking Mstward from the heights of Bay- icein a magnificent view of the Coaat fanih- mountains is afforded. Those be, tainted with the topography of the fountry can easily pick out the can­ bans through which flow the several ■vers'to the bay. The scenery is of the rugged type, Mat please.-. Deep blue canyons, and ■boded mountain heights that extend bo the eastern skyline and at one's feet the mirror of the bay. A pretty Erturi that lures the camper from e hot and dusty city, and holds th a grip of steel when the time for departur. draws near. There is I »etry in such a view and Tillamook ■ filled with such beauty spots. And hat is why this part of the Oregon oast will zrow to* proportions of an R“»en»e summer playground. I Bayocean i- covered with a native growth of spruce, jack pine and salal pt that is easily cleared for homes. (Continued on Page 6) ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I«) CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ BRING ANY RESULTS ♦ ♦ Not many days ago a local ♦ *oman had a house she wished ♦ io rent and she accordingly put ♦ a classified ad in the Head- ♦ ight. Within a very few hours ♦ •iter the paper appeared the ♦ ease was rented and the owner ♦ **’ tormented with inquiries ♦ rom other prospective renters wore she could have the adver- ♦ 1,1 * ng >topped. A few cento ♦ •Pent in Headlight classified ad­ ♦ vertising brought in big results ♦ ■o ’his c.i«. as It does in many ♦ ® ‘re. This particular case ♦ " been illustrated because it is ♦ * v*'ry recent one. If anyone is ♦ «optical of the truth of this ♦ I * "7 the name of the advertis- ♦ ,r *n this case will be furnish- ♦ *■' to them and they may get ♦ ' fact? fnr themselves. ♦ ♦ ♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Two Miles of 18-lnch Wood TO MEDCALF HOUSE TWO PEOPLE INJURED BY MACHINE WRECK Three Rooms of Place are Gutted in Rockaway People Get Trip to Hosp- Saturday Afternoon Fire With $100 Damage I tone ital Senator Stanfield Unable to Pipe Being Rapidly In­ er» of This Place Closely following in the steps of his older brother, Fred Biggs Jr., 4 years old, brought into the Headlight office enough aubacriptions to get one of the fine coasters this paper is giv­ ing away. Fred, whose brother won the first Headlight premium, brought his list of names in Saturday even- ing and left a few minutes later. proudly hauling his new wugon. The first part of the week Fred Robert­ son, the young sou of Jack Robertson, brought in ten subscriptions und also laid claim to ont of the shiny coast­ er?. He didn’t find it very hard to get the necessary number of sub­ scribers together and become the hap­ py possessor of a Headlight coaster wugon. Muny youngsters are now working for at least one of the several fine premiums now offered by thi paper und the Headlight will soon be able to announce the names of some more winners. ELECTRIC EMPLOYEES HOLD ANNUAL FEAST Tuesday evening the employes of the Coast Power company gathered at the new power plant for their annual dinner. The tables were arranged to seat seventy-five people uml were nicely decorated with bouquets of sweet peas and roses. After the dinner was served C. W. Barrick, attorney for the company acted as toast master. In his opening remarks he brought out a few points about the growth of the company that were very interesting to every one. C. J. Edwa'ds wus called on for a short talk in which he spoke of the co­ operating of the employees that had made possible the growth of the Coast Power company. He closed his talk with a f«W remarks about the growth of Tillamook and the surround ing country and the prospects of the future growth of this territory. A recitation by Myron Ray, reading by Mrs. C. J. Edwards, vocal solos by Mias Belle Bailey and Mrs. Lloyd Fdwards helped round out the pro­ gram. The comedy of the evening was furnished by “Sam Washington Lincoln Roosevelt” who drew a num­ ber of laughs from the crowd. "Sam” is otherwise known us Alfred Chesser and is a member of the line crew . One of the features of the evening was the shutting down of the large generator at the plant to eliminate the noise. The Whitney Lumber com­ pany picked up the load as the plunt was shutting down so that there was no interruption of service. Though this matter seems of little import­ ance still it is ability to draw on two sources of power that enables the Coast Power company to furnish con­ tinuous service. After the program was completed group singing was enjoyed until the party broke up to go home late in the evening. PRICE $2.00 A YEAR FIREMEN ARE CALLED GET COASTER CARTS stalled by Crew DAM ALSO ENLARGED Water t ommissioii 'lakes Care to Prevent Pollution of Water City’s Supply Within 30 Hays it is believed that tile improvement of the Tilluniook City water system will be completed and the new pipe line will have been connected with the steel mains at a point ubout two miles below the dam and water intake on Killam creek. The improvements will consist of ubout two miles or 10,0th) feet of new 18- inch wire bound creosoted wood stave water pipe, which will connect two miles down the line with the 10 inch steel main. The old wood pipe line is iuid along the side of a hili for a con­ siderable distance und has caused con­ siderable trouble in the past by leaks due to air hubbies which have oc­ curred at the high points in the line, but the old wood line will be aband­ oned and two miles of wood pipe will replace it at a lower level at the bot­ tom of the hill und it is believed thut former difficulties will thus be avoid­ ed in the future. The new' wood pipe will carry practically three times us much writer as does the old ten inch wooden pipe. It is also believed by superintendent Elmer Hoag that the water pressure will be greatly in­ creased for l>oth city nnd fire purpos­ es by the new improvements. Exca­ vation from the dum toward the city has been extremely difficult, as any one can see. _Tons of large smooth rocks and heavy clay have been ex­ cavated for the hew pipe line, and the new pipe is placed deeper by at least (Continued on Page 0) CHURCH PROPERTY IS SOLD RECENTLY ORPHANED CHILDREN FIND GOOD HOMES Mrs. Orpha Eastman who has had churge of Red Cross work in this coun ty for some years past, is ulso employ ed by the county to look after child­ ren whose parents leave them in in­ digent circumstances. All of the in­ digent children of the county who are not delinquents are sent to the Boys and Girls Aid society in Portland. Recently Mrs. Eastman was in Port­ land und visited the society’s home. She ascertained while there that two little girls who were taken from Mrs. Campbell, their mother, in this coun­ ty, hud been udopted into good fanii- !ifs. Ruby Sawyer who wus tuken to the home from this county has boon taken itno a good home and is taking music and going to school. The three children of Jess Davis of Rockaway who weret aken to the home by Mrs. Eastman about the first of July last are pleased with their new .surround­ ings. The boy, a bright little* fellow- said he “had found such u good home now, that he was afraid somebody would adopt him and take him away.” It is gratifying to know that these children are bing taken care of and are given opportunity to begin life with an even chance. The trustees of the local Methodist church have recently sold their church property on First street east to the Coats Lumber company. The sale was made with the understanding that the church woud be able to have the use' of the property until their new pros­ pective building will be ready for oc­ J. J. Pye und wife of Portland are cupancy. A contract has not been lot for the building yet but the excava­ visiting their son Fred Pye and fam­ tion may be started within the next ily of this city. Mr. Pye formerly lived in this county. few days. Thursday Meeting SENATOR to Solon, Hurbor Especially Those of Improvement The Kiwunis club gave u banquet at the Tillamook hotel on Thursday night of lust week in honor of the visiting senators. Senutor Stanfield wus not present having been culled awuy on business. A talk was made by the absent Senator's secretary and by Senutoi McNary, The matter of the improvement of the 1 Tillamok har bor came up and Senator I McNary stated that the bay ' was much larger than he hud at first thought when he came to look it over. He said there was no good reason why government uid should not lie secured to improve all of the harbors of this bay by ade­ quate channel dredging and deepen- ing. Many of the Atluntic bays were receiving uid without the 50-50 requirement and as Oregon was pro­ ducing a large part of the lumber re­ quired in the east, its bays and rivers were certainly entitled to government aid in the mutter of their improve­ ment. laical speakers presented the needs of Tillamook quite clearly. The attitude of Senutor McNary on har­ bor improvements has uroused u feel­ ing of hopefulness on the part of the Tiliumuok people und the senutors’ visit will no doubt result in local act- ion looking to the hurbor’s needs. About 00 persons were present at the banqpeL Senator