w FRIDAY. JULY 2(1. 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT legal notices 7 Saturday, the 4th day of August, 1923 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE of the amount of the proposal, made tlon of environment; of moral and sex In Berlin, according to reports to th« at 10.00 o’clock A. M. of said day, at payable to the Adjutant General, hazards to which, under the old order, Commerce department. With the In­ the north door of the Court House in Notice is hereby given that the un­ State of Oregon, must accompany common acceptance ruled that women creased scale of prices and added dif­ Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ dersigned, Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ each bid. NOTICE to creditors should not be subjected? Then society ficulties In food supply which hav! lic auction (subject to redemption), ty, Oregon, will on Monday, the 13th The General Staff, Oregon National Immediately reared around the woman followed the Ruhr occupation, hors« to the highest bidder for cash in hand, day of August, 11123, at 10 o’clock A. Guard, reserves the right to reject workers a protective wall of sentiment meat sales are sold to be Increasing Notice is hereby given thatthe un- all the right, title and interest which and public opinion that guaranteed rapidly. Horse meat sella now at 4»r»ign<.l has lieen appointed by the the within named defendants, or any M. at the Court House door in Tilla­ any and all bids. them an Immunity never before en­ 2.000 marks per pound, which la rough­ mook City. Oregon, sell ut public auc ­ Separate bids will be received for County Court of Tillamook County, nf them had on the 5th day of June, tion to the highest bidder for cash in the plumbing, heating and electric Labor Bureau Delves Into Prob­ joyed by any of their sex ly equal to about 10 cents In American Oregon, administrator of hte estate “ 'It 1 was found that many occupations money. 1923 the date of the enrolling and doc­ ef Frank J. Haynes, decased, and all keting of the judgment herein, or hand the following described real wiring. lem for Answer to Economic hud been closed to women for no rea- GEORGE A. WHITE prososii having claienis against said since that date had, in and to the a- property situate in Tillamook County, son other than tradition or custom, Status of Men. Big Telescope for Russia. Oregon, to-wit: 40-2t Adjutant General. ejtatc are hereby notified and re­ and It was also found that women ex­ St. Albans, England.—One of the bove described property, or any part The South half of the Northwest celled at tasks nt which It had ta-<-n be ­ quired to present said claims at his thereof, to satisfy the said execution, most wonderful telescopes In r*.............. *.................................. + lieved only men could be proficient. world Is nearing completion here th« office m Tillamook City, Oregon, on judgment and decree, interest, costs Quarter of Section 21 in Township 5 for Contrary to expectations, It was found South of Runge 10, West of Willam­ J .«The government Is trying to » «r befon ix months from the date and accruing costs. Iluted this 28 th ette Meridian. that standards of productivity In many Shipment to the Nlkolaleff observatory, • find out why women work. Can J ef this notice. All claims must be du day of June 1923. Russia. It weighs about nine tons, th« J you give the reason? < instances were raised Instead of low­ Inside diameter Is 45 feet, the refract­ This sale will be made in pursuance jy verified. Dated this 21st day of ered as a result of the Introduction of in the County Court of the State of . JOHN ASCHIM of a judgment und decree of fore­ w June. 1923. woman workers In Industries thereto­ ing telescope for photography Is 32 Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore, closure entered by the Circuit Court Oregon for the County of Tillamook I Inches, and the whole will be fitted to GEO. P. WINSLOW’ Washington.—Most women work be­ fore reserved to men." Probate department. Date of first publication this 20th of the State of Oregon for Tilla­ a revolving turret of steel. Compete With Men for Jobs. Xdnilstrai.i of the Estate of Frank day of June, 1923. Date of last Notice is hereby given that the un­ cause they need the money. Such Is pub- mook County on the (ith day of July, Ancient. was when the man returned from It J. Haynes, deceased. the conclusion readied ns a result of u lication this 27th day of July, 1923. Temple of the Moon, hellevetj to 11123, and of an execution issued dersigned bus been appointed admin­ survey iniiile by the women's bureau of war service and found a woman In jolts 4 Winslow hl* old position that the trouble really be the oldest building on earth. Is un­ thereon in a cause in said Court where istrator of the estate of Bernie N. Da­ the Department of Lubor. 37-5t ¿Attorneys for the estate. covered by scientific diggers nt Ur on SIMMONS The rapidly Increasing nunlher of began, for the situation Immediately the lower Euphrates river. It was in Maude Martin Johnston is plain­ vis, deceased, by the County Court of In the Circuit Court of the State of tiff and J. D. Nimun, also known as the State of Oregon for Tillamook women In Industry, in I ,n,iin -. and In obtained of two workers for one Job, erected about 7,(»00 years ago. and was NOTICE TO CRED1ITORS Oregon, for the County of Tillamook Jonas I). Niman, Sarah Nimun, his County, and has qualified. All per­ the professions 1>. creating .... mimic creating u competition that tended In­ used continuously ns a church for Hint lire mil lo be solved off­ evitably toward the reduction of 4,000 years. wife, Harriet Belle Sadler, formerly sons having claims against said estate problems hand nor dlsu I,-cd w.li u ge ;:rc. For wages and salaries. This was a bad Notie, i hereby given that the un­ Allen Copenhefer, Plum tiff are hereby notified to present the King Tut seems very ancient to ns, Harriet Belle Nimun, und Joe Sadler, from the labor standpoint, vs. dersigned has been appointed by the sume, duly verified as by law required Instance, what will In- Hie nlfeet of this Situation and the fact that some employers were yet here’s a building ?hat was about her husband are defendants, und in R. H. Vuse and Rosanna Vos« his tendency upon lunrrlii -.' > .«. ibe family Coe:: } ■ Tillamook eouny, to the undersigned ill 808 Union Ave­ 40 centuries old when he was bom. I and the future of tin- race? And, not alow to take advantage of It made Discovery of the Temple of the Moo® wife, R. J. Richardson and Lily said cause the judgment huving been nue, North, Portland, Oregon. i Or»;.:- .ministratoi of the estate It ull the more acute. Many of the entered ir favor of plaintiff for the lignin, what will he the ultimate effect T. Richardson, his wife, Frank a Joi.- Thompson Nevins, dvci as Dated mid first published July 20, women continued at work. Hence the Is Important. It helps confirm th* scientific belief that the first clvlllsa- B. Mitchell und Jane Doe Mitchell sum of $303.00 with interest thereon 1923. luist publication August 17, of the comiietltlon between men mid Inquiry. «j, «n.i all persons having claims women in similar fields of work mid tion was along the Euphrates. Some­ his wife, James Zeiser and Kate at the rate of 7 per cent |>er unnum 1923. “ We all know that the mere fact agair. -.lid etsate are hereby noti­ endeuvor? where In that vicinity probably was from July 6, 1023, the further sum of Zeiser, his wife, M. C. Black and of no many women at work Is an Im ­ FRED WEST, Administrator ced and required to present suid Is It (Kisalble that tin- more women the crndle of the human race—thongh $100.00 us attorneys’ fees und the portant one," says the statement of Ella Black his wife, George there ure who work the more there will Bruce C. Curry, Attorney. chim- t. the undersigned at his res­ Chinese claim that their authentic his­ costs and disbursements of the action, the women ’ s bureau, “ and one that has Thomsen and Ilildah Thomsen, be of the succeeding generation who idence in Bay City, Oregon, on or be­ much bearing on the organization of tory dates back at least 22.000 yearn taxed at $44.02, and all of the inter­ his wife, E. C. Wurd und Floy R. will have to work? la It nil due to tin- fore six months from the date of this high cost of living, und Is the world our present life. But we cannot get Ward, his wife, and N. L. Ward est of said defendants in said prop­ notm Dated this 21st day of June, Norwegian Preacher NOTICE TO CREDITORS erty being ordered sold as of the date fast upproachlng u situation In which the final significance of this fact until and E. May Ward, his wife. _____ ■ we know why so many women are Start* Labor Trouble ,’ Defendants. of the mortguge being foreclosed, In tile County Court of Tillamook It will In- Impossible for the average working. john w. M c K inley , man to enrn enough or .produce enough thut is, June 5, 1020. Bergen, Norway.