McNary left for points outside Friday morning. BRIDGE CARPENTER FALLS THIRTY FEET ; i While working on the new aerial bridge connecting Mussel beach with Agate beach at Oceanside last Sun­ day, Lee Tittle loHt his balance and fell about thirty feet upon the rocks below, dislocating his left shoulder and otherwise bruising himdelf. Dr. Rush, instructor at the Oregon State Medical school at Portland adminis­ tered first aid and the injured man was later removed to a local hospital for treatment. It is thought that his injuries will not prove serious. R. SALING ARRESTED ' FOR NON - SUPPORT aâz/rç If RESPONSIVE Needs of Tilluniook County Presented Looking for Red Spots Roy Haling was arrested at Coquille Monday of last week on a secret in­ dictment made by the Tillamook grand jury in February last, charged with failure to support his children. His family lives in Washington. Sheriff Aschim went down to Coquille leaving here on last Tuesday and re­ turning Thursday night. The dis­ tance to Coquille is 388 miles and the sheriff covered a total of 770 miles on the round trip which by the wuy is pretty good time. Saling is in jail here and his case probably will come up at the September term of the Cir­ cuit court. uh Tire Result of Automobile Blowing Out be Present at Popular A fire alarm last Saturday at about three o’clock brought out the fire boys in a hurry. The fire occurred at the residence of Mrs. Medcalf at west First street and Fourth avenue and first attacked the roof, later burning through to three rooms of the house. It got a good start for a bad fire but the chemical tanks of the big Stutz soon had the flumes out. The fire orig inated from sparks thut fell upon the roof from the hood of the chimney and was blazing at a lively rate when first discovered. The engine arrived in less than 3 minutes after the alarm wus turned in. The damage to the building, Chief Coates estimates, was in the neighborhood of $100. Mrs. Med calf called on the fire boys and thank­ ed them for their good work and stat­ ed that not a thing in the rooms wus dnmuged in suppressing the fire. While making a sharp turn a' a point 4 miles south of this city lust Saturday night, a tire blew out and ditched an auto driven by Edw. E. Twigger of Rockaway. Miss Agnes Nelson was thrown under the car but wus tuken out of the debris by anoth­ er man whose name could not be as- certained who • with the first named couple was in the car at the time of the accident, Twigger suffered a broken right i arm at the wrist and Miss Nelson is in the Vidito hospital recovering from severe contusions but was not internally injured. Dr. Rob­ inson was called to attend the twain The other man escaped with a few trifling scratches. The machine was taken to the Tillamook garage and looks is if it might have passed thru a Texas cyclone. BAY CITY YOUTH RIFLES CASH TILL Lawronce Poole, said to be 13 years of age, robbed the till at the fish dock at Bay City last Thursday and secured $81.70 in cash besides some checks which were later found blowing about under the dock where the youthful purloiner had thrown them. When the theft was discovered suspicion fell upon young Poole and he was interviewed by deputy sheriff Leslie Lucus and finally came through with the money. He had hidden $11.50 in the loading shed of the local mill and the balance he had Becreted else­ where. The money was all recovered. Also the checks whieh the boy had thrown away. After he had accounted for the money and before it was de­ cided just what to do with him, the boy madt; his get away and could not be found. The most that can be done is to »end him to the reform school as the statute prevents criminal pros­ ecution. Young Poole, figured Some time ago in a watch and money case, the loser being a Mr. Ramsey of Bay City. The watch was recovered in Portland. Should the boy be caught he probably will be due for a term in Oregon’s juvenile house of correction. In the watch stealing ease he escaped because Mr. Ramsey did not want to prosecute. THIS THRIFTY CHEF CAUGHT WITH GOODS L. V. Moss was chef at the Tilla­ mook hotel for u long time, until he quit his job, by request, last Sunday. He took his own effects and left the hostelry. Thut would huve been em­ inently proper proceedure, had he not taken a stack of fine table and bed linen belonging to the hotel. Becoming suspicious after his dv- parture, that ull was not as serene as a cloudless summer day, Mr. Wor­ rell swore out a warrant charging the erstwhile chef with petit larceny. The arrest was affected and a