—The latest "dream To Frank B. Mitchell, Jane Doe Mit- "Women work because they need the Administrator of the estate of Joseph to support the average family without County, State of Oregon. preacher” one Marla Akerblom, has Dated this July 13, 1023. chell, James Zeiser Kate Zeiser, E. Thompson Nevins, deceased. assistance from those wlm should he money, not only to support them­ been arrested In Finland. The woman In the Mutter of tile Estate of JOHN ASCHIM selves but for an even more urgent C. Ward, Floy R. Ward, N. I.. Wurd his dependents? BOTTS * WINSLOW, Sheriff of Tillamook, County, Oregon William I). Eoff, Deceased.. service, to help In the support of their caused such a furor among the work­ and E. May Warti, defendants These are some of the questions 87-6t I Attorneys for the estate. ing classes that the authorities felt Notice is hereby given that the un In the Name of the State of Ore­ 40-5t growing out of the problem that Is rec­ families. This statement may be a dersigned, Nellie G. Tatoni, has been ognized us sufficiently rail anil Impor­ surprise to you; It Is surprising to forced to take action. gon: You art* hereby required to ap­ Going from place to place on horse­ appointed administratrix of the estate tant to culj for study by u governmen­ many people who for some reason SUMMONS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS pear and answer the complaint filed think that many women are at work back. with flowing hair. Maria foretold of William D. Eoff, deceased by the tal agency. against you in the above entitled suit hist for fun or excitement. But It is the Immediate end of the world. She County Court of Tillamook County, War's Influence One Facor. declared that In view of this to own I it the Circuit Court of the State of on or before the 20th day of August, Tillamook Armory Building Tillamook Oregon, and has qualified. All per­ It Is undoubtedly true that the World • true statement, anil If you will look a house or land, to save money or do around you, you will see that It is —Oregon tor the County of Tillamook 1923, that being the day fixed by or­ Oregon. war contributed largely to the prob sons having claims against said es­ any kind of work, was useless. As a true." Department No. 2 der of the Court for you to appear tate are required to present them with lem and complicated It by forcing wom­ result of her preaching all of her In the case of single women who Ola Catherine Mead, Plaintiff Sealed proposals will be received at the proper vouchers to Nellie G. Ta- en Into lnilustrlul occu[Mitlons never and answer and being more than six --------------------- L——w ■re working the bureau found that an vs. weeks from the date of the first pub­ Tillamook, Oregon, by the General tom, Administratrix, at the office of before undertaken by them. “Tlie In­ Invalid mother or a worn-out father dustrial Code. ’ ” a recent work on In­ Charles Gale Mead, Defendant Staff, Oregon Nationul Guard. George lication of this summons; and if you (■eo. 8. Shepherd, 725 Gasco Building, are not uncommon churges for the Gang Had Been There, To Charles Gale Mead, defendant fail to so appear and answer, the A. White, Adjutant General, Chief of Portland, Oregon, within six (fl) dustrial relations, In discussing this working woman. ■uys: Police Dancers Found tbovt named: plaintiff will apply to the court for Staff, a Idressed in care of First Na­ months from the date of this note. In the United States us a whole "Undar stress of national necessity It In the name of the State of Ore­ the relief demanded in his complaint, tional, Bank Tillamook, Oregon until Datq^l und first published July 20, was found thut woman could do al­ ■bout one woman of every five Is gain­ The police of Rochester, N. Y., gon, you are hereby required to ap­ to-wit: 2 o’clock P. M. July 30, 1028, for the 1923. Date of last publication August most any kind of work that man can fully employed. wound up their annual dance Only about one-fifth of the wage­ pear and answer to the complaint For judgment for the sum of $800 furnishing of all lubor and materials 17 1923. do. Handicaps theretofore accepted a« with the band playing “Hall, earning women are married, but that Insurmountable were overcome quickly Hall, the Gang's All Here." foed against you in the above entitled with interest from November 15th, for the erection of a two story and NELLIE G. TATOM one-fifth Is working for the same reu- When the merrymakers re­ ui:. in the above entitled Court on or 1914, at the rate of eight per cent per basement Armory Building at Tilla­ Administratrix of the estate of Will­ and easily. Was It n question of cloth­ ■on as the other four-fifths—because tired to the cloak rooms, they ing ; hampering skirts, pottleoat! and More th« 8th day of August, 1923, annum, for $159 taxes, with intereat mook Oregon, conformable with the iam D. Eoff, deceased. I they need the money. found the gang had gone, and and if you fail to so appear and ans­ front the 25th day of November, 19J9, plans und specifications of the said Geo. S. Shepherd, Attorney for estate the like? Then the liiqiedlnientii were discarded promptly and the overalls of with It the choicest furs, over­ wer. for want thereof, plaintiff will at the rate of eight per cent, for the building, prepared by John Hunzieker the muli- workers were adopted. Was coats, and other wraps that the apply to said Court for the rleief sum of $125 attorney's fees and the Architect, 303-304 I. O. O. F. Build­ It a matter of Inferior physical Kill 500 Horses a Week members could lay their hands | I payed pray. I: for . in her complaint herein, to- coats and disbursements of the suit ing, Eugene, Oregon. Plans and spec­ on. strength? Then Inventive genius came for Food in Berlin forward with a machine, or u method, The loot is expected to run In­ sit: A dissolution of the marriag« together with the foreclosure of a ification! may be obtained at the office Hood River—First market road that minimized the physical demands Washington.—Five hundred horses to four figures. contract now existing la-tween plain­ mortgage upon certain lands in Till­ of Captain Shearer, Tillamook, Ore­ made upon the worker. Was it a ques- H week ara being slaughtered for fond iff and defendant, and for the can­ amook County. Oregon, described as gon, or at the office of the Architect south paved at $25,000 per mile. at Eugene, Oregon. A deposit of $10 «Mtoi; and control of the minor follows: Second large sawmill planned | DELICIOUS will win vitally concern every man. Rey, deceased. three hundred dollars attorney’s 40-5t Are you prepared for sudden serious illness ? your favor. The mild, rare flavor, the delicious tendernesap fas. and the further sum of two hun- For accident? F«>r permanent disability? For NOTICE TO CREDITORS ifrad thirty-four and 12-100 dollars, certainly appeal to the appetite. unexpected financial reverses? i*ith interest thereon at the rate of All of these are provided for in West Coast hiper cent per annum from Novem- In the County ourt of the State of Life's Perfect Protection Policy. The coupon Oregon for Tillamook County, Mor«' than thirty years’ experience has tauglii us that only far 2, 1922 and the further sum of below will bring you information about the the Matter of the Estate of In fair hundred ninety four and 18-100 choice, young, grain-fed |»ork produce« perfect luun and ba­ many attractive features of this fine insurance. failsr , with interest thereon at the William P. Uaacock, Deceased. Send it today, before you forget. Notice is hereby given that the un­ con. That’s tl»e only kind iijh ’ low (tte, 1923, levy upon all the right, ti- G. C. DAWES, Disl. Mgr. bMifOfÿ ia tiu cooier rtudy for an mrrfncf. (fa and interest of the above named directed to present the same, duly ver­ Tillamook, Oregon. (fafendanta, and each of them, in and ified as required by law, to said ad­ th« following described real prop- ministratrix at the office of her at­ ¡•fiy, -ituatad in the County of TillA- torney J. J. Johnson, 314, Spaulding Building, Portland, Oregon, within ttok and State of Oregon, to-wit: ■k «05 — Maffcr. WEsrri . Stn—, uMigu.. I Thirty acres off the entire eist side six months from the date of the first ml iniurmuliun. publication of this notice. pth< northeast quarter of the north- Data of first publication July 13, irtar of section three, in town- fap two south, of range nine west of 1923; data of last publication August N mm 10, 1923. fa Willamette Meridian. JULIA A. MADSEN fr’ow, therefore, by virtue of said I*. •ttiution, judgment, decree and or- Administratrix of the estate of Will- 4 iam P. Peacock, deceased. fcr of sale, and in compliance with 40-6t fa commands of said writ, I will, on J. J. Johnson Attorney. SEEK FOR REASON WHY WOMEN WORK Delicious Can you smile at thoughts of old age Bacon everything the name implies W est C oast L ife FRYE & COMPANY