search of the cookie’s possessions revealed sheets, towels, choice lot of extracts, several cakes of soap and other things usually found around a first class hos­ telry which the proprietor had no trouble in identifying as his own. Moss, whose name is quite common on the trees of the coast range, plead guilty beforo Judge Stanley last Mon­ day and paid a fine of $25 and costs Jo the county and ambled on his way. ESCAPES NARROWLY Mrs. Leslie Harrison and children spent last Saturday and Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stam at Brighton. Miss Emil Anderson of Nehalem was down to the county seat last Tues day on a shopping trip. ____________ Family Troubles Cause of Rash WM. GOULD FAMILY' to « BUI Gdli'id and wife of tills «tty nad u narrow eacajfe* from going ovdv the Three Rivers grade last Sunday, when as Mr. Gould assorts, Lowell Matthieu of this city crowded his au­ to too close to the edge of the grade. Had 'he Goulds gone over, they would haW fallen from 30 to 40 feet off the grade and might have been killed. Matthieu plead guilty Monday before Judge Stanley and was fined $7.50 and the costs. Act by Local Young Woman VICTIM WILL RECOVER Husband Paroled on Former Charge but is rearrested Wednesday Morning after Shooting Mrs. Pearl Stewart, the recently di­ vorced wife of Tebbie Stewart of this city shot herself with a 38 calibre re­ volver last Tuesday about 11 a. m. with suicidal intent. The bullet en­ tered the body on the left side and struck a rib and followed it Ground, coming out at the left shoulder. The intention evidently was to shoot her­ self through the heart, but the angle at which she held the revolver pre­ vented. In the room at the time was her former husband and Thelma Matt­ hews, a girl who had at times past looked after the children while the mother worked in a local restaurant. Two physcians were called and after an examination the wounded woman was removed to the Vidito hospital, The shooting occurred in a bed- room at the Geo. Maybee house where the woman had rooms. ‘The physi- cians state that the woman has excel­ lent chances for recovery. The mo­ tive for the act, while largely hear­ say, is thought to be due to the fact that when Mrs. Stewart returned Mon day from McMinnville, where she had just received a court decree divorcing her from Tebbie Stewart, her former husband, she found that her children two little boys, aged 18 months and 5 years, respectively had been placed in the hands of another woman by her husband. This seemed to depress Mrs ¡Stewart who arose from her bed, reached under the pillow and drew the gun and fired the shot that wound­ ed her. She made the statement later that she had shot herself. The Stew­ arts have had more or less trouble of late and some weeks ago, it is relat­ ed that Stewart attempted to take carbolic acid at the DeLillis apart­ ments but was easily prevented by bystanders. Mrs. Stewart is describ­ ed as an industrious woman, and has worked for some time past in a lo­ cal restaurant as a waitress. Jealousy is ascribed as the motive for the shooting although she had gone through the formality of a di- vorce from her husband. From what can be learned Stewart has no occu- pation. Barring the possibility of in­ fection from the wounds the physici­ ans believe the woman will recover. Mrs. Sacre of Aumsville, mother of the wounded woman, is at her daugh­ ter’s bedside. Tebbie Stewart was arrested by a deputy sheriff Wednesday morning changed with a violation of his pa­ role. Some time . his former wife who shot herself this week, filed a complaint with the county attorney charging that Stewart had made ser­ ious threats against her. Stewart was placed under $2500 bonds to keep the peace and after the shooting he was arrested and now is in jail. In the meantime the sheriff office is invest­ igating. - / . .M LOCAL BOY SCOUTS CAMP NEXT WEEK The regular Boy Scouts of this city will go into camp next Monday, at the old picnic grounds on the Kilchis river noFth of this city, for a period of one week. There is a good swim­ ming pool at the site selected with baseball giounu.. adjacent to the yamp Tlifl boy's will have individual tents and will be under the supervision of Geo. Harness, scout master and Ira Smith, assistant. A program has been arranged foi and the Kiwanis club has been extended an invitation to partake of a meal next Wednesday The boys will prepan the meal and a charge will be mad. lor the benefit of the Scout treasury of 50c per plate. The club will hold its regular weekly session at